Inserting PHP variables in jQuery - javascript

So I found this Pie Chart that I would like to use on my website (
I've already adapted the code to where it establishes a connection to the MySQL database gets the information I need from and I've saved those as variables in PHP and displays them within the Pi chart. So far so good!
Now I've really like to make this a little bit more real-time as the information changes quite rapidly, so I was thinking, of having the jQuery update its information on a regular basis. Preferably every 1000ms or so. How would I go about achieving this?
Thanks for your suggestions!

Basically you will need to establish an ajax data flow:
your main page will contain only the graph, but skip the data
request the data by sending an ajax request to a separate page
the data page should return your data object in JSON format (use json_encode())
With periodicalupdater you can update your data in the interval of your choice and automatically adjust this interval to reduce the load on your server.

There's a worked example in the documentation:
Basically, you need to use JavaScript and more specifically Ajax to query the server continuously and fetch new data in JSON format. Then update the chart using the brilliantly named 'updateChart' method. :)


Best way to pull static data

Consider I have a zoo app that shows all the zoos for each city. Each city is a page with a list of zoos.
In my current solution, on each page, I have ajax call to the server that pulls the list of the zoos for that particular city.
The performance is extremely important for me and my thought was to remove the ajax call and replace it with a JSON object that will live in the app. That way I will save a call to the server and I believe the data will arrive faster.
Is this solution makes sense? There are around 40 cities with ~50 zoos for each.
Consider the data is static and will never change.
Since 900 records is not much **, you can get all the records at once during the initial load and filter the all records array by city, that way your user experience would be much smoother, since client side js processing is far better than n/w latency.
** - note: strictly considering the data set size of ~900
Other solution can be - cache the data in the session scope and when ever there is a specific request for a city check for the availability in session scope, if it's not there make a n/w call.
I think correct question is what is my performance requirements?
Because you can write all your data in json object and do everything on client side without any ajax call but in this case when any client visit your page that means it will download all data. and that is another question mark

Updating a page from another page whats the best and easy way?

So my problem is if there are 2 pages for example. PricePage.html has the list of prices and UpdatePrice.html has the input text and etc. If I use the UpdatePrice.html to change the prices of PricePage.html, whats the best way should I use? via php to php or via php to mysql or theres even an easier way to do it. Sorry for my bad english.
Don't think of it as updating one page from another. Think of it as two separate pages that both interact with a database.
Store your price information in a database (such as MySQL).
Have PricePage query the database to get the price information, and generate the HTML to display it. (This means the page can't be just static HTML; it needs to use something like PHP that can generate HTML dynamically.)
Have the UpdatePrice page store the new price information in the database. (This doesn't directly modify PricePage, but next time someone views that page, it'll retrieve and display the latest information in the database.)
If you want the data to get updated in real time like once the data is updated it gets reflected on other page,then you can use sockets which will listen for the update event and once the event is fired the contents will get updated.
One of the most popular framework for this business is
I would suggest you to have a look to it.The benefit for using this approach is that you save a lot of resource and the functions work in realtime.

How can I chunk results (lazy load?) without rewriting my whole application (Laravel + jQuery, SPA style)

