How to make a list randomizer - javascript

I have been working on a fairly pointless website where there are multiple "random" generators. You can check it out here:
As you can see there is an unfinished generator at the bottom, that's what I'm here for. I want to get it to generate a list from things you input. My idea is to add the input field's value to the array that will make the list when you hit "Add to List." Then I will have a separate button that will generate the list using that array. The only problem is that I don't know how to add the string to the array when I only know the name of the variable, not the value. If anyone could help me with any of this, that would be great!
This is the code for the whole site:
<!DocType html>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon">
<title>Random Word Generator</title>
body {
button.10letter {
background-color: blue;
button.5letter {
background-color: blue;
button.4letter {
background-color: blue;
button.3letter {
background-color: blue;
button.Add {
<h1 style="color:grey">Random word generator:</h1>
<button class="10letter" onclick="doAlert();" style="color:orange">Generate with 10 letters.</button>
function createRandomWord(length) {
var consonants = 'bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz',
vowels = 'aeiou',
rand = function(limit) {
return Math.floor(Math.random()*limit);
i, word='', length = parseInt(length,10),
consonants = consonants.split(''),
vowels = vowels.split('');
for (i=0;i<length/2;i++) {
var randConsonant = consonants[rand(consonants.length)],
randVowel = vowels[rand(vowels.length)];
word += (i===0) ? randConsonant.toUpperCase() : randConsonant;
word += i*2<length-1 ? randVowel : '';
return word;
function doAlert() {
alert( "Your word is: "+createRandomWord(10)+" (bonus points if your word is real)." );
<button class="5letter" onclick="doAlert5();" style="color:orange">Generate with 5 letters.</button>
function createRandomWord5(length) {
var consonants = 'bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz',
vowels = 'aeiou',
rand = function(limit) {
return Math.floor(Math.random()*limit);
i, word='', length = parseInt(length,10),
consonants = consonants.split(''),
vowels = vowels.split('');
for (i=0;i<length/2;i++) {
var randConsonant = consonants[rand(consonants.length)],
randVowel = vowels[rand(vowels.length)];
word += (i===0) ? randConsonant.toUpperCase() : randConsonant;
word += i*2<length-1 ? randVowel : '';
return word;
function doAlert5() {
alert( "Your word is: "+createRandomWord(5)+" (bonus points if your word is real)." );
<button class="4letter" onclick="doAlert4();" style="color:orange">Generate with 4 letters.</button>
function createRandomWord4(length) {
var consonants = 'bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz♀☺☻ƒ=ù"?',
vowels = 'aeiou',
rand = function(limit) {
return Math.floor(Math.random()*limit);
i, word='', length = parseInt(length,10),
consonants = consonants.split(''),
vowels = vowels.split('');
for (i=0;i<length/2;i++) {
var randConsonant = consonants[rand(consonants.length)],
randVowel = vowels[rand(vowels.length)];
word += (i===0) ? randConsonant.toUpperCase() : randConsonant;
word += i*2<length-1 ? randVowel : '';
return word;
function doAlert4() {
alert( "Your word is: "+createRandomWord(4)+" (bonus points if your word is real)." );
<button class="3letter" onclick="doAlert3();" style="color:orange">Generate with 3 letters.</button>
function createRandomWord3(length) {
var consonants = 'bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz',
vowels = 'aeiou',
rand = function(limit) {
return Math.floor(Math.random()*limit);
i, word='', length = parseInt(length,10),
consonants = consonants.split(''),
vowels = vowels.split('');
for (i=0;i<length/2;i++) {
var randConsonant = consonants[rand(consonants.length)],
randVowel = vowels[rand(vowels.length)];
word += (i===0) ? randConsonant.toUpperCase() : randConsonant;
word += i*2<length-1 ? randVowel : '';
return word;
function doAlert3() {
alert( "Your word is: "+createRandomWord(3)+" (bonus points if your word is real)." );
<h1 style="color:grey">Name Generator:</h1>
<button style="color:orange" onclick="generator();">Generate</button>
function generator(){
var first = ["Kick","Stupid","Random Name","Officer","School-Related","Unoriginal","Original","Mousey","Website to name things?","n00b","Error","var first=name.first","Bob","Joe","Boris","Duck","Cheese","Pablo","Stimuli","Last Test Grade","First Word","Puss","Cat","Cherokee", "Jerry", "[Insert Weird First Name Here]"]
var last = ["Me","Idiot","dummy.dummy"," (shameless advertising)","he went that way","it was him!","DESTRUCTION...","Rats","You need advice for a name, use a website or something! Oh wait.","Opposition","Apple","404 not found","var last=name.last","You sure you want to pick this name?","McGuire","Rox","Knox","Bobert","Green","Raul","Damend","Milk","Positive","Negative","Rocky","Boots","Cherry","Parakeet","[Insert Weird Last Name Here]"]
var randomNumber1 = parseInt(Math.random() * first.length);
var randomNumber2 = parseInt(Math.random() * last.length);
var name = first[randomNumber1] + " " + last[randomNumber2];
<h1 style="color:grey">List Randomizer</h1>
<input type="text" id="Words">
<button id="Add" onClick="appendToArray()">Add To List</button>
function appendToArray() {
var Words = document.getElementById("Words");
var Word = Words.value
var arr = [];
And this is the code for the list part:
<h1 style="color:grey">List Randomizer</h1>
<input type="text" id="Words">
<button id="Add" onClick="appendToArray()">Add To List</button>
function appendToArray() {
var Words = document.getElementById("Words");
var Word = Words.value
var arr = [];
Thanks in advance!

