AIrtel js files loading while connecting to most websites - javascript

I am not using airtel internet. When I am trying to open few websites, they show up like they are blocked. If I see inspect and there are 2 javascript files injected somehow. One is and other is common.js. Eventhough I am not using airtel for internet, I don't understand how it is connecting and injecting these files. I have even tried deleting cookies and cache but it doesn't help. I also tried disabling all addons.
Let me know if there's a solution for this or if it's possible to delete and block those js files from getting loaded.


Open HTML with CSS in JupyterLab tab with full formatting

I create an HTML document using Sphinx. When I click on the index.html file it opens a browser and looks like this. The look depends on some .CSS and .JS files being executed:
If I open the same file from the JupyterLab file browser, it opens in a tab but looks much worse: .CSS and .JS are not displayed, and images are not displayed. It looks like this:
Is there a way to get JupyterLab to get JupyterLab to execute the .CSS and .JS and pass through any images linked in the text? The JupyterLab is running on a remote server, so I don't have the option of having it create a new browser process on my local machine, because the files are remote.
Using JupyterLab within JupyterHub (old school install with conda, no docker and such)
I've been stuck at this HTML Preview issue for a few weeks.
I have the very same use case as you (Sphinx stuff for a team to work on their docs).
So far, no luck.
It may or may not work (depending on... I'm not sure of...) if I'm using JupyterLab from the browser on the hypervisor hosting JupyterHub itself
It won't work if I'm using JupyterLab from the browser on my client machine.
I tried to mess around with
c.NotebookApp.allow_remote_access = True parameter with no luck
tried to put it in my profile ~/.jupyter/
tried to add it to general config file /path/to/conf/
=> Not sure of the right way to set this option on JupyterLab's JupyterHub install, nor if it's even a relevant option...
Well, security wise, it's not, that's a given (^^'), but Preview HTML is an important feature for Sphinx users, hope someone can help with this...
I also looked after nginx config, but you get the issue with or without the reverse proxy anyway...

What is the difference between updating the Manifest file manually or using chrome appcache-internals?

I'm working on a web application that requires a manifest file. There is an issue that causes the chrome browser to hang. This issue only happens in this scenario:
I go to the index.html page and let chrome fetch the manifest files
I update the manifest header manually and refresh the page to force chrome to get it again
Chrome starts getting files but hangs after a while
I thought my issue might be related to manifest but it's funny that if I go to chrome://appcache-internals/ and remove the manifest file from there, the app will be booted without any problem. Is there any differences between these 2 way of forcing chrome to get manifest?
maybe it can give me some hints to find my problem.
By the way, not only that tab but also the developer tools on that tabs hangs, so I won't be able to use it.
Although, AppCache has been criticized a lot and for good reasons, your issue might not be unsolvable. A lot of things can break cached files update by the appcache.
Some of the paths to your files are incorrect, if so, file fetching will hang/break
You did not respect AppCache Conventions for you manifest file. Lots of pointers here
Some other thing has gone awry, then you'll need to do some digging.
So for me, the issue of not fetching all the files might simply be that when you drop the file manually from the tools you force chrome to get it for the first time.

Magento caching error

I'm looking for a solution to a strange problem I stumbled upon this afternoon.
My category pages began throwing a 404 not found error for a media/js file (one of the Magento-generated merged js files, I believe). Naturally this has caused the category pages to malfunction in a few places, including placing an unexplained number at the top of the page and breaking the nav. Here it is in action:
I've tried disabling js and css merging in the backend. I've also tried flushing magento cache, flushing cache storage, flushing the javascript/css cache, as well as manually deleting all entries within var/cache. After all this flushing, the media/js directory is empty. However, the category pages are still looking for this same file (all other pages are still working fine).
Notably, the identical site on my local machine is working fine, and includes the file not found by the production site.
Edit: throwing the js file from the local to production site hasn't helped - there are multiple js errors thrown on the category pages still.
I'm guessing this problem has something to do with Magento's messed up merge functionality.
Edit(2): Problem has to do with caching (thank you runamok). When a querystring is added to the URL, the page works fine. So it must be that magento's caching is serving up a faulty page somehow.
I've tried disabling all cache, as well as disabling precompiling on the backend, but behaviour remains the same
Edit(3): Still in need of help!
Looks like you may have fixed the issue based on this url existing.
Generally speaking this is because the permissions for the media/js file are not correct.
Obviously chmod 777 is the easiest way to set this but ideally you should just make sure the directory is owned by the user running apache.
Furthermore if you are using some sort of full page cache you will likely need to flush that too. The pages expect that the file is already there so it will not attempt to regenerate it.
Finally are you using any sort of service like cloudflare or varnish or a cdn or anything else that may cache the 404 for a short time?

ASP pages not bringing in Images, CSS or JavaScript

My uncle's has got the files for his website that he got made a few years ago and needs something changed on it. So he has sent me the files as I am willing to make small changes as I know HTML and CSS. But when I open his index.asp page in a browser this only shows html even though the images, css and javascript files are linked properly.
I am not familiar with asp, I would really appreciate it if someone could let me know why the files are not being brought up when I open the index.asp file in a browser.
Because when you just open the asp file on a browser, there's no web server intervention so that the ASP page is properly processed. You are just opening a file as if you were opening it on Notepad. You need to configure the whole site as an IIS Application and browse to the site by going to http://localhost/YourSite
First things first - as the previous comment says, you need to run ASP through an IIS based web site because the code needs to be processed.
If you're running through IIS and having this issue, check to see that your IIS settings are correct. Google "static content IIS" and you should find articles relating to this problem.

How to share TinyMCE Javascript source across multiple ASP.Net sites

I'm using the Moxie code TinyMCE text editor ( for content entry on a number of sites. At the moment I have the tiny_mce folder sitting in the folder of each site. This means that I have lots of copies of the same .js files.
I think it would be better to have one copy of the tiny_mce folder and reference it for each site - so if I make a change, or upgrade the tiny_mce I only have to do it once. Also, if I make a new site I can reference the same one to save needing to upload or copy another 9Mb of duplicated files onto the server.
I have tried putting the tiny_mce into a folder outside the individual websites and setting it up as a site on localhost that they can see.
I then include the javascript from each site like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/MCE/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script>
I'm pretty sure the the file can be found by the site - I've tested with a simple javascript alert box test which works fine - and if I "View Source" and check the link it's using, I can access the tiny_mce.js file - which is the correct file.
However, the tiny_mce doesn't work.
I'm guessing there are some kind of dependencies or configurations that I'm not aware of that are causing a problem, but I'm not sure quite where to start to find out what isn't working. (I don't get any errors, it just doesn't load the tiny_mce)
Has anyone managed to get tiny_mce to share it's source files across multiple sites? Does tiny_mce require the .js files to be inside the root folder of the site in order to work?
Has anyone managed to get tiny_mce to share it's source files across
multiple sites?
I have not tried it yet.
Does tiny_mce require the .js files to be inside the root folder of
the site in order to work?
Depending on your server system and in case your different website files are stored on one physical server device you could use a hardlink or softlink to the shared tiny_mce_folder (which should be accessible from the net too).