I've developed a web application with the concept of Single Page Application but none of the modern techs and frameworks.
So I have a jQuery page that dynamically requests data to localhost - a Laravel instance that compiles the entries in the DB (within a given time interval).
So the client wants to see all the entries for last week, the app works fine. But if he wants to see the results for the whole last month... well, they're so many that the default execution time of the php ins't enough to process all the data (30 seconds). I can easily override this, of course, but then the jQuery client will loop through these arrays of objects and do stuff with them (sort, find, sum...). So I'm not even sure jQuery can handle this many data.
So my question can be broken in two:
Can laravel ->paginate() be used so the ajax request of jQuery can also chunk the data? How does this work (hopefully in a manner that doesn't force me to rewrite all the code).
How could I store large amounts of information on the client? It's only temporary but the users will hang around for a considerable amount of time on my webpage, and I don't want them to wait 5 minutes every time they press a button
If you want to provide an interface to a large amount of data stored in a backed, you should paginate the data. This is a standard approach, so I'm sure your client will be ok with that.
Using pagination is pretty simple - see the docs for Laravel 5.0 here:
In order to paginate results in the backend, you need to call paginate($perPage) on your query instead of get() in your controller, like that:
$users = User::whereIsActive(true)->paginate(15);
This will return paginated result with 15 records per page. Page number will be taken from page parameter of the request. In order to get 3rd page of users, you'll need your frontend jQuery app to send a request to URL like:
I don't recommend caching data in the frontend application. The data can be changed by some other user and you won't even know about it. And with pagination, your requests should be lightweight enough to stop worrying about a request sent to fetch every page of results.
Not sure if you're subscribed to laracasts but Jeffery Way is amazing in explaining features of Laravel and I highly recommend his videos.
In short you can paginate the results, then on the view when you call the foreach on your items you can array_chunk() the results to display them how you need to. But the paginated results are going to be fetched using a query in the URL, and i'm not sure that is what you want if you're already using a lot of jQuery to keep everything on the same page.
But assuming you're already paginating the results with whatever jQuery you've already written for the json data...
You could also use a query scope to get the data you need to for the amount of time to scope to create a simple api to use with ajax. I think that's probably what you're looking for.
So here's what I would do assuming you're already doing some pagination manually with your javascript.
Create a few query scopes to filter the data for different lengths of time
Create simple routes to fetch results from URI using the query scopes
Get the json data from the route preforming an ajax requests to the URIs created
More information on Query Scopes:

Saving dynamically created content to server & load from there

So I have this webpage that I'm making which allows people to create elements on the page on the fly. And I want to be able to save those elements to my server and whenever someone else reloads that page, the webpage will have those saved elements.
I'm not a good web programmer by any means, so take it easy with the web jargon xD
The user created elements are nested 's or lists. Those elements can be deleted at anytime as well.
So I was reading about saving them as JSON but how would I go about doing that as my 's, most of the top level ones will have the same class. Never worked with JSON before, so I'm a real noob at that.
Will the server file keep replacing itself with a brand new copy with each addition/deletion?
And I'd like to get a little help with showing the new elements without updating. On other users page. I read about AJAX real-time updating, like APE, but have no idea how to go about with that. (This is not really needed but would be a nice one to have)
If someone can guide me a little at least, that will be great. Thanks.
The best suitable way to accomplish this is by saving your objects attributes to a database, however other options include XML files etc..
The process of accomplishing it through database is:
If you want to save data to database then you will have to use a server side language like Php or, so first step will be to have a database then an active connection to your database on your intermediate file (lets say 'data.php')
Then you need to code your data.php file so that it can take input(usually through GET or POST method) and it can save it to your database
Then you need to pass your data (objects attributes) through AJAX to data.php and save them to your database
On the main file you will have to check whether already some data exists for user, if yes then fetch it from database and display objects accordingly, otherwise set the objects preferences to default

Dynamically loading external data from database into d3.js

I am trying to get dynamic reloading to work in d3 and I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to refresh the data from the database.
I have an array that contains values should change every second:
var data = [1,2,3,4];
In my initial script, I had PHP pull the data from the database to set up the array, and reloading the page works fine for that, but I'd like to use d3's reload functionality to fetch new data and redraw the diagram.
I'm completely new to js and d3, so any suggestions would be very helpful.
I tried using jQuery's get command to call an external PHP script that outputs the values but that doesn't seem to work.
I'm basically trying to replicate the bar chart from Google Analytics real time display.
firstly, you need a page on the server that will output the data in JSON format*. Once you have that page, call it from the browser, and you should get the encoded data appearing on screen (this will prove that the page is hosted properly and returning data)
Next, follow the simple example on the D3 docs link that Yeco posted. You'll need to replace the dummy URL with the address to your new data page, and stick your own function call in there to redraw the chart with the new data.
*Note: I am not familiar with PHP, but it should have either a native JSON encoder, or a library will be available on the net. You'll also need to make sure you set the response mime type appropriately - a quick google should give you the correct mime type - it's something like 'application/json' I think, but can't remember of the top of my head
This might help you:
Edit: updated link to API v4

