I want to write some simple application test (Meteor JS). It was not a problem to import modules from packages to the test file, but when I am trying to import the app.js file, the app:
1) crashes, when the app.tests.js file is in the main app folder and I am trying to import the /client/app.js file
2) When i have my testing file in './client' folder (in the place where is app.js file), after importing the .js none of the tests are loading (the site is blank, even though i have 7 tests returning true).
The helpers I have are in one app.js file in the client folder. Below is one of the helpers I have:
if (Meteor.isClient) {
readyForAction: () => Session.get("ready")
I am new to programming and trying to convert a html templete into a react app and i have copy the assets folder and paste it into the public folder of react app and all the link and scripts from the index.html of templete into index.html of the react app but when i am trying to convert the html code into react component then the main.js file functions of vendor folder not working in the component and the function of vendor folder's are showing not defined in main.js of react app.
I am expecting not to change the js code of main.js and it should work as normally as working in the html templete.
I'm adding package.json files in the main folders of my app to be able to import files easily, for example in constants folder there is a package.json file with {"name":"#constants"} and to import from the folder I use:
import file from '#constants'
This is very convenient, but when using Typescript I don't get error checking, autocomplete... for files imported these way.
I am trying add a config.json file to the public folder, that can be used to change the IP of the backend system.
The config.json files looks like this
"graphEndpoint" : ""
Currently I am importing it in the components that requires it as such
import graphConfig from '../../public/config.json'
However, the issue is after building the application to static files changing the configuration does not have any effect on the application.
I tried the first two solutions from -> Vue js with an external configuration file
However, it error out, possibly due my application being in TypeScript.
I have my folder structure set up like this:
The reason I've separated ElectronJS from the website is that the website is intended to be served via HTTP (it's not supposed to work without Electron though, I only need the HTTP protocol for Firebase Authentication). Currently I'm serving index.html via the LiveServer VSCode extension on port 5500.
In my index.html I'm using require("./src/index.js") to load index.js, and in the index.js file I use require to communicate with the other javascript files and other node modules.
However, the require("./src/index.js") doesn't work from index.html, I always get the error Uncaught Error: Cannot find module './src/index' in the dev tools console.
I've tried importing index.js with <script src="./src/index.js"></script>, but that results in the same error, with a different javascript file that my index.js tries to import using require.
I can however require normal node modules (for example require("request")) without any errors.
Is there any way to fix this?
To import functions from a js file I use
import {functionName} from 'path to js file where function is defined'
I use Require for pictures, etc. but not for js files.
I suggest you to use import. Also, define the functions you need to import into other files using the word export
I want to know where I should write my js files in Laravel 5.4 for compiling after this files.
I want to create a test.js file with a console.log('Hello World). Where I create this file ? Have I put it in the resources/assets/js/app.js folder ?
My example code:
Folder resources/assets/js/app.js :
window.Vue = require('vue');
* Next, we will create a fresh Vue application instance and attach it to
* the page. Then, you may begin adding components to this application
* or customize the JavaScript scaffolding to fit your unique needs.
Vue.component('example', require('./components/Example.vue'));
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app'
In resources/assets/js/normalscripts/test I put console.log('WORKS');
And in the view I loaded app.js from public folder
Other question I have is, if I want to load some differents scripts depending of the html view that I am using, how can I can configure them in the app.js for this ?
I have test1.js and test2.js. I want to load in the view1.html the test1.js and in the view2.html the test2.js. How could I do this ?
The Documentation answers your question:
By default, the Laravel webpack.mix.js file compiles your SASS and the resources/assets/js/app.js file. Within the app.js file you may register your Vue components or, if you prefer a different framework, configure your own JavaScript application. Your compiled JavaScript will typically be placed in the public/js directory.
As docs says: https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/structure
The Public Directory
The public directory contains the index.php file, which is the entry
point for all requests entering your application. This directory also
houses your assets such as images, JavaScript, and CSS.
Javascript files must be stored on the public directory, after knowing this, one of the possible correct path would be:
And you can include to the JavaScript file on your views like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('js/compiled/app.js') }}"></script>
Laravel 5.4 is prepared to work with Vue.js, by default you need to have your js files on your assets folder, after compiling them they will be outputted at the public folder.
In case you are using another JS framework you need to indicate the path for the compiled JS files, it should be pointing to the public folder.