How to write a singleton class in javascript using IIFE module pattern? - javascript

How to write a singleton class in javascript using IIFE module pattern ?
Can you plz provide an example?
I tried something like this, but it fails for x2.getInstance.
As per my understanding, x2.getInstance() should get the same instance as x1.getInstance(). How can I achieve this using IIFE module pattern ??
var x = (function(){
var instance ;
var vconstructor = function(){};
//vconstructor.prototype.method1 = function(){}
//vconstructor.prototype.method2 = function(){}
vconstructor.prototype.getInstance = function(){
if (!instance) {
console.log('critical section');
instance = somefunc();
return instance;
function somefunc(){
return { "key1": "value1"};
return vconstructor;
var x1 = new x();
console.log(x1 instanceof x);
console.log('2.' + x1.getInstance());
var x2 = new x();
console.log('x2: ' + x2.getInstance());
Kindly advise.

You can try this:
var Singleton = (function () {
var instance;
function createInstance() {
var object = new Object("I am the instance");
return object;
return {
getInstance: function () {
if (!instance) {
instance = createInstance();
return instance;
function run() {
var instance1 = Singleton.getInstance();
var instance2 = Singleton.getInstance();
alert("Same instance? " + (instance1 === instance2));


Pure Javascript : Override functions

I would like to override some functions (for logging some informations)
I'm trying to do something like:
function universe() {
return 42;
universe = universe.override(function(){
console.log("Calling universe");
return this.$super();
Full sample:
Function.prototype.override = function (fn) {
var $super = this;
var f = function overrided() {
var context = this || $super || {};
context.$super = $super;
return fn.apply(context, arguments);
f.$super = $super;
return f;
Function.prototype.unoverride = function () {
if (this.$super) {
return this.$super;
return this;
function universe() {
return 42;
function mulBy10() {
console.warn("calling overrided function");
return this.$super() * 10;
console.log("original:", universe());
universe = universe.override(mulBy10);
console.log("new one:", universe());
universe = universe.unoverride();
console.log("reverted:", universe());
console.log("--With Object");
var MyObject = function() {
this.value = 42;
MyObject.prototype = {
constructor: MyObject,
getValue: function() {
return this.value;
var o1 = new MyObject();
console.log("MyObject original:", o1.getValue());
o1.getValue = o1.getValue.override(mulBy10);
console.log("MyObject new one:", o1.getValue());
o1.getValue = o1.getValue.unoverride();
console.log("MyObject reverted:", o1.getValue());
console.log("--With Object prototype");
o2 = new MyObject();
MyObject.prototype.getValue = MyObject.prototype.getValue.override(mulBy10);
console.log("MyObject.proto new one:", o2.getValue());
MyObject.prototype.getValue = MyObject.prototype.getValue.unoverride();
console.log("MyObject.proto reverted:", o2.getValue());
console.log("--With recursive");
function recur(it, max) {
console.log("it:", it, "max:", max);
if( it >= max ) {
recur(it + 1, max);
recur = recur.override(function(it, max){
console.warn("Overrided recur");
return this.$super(it, max);
recur(0, 4);
This works fine with function, object functions.
But it doesn't work when i try to override CasperJs "require" function.
I did:
require = require.override(function(file){
console.log("require(" + file + ")");
return this.$super(file);
So i was wondering, in which case, override function will not work ?
Did i missed something in CasperJS require function ?

javascript access "this" in function constructor

I'm trying to create a function constructor:
var obj = function() {
this.num = 2;
this.func = function() {
// need to access the **instance** num variable here
var instance = new obj();
I need to access the instance properties from a propery (which is the function func) of the object. But it doesn't work, since this is always the current function..
Store this in a variable which func can access:
var obj = function() {
var _this = this;
_this.num = 2;
_this.func = function() {
Please, use well-known approach, store this into separate field:
var obj = function() {
self = this;
self.num = 2;
self.func = function() {
// need to access the **instance** num variable here
var instance = new obj();
This is the pattern I use for the problem:
var obj = function(){
var self = this;
this.num = 2;
this.func = function() {;
var instance = new obj();
The variable self now can be accessed in all function of obj and is always the obj itself.
This is the same then:
var obj = function(){
var self = this;
self.num = 2;
self.func = function() {;
var instance = new obj();
You can do it using the Custom Constructor Functions, used to create a custom constructor and it's accessed without any problem, try it:
var Obj = function () {
this.num = 2;
this.func = function () {
alert("I have " + this.num);
return "I have " + this.num;
var instance= new Obj();
instance.func();//will return and show I have 2

