Show the responce of ajax is not working - javascript

Hi I am trying to replace the table->tr->td with new td I have tried like this but it is not working.
<table id="job1">
<tr id="Jobstatus1">
<table id="job2">
<tr id="Jobstatus2">
I am showing a response like this:
$response['jobStatus'] =
'<td class="textcenter" colspan="2" style="color:green;" > Accepted The Above Job </td>';
This is what I am trying in ajax response:
if (response["success"] == true){
$("#Jobstatus"+jobId).remove(); //in here jobId will come as 1,2....

The .remove() method will remove the element so append() can't find it, you should use .htmt('') or .empty() instead of remove.
Replace :
By :
Hope this helps.

You can use the html() method to inject the response value straight into the target tr element, replacing whatever it contained:
$("#Jobstatus" + jobId).html($response['jobStatus']);


tr this href to load function

ihave the next code
$('table tr').click(function(){
$("#demo").load(this.href + " #demo2");
return false;
and the html is this
<tr href="linkdemo.html">
as I do so that the javascript recognize the link of the tr?
Important: You need an element with id demo
As tr doesn't have href property, You need to use attr() to get its attribute.
$("#demo").load($(this).attr('href') + " #demo2");
However I would recommend you to use data-* prefixed custom attributes which can be fetched by using .data()
HTML Snippet
<tr data-href="linkdemo.html">
$("#demo").load($(this).data('href') + " #demo2");

Losing click event after recreating elements

I'm removing table tbody set and inserting new ones but I'm loosing click event on chekcbox. How can I solve this issue?
I went through append(), clone() but failed to apply to my code so for that reason I created a JSFIDDLE which has everything.
Please tell me what I need to do.
Thanks in advance.
$('.add-selected').on("click",function() {
$('#removeAndAdd').click(function(event) {
var output = '';
output += '<tbody class="filter-rows">';
output += '<tr class="filter">';
output += '<td><input type="checkbox" id="c-1" class="add-selected" /></td>';
output += '<td>1</td>';
output += '</tr>';
output += '</tbody>';
output += '<tbody class="filter-rows">';
output += '<tr class="filter">';
output += '<td><input type="checkbox" id="c-2" class="add-selected" /></td>';
output += '<td>2</td>';
output += '</tr>';
output += '</tbody>';
$('#add-new-table tbody:last').after(output);
<table id="add-new-table" border="1px">
<tbody class="filter-rows">
<tr class="filter">
<td><input type="checkbox" id="c-1" class="add-selected" /></td>
<tbody class="filter-rows">
<tr class="filter">
<td><input type="checkbox" id="c-2" class="add-selected" /></td>
<tbody class="filter-rows">
<tr class="filter">
<td><input type="checkbox" id="c-3" class="add-selected" /></td>
<br />
<span id='removeAndAdd'>Click me to Remove all first and Add new rows</span>
There some bad practices here. Firstly the fixed version:
$('#add-new-table').on('change', 'input', function() {
$('#removeAndAdd').click(function(event) {
var rows = $('#add-new-table .filter-rows');
I am going to assume you need to make a new tbody for every row - otherwise remove it.
Why re-create the whole table? I am assuming you don't need to, if you do the code needs some changes.
Why wait for domLoad? I have change it to onDomReady (fiddle settings)
A clickable element should be an anchor <a> with an href
I know this is just a demo but I am hoping you don't mix double and single quotes in your html and javascript and that you don't use IDs everywhere
How it works:
By using the second parameter of jQuery's on we have created an event delegate. This means that the event is placed on the table itself #add-new-table and it is listening for changes to any inputs inside the table. So it is one single event and it doesn't care if stuff inside is updated/removed etc. It is also more efficient.
And a small explanation of var rows = $('#add-new-table .filter-rows'); rows.first().add(rows.last()).remove();:
"Get all the filter rows and store that. Then select the first row and add the last row to that selection, finally remove them"

