how to select multiple values in a drop down Data tables - javascript

I am new to jquery and Data tables. I have a drop down when user select one value it will search the data and draw a table.This search and drawing a table both are default properties of data tables. Now i want the user can select multiple value.
And based on the multiple selection the search should happen.I did lot of search on this but didn't get any thing. Any help will be appreciate !!
In this image i have selected one value from drop down and based on that two entries are populating on table. now i want to select multiple values here in this drop down , may be using check box after that need the search should work with both selected entries.

I did this . I am posting this answer because it may be help some one.
jQuery MultiSelect is a jQuery plugin that turns a multiselect list into a nice dropdown list with checkboxes. This plugin is easy to use and very useful in web form. You need to use two library called jquery.multiselect.css and jquery.multiselect.js. if you will search examples of multi select using J query you will find many links and that will work perfect with your data tables. For search option You need to pass multiple value to the function which is constructing your data tables. See below link for details.


SharePoint SPGridView client side available options

I've been looking in to a few grids that are currently built that I could just make use of however none that I have found so far provide the same functionality as an SPGridView in terms of filtering.
The closest I've managed to find is JSGrid which allows you to search each individual column.
What I'd like to do is to display all unique values for a specific column in the filtering option below the normal Ascending and descending much like the list view functionality you currently get in a document library or list.
Many Thanks

Change dropdrown length select to buttons - jQuery DataTables

Is it possible to change the Datatables drop down length select to buttons representing [10][25][50][100]. So that if we click on the number we can change the length of the table with pagination.
I tried many manipulations which are given in but of no use please suggest me how to change the drop down to buttons
There is a feature plug-in for DataTables that provides that ability here:
If we plug the dataTables.lengthLinks.js its working fine. and the implementation is clearly given in js.

Multiple dropdowns with dependancy

I want to display 4 dropdowns, the items in each dropdown, depends on selected item in previous dropdown.
I want to implement everything in javascript, meaning the servlet should access DB (everything is stored in one reference table, where a column "represents" a dropwdown ) only once and fetch all the relevant data.
The maximum number of possible combinations is about 9k.
How can I achieve that?
I guess the main problem is the data structure that should be used for this.
Maybe use of nested Maps?

How to make a selectable list in HTML5

I am trying to mimic a listbox as what would be available in MS visual studio. I have found HTML elements
and datalist
The problem is that these are really for data entry. What I had in mind is to have search results shown in a list but they are selectable? I need to know the index of the item(s) chosen so I can retrieve more additional detail for a subsequent screen. The elements above are more like drop downs. I want something like a textbox with a scroll bar that allows for multi select. Is that possible for HTML5?
I know VS had a form toolbox item that did just that.
Any advice?
Thanks in advance.

jqGrid multi-select sort/show checked items at the top always

I have a a jqGrid that shows as list of rows ... several thousand.
When the grid loads, it will pull down all the data with their previous selections already checked.
My questions is, how do I set the sort order to always show the selected items at the top?
Thanks in advance!!
You question seems be very close to another one which I answered recently (see here). If you has several thousand or event thousand rows you should use paging of date to improve performance of the grid. The solution which I suggested is very simple and it supports saving of selected state over the paging.
One more remark. If you have jqGrid with local data you can implement custom sorting of data. To do this you just need define sorttype as function. If the data need be sorted by a column jqGrid will compare items. The function sorttype should just return any string or number which should be used instead of the cell value. In the case you can easy place for example selected items at the top of grid. You can find examples of custom formatting here, here and here.