Here is an example in which we take the input value, add it to an array, shuffle the array and then put it in a list <ul>. Every added value is added to the array and re-shuffles the list.
Try this:
I added the shuffle function for when you just want to shuffle without adding new values.
var randomList = [];
function appendToArray() {
var word = document.getElementById("Words").value;
document.getElementById("Words").value = "";
function updateList(wordsArr) {
var list = document.getElementById('list');
list.innerHTML = "";
for (var i =0; i < wordsArr.length; i++) {
var word = wordsArr[i];
var li = document.createElement('li');
li.innerText = word;
function shuffleArr(arr) {
var j,
for (var i = arr.length; i; i--) {
j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
x = arr[i - 1];
arr[i - 1] = arr[j];
arr[j] = x;
function shuffleList() {
var list = randomList;
<h1 style="color:grey">List Randomizer</h1>
<input type="text" id="Words">
<button id="Add" onClick="appendToArray()">Add To List</button>
<button id="Shuffle" onClick="shuffleList()">Shuffle List</button>
<ul id="list"></ul>

You will need to make your array variable global so you can access it from multiple functions:
// declare this only once
var arr = [];
function appendToArray() {
var word = document.getElementById("Words").value;
// check to make sure something was entered
if (word && word.length) {
// clear the input box if added to the array
document.getElementById("Words").value = '';
Then you can have another function that picks whatever you need out of the array, which is now accessible because we moved it to the global scope of your document. You could have another button to empty the array then as well.

Is this what are you looking for?
var arr = [];
function appendToArray() {
var Words = document.getElementById("Words");
var Word = Words.value
function showArray() {
<h1 style="color:grey">List Randomizer</h1>
<input type="text" id="Words">
<button id="Add" onClick="appendToArray()">Add To List</button>
<button id="Add" onClick="showArray()">Show List</button>

Initialize array outside the function. Otherwise you are making it empty every time you call the function.
<h1 style="color:grey">List Randomizer</h1>
<input type="text" id="Words">
<button id="Add" onClick="appendToArray()">Add To List</button>
var arr = [];
function appendToArray() {
var Words = document.getElementById("Words");
var Word = Words.value


