Passing HTML parameters to php page - javascript

I am attempting to pass the parameters of the current html page to the php page using a form. So far I have the following function inside my header in the html
function getURLParameter(name) {
return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec( || [null, ''])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20')) || null;
and then in the form I have the following
<input type="hidden" name="amtpaid" id="amtpaid" value="getURLParameter('amt')" />
<input type="hidden" name="status" id="sts" value="getURLParameter('st')" />
this is assuming a url such like
however all that the php says is posted is the following (this is aa dump of all post data)
Array ( [on1] => Steam 32 - ID (STEAM_0:X:XXXX) [os1] => hj [amtpaid] => getURLParameter('amt'); [status] => getURLParameter('st'); )

You're passing the literal string "getUrlParameter('amt')" as the value of the fields you are posting. You can't populate the "value" in this way. What you need to do is populate the values from javascript. Like this:
document.getElementById("amtpaid").value = getUrlParameter('amt');
document.getElementById("sts").value = getUrlParameter('st');
This would need to be placed somewhere in a script tag in the page where it would be executed at a time that makes sense for your application, after those two hidden fields are loaded.

Put this script under your form or input fields:
var amount = getURLParameter('amt');
var stat = getURLParameter('sts');
document.getElementById("amtpaid").value = amount;
document.getElementById("sts").value = stat;


Is my function and execution correct? GCLID is not being pulled

I have a form with a hidden input to capture the GCLID (Google click ID)
<input type="hidden" id="gclid_field" name="gclid_field" value="">
In order to capture the GCLID, I have the following Javascript below to pass the value of the function to the value of the hidden field:
function getParam(p) {
var match = RegExp('[?&]' + p + '=([^&]*)').exec(;
return match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
var p = '?gclid=';
document.getElementById('gclid_field').value = getParam(p);
I decided to test this out on my landing page and used a test auto-tagging parameter. The full url shows up in my address bar so I know my webpage allows the appending string.
I looked in my console and saw nothing between my gclid_field xml tags.
Did I properly execute my Javascript?

Getting elements ID after created dynamicly by ajax via JAVASCRIPT

in the Name of God
I have a page that calls another page [answr.php] and it returns some objects like <input type=number>.
the problem is that I create those objects with a dynamic name. so I do not know the name of those objects. how can I guess them?
here is a simple code as like as my code:
Page 1:
I used a part of this function to separate the data in the object's ID.
this func is not important and just shows how can I separate my data from an object's ID
<script language="javascript">
function checknumber(theid){
var strObjName =;
var strDateExt = strObjName.substring(5, 13);
var strIndexExt = strObjName.substring(13, 14);
document.getElementById("testOut").innerHTML = "Object's Name >" +;
document.getElementById("testOut").innerHTML += "</br> the Date >" + strDateExt;
document.getElementById("testOut").innerHTML += "</br> the Index >" + strIndexExt;
and this is ans.php that answers over ajax and creates objects dynamicly:
$strShrtDate=sAddDateNoSlash($strDate,1);//this func returns a date string without slashes like 20161213
$strOut="<input id=$strIdNumber type='number' onchange = 'checknumber($strIdNumber);'>";
echo $strOut;
echo "<input name='btnSaveTmrow' type='button' value='Save' onClick='fnSaveTmrow();'>";
this creates a number object with the name "numId201612130" and a button.
that code creates a HTML tag like this:
<input type="number" is="numId201612130" onchange = 'checknumber(numId201612130);'>
<input name='btnSaveTmrow' type='button' value='Save' onClick='fnSaveTmrow();'>
numId sayes it is a number input and it's data is for date 2016/12/13 and the special code is 0.
Now I want to get the names like that [ numId201612130 , numId201612131 , numId201612140 , numId201612141 ,...] for processing some thing and insert into DataBank. how can I do it?
this is my fnSaveTmrow() function is JS:
function fnSaveTmrow(){
url = "SaveTmrow.php";
var vars = "mID="+i_ID+"&tmrowDate="; // <-- I want to send that data here to send by ajax again after that 'ans.php' code who dynamicly created the number input tag
fnDoAll(); // this is ajax code
I want to send the date inserted in the objects IDs and their value Like this:
var strObjName = document.getElementById("numId201612130").toString();
var strDateExt = strObjName.substring(5, 13); // contains 20161213
var strIndexExt = strObjName.substring(13, 14); // contains 0
var value = document.getElementById("numId201612130").value;
but I do not have munId201612130 ID because it created dynamicly and I have to retrive it dynamicly too.
I may have a function to returns me those IDs like munId201612130 or munId201612141 or munId201612152
Use document.querySelectorAll to get a list of every <input type="number"> that has an id.
var inputs = document.querySelectorAll('input[type=number][id]')
Then, call Array#map on this list to convert each element to its id:
function getAllDynamicIds() {
var inputs = document.querySelectorAll('input[type=number][id]')
return [], function (e) {
<input type="number" id="numId201612130" onchange = 'checknumber(numId201612130);'>
<input type="number" id="numId201612131" onchange = 'checknumber(numId201612131);'>
<input type="number" id="numId201612140" onchange = 'checknumber(numId201612140);'>
<input name='btnSaveTmrow' type='button' value='Save' onClick='fnSaveTmrow();'>