Javascript, implementing custom Object.Create

I need to implement inheritance tree in JavaScript where each node can have more than 1 parent. We have to implement Object.Create and methods on our own. We are specifically not allowed to use new keyword. Here is what I have so far:
var myObject = {
parents: [],
create: function(args){
//TODO check if not circular
if(args instanceof Array){
return this;
call : function(fun,args){
//TODO: dfs through parents
return this[fun].apply(this,args);
var obj0 = myObject.create(null);
obj0.func = function(arg) { return "func0: " + arg; };
var obj1 = myObject.create([obj0]);
var obj2 = myObject.create([]);
obj2.func = function(arg) { return "func2: " + arg; };
var obj3 = myObject.create([obj1, obj2]);
var result ="func", ["hello"]);
//calls the function of obj2 istead of obj0
The problem with this code is that I get a call to obj2's function instead of obj0's. I'm suspecting that create() function should not return this, but something else instead (create instance of itself somehow).
In your current solution, you are not actually creating a new object with your myObject.create() function, you are just using the same existing object and resetting it's parent array. Then, when you define .func() you are overriding that value, which is why func2: appears in your alert.
What you need to do is actually return a brand new object. returning this in your myObject.create() will just return your existing object, which is why things are getting overridden.
To avoid using the new keyword, you'll want to do either functional inheritance or prototypal inheritance. The following solution is functional inheritance:
function myObject (possibleParents) {
//create a new node
var node = {};
//set it's parents
node.parents = [];
//populate it's parents if passed in
if (possibleParents) {
if (possibleParents instanceof Array) {
for (var index = 0; index < possibleParents.length; index++) {
} else {
// = function(fun,args) {
return this[fun].apply(this,args);
return node;
var obj0 = myObject();
obj0.func = function(arg) { return "func0: " + arg; };
var obj1 = myObject([obj0]);
var obj2 = myObject();
obj2.func = function(arg) { return "func2: " + arg; };
var obj3 = myObject([obj1, obj2]);
var result ="func", ["hello"]);
alert(result); // this will successfully call "func0: " + arg since you created a new object
I managed fix this problem only by using function instead of variable.
function myObject () {
this.parents = [];
this.setParents = function(parents){
if(parents instanceof Array){
}; = function(fun,args) {
return this[fun].apply(this,args);
var obj0 = new myObject();
obj0.func = function(arg) { return "func0: " + arg; };
var obj2 = new myObject();
obj2.func = function(arg) { return "func2: " + arg; };
var result ="func", ["hello"]);

what is wrong with this piece of code of javascript inheritance?

function condition(){
this.expression = "";
this.toString = function(){
return this.expression;
function and(first, second){
this.expression = first + " and " + second;
function nop(){};
nop.prototype = condition.prototype;
and.prototype = new nop();
var a =new and(1,2);
it is expected to see "1 and 2" as output but this is what happened:
"[object Object]"
You are transfering the prototype of condition to nop's prototype. The problem is that your condition.toString is not declared in the prototype... Here:
function condition(){
this.expression = "";
condition.prototype.toString = function(){
return this.expression;
function and(first, second){
this.expression = first + " and " + second;
function nop(){};
nop.prototype = condition.prototype;
and.prototype = new nop();
var a =new and(1,2);
function condition(){
this.expression = "";
this.toString = function(){
return this.expression;
function and(first, second){
this.expression = first + " and " + second;
function nop(){};
nop = condition;
and.prototype = new nop();
var a =new and(1,2);
you aren't overriding the toString method, because the constructer of condition is never called! try doing this;
return this.expression;
try passing strings into your and function, as at the moment you are trying to concatenate integers to a string var a =new and("1","2");
it should be like this
function condition(){
this.expression = "";
condition.prototype.toString = function(){
return this.expression;
Ok, so the problem here is you are mixing two inheritance patterns ( the pseudo-classical with the functional patterns.
You can create an object by adding methods on the constructor function:
function MyClass() {
var privateProperty = 1;
this.publicProperty = 2;
function pivateMethod() {
// some code ...
this.publicMethod = function() {
// some code ...
// inheritance
function SubClass() {;
this.newMethod = function() { };
Here when you create a instance of this class you are creating every method again.
Then you have the prototype pattern:
function MyClass() {
this._protectedProperty = 1;
this.publicProperty = 2;
MyClass.prototype._protectedMethod = function() {
// some code ...
MyClass.prototype.publicMethod = function() {
// some code ...
// inheritance
function SubClass() {;
SubClass.prototype = new MyClass();
SubClass.prototype.newMethod = function() { };
// OR
function SubClass() {;
function dummy() { }
dummy.prototype = MyClass.prototype;
SubClass.prototype = new dummy();
SubClass.prototype.newMethod = function() { };
Yhen you must choose one of those two patterns, not both·
I've fixed your code on this fiddle:

javascript inheritance framework

Is there a small, lightweight solution for javascript class inheritance that will work well on both client and server side (node.js)? I'm not wanting a big library, just something that will allow me to declare a constructor and some methods, then have the ability for a class to inherit that.
John Resig outlines a simple inheritance framework in about 25 lines of code here. I have seen it used to good effect.
You can use it like this:
var Vehicle = Class.extend({
init: function(wheels) {
this.wheels = wheels;
var Truck = Vehicle.extend({
init: function(hp, wheels) {
this.horsepower = hp;
printInfo: function() {
console.log('I am a truck and I have ' + this.horsepower + ' hp.');
var t = new Truck(4, 350);
take a look at
I created this small library to use an ExtJs Style ClassManager. It's quite simple yet, but very flexible.
Install via node.js
npm install esf-core
Esf.define('A', {
a: null,
constructor: function (a) {
// Save var
this.a = a;
// Heyho
foo: function (b) {
console.log('foo - ' + b);
Esf.define('B', {
b: null,
constructor: function (a, b) {
// Call super constructor
// Save var
this.b = b;
// Heyho
foo: function () {
}, {
extend: 'A'
// Use
var b = new B(1, 2);
// or
var b = Esf.create('B', 1, 2);
* Output:
* A
* B
* foo - bar
I've seen the prototype library used successfully.
I think this is much better than the init hax in the simple inheritance fw:
(function() {
var core = {
require : function(source) {
if ( typeof (source) != "object" || !source)
throw new TypeError("Object needed as source.");
for (var property in source)
if (source.hasOwnProperty(property) && !this.prototype.hasOwnProperty(property))
this.prototype[property] = source[property];
override : function(source) {
if ( typeof (source) != "object" || !source)
throw new TypeError("Object needed as source.");
for (var property in source)
if (source.hasOwnProperty(property))
this.prototype[property] = source[property];
extend : function(source) {
var superClass = this;
var newClass = source.hasOwnProperty("constructor") ? source.constructor : function() {
superClass.apply(this, arguments);
newClass.superClass = superClass;
var superClone = function() {
superClone.prototype = superClass.prototype;
newClass.prototype = new superClone();
newClass.prototype.constructor = newClass;
if (source)
return newClass;
};, core);
Function.create = function (source){
var newClass = source.hasOwnProperty("constructor") ? source.constructor : function() {};
return newClass;
The vehicle example with this:
var Vehicle = Function.create({
constructor : function(wheels) {
this.wheels = wheels;
var Truck = Vehicle.extend({
constructor : function(hp, wheels) {
this.horsepower = hp;, wheels);
printInfo : function() {
console.log('I am a truck and I have ' + this.horsepower + ' hp.');
var t = new Truck(4, 350);
I created a very lightweight library that works in-browser and in node.js. Its a super easy-to-use, bloatless library:
var Person = proto(function() { // prototype builder
this.init = function(legs, arms) { // constructor
this.legs = legs
this.arms = arms
this.getCaughtInBearTrap = function() { // instance method
this.legs -= 1
this.limbs = function() {
return this.arms + this.legs
var Girl = proto(Person, function() { // inheritance
this.haveBaby = function() {
return Person(2,2)
var g = Girl(2,2) // instantiation
console.log("Girl has "+g.limbs()+" limbs")
console.log(": (")