Test whether a string contains a word from an array of strings

it doesn't work. it always goes with the else. i need to use array, and see if a string contains any of the words of the array. please help, this is really annoying
function buttonClick() {
var name = document.getElementById('myText').value;
var yourstring = name;
var substrings = ['fruit', 'apple'];
var length = substrings.length;
while (length--) {
if (yourstring.indexOf(substrings[length]) != -1) {
var outcome = 1;
} else {
var outcome = 2;
switch (outcome) {
case 1:
document.getElementById('fruitvalue').innerHTML = name + 'is ...';
case 2:
document.getElementById('fruitvalue').innerHTML = name + 'is not ...';
Last Name:<input type="text" id="myText" value="">
style="font-family:font; color:blue;"
<h2 id="fruitvalue"></h2>
Because you are updating your outcome value for each item in the array.
So, if the last item in the array is not your input value, switch statement will check for that only.
So, you can use code like below
function buttonClick() {
var name = document.getElementById("myText").value;
var yourstring = name;
var substrings =['fruit', 'apple'];
//only change
document.getElementById("fruitvalue").innerHTML =
substrings.includes(yourstring) ? // use of includes function to check item in the array
(name + " is ...") :
(name + " is not ...");
Last Name:<input type="text" id="myText" value="">
<button onClick="buttonClick()" style="font-family:font;
<h2 id="fruitvalue"></h2>
I'd suggest you do away with the loops and the ifs, and significantly reduce the code by using array.some and String.prototype.includes. This code could be clearly written as a single line:
function hasWord(str, words) {
return words.some(word => str.includes(word));
const name = document.getElementById('myText').value;
const substrings = ['fruit', 'apple'];
const element = document.getElementById('fruitvalue');
function buttonClick() {
const matches = hasWord(name, substrings);
const suffix = matches ? 'is ...' : 'is not ...';
element.innerHTML = `${name} ${suffix}`;
Last Name:
<input type="text" id="myText" value="">
style="font-family:font; color:blue;"
<h2 id="fruitvalue"></h2>
You should use break inside first if block of while block, otherwise, outcome will be set with other values in next iterations.
function buttonClick() {
var name = document.getElementById("myText").value;
var yourstring = name;
var substrings =['fruit', 'apple'],
length = substrings.length;
while(length--) {
if (yourstring.indexOf(substrings[length])!==-1) {
var outcome=1;
else {
var outcome=2;
switch (outcome) {
case 1 :
document.getElementById("fruitvalue").innerHTML = (name + "is ...");
case 2 :
document.getElementById("fruitvalue").innerHTML = (name + "is not ...");
Last Name:<input type="text" id="myText" value="">
<button onClick="buttonClick()" style="font-family:font;color:blue;">Submit</button>
<h2 id="fruitvalue"></h2>
Optimized version is here:
function buttonClick() {
const yourstring = document.getElementById("myText").value;
const substrings =['fruit', 'apple']
document.getElementById("fruitvalue").innerHTML = substrings.filter(s => yourstring.indexOf(s) !== -1).length ?
(yourstring + " is ...") : (yourstring + " is not ...")
Last Name:<input type="text" id="myText" value="">
<button onClick="buttonClick()" style="font-family:font;color:blue;">Submit</button>
<h2 id="fruitvalue"></h2>
Try this.
function buttonClick() {
var name = document.getElementById('myText').value;
var yourstring = name;
var substrings = ['fruit', 'apple'];
if (substrings.includes(yourstring)) {
var outcome = 1;
} else {
var outcome = 2;
switch (outcome) {
case 1:
document.getElementById('fruitvalue').innerHTML = name + ' is ...';
case 2:
document.getElementById('fruitvalue').innerHTML = name + ' is not ...';

