Need to close all new window opened by my application - javascript

I have tried to close the new window by Window.close() this works for current tab close but I need to close all the new tabs opened by my application
var newwindow=null;
function NewWindow(mypage,myPagename)
params = 'width='+screen.width;
params += ', height='+screen.height;
params += ', top=0, left=0';
params +=', scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,toolbar=yes';,myPagename, params);
if (window.focus)
return false;
Shall we close the new window by having their name , if yes means how ???

You can assign to a variable and then addEventListener to the window variable. Something like this:
var testWindow ="enter/your/url");
testWindow.addEventListener('loadstart', yourListenerFunction);
Now when you want to close the window, you need to do this:
testWindow.removeEventListener('loadstart', yourListenerFunction);
removeEventListener() method removes the event listener previously registered with addEventListener().


open window and run function on that window

I'd like to open a new window, this window has a list of objects, and these objects should be filtered based on a selection from the previous window. I figured I can filter the list through a function, but how do I run said function?
This is what I am able to do:
var popup ='pageURL');
$(popup.document).ready(function() {
// this is where function should be
But how do I change the alert to a function?
If I have a function on my other app , function test() { alert('HelloWorld'};
How do I run this function from my first app?
Swapping popup.alert('HelloWorld'); with popup.test(); did not work.
You need the reference to the window opened to call functions in the new window, like:
var oNewWindow ="new.window.url", "mywindow");
oNewWindow.onload = function(){oNewWindow.window.newWindowFunction();};
I ended up with this solution
var popup ='http://s234-0057/actiontracker/SiteAssets/Avvik/html/app.aspx');
var readyStateCheckInterval = setInterval(function() {
if (popup.document.readyState === "complete") {
}, 50);
Where I check if the popup window is ready, and when it is, cancel check and run function. Solution is from top answer on this question, by #this.lau_
You can write it like this:
function myFunction(){
var popup ='pageURL');
$(popup.document).ready(function() {
popup.eval(myFunction + "");
myFunction in file that contains this code will run in page with pageURL address.

Opening two instances of InAppBrowser (_system and _blank) prevents events from triggering

We’re currently developing an app with cordova and the InAppBrowser plugin. We're trying to spawn two different IAB instances at the same time. One with the _system browser and another with the _blank option.
The problem we have is that once we open the instance of _system browser, it seems we lose the reference to the previous browser. For this reason, the close event never triggers on the _blank IAB after the _system browser is closed.
This is how the actual code looks like.
// Opening iab main window
var ref =, '_blank','location=no,toolbar=yes');
var handleEvents = function(event) {
// Closing the iab window
if (event.url.match('#close')) {
// Trigger custom event
if (event.url.match('#openccard')) {'' + event.customerId, '_system', 'location=yes');
// InAppBrowser events
// This events are duplicated because loadstop works on android and
// loadstart works on ios.
ref.addEventListener('loadstart', handleEvents, false);
ref.addEventListener('loadstop', handleEvents, false);
// Removing the dialog when we close the chat
ref.addEventListener('exit', function(event) {
}, false);
As you can see we open the first url within the application with the _blank option. Then if in the child application a button is pressed we want to open an instance of a browser in the _system browser.
We’ve tried (without luck) to:
Have a separate reference for the _system browser. + customerId, '_system','location=no');
var cardsRef =
'' + customerId,
Trigger a custom event outside the reference of the _blank browser
if (event.url.match('openccard')) {
var customerId = event.url.split('openccard-')[1];
var evt = document.createEvent("Event");
evt.customerId = customerId;
Anyone has an idea of what's happening?
It seems that you need to initialize the IAB each time you do a new if you don't do that the event listeners don't work.
If I use that code it works like a charm.
window.openIAB = function(url, target, options) {
var self = this;
var ref =, target, options);
var handleChildEvents = function(ev) {
if (ref != undefined) {
// Closing the iab window
if (ev.url.match('#close')) {
ref = undefined;
// Opening card url with system browser
if (ev.url.match('#openccard')) {
var customerId = ev.url.split('#openccard-')[1];
self.ref2 = self.openIAB(
'' + customerId,
} else {
console.log('InAppBrowser has no reference');
ref.addEventListener('loadstart', handleChildEvents);
ref.addEventListener('loadstop', handleChildEvents);
ref.addEventListener('loaderror', function(ev) {
console.log('error while loading page');
ref = undefined;
ref.addEventListener('exit', function(ev) {
return ref;