Set val to td by JSON

Try to set my td value from my JavaScript JSON. But it dun seems to work when I inspect the element. However the html works just not the value. Not sure what is the problem. Tried changing the id to class too but it didnt work as well.
var test = $(this).attr('data-id');
var topost = 'getMilestoneDetail.php='+test;
var returnResults = $.getJSON('getMilestoneDetail.php?id='+test,function(data)
<div id="login_form">
<table border=1>
<th> Project Name </th>
<td id="td_projectName">
<th> Budget</th>
<td id="budget_amt">
<th>Payment Percentage</th>
<td id="milestone_1">
<td id="percentage_1">
VAL is not a valid attribute of a TD, and that is why you cannot set it. If you want to store some data as an attribute of the node, the use setAttribute to store it. Example:
Straight JS:
document.getElementById('percentage_1').setAttribute('bob', 'your uncle');
Or using jQuery:
$('#percentage_1').attr('bob', 'your uncle');
You would use getAttribute, or .attr, to get the value later, e.g.
var bob = document.getElementById('percentage_1').getAttribute('bob');
Note that non-standard attributes won't validate and may be frowned on, but are common fixtures in web applications. You can use jQuery's .data method to properly set data on a node if you are unconcerned with older browser support.
The .val(value) method is primarily used to set the values of form elements such as input, select and textarea.
You can use a hidden field to keep the value or you can use .text() method to get the text of td.
<td id="percentage_1">
<input type="hidden" id="percentage_1_val" />
Get the value.
// or you can use $("#percentage_1").text();

.append() does not work with table

I want to add a table to my website with jquery´s append function when the user hovers over the image $("#dot0003"). Dreamweaver already tells me that there is a syntax error but I don't understand where.
$(document).ready(function() {
<table id="table1" class="info0004" border="4">
<td>number of bathrooms</td>
<td>number of beds</td>
<td><img src="_index/_dots/dot.gif" width="20" height="20"></td>
Any help appreciated!
Are you sure this is what you're trying to do? Meaning, when you hover over dot0003, it's going to keep trying to append this data. See the fiddle here.
With that said, your issue is with your spaces. See the fiddle above. Either remove your spaces or build your string like:
var myContent = '<table id="table1" class="info0004" border="4">'
myContent += '<tr>'
But this produces invalid HTML markup as your adding tables in your table like such:
I think you should use jQuery's after method instead of append.
Good luck.
Your adding dynamic table syntax has a space so remove space then run
You can try to run using simple dynamic div
$(document).ready(function() {
But when you will write syntax with space it will show error
$(document).ready(function() {
Try with this code after removing extra space
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#tablespace").append('<table id="table1" class="info0004" border="4"> <tr><td>roomnumber</td><td>200</td></tr> <tr><td>number of bathrooms</td> <td>2</td></tr><tr><td>number of beds</td> <td><img src="_index/_dots/dot.gif" width="20" height="20"></td></tr></table>')

Loop through all checkboxes that are inside a div tag

I need to loop through all checkboxes that are inside a div tag with id #abc123
How can I do this?
$("#abc123").foreach( ???? )
my html row looks like:
<td><input .../> </td>
I need to add the value of the <td> into the ID of the checkbox.
Would I just get the parent, then ancestor it somehow?
$("#abc123 input[type=checkbox]").each(function()
Ok, Let'd see if I got this straight. Given:
<td><input .../> </td>
You want the result to be (effectively)
<td><input id="abc234" .../> </td>
$("td input[type=checkbox]").each(function()
var id = $(this).next("td").text();
$(this).attr("id", "abc"+ id);
$("#abc123 input[type=checkbox]").each(function() {
Use a onkeydown event... I recommend the tab key which is keycode "9"
if(event.keyCode == '9'){
Inside the if statement you'll need a nested if statement that checks which element is in focus and then assigns focus to the next element like this :;
You didn't label where #abc123 is in your code. Also, do the <td> tags have any identification? The following may work.
$("#abc123 input:checkbox").each(function(i) {
id = $(this).closest('td').next('td').text();
$(this).attr('id', id);
I am not sure how deep your <div id="abc123"> is in the <td> so I used the closest() method to get to the cell wrapper. If it is only 1 deep, i.e. there is no <div> as it appears in your code, then you can just use parent(). Good luck.