Unable to get hidden form value into javascript variable

I have a form with several fields. The value of one of the hidden fields is passed in the URL along with some other input values like this:
I have a javascript that parses the URL and that is populating the form just fine. The output of the form contains all of the values passed from the url, so I know the variable are getting passed to the form fields.
My issue is - I want to be able to setup an if statement to change the text of one of the headings based on the value of itype.
Here's my code:
var itypestuff = document.getElementById("itype").value;
document.write ("<p>The value of the variable is " + itypestuff.value + "</p>");
if( itypestuff == "TARGET" ){
document.write("This is the target");
document.write("This is not the target");
I added the first document.write statement as a debug and it's coming back with: The value of the variable is undefined
Here's what the itype field variable looks like:
<input type="hidden" name="itype" id="itype" value="">
Any ideas how I can get the variable from the URL into my javascript variable so I can do my if statement?
Change :
document.write ("<p>The value of the variable is " + itypestuff.value + "</p>");
document.write ("<p>The value of the variable is " + itypestuff + "</p>");
var itypestuff = document.getElementById("itype").value;
var itypestuff = document.getElementById("itype");
// And
if( itypestuff.value == "TARGET" ){ //...
You have to change your html like that :
<input type="hidden" name="itype" id="itype" value="<?= htmlspecialchars($_GET['itype']); ?>">
And call : example.php?firstname=Homer&lastname=Simpson&itype=TARGET

How to read <input type="hidden"...> in JavaScript on subsequent page?

One first page:
A form SUBMIT goes to a subsequent page.
VBscript can see the hidden value with ... Request("myName") ...
How do I do the same thing in JavaScript.
return nothing.
Well, you dont. When you submit a form it sends the values to a server, and the "server-side" reads that in vbscript as Request (Requested). If you want to let the requested value accessible to the Javascript, your server-side (subsequent) page must write that Request data back to the client-side, in other worlds, you have to write the requested value directily in the HTML that will be send back to the client browser.
Ex: In your ASP (Server-Side Subsequent VBScript file) you should write
Response.Write ("<script type=""text/javascript"">alert('" & Request("Data") & "')</script>")
<input type='hidden' id='hiddenId'/>
var value = $('#hiddenId').val();
var value = document.getElementById('hiddenId').value;
In your form, you have to have the method set to GET.
<form method="GET" action="somepage">
<input type=hidden name=myHiddenValue />
Then on the next page, you can parse the search part of the url with a function like this.
function parseSearch(search, key) {
search = search.substring(1), items=search.split("&");
for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
var item = items[i], parts = item.split("=");
if (parts[0] === key) {
return parts[1] || true;
parseSearch(, "myHiddenValue"); // returns the hidden value
live demo

return values from Jquery function

I am a complete novice in jQuery and javascript, so if this sounds very silly or very simple thing to do please help me out with your expertise
var vol = $('input#cv').val();
var col = $('input#cc').val();
var comment = $('input#co').val();
var sample = $('#cv').attr('class');
var url = $('input#cv').attr('title');
if( (vol && col && comment) == ''){
alert('No data to update');
url = url.concat('volupdate=',vol,'&concupdate=',col,'&commupdate=',comment,'&sample=',sample);
alert(sample + " " + vol + " " + col +" "+ comment +" " + url);
html :
my $correct_vol = qq{<input type="text" name="cv" id="cv" size="6" class="$sample_name" title="/here/is/where/you/are">};
my $correct_conc = qq{<input type="text" name="cc" id="cc" size="6" class="$sample_name" title="/here/is/where/you/are">};
my $comments = qq{<input type="text" name="co" id="co" size="10" class="$sample_name" title="/here/is/where/you/are">};
my $update = q{<input type="submit" value="Update" id="add_button" class="add_now">};
These forms the last four columns in a big table. My question is: How should I return the url in jquery function to my perl?
if I use return url what should I expect ? And how should I handle the values passed from the url in my script? Thanks for your suggestions.
Your javascript code won't connect with your perl code by itself. The connections to perl will happen as it processes the form elements. So your values need to be passed via POST or GET, the same way they would be passed if you were doing this in an HTML + perl only solution.
What you can do in your javascript is to set the value of the form input that you need to pass. That would be accomplished via something like $("#inputElementID").val(url); (assuming that you give the input element an id of inputElementID in the html where you create it.
You could also submit the form through javascript, if it made sense to do so.
As to using return url, that will only end up returning the value of url to the javascript function that calls it (which, in this case, doesn't really exist since this is a document.ready() execution.