Pop Up Blocker in Chrome and IE

Below is the piece of code I am using to open a link in a new window say "abc".
If the user again clicks on the same link, it should close and reopen the link in the same window "abc".
window.openOrFocus = function(url, "abc") {
if (!window.popups) {
window.popups = {};}
if (window.popups["abc"]){
var"", "abc");
window.popups["abc"] =, "abc");
But Now, say I click on the link, it opens the URL in a new window named "abc".
Now I go and close the window "abc". and go back and again click on the link.
That time it shows up the pop up blocker.
I am confused as to why this pop up blocker is coming when the I go and manually close the window and try to reopen by clicking on the link.
Happens both in IE as well as Chrome
Probably because you're calling with a blank URL or repeatedly in that case.
You don't need your"", "abc") call; instead, just use the window reference you already have:
window.openOrFocus = function(url, windowName) {
if (!window.popups) {
window.popups = {};
if (window.popups[windowName]){
window.popups[windowName] =, windowName);
I would also listen for the unload event so you can remove your reference:
window.openOrFocus = function(url, windowName) {
if (!window.popups) {
window.popups = {};
if (window.popups[windowName]){
window.popups[windowName] =, windowName);
window.popups[windowName].onunload = function() {
delete window.popups[windowName];
Side note: This is a syntax error:
window.openOrFocus = function(url, "abc") {
// --------------------------------^
I've replaced it with windowName in the code above.

Opening only one instance of url using

I am working on an web page which has a hyperlink. when ever that hyperlink is clicked, a new browser window is opened using javascript I want that If user clicks this link multiple times, then only one window is opened and not multiple windows. I just want that window to be highlighted when user clicks that hyperlink multiple times. Do I need to use to detect if the url is opened in any other tab of the browser ? Is there any jQuery plugin built in for this so that I can use it for browser compatibility.
Here is the hyperlink url:
<a onclick="addClick()" href="javascript:void(0)">
and here is the code I am using:
function addClick() {
var ID = jQuery("#ID").val();
var PSSWD = jQuery("#PSSWD").val();
var ACCID = jQuery("#ACCID").val();
var PASSWDINT = jQuery("#PASSWDINT").val();"LoginAPI?ID=" + encodeURIComponent(ID) + "&PSSWD=" + encodeURIComponent(PSSWD) + "&ACCID=" + encodeURIComponent(ACCID) + "&PASSWDINT=" + encodeURIComponent(PASSWDINT) + "", "LoginAPI");
Please suggest.
Try"<url>", "<window name>");
This should always open in the same window. See reference.
open window
var wins = {};
function openwindow(){
var url = this.href;
if(typeof wins[url] === 'undefined' || wins[url].closed)
wins[url] =;
var windowObjectReference = null; // global variable
function openFFPromotionPopup() {
if(windowObjectReference == null || windowObjectReference.closed)
/* if the pointer to the window object in memory does not exist
or if such pointer exists but the window was closed */
windowObjectReference ="",
"PromoteFirefoxWindowName", "resizable,scrollbars,status");
/* then create it. The new window will be created and
will be brought on top of any other window. */
/* else the window reference must exist and the window
is not closed; therefore, we can bring it back on top of any other
window with the focus() method. There would be no need to re-create
the window or to reload the referenced resource. */
click here
Check the reference
To open only one instance of a popup window in an HTML page, use the windowName parameter of the method.
For example'')
will open a new window each time the user clicks the link containing the code.
In constrast,'','abc')
will open only one instance of the window, no matter how many times users click the link.
you can also use focus function as used below
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function popitup(url) {,'name','height=200,width=150');
if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()}
if (!newwindow.closed) {newwindow.focus()}
return false;
// -->
Edit 1
<a onclick="return addClick()" href="javascript:void(0)">New</a>
and here is the code I am using:
function addClick() {
var ID = jQuery("#ID").val();
var PSSWD = jQuery("#PSSWD").val();
var ACCID = jQuery("#ACCID").val();
var PASSWDINT = jQuery("#PASSWDINT").val();"LoginAPI?ID=" + encodeURIComponent(ID) + "&PSSWD=" + encodeURIComponent(PSSWD) + "&ACCID=" + encodeURIComponent(ACCID) + "&PASSWDINT=" + encodeURIComponent(PASSWDINT) + "", "LoginAPI");
return false;
} - how do I handle when it's being closed?

By calling I'm opening a new window with external website from my Sinatra application:
%a{:href=>"", :target=>"blank", :onclick=>"popupWin =, 'test', 'location,width=600,height=500,top=0'); popupWin.focus(); return false;'')"}
I want to handle a moment when an user is closing a window. How can I do it? Of course, in javascript.
Add an onunload handler to the window. Using your current approach:
var popupWin =, 'test', 'location,width=600,height=500,top=0');
// add an onunload handler
popupWin.onunload = function () { ... };
return false;'') // this is dead code, unconditional return above...