Add user input to array // Javascript

This is the code I have so far. When the user enters a word into the input box, I want that word to be stored in an array via the Add Word button. Once a number of words have been entered, the user clicks the Process Word button and I want all the words in the array to appear. How would I do this? Also could someone also explain why when nothing is entered into the input box "field is empty" does not appear?
function begin() {
var word = "List of words";
var i = returnword.length
if (userinput.length === 0) {
word = "Field is empty"
document.getElementById('message2').innerHTML = word
while (i--) {
document.getElementById('message').innerHTML = returnword[i] + "<br/>" + document.getElementById('message').innerHTML;
function addword() {
var arrword = [];
returnword = document.getElementById('userinput').value;
Your function contains an array arrword. If you keep it inside your function it will be reset every time you call the function. You need to keep your array of words outside the function
Empty input
The empty input message should be shown when you click on the Add word button. Check the input and display a message if needed
Display word
You can simply use join() to display you array
var arrayOfWord = [];
var inputElement = document.getElementById('userinput');
var errorElement = document.getElementById('error');
var wordsElement = document.getElementById('words');
function addWord() {
errorElement.innerHTML = "";
var word = inputElement.value;
if (word.trim() === "")
errorElement.innerHTML = "Empty input";
inputElement.value = "";
function process(){
words.innerHTML = arrayOfWord.join(' - ');
#error {
color: tomato;
#words {
color: purple;
Enter a word <input id="userinput" /><button onclick="addWord()">Add word</button>
<div id="error"></div>
<button onclick="process()">Process</button>
<div id="words"></div>
you can do something a bit clearer with jQuery! :)
if you handle the input with jquery you can write something like:
var arrWord = [] // your array
/* Attaching a click handler on your "Add Word" button that will
execute the function on user click */
$("#addWordButtonID").on("click", function () {
var wordTyped = $('#textInputID').val() // your var that collect userInput
if (wordTyped.length != 0) { // your if statement with length === 0 condition
arrWord.push(wordTyped) // adding word typed to the array
to add jquery to your html page, just add
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
in your html header
Hopefully you already have the right html. Then you can modify your script like below:
var arrword = [];
var returnword;
function begin() {
var word = "List of words";
var i = arrword.length;
if (arrword.length === 0) {
word = "Field is empty";
document.getElementById('message2').innerHTML = word;
while (i--) {
document.getElementById('message').innerHTML = arrword[i] + "<br/>" + document.getElementById('message').innerHTML;
function addword() {
returnword = document.getElementById('userinput').value;
var arrword = [];
var returnword;
function begin() {
var word = "List of words";
var i = arrword.length;
if (arrword.length === 0) {
word = "Field is empty";
document.getElementById('message2').innerHTML = word;
while (i--) {
document.getElementById('message').innerHTML = arrword[i] + "<br/>" + document.getElementById('message').innerHTML;
function addword() {
returnword = document.getElementById('userinput').value;
<button id="addWord" onclick="addword()">Add Word</button>
<button id="processWords" onclick="begin()">ProcessWords</button>
<input type="text" id="userinput" value=" " />
<div id="message2">
<div id="message">

Making a javascript hangman game and I can't get my function to apply to repeated letters

Everything about the script works great right now unless there's a repeated letter in the word. If so, then it will only display the first of the letters. For example, if the random word is "look" it would display like this "lo k".
Unfortunately the only other related javascript hangman question here was for a script that didn't actually have issues on repeated letters. For reference: how to deal with repeated letters in a javascript hangman game. Can anyone help me get through the repeated letter issue? Thanks!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="js/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery-1.11.2.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css">
<title>Hang a Blue Devil</title>
<div class="wrapper">
<h1 class="title">Hangman</h1>
<h2 class="attempt-title">You have this many attempts left: </h2>
<ul class="hangman-word">
<li class="tester"></li>
<li class="tester"></li>
<li class="tester"></li>
<li class="tester"></li>
<li class="tester"></li>
<li class="tester"></li>
<h3 class="hangman-letters"></h3>
<input class="text-value" type="text" maxlength="1" onchange="setGuess(this.value)">
<button class="text-button" onclick="checkGuess()"></button>
<p class="letters-guessed"></p>
<script src="js/hangman.js"></script>
My JS:
var hangmanWords = [
// declared variables
var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
var randomWord = hangmanWords[randomNumber];
var underscoreCount = randomWord.length;
var underscoreArr = [];
var counter = randomWord.length +3;
var numberTest = 0;
var lettersGuessedArr = [];
var lettersGuessedClass = document.querySelector('.letters-guessed');
var li = document.getElementsByClassName('tester');
var textValue = document.querySelector('.text-value');
var attemptTitle = document.querySelector('.attempt-title');
var hangmanWordClass = document.querySelector('.hangman-word');
var hangmanLettersClass = document.querySelector('.hangman-letters');
// actions
attemptTitle.innerHTML = "You have this many attempts left: " + counter;
function setGuess(guess) {
personGuess = guess;
for (i=0;i<underscoreCount;i+=1) {
underscoreArr.push("_ ");
underscoreArr.join(" ");
var underscoreArrString = underscoreArr.toString();
var underscoreArrEdited = underscoreArrString.replace(/,/g," ");
hangmanLettersClass.innerHTML = underscoreArrEdited;
function pushGuess () {
var lettersGuessedArrString = lettersGuessedArr.toString();
var lettersGuessedArrEdited = lettersGuessedArrString.replace(/,/g," ");
lettersGuessedClass.innerHTML = lettersGuessedArrEdited;
function checkGuess() {
for (var i=0;i<randomWord.length;i+=1) {
if (personGuess === randomWord[i]) {
numberTest = i;
li[i].textContent = randomWord[i];
i += 20;
textValue.value= "";
} else if ((randomWord.length - 1) > i ) {
} else {
counter -= 1;
attemptTitle.innerHTML = "You have made this many attempts: " + counter;
textValue.value= "";
My bin:
You had a stray bit of code that didn't belong:
i += 20;
I took it out, and the problem went away (the loop was intended to check each character, the +=20 broke the process of checking each character)
function checkGuess() {
for (var i=0;i<randomWord.length;i+=1) {
if (personGuess === randomWord[i]) {
numberTest = i;
li[i].textContent = randomWord[i];
textValue.value= "";
} else if ((randomWord.length - 1) > i ) {
} else {
counter -= 1;
attemptTitle.innerHTML = "You have made this many attempts: " + counter;
textValue.value= "";

