Transactional model update in Angular 2 - javascript

I previously worked with React/Mobx with the action concept. This allows to change some model properties in one transaction without firing multiple events to update UI state (only one event will be triggered after an action method will be executed).
Is there any approach or may be patterns to achieve the same behavior in Angular 2?

I'm using a service like this to control UI:
export class UIService {
private buffer: any = {};
private dispatcher: Subject<any> = new Subject();
constructor() {
.map(state => this.buffer = { ...this.buffer, ...state })
.subscribe(() => { /* do something */));
set(key: string, value?: any) {{ [key]: value });
and in different components in ngOnInit() I set different options:
this.uiService.set('footer', false); // in base component
this.uiService.set('footer', true); // in extended component
this.uiService.set('sidebar', true); // in other component
this.uiService.set('title', 'My Page'); // elsewhere...
This way I have only one object that reflects my current UI state...

Note that MobX can be used with Angular 2 as well:


How to use one function for different BehaviorSubjects

I used to have one banner at the top of the page for all events in my app (like some Errors, Warnings, and Success) and used for that BehaviorSubject.
For example:
in the main app.component.html file I had:
<baner [alerts]="alerts$ | async"></baner>
and alerts get from bannerService:
ngOnInit(): void { this.alerts$ = this.bannerService.alerts$; }
the service looks next:
alertSub$ = new BehaviorSubject<string>('');
alerts$ = this.alertSub$.asObservable();
showWarning(message: string): void {
const newAlert = { message, type: 'Warning' };
this.alertSub$.next([...this.alertSub$.getValue(), newAlert]);
setTimeout(() => this.dismiss(newAlert), 500);
dismiss(alert): void {
const updatedAlerts = this.alertSub$.getValue().filter(alertSub => alertSub !== alert);
...and so on...
So when I wanted to add some warning, I called this.bannerService.showWarning('some msg') and everything was fine.
But now I need to add a banner inside another component for its own warnings, and it should be independent. This means that global warnings would be still on the top of the app, but warnings of this component are only inside the component.
I understand, that I should create a new BehaviorSubject, but how to re-use all functions correctly?
For now, I've added to all functions a parameter, that pass proper BehaviorSubject, but in that case, I need to make changes in all places, where bannerService was used.
Service with my new changes:
alertSub$ = new BehaviorSubject<string>('');
alerts$ = this.alertSub$.asObservable();
componentSub$ = new BehaviorSubject<string>('');
componentAlerts$ = this.componentSub$.asObservable();
showWarning(message: string, banner: BehaviorSubject<string>): void {
const newAlert = { message, type: 'Warning' };[...banner.getValue(), newAlert]);
setTimeout(() => this.dismiss(newAlert, banner), 500);
dismiss(alert, banner: BehaviorSubject<string>): void {
const updatedAlerts = banner.getValue().filter(alertSub => alertSub !== alert);;
...and so on...
Would be really grateful for any idea, on how to use old functions for different BehaviorSubjects.
I think it can be a bit easier than that. Your baner component is responsible of rendering the messages, right? What if you modify this component to take in two instances of bannerService instead of just one? Let's suppose this is our BannerComponent:
export class BannerComponent implements OnInit {
bannerService: BannerService;
#Host() #Optional() parentBannerService: BannerService,
#Inject() globalBannerService: BannerService
) {
this.bannerService = parentBannerService ?? globalBannerService;
This allows us to ask the injector for an (optional) instance of BannerService that is provided by the parent component (the component that renders the BannerComponent component).
In case we don't have such a thing, we still want the BannerService to be injected from somewhere, hence the second parameter, globalBannerService.
Now all that is left for us to do, is to provide a BannerService instance from our custom component that displays the banner:
selector: 'app-component-with-its-own-banner',
// template, css, etc
providers: [BannerService]
export class ComponentWithItsOwnBanner {
// ...
The template of this component also includes the banner component selector:
<baner [alerts]="bannerService.alerts$ | async"></baner>
Everything else can stay exactly the same. You don't need to create any additional behavior subjects.

How do I send data into an Angular component only once (since #Input listens for updates all the time)

I have an Angular Scroller component
that provides a skeleton for displaying an array of images
Random Component
<app-scroller [init]="getImages('cats')"></app-scroller>
<app-scroller [init]="getImages('dogs')"></app-scroller>
getImages(src: string) {
return {
aspect: '16/9',
res: 'min',
sources: this.imageService.getImagesFromAPI(src)
Scroller Component
public movies: string[] = [];
#Input() init: {aspect: string, res: string, sources: Promise<string[]>};
ngOnInit() {
this.init.sources.then(images => this.movies = movies);
but this results in the the getImages and therefore the sources Promise to be executed over and over
Is there a way I can send data to the Scroller component only once (therefore without using #Input() )
I believe you need to call your service once to get the array of images and save it inside your component as a property,
something like this
myService.getData.subscribe(data=> this.catImages = data)
If I understand your question and setup correctly, you are asking about preventing an #Input from listening, what if you instead prevent data from emitting to this input?
You could deliver an observable stream that emits just once, eg.
catImages$ = this.catDataFromService$.pipe(
<app-scroller [source]="catImages$ | async"></app-scroller>
Alternatively, you could construct your own Observable and complete it when necessary.
Use property binding only to send the category id (dogs/cats) to the component and call getImages(cateogryID) only once in the child component.
Parent component
<app-scroller [categoryId]="catIdProperty"></app-scroller>
Child component:
categoryId: string;
images: [type here] = [initialization here];
ngOnInit(): void {
this.images = this.getImages(categoryId); // Btw, could getImages() reside in the imageService?

