Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in my site - javascript

hey there I've got many problems with running my site. I tried to compress manually some large pictures in my site and also compress css and JS code. but still I got a really long list of re-rendering lines...I really don't no how to use ajax to solve the problem can someone please help me with that?
my site injects php into WP so I also tried some plugins like fastest cash, autoptimize and so on but it didn't make any changes in my site's speed...


How can I speed my css and js load speed on Django

I have you finished my first real project and I laughed it. However, the loading speed of the CSS and js takes some seconds. Both files are hosted on AWS, however, I do not think that is the reason for the speed problem. The thing is that the files are like 3MB I do not know if that is too much, I tried to minify them, but still, it takes some time. By the way, you should know that I bought my HTML templates, rich means that the CSS was not written by me. Any recommendations, I would really appreciate it.

Why Facebook Like button load large js files?

To integrate Facebook Like button, I included a piece of js code according to Facebook Developer guide, but found it loaded several js files, and in total, it consumes 273kb which is even larger than my SPA js.
Could anyone explain this and advice on how to reduce it?
Thanks a lot!

Contact form with file uploader solution

I'm building a website (no CMS or framework) that needs a contact form with a file uploader. I've already written a PHP script for a standalone contact form, but I'm not sure how to go about connecting it with a file uploader that will store the files on the server and will also work on mobile devices.
Since I'm not very experienced in this topic, my questions are:
Would this be too difficult to manually write and implement?
Are there any existing solutions I can use?
Considering the website is almost done (structure/design have been built), should I switch to WordPress and use a plugin? I got 3/4 into converting the HTML into a theme, but I'd really prefer to continue this way
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Uploading files without a framework is made quite easy with w3's guide:

Performance and javascript issue in a drupal website

I have a drupal 7 website. Currently its performance is not good and takes much time to render the web pages. For performance, I checked out in YSlow and came up with some results like move all js files at bottom, compress them and images too etc.
As far as I know its drupal structure to render js first at the head and then it loads the body content. So, Is there any way to move all js files at bottom of the web page in drupal???
I tried to aggregate javascript and css files with the admin panel in drupal but that is breaking some features of the website, say for example, some jquery and ajax codes are not working. Please suggest something for these problems as how can I approach for it.
Better to use Varnish for performance improvements.

How to solve wordpress website speed issue?

I have a website http://www.provaltech.com , from last few days I am working on speed solution for my website, I have done some r&d , also submitted website In Google PageSpeed Insights http://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/
I have found that its showing few errors as follows :
Leverage browser caching
Eliminate Render-blocking JavaScript and CSS
You can check this link developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.provaltech.com%2F&tab=desktop . Here its showing all errors or you can submit my website in that tool & can check the issue.
So, can anyone help me in that? How can I solve these issues, I want to permanently remove these kind of errors.
Looking forward to hear from you experts.
For better page speed and avoid these error you should try following things.
Enable Compression from Cpanel
You are using Wordpress so use any of the cache plugin.
Use header expiry using httaccess or page header.
minimize you scripts (css,js).
Use compressed images (jpegtran,pngout).
This will help you to improve page speed.
1)) Use caching plugin i.e best example is WP- Supercache
2)) Minify all your css and JS files i.e remove the extra white spaces from CSS and JS files.
3)) Compress all your images i.e use a plugin http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-smushit/ or smush.it

