Item is moving on mouse click in bootstrap-duallistbox - javascript

I have taken the customized plugin which gives the feature for optgroup which is given over here Add scroll position return on select1. Add optgroup capability
Customized bootstrap-duallistbox (with optgroup feature)
I have created a sample example in plunker which shows a running example. The option group is working fine but the issue is that even through when I put move-on-select="false" still Item is moving on mouse click.
Can anyone please tell me why this is behaving like that
Working Plunker
<select ng-model="modal.selectedItems"
ng-options=" group by for item in modal.allItems"

Honestly, the easiest solution is just to change the implementation of selectGroup. I think it should be this:
function selectGroup(e) {
if( {
You'll probably want to make a similar change to unselectGroup. The current implementation has strange behavior, where it moves things that aren't selected since it never unselects anything properly.
The way that selections are made is faulty. I have no idea of the author's intent, but I suspect this implementation is closer to what a user would expect:
function selectGroup(e) {
if ( != 'OPTGROUP') return;
$(this).find('option').each(function (index, item) {
var $item = $(item);
if (!$'filtered1')) {
if (!$item.prop('selected')) {
$item.prop('selected', true);
} else {
if( {
Again, make a similar change to unselectGroup. In the original code, the problem was that when you click on an individual option, the click would bubble up to the optgroup, hence the if guard. Also, the selection state should not be changed directly. That is already handled in the move function. It's much nicer to change the selected attribute, which the the move function later digests. In this way, it's also visually clear what is actually being selected. Thus, when you click an optgroup, it should toggle selected on each the item properties. You may want to modify how the removal of selected attribute is done.

Go with
as #prakash Said in Commments.


Select options disappearing when appending new option

I'm currently creating a interface to select an option from one select element on double click, and append it to another select element.
The issue I am coming across is when doing so, it is added and visible, however all other options disappear in the destination select, until I click on the option and then click off.
You can see this in action here:
My current implementation is as follows:
$('body').on('dblclick', '#availableColumnsSelect > option', function (e) {
var option = $(this);
//Add option to destination
displayColumnsSelect.append($('<option>', { value: option.val(), text: option.val() }));
//Remove option from source
//Sort the select options
var optionsAvailable = $("#availableColumnsSelect > option:not([disabled])").length;
if (optionsAvailable == 0) {
The underlying HTML is being constructed exactly how it should.
Any ideas?
As pointed out the issue was with the sortSelection function. I'm not quite sure why, but regardless I don't actually require this function anymore.
Removing said function has resolved the issue :)

Strange behavior to searchable JQuery Connected Sortable. Need fix

I am using a connected sortable that saves wonderfully via back-end on a button click. Additional features include the ability to search each of the lists. This works well until you do the drop and drag of an item from one list to another. When I do the search of the one list using JavaScript to search items in the one list, it still thinks that it is a part of the first list. Has anyone seen this behavior? and do you know of a possible fix to make item permanently part of the said dragged upon list within the DOM. This behavior is in FF, IE, Chrome, etc.
Now I do have buttons on this list that move items from one list to the other based on them being selected then button clicked, it is then a part of the second list using JQuery append();. This makes the item a permanent part of the second list's DOM and is able to be searched upon within that list.
So here is my "Ah-Ha" moment. It was doing what it was supposed to do looking for the item and showing it and if it was not the item it wouldn't show it. however when the item moved to the other column using sortable it still had the same class as the first column. I needed to make that switch.
The answer is here as follows...
.change(function () {
var filter = $(this).val();
if (filter) {
//here is my DAH moment it is looking for this class so when the user was typing in the first search input it was looking for item it would be searching for it is the second column--give myself a Gib slap--
$(list).find(".ui-state-default:not(:Contains(" + filter + "))").hide();
$(list).find("ui-state-default:Contains(" + filter + ")").show();
} else {
return false;
.keyup(function () {
then this
//so here is where I changed this code when the user brings the item over then it changes it to the proper respected class depending where the user drops it so it can be searched.
stop: function (event, ui) {
if (ui.item.hasClass("ui-state-default")) {
ui.item.attr('class', 'ui-state-highlight');
else {
ui.item.attr('class', 'ui-state-default');

Best way to assign value from radio button selection

I have created this little jsbin, with the framework for my use case:,js,output
What I have tried to achieve in various ways, is to be able to assign the color value based on the selection in the list of radio buttons. I believe there to be a simple solution to this.
The solution must also provide a way where a potential existing value is already selected in the list. So if color is already selected, the selected one should be checked in the list.
Current solution
My current solution may be irrelevant, but I'll post it here for context.
As mentioned, I've tried various solutions. The one I have in my application at this moment works as described, it's buggy and messy which is why I'm looking for a better solution:
The ColorController has an action, which is attached to what would be the <li> in above jsbin:
selectColor: function(color) {
this.send('setColor', color);
this.forEach(function(item) {
item.set('isChecked', item.get('model') == color);
The IndexController has the setColor action:
setColor: function(color) {
this.set('color', color);
And the initial selection is set through this observer on the ColorController:
colorsChanged: function() {
if (this.filterBy('isChecked', true).get('length') == 0) {
var selectedColorId = this.parentController.get('model.color_id')+'',
selectedColor = this.filterBy('id', selectedColorId);
if (selectedColor.get('length') == 0) return;
selectedColor.objectAt(0).set('isChecked', true);
This seems way too messy, but it also doesn't work 100%. For instance, a click on the radio button itself will actually un-check the radio button again.
In Ember, things like radio buttons and checkboxes are best wrapped up in components. Unfortunately, a few edge cases have prevented Ember from shipping a radio button component as part of core.
The first thing I'd do is see if someone else has already implemented this. Are you using Ember CLI? If not, you should be. Browsing Ember Addons I find two radio button components.
I'd give ember-radio-button a shot.