Angular service not updating subscribed components

I have an Angular 2/4 service which uses observables to communicate with other components.
let EVENTS = [
event: 'foo',
timestamp: 1512205360
event: 'bar',
timestamp: 1511208360
export class EventsService {
subject = new BehaviorSubject<any>(EVENTS);
getEvents(): Observable<any> {
return this.subject.asObservable();
deleteEvent(deletedEvent) {
EVENTS = EVENTS.filter((event) => event.timestamp != deletedEvent.timestamp);;
search(searchTerm) {
const newEvents = EVENTS.filter((obj) => obj.event.includes(searchTerm));;
My home component is able to subscribe to this service and correctly updates when an event is deleted:
export class HomeComponent {
subscription: Subscription;
constructor(private eventsService: EventsService) {
this.subscription = this.eventsService.getEvents().subscribe(events => = events);
deleteEvent = (event) => {
I also have a root component which displays a search form. When the form is submitted it calls the service, which performs the search and calls with the result (see above). However, these results are not reflected in the home component. Where am I going wrong? For full code please see
If you provide a service multiple times, you will get multiple instances and this doesn't work for communication, because the sender and receiver are not using the same instance.
To get a single instance for your whole application provide the service in AppModule and nowhere else.
Plunker example
Make sure your Component is loaded through or using its selector. I made a separate component and forgot to load it in the application.

Angular 2+ window.onfocus and windows.onblur

So I need in Angular 2 or 4 to manage when the browser tab of my app is focused or not. Is there any way to use the window.onfocus and window.onblur ?
Thanks a lot
You can use a component with #HostListener.
Something like:
export class WindowComponent {
#HostListener('window:focus', ['$event'])
onFocus(event: any): void {
// Do something
#HostListener('window:blur', ['$event'])
onBlur(event: any): void {
// Do something
Just check that you don't have multiple WindowComponent running at the same time, because you will have an unexpected behavior, due that each instance will react to these events.
Turns out this doesn't work in services, which was my requirement. My solution was doing it "the old way":
export class WindowService {
window.addEventListener('focus', event => {
window.addEventListener('blur', event => {
Not sure I did it the "correct" way, but it works on Chrome. What I'm not sure about is if I should destroy the event listener or not, and if it works in other browsers. Let me know if I'm inadvertently shooting myself in the foot here. Will update answer if so, or delete it if need be.
In a more reactive approach, I use this injection token:
export const WINDOW_FOCUS = new InjectionToken<Observable<boolean>>(
'Shared Observable based on `window focus/blurred events`',
factory: () => {
return merge(fromEvent(window, 'focus'), fromEvent(window, 'blur')).pipe(
map(() => window.document.hasFocus()),
Ideally, you do not want to rely on the global windows variable, you could replace it with injecting the WINDOW and DOCUMENT tokens from
To use the WINDOW_FOCUS injection token, in any component or service, it can be added to the constructor like this:
export class SomeService {
#Inject(WINDOW_FOCUS) private readonly windowFocus$: Observable<boolean>
) {}

Call component logic when state changes in ngrx

I'm currently developing an application with Angular using redux principle with ngrx.
I'm looking for a best practice for reacting to state changes and call some component logic depending on this state. I'll give you an (simplified) example to make clear what I mean:
import {createSelector} from 'reselect';
export const getViewTypeOrFilterChanged = createSelector(isLoading, getActiveViewType, getActiveFilter, (isLoading, activeViewType, activeFilter) => {
// ensure that data is loaded
if (!isLoading) {
return {
activeViewType: activeViewType,
activeFilter: activeFilter
#Component({ ... })
export class ExampleComponent implements OnInit {
// properties ...
constructor(private store: Store<fromRoot.AppState>) {
ngOnInit() {
this.subscriptions.push( => {
if (result) {
this.property1 = result.activeType;
ngOnDestroy() {
this.subscriptions.forEach((subscription: Subscription) => {
// methods ...
As you can see I'm also using reselct to combine three different slices of state within a selector (getViewTypeOrFilterChanged). In the subscription to this selector I then want to take some actions according to the combined state.
The thing is, I'm feeling like using ngrx store and subscriptions more in a way of publish/subscribe pattern here and it feels not quite correct. Also the subscriptions (I have multiple ones) in ngOnInit and unsubscriptions in ngOnDestroy bother me, but I can't think of a way achieving the same results using e.g. async pipe.
Is there maybe a more elegant way of reacting to (combined) state changes?
With RxJS you should think of everything as a stream - the following code is just as an example, because I don't really know any of your UI-logic so just look at the structure and not at the logic of the code, since it's more like a very wild guess of mine:
#Component({ ... })
export class ExampleComponent implements OnInit {
private destroyed$ = new Subject<boolean>();
// the following streams can be used in the controller
// as well as in the template via | async
// the .share() is just so the | async pipe won't cause unneccessary stream-creations (the result should be the same regardless of the .share(), it's just a minor performance-enhancement when using multiple | async)
isLoading$ =;
activeViewType$ =;
activeFilter$ =;
activeViewTypeAndFilter$ = Observable.combineLatest(this.activeViewType$, this.activeFilter$).share();
constructor(private store: Store<fromRoot.AppState>) {
ngOnInit() {
.filter(isLoading => !isLoading) // the initial stream will not emit anything until "loading" was false once
.do([viewType, filter] => {
.takeUntil(this.destroyed$) //this stream will automatically be unsubscribed when the destroyed$-subject "triggers"
ngOnDestroy() {
// methods ...
As I said: logic-wise I cannot say if this is what you need, but that's just a question of using different operators and/or a different order to arrange your "main-stream" differntly.

