How to run php function after js append - javascript

I append a value from my .js file like so
elemscore.append("You Scored: " + score);
I then need to access database records based on the score. How can I achieve this after the append

You can perform an ajax request something like this.
var url = 'http://localhost/phalcon3/blog?month='+pmonth+'&
url: url
data: {postVar1:"value",postVar2:"second value"},
success: function(result){
// either do something with whats returned or call another jquery function
error: function(){
// error reporting/handling


How do I return a variable from Javascript to PHP for using it for a query "onchange"?

$(document).ready(function() {
$("#p").change(function () {
var p_id = $(this).val();
url: "m/a/a.class.php",
method: "POST",
data: {pId: p_id},
success: function (data)
console.log(data); //<------ this gives me an empty output
I am trying to get a the id of a selected value out of the selectpicker, when i change the selectpicker, i get the alert "success!" and in the console it shows the result, which is correct. When i want to use this result in PHP, which i am using ajax for, it gives me an odd output so i can't use the variable for the following sql statement.
What am i doing wrong? For you to understand i want to get the post input for product, so i can filter the next selectpicker by the id of "product", so i want to get dependant selectpicker "onchange". I already read many other questions, and it works in other examples when i use something like this in the success function:
success: function (data)
But this isn't working for my example here, because when i use the "$_POST['produkt_id']" it either gives me an empty query or it has a mistake in it, since it passes the data from my screenshot. Thanks in advance and feel free to ask questions.
This is where I am trying to get the previous input.
case 'linie':
if(isset($_POST['pId'])) {
$t = $_POST['pId'];
$sql = 'SELECT id, bezeichnung '
. 'FROM l "
. 'LEFT JOIN ' .produkte p ON '
. 'WHERE l.p_id =' . "$t" . 'AND l.deleted=0 AND p.deleted=0 '
. 'ORDER BY l.bezeichnung ';
the error says it. PHP you're using is calling "include_once" and the file which you're trying to include, doesn't exist.
that makes the PHP to return a response with error in it, and the response - because of that error text - is not a valid JSON anymore.
In your ajax code you should put your url route path for file request it hink you put the file path of your project system that's why your ajax file could not find and include your file for ajax request execution
url: "modules/ausschuss/ausschuss.class.php", //remove this
url: "full url for your file execution"
method: "POST",
data: {produkt_id: produkt_id},
success: function (data)

Send variable from Javascript to PHP using AJAX post method

I am trying to pass a variable from javascript to php, but it doesn't seem to be working and I can't figure out why.
I am using a function that is supposed to do three things:
Create a variable (based on what the user clicked on in a pie chart)
Send that variable to PHP using AJAX
Open the PHP page that the variable was sent to
Task one works as confirmed by the console log.
Task two doesn't work. Although I get an alert saying "Success", on test.php the variable is not echoed.
Task three works.
Javascript (located in index.php):
function selectHandler(e) {
// Task 1 - create variable
var itemNum = data.getValue(chart.getSelection()[0].row, 0);
if (itemNum) {
console.log('Item num: ' + itemNum);
console.log('Type: ' + typeof(itemNum));
// Task 2 - send var to PHP
type: 'POST',
url: 'test.php',
dataType: 'html',
data: {
'itemNum' : itemNum,
success: function(data) {
// Task 3 - open test.php in current tab
window.location = 'test.php';
PHP (located in test.php)
$item = $_POST['itemNum'];
echo "<h2>You selected item number: " . $item . ".</h2>";
Thanks to anyone who can help!
From what i can tell you don't know what ajax is used for, if you ever redirect form a ajax call you don't need ajax
See the following function (no ajax):
function selectHandler(e) {
// Task 1 - create variable
var itemNum = data.getValue(chart.getSelection()[0].row, 0);
if (itemNum) {
console.log('Item num: ' + itemNum);
console.log('Type: ' + typeof(itemNum));
window.location = 'test.php?itemNum='+itemNum;
$item = $_GET['itemNum'];
echo "<h2>You selected item number: " . $item . ".</h2>";
or better you do a simple post request from a form like normal pages do :)
Try this:
success: function(data) {
Basically, data is the response that you echoed from the PHP file. And using jQuery, you can append() that html response to your body element.
you should change this code
'itemNum' : itemNum,
to this
itemNum : itemNum,
Seems contentType is missing, see if this helps:
type: 'POST',
url: 'test.php',
dataType: "json",
data: {
'itemNum' : itemNum,
contentType: "application/json",
success: function (response) {
error: function (error) {
you can easily pass data to php via hidden variables in html for example our html page contain a hidden variable having a unique id like this ..
<input type="hidden" id="hidden1" value="" name="hidden1" />
In our javascript file contains ajax request like this
type: 'POST',
url: 'test.php',
data: {
'itemNum' : itemNum,
success: function (data) {
// On success we assign data to hidden variable with id "hidden1" like this
error: function (error) {
Then we can access that value eighter on form submit or using javascript
accessing via Javascript (Jquery) is
var data=$('#hidden1').val();
accessing via form submit (POST METHOD) is like this
// remaining code goes here