Hide select option not reflecting

I am trying to hide some options from a select. The solution used is this:
this.selectBox is a jQuery object of the mentioned select.
In Firefox it works just fine, but in IE8 the changes are not reflected: if one should look at the select, it will seem unchanged. But if the user selects an option, the value respects the removed element.
Here is an example:
<option value="val1">Test1</option>
<option value="val2">Test2</option>
<option value="val3">Test3</option>
<option value="val4">Test4</option>
Now, when I select "Test1", a function is called and the above code is executed.
From the user's perspective, the options will remain the same. BUT if he now tries to select "Test1" again, the provided value will actually be "val2" and the option should be removed. Again, nothing happens, so he selects "Test1" again and the value will be "val3" and so on.
In order to display the occured changes, I have to hide and then show the select.
The code above will make the changes visible(hide the clicked options).
What is more curious is that this fiddle:
works as it should on the same browser.
I do not understand why is this all of a sudden happening.
Why is this happening? Where should I look for the issue?
I am not sure why you would want to hide the option instead of removing it, but here's an example on how you can do it. It's based on this solution for hiding options.
Fiddle here ->
JSBin here (should work in IE8) ->
var $select = $('select');
$select.prop('selectedIndex', -1); //ensure we can hide the first option
$select.change(function () {
//not sure why you would not want to remove the option instead of hiding it byt, if you want to hide...
$select.children('option:selected').wrap('<span class="hide-option"></span>');
//remove it
this.selectedIndex = -1; //ensure we can hide the last option

set value to jquery autocomplete combobox

I am using jquery autocomplete combobox
and everything is ok. But I also want to set specific value through JavaScript like $("#value").val("somevalue") and it set to select element, but no changes in input element with autocomplete.
Of course, I can select this input and set value directly, but is it some other ways to do that? I try set bind to this.element like this.element.bind("change", function(){alert(1)}) but it was no effects. And I don't know why.
I found a workaround for this case. But I don't like it. I have added the following code to _create function for ui.combobox
this.element.bind("change", function() {
input.val( $(select).find("option:selected").text());
And when I need to change the value I can use $("#selector").val("specificvalue").trigger("change");
Is this demo what you are looking for?
The link sets the value of the jQuery UI autocomplete to Java. The focus is left on the input so that the normal keyboard events can be used to navigate the options.
Edit: How about adding another function to the combobox like this:
autocomplete : function(value) {
and calling it with the value you want to set:
$('#combobox').combobox('autocomplete', 'Java');
Updated demo
I cannot find any available existing function to do what you want, but this seems to work nicely for me. Hope it is closer to the behaviour you require.
I managed a quick and dirty way of setting the value. But, you do need to know both the value and the text of the item that you want to display on the dropdown.
var myValue = foo; // value that you want selected
var myText = bar; // text that you want to display
// You first need to set the value of the (hidden) select list
// ...then you need to set the display text of the actual autocomplete box.
i think rewrite:
autocomplete: function (value) {
var selected = this.element.children(":selected"),
value = selected.val() ? selected.text() : "";
I really like what andyb did, but I needed it to do a little more around event handling to be able to handle triggering the a change event because "selected" doesn't handle when hitting enter or losing focus on the input (hitting tab or mouse click).
As such, using what andyb did as a base as well as the latest version of the jQuery Autocomplete script, I created the following solution: DEMO
Enter: Chooses the first item if menu is visible
Focus Lost: Partial match triggers not found message and clears entry (jQuery UI), but fully typed answer "selects" that value (not case sensative)
How Change method can be utlized:
selected: function (event, ui) {
$("#output").text("Selected Event >>> " + $("#combobox").val());
.change(function (e) {
$("#output").text("Change Event >>> " + $("#combobox").val());
Hopefully this helps others who need additional change event functionality to compensate for gaps that "selected" leaves open.
$("select option:eq(1)").val("someNewVal");
$("select option:eq(1)").text("Another Val");
$("select option:eq(1)").attr('selected', 'selected');
here is a working example and jquery, I am assuming you want to change the value of a select, change its text face and also have it selected at page load?
Attempt 2:
here is another fiddle: , do you mean that you select an option, then you want to append that value to the autocomplete of a input area?
someString = "this,that";
$("input").autocomplete({source: someString.split(",")});
alert($(this).val()+" appended");
someString = someString+","+$(this).val();
$("input").autocomplete({source: someString.split(",")});

