screen.width produce different result on Firefox and Chrome - javascript

I was working a with a site and I had know the width of the screen that's why I tried with screen.width but I don't know why I'm getting different result on Firefox and Chrome. Seems Firefox showing me the correct value but Chrome doesn't.
Is there is anyone who can assist me to know whats the reason?

The reason is that there is no current standard that defines what the value should be. The closest is the CSSOM View Module, which states that:
The width attribute must return the width of the output device, in CSS pixels.
However, that specification is a Working Draft, which means it is a work in progress and the definition stated may not be what is implemented. Indeed, the Editor's Draft gives two different definitions:
The Web-exposed screen area is one of the following:
The area of the output device, in CSS pixels.
The area of the viewport, in CSS pixels.
So obviously, browser vendors are taking whichever definition they want.
For more discussion on that property, see PPK's rant "screen.width is useless" on Quirks Mode


Image stretches after JS image source change in Firefox

Scroll through the images in Firefox (tested on v. 26) and you notice if you look to the right that the image stretches one pixel (or so) after its .src has been changed. This behaviour only occurs in Firefox and if the width of the image is increased or decreased by 1px (through web console), the behaviour disappears... I know that the image is bigger than the width I set but it still doesn't explain the behaviour and why it's only occuring at a very specific width (after all, image is still resized in browser if I increase or decrease the width by 1px as well but then the behaviour disappears). Works perfect in Opera, Chome, Safari and IE...
I spent some time researching this and they way I see it, it's a bug.
I filed a bug report at Bugzilla:
I also made a thorough test page for those interested in studying this behaviour:
And finally, the fix:
-Set css property image-rendering on the image to something else than auto (optimizequality, optimizespeed, -moz-crisp-edges). It's claimed in the documentation that optimizequality and optimizespeed are the same as auto ( but they do result in different downscaling algorithms being used (see my link for proof). However, this fixes the problem.
-Use image sizes where images are only upscaled, not scaled at all or check the resulting downscaling since it only applies to certain sizes of the containing element in relation to certain actual image sizes, not all.
Again folks, this only applies to Firefox, was tested on Firefox 26, applies to downscaling images on-the-fly in the browser by styling img (and possibly other) elements with width and height and it's not consistent (just happens at about roughly 30% of tested downscalings on a specific image for me).

Does JavaScript window.resizeto have maximum values?

I am resizing a popup window when an anchor is pressed.
It works well on my desktop computer, but it doesn't on my laptop.
It resizes to a value smaller than the specified in window.resizeto().
Does JavaScript window.resizeto have maximum values in browser settings? How do I change those values?
This will depend only on the browser, and OS limitation.
For example, according to Mozilla Dev Network Documentation :
DOM Level 0. Not part of any standard.
So this only depends of the browser implementation of window object.
Check the resizeTo method Browser Documentation to see the size limitations.
IE and FF do not seem to make a limitation in the window size,
it will depend on how the OS GUI will handle the new size.
However, MDN says this about resizeTo rules :
You can't resize a window or tab that wasn’t created by
You can't resize a window or tab when it’s in a window with more than
one tab.
MDN Documentation should be the most standard documentation. (Even if, as they described, this method is not standard)
My desktop has 2 screens and the maximum width available is the sum of both.
Thank you all for your help.

jQuery .css not changing font-size correctly in Chrome

This is the closest I've seen:
Changing font-size with jQuery css() function is crashing Chrome
But it didn't help.
Other threads mentioned that it's a bug in Webkit, but those were old threads and I couldn't find the bug report on Webkit's site.
The problem is that the header has a fixed width picture background and the navigation menu needs to stay within that width. I've since given up on HTML or CSS methods of accomplishing this. If you know of any, then please do share. So I've resorted to JavaScript (jQuery). And it works reasonably well, except in Chrome. The text actually increases in size for some odd reason.
Here's the simplified code in JSFiddle:
This gist of the code is this line:
For FireFox and Opera, the text size decreases to fit the header width, but not in Chrome.
If I run JSFiddle in Chrome everything works, but the funny behavior shows up on the actual website. This is happening on Chrome 17.0.963.56.
Thanks in advance!
If you want presentation consistency cross browser there is more involved than just setting font-size. You are assuming other font property defaults such as font-family are the same cross browser which they are not.
Use of a css reset will help

How do I find out the size of a browser application window including the border, header and footer?

I am looking to create a fullsize window using javascript but I am having difficulties trying to take the actual size of the window into account. I can get the resolution of the desktop but if I set the windows width and height to that value, it is not 100% correct as it does not seem to be taking into account the size of the border for the browser application itself. How can I calculate my target width and height to take the browsers application border into account?
So basically you want to mimic the effect of hitting F11? Check out [old dead link]
I want to warn you that it's a usability nightmare. Try to think of a better way to execute your design without going full screen. Messing with the user's system settings is a HUGE no-no, and changing browser dimensions/resizing windows definitely falls under that category.
To find out the windows height and width you can use the following:
window.innerHeight/Width -> All browsers but not IE
document.body.clientHeight/Width -> All browsers
document.documentElement.clientHeight/Width -> All browsers
More info here:

Firefox textarea typing causing screen shaking (firefox2 winXP)

EDIT: Firefox 2 windows XP
Steps to reproduce problem:
Firefox 2 and visit:
Begin Typing and pressing [enter key] to create new lines
After about 10 [enter key] presses you'll notice the screen shaking
How this happened
This began happening after I installed a plugin for jQuery. It's located here:
It makes it so the textarea is expandable as I type, depending on how many lines there are in the text area, up to a max-height value which can be specified in CSS.
I tried disabling the 'setHeight' function within this plugin (the only thing that changes height dynamically) but I still saw the screen shaking.
When I think the problem might be
Firefox thinks that the screen just got larger, and compensates by putting in a scrollbar on the right side of the body document.
However, it realizes that in fact the page didn't get larger, and removes the scrollbar, causing the shaking.
I have no idea where in the code that makes Firefox think this way...
Appreciate any help.
You can either force a scrollbar:
or hide the overflow of the div and try to get rid of the scrollbar, try overflow: hidden instead of auto in the div propertySetup
Can't reproduce, works fine here in Mac OSX + Firefox 3.5.
I can reproduce it (Debian Lenny, IceWeasel 3.0.6), but only with a very, very specific window size for FireFox (just slightly taller than 1024px, depending on your system font size, window manager and number of toolbars shown).
Just make your page slightly shorter or taller and the problem goes away. The problem only occurs when the addition of a new line after the 10th or so causes firefox to grown the page just enough to cause the scrollbar to appear. Just as you guessed.
That's a tiny 10px margin that is dependent on a lot of browser and system specific settings. In your page that margin is somewhere around the 1024px limit, depending on system font, toolbars, window decorations and the phase of the moon. Move that margin out of the 1024px region. Either make the page 40-50px shorter so that the scrollbar does not appear (even with large system fonts and an extra toolbar) or make it taller so the scrollbar is always there. Zoltan Lengyel's answer in this thread to always force the scrollbar can also be used.
I can reproduce it in Firefox 3.0.11 in Win XP.
Adding overflow:hidden to the body tag seemed to fix the problem, but doing that may wind up causing you more grief then disabling the plugin altogether. Giving the body tag overflow-x:scroll will stick a scrollbar there permanently but seems to solve it, too.
I reproduced it on Windows, FF3.
Interestingly it seems to happen within the jQuery .height() function!
Unfortunately you're using the minified version, so that's as far as I can get.