Making Key Value pair for the form elements in JavaScript

I have a module where the forms created are dynamic. So the number of inputs can defer always. Also, the array key can also defer.
My current method of posting form is this:
name = form_options[option_1] value = 1
On submitting the form using POST, I get the form as array in $_POST, which looks like this.
option_1 => 1
But, now I am trying to implement the same thing using AJAX. So, I would need a common module to get all form values.
I found a way to do it.
var objectResult = $('#options_form').serializeArray();
This gives me a result like this:
0: Object
name: "form_options[option_1]"
value: "1"
How can parse this result to get an array like $_POST array, which I can send as data in AJAX.
P.S: All the form elements have name field as form_options[key]
You should use this for get post data in PHP file.
// You can use like this
var objectResult = $('#options_form').serializeArray();
type: "POST", // Enter Request type GET/POST
url: 'action.php', // Enter your ajax file URL here,
dataType: 'json', // If you are using dataType JSON then in php file use die( json_encode($resultArray) );
data: objectResult, // Put your object here
beforeSend: function(){
error: function(data) {
success: function(response){
// In php file get values like this way
try like this,
In JQuery:
var objectResult = $('#options_form').serializeArray();
type: 'POST',
url: 'yoururl'',
data: objectResult ,
In your php:
<?php echo var_dump($_POST);?>
You can use jquery serialize with ajax directly, there is no need to use serializeArray:
data: $("#options_form").serialize(),
success: function(response){
For more information see

Ajax GET request, why does success function not print?

I have this function that performs a GET request for a given id:
var findById= function(id) {
console.log('findById: ' + id);
type: 'GET',
url: rootURL + '/' + id,
dataType: "json",
success: function(data){
console.log('findById success: ' +;
currentRaceEntry = data;
When I enter sitename/rest/entries/8 it returns a page with the xml for the object requested(as expected). (I can show this code but I dont think the problem is there). When I preform this request the console shows:
findById 8
My question is why doesn't it show console.log('findById success: ' +;? The xml displays in the browser which looks to me like it was successful. So why doesn't the success function appear to be called? Thanks!
this is what it looks like:
The console in the browser is blank
If you ajax request returns XML data, you need to set dataType as "xml".
At that point, the data object in the success function is an XML fragment, not a javascript objet, and you need to process it as such. The property doesn't exist.

jQuery Loop from a AJAX Response

I'm building a tagger. After a user submits a tag, ajax returns:
{"returnmessage":"The Ajax operation was successful.","tagsinserted":"BLAH, BLOOOW","returncode":"0"}
I want to take the tagsinserted and loop through it, and during each loop take the item in the list and insert it on the HTML page. suggestion on how to do this right?
Here is the current code:
// Post $('#tag-input').val()
url: '/tags/ajax/post-tag/',
data: { newtaginput : $('#tag-input').val(), userid : $('#userid').val()},
success: function(data) {
// After posting
You can do something like this:
url: '/tags/ajax/post-tag/',
data: {newtaginput : $('#tag-input').val(), userid : $('#userid').val()},
success: function(data) {
$.each(data.tagsinserted.split(', '), function(i, v) {
You can loop through the tags by calling data.tags.split(',') and looping through the array it returns.
You can insert tags to the page by calling $('<li />').text(tag).appendTo('someSelector').