Push value to array onclick and loop to add array values. Javascript

So i am pretty new at this and want to be able to add a dollar to the "deposit" text box every time I click the button. I'm going to have to do this with a quarter, dime, and nickel, button as well. This is what I have so far.
<input type="button" value="Dollar" id="dollar" />
$<input type="text" id="deposit" />
And the javascript is:
var $ = function (id) { return document.getElementById(id); }
var item = [];
var total = 0;
for (i=0; i < item.length; i++){
total += item[i];
$("deposit").value = total;
$("dollar").onclick = item.push(1);
Whatever help you can give is much appreciated!
Don't you mean
Live Demo
var $ = function (id) { return document.getElementById(id); }
var add = function(fld,val) {
return (parseFloat(fld.value)+val).toFixed(2);
window.onload=function() {
$("dollar").onclick=function() {
$("deposit").value = add($("deposit"),1);
$("dime").onclick=function() {
$("deposit").value = add($("deposit"),.1);
$("nickel").onclick=function() {
$("deposit").value = add($("deposit"),.05);
$("refund").onclick = function() {
$("deposit").value = "0.00";
Try this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script data-require="jquery#1.9.1" data-semver="1.9.1" src="//"></script>
<script src="script.js"></script>
<input type="button" value="Dollar" id="dollar" />
$ <input type="text" id="deposit" />
$(function() {
var item = [];
$("#dollar").click(function() {
var total = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < item.length; i++) {
total += item[i];
Plunker example

Change first letter in string to uppercase in JavaScript

I have an array of strings,
["item1", "item2"]
I'd like to change my array to
["showItem1", "showItem2"]
The most easy to understand way of doing exactly what you ask for is probably something like this:
var items = ["item1", "item2"];
​for (var i=0;i<items.length;i+=1) {
items[i] = "show" + items[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + items[i].substring(1);
console.log(items); // prints ["showItem1", "showItem2"]
Explanation: build a new string consisting of the string "show" + the first character converted to uppercase + the remainder of the string (everything after the first character, which has index 0)
Strings are array-like. You could do this:
var arr = ['item1', 'item2'];
for (var i=0, l=arr.length; i<l; i++) {
var letters = arr[i].split('');
arr[i] = 'show' + letters.shift().toUpperCase() + letters.join('');
Demo: {
return 'show' + i.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + i.slice(1);
supported in Chrome, Firefox, IE9 and others.
Here is a reusable firstCharLowerToUpper() function I wrote for that task.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div>this is the text:
<span id="spn">
javascript can be very fun
<input type="button" value="Click Here" onClick="change()"/>
function firstCharLowerToUpper(x)
var ar = x;
for (var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++)
ar[i] = ar[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + ar[i].substr(1);
// join to string just to show the result
return ar.join('\n');
function change()
var ar = ["javascript ", "can ","be ","very ","fun" ];
var newtxt = firstCharLowerToUpper(ar);
document.getElementById("spn").innerHTML = newtxt;

