Javascript and mathjax ascii - javascript

I have a problem, I want to add numbers using a 'textbox' to add my formula math, but it won't render it
<p style="text-align:center; font-size:40px;">
`int ax^n dx `
Input nilai a : <input type="text" id="a" value="10">
Input nilai n : <input type="text" id="n" value="5">
<button onclick="coba()">OK</button>
<div id="tampil"></div>
function coba(){
var a= document.getElementById("a").value;
var n= document.getElementById("n").value;
var e= "`int"+ a +"x^"+ n + "dx`"
var f= a+n;
document.getElementById("tampil").innerHTML= e;

You need to tell MathJax that new math has been added to the page after you set the innerHTML. Do that by adding
after you set the innerHTML.
See the documentation for more details.


calculate values using entered formula

This is my html code:
<input id="R1" type="text" value="100">
<input id="R2" type="text" value="200">
<input id="formula" type="text" value="">
<input type="button" id="save" value="save">
Here the user enter formula value dynamically like R1+R2, (R1-R2)*100. I need to calculate final value using the formula.
Ex: If user enter value in formula field R1+R2; I need the result 300.
How do I calculate the value dynamically?
Check out this snippet, should work with any combo:
function calExpression() {
var f = document.getElementById('formula');
var inps = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
var expression = f.value.toUpperCase();//' '+f.value.replace(/([-\/\+\(\)])/g,' $1 ')+' ';
for (var i = 0; i < inps.length; i++) {
if (inps[i].id && inps[i].type && inps[i].type.toLowerCase() === 'text') {
expression = expression.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+inps[i].id+'\\b', 'ig'), inps[i].value);
eval('f.value = '+expression+';');
<input id="R1" type="text" value="100">
<input id="R2" type="text" value="200">
<input id="formula" type="text" value="">
<input type="button" id="save" value="save" onclick="calcExpression()">
You can use eval. This is the fastest and easiest solution, but you must be careful with it and check with regexp that formula has only R1, R2, (, ) and math operators in it.
Or (better solution) you can find a library to parse expressions, in example
<input type="button" id="save" value="save" onclick="return calculate()">
function calculate() {
var val1 = document.getElementById('R1').value;
var val2 = document.getElementById('R2').value;
var result = +val1 + +val2;
document.getElementById('formula').value = result;
Because a problem occures with "+" you have to use +val1 + +val2
Infix to Prefix Conversion Algorithm:
Infix to Prefix Conversion
Prefix Evaluation Algorithm:
Prefix Evaluation Algorithm
Use help from these links.
You can use .eval() method which allow you to evaluates JavaScript code represented as a string. It's a really powerful method.
Then, you have to parse your formula. With this piece of code, you will be able to add expression like ((R1+R2) - (R1*3)) + 1 for example.
function calculate(){
var valid = true;
var regex = /(?:[a-z$_][a-z0-9$_]*)|(?:[;={}\[\]"'!&<>^\\?:])/ig;
var formula = document.querySelector('#formula').value;
var R1 = parseInt(document.querySelector('#R1').value);
var R2 = parseInt(document.querySelector('#R2').value);
formula = formula.replace(/R1/g, R1).replace(/R2/g,R2);
formula = formula.replace(regex, function (elm) {
return Math.hasOwnProperty(elm)
? "Math."+elm
: valid = false;
if (valid)
Then add onlick event on save button :
<input id="R1" type="text" value="100">
<input id="R2" type="text" value="200">
<input id="formula" type="text" value="">
<input type="button" id="save" value="save" onclick="calculate()">
Here is the Working Plunker

HTML javascript function issue. [object HTMLInputElement] error output

I am trying to make a simple html page with two text boxes and an a button that adds the two numbers together when clicked. In my output, I am only getting [object HTMLInputElement].
function addNumbers(A, B){
var answer = A + B;
document.getElementById("testResult").innerHTML = answer;
<input type="text" value="15" id="varA">
<input type="text" value="30" id="varB">
<input type="button" value="Add" onclick="addNumbers(varA, varB)">
<h1 id="testResult"></h1>
Any help would be appreciated. I tried changing .innerHTML to .value already but then I get nothing at all as a result.
I assume you want the mathematical sum and not the string concatenation. If that's the case, you can use the following:
UPDATE based on comment:
function addNumbers(elem1, elem2) {
var a = document.getElementById(elem1).value;
var b = document.getElementById(elem2).value;
var c = Number(a) + Number(b);
document.getElementById("testResult").innerHTML = c;
<input type="text" value="15" id="varA">
<input type="text" value="30" id="varB">
<input type="button" value="Add" onclick="addNumbers('varA', 'varB')"></input>
<h1 id="testResult"></h1>
Here's a working Fiddle:
Some fixes:
You are adding up the inputs elements instead of their value.
To convert its string value to a number, you can use unary +.
Instead of inline event listeners, better use addEventListener.
var a = document.getElementById('varA'),
b = document.getElementById('varB'),
result = document.getElementById("testResult");
document.getElementById('add').addEventListener('click', function() {
addNumbers(a.value, b.value);
function addNumbers(n1, n2){
result.textContent = +n1 + +n2;
<input type="text" value="15" id="varA">
<input type="text" value="30" id="varB">
<input type="button" id="add" value="Add">
<h1 id="testResult"></h1>

Cant add input and display the sum in JavaScript

To learn and study JavaScript, im trying to do a calculator, and as start i tried to do a sum operation by taking 2 input. But somehow there is a problem that i cant see. Can you help me?
Here is the code:
<h1> JavaScript Test </h1>
Sum The Nums Up!
Number 1: <input type="text" name="n1" /><br>
Number 2: <input type="text" name="n2" /><br>
<button id="b" onclick="func();" />Sum</button>
<p id="b"></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
function sum() {
var nn1 = document.getElementById("n1").value;
var nn2 = document.getElementById("n2").value;
var sum = parseInt(nn1) + parseInt(nn2);
function sum() {
function func() {
This prevents you from assigning 2 different types / values to the same variable name.
(You've got an sum function and a sum variable in your question.)
document.getElementById('b').innerHTML = sum;
This snippet adds the result of sum to <p id="b"></p> (So, the result may be: <p id="b">18</p>, for example), instead of arbitrarily adding it to the end of your HTML.
And finally, replace:
Number 1: <input type="text" name="n1"/><br>
Number 2: <input type="text" name="n2"/><br>
Number 1: <input type="text" id="n1"/><br>
Number 2: <input type="text" id="n2"/><br>
document.getElementById looks for the id attribute in your HTML, not for the name.
There are two problems:-
Change onclick="func();" to onclick="sum();" , you are calling the wrong/undefined function.
<button id="b" onclick="sum();"/>Sum</button>
Assign input tags id as n1 and n2, you have assigned them as name and are referring to them based on id getElementById()
Number 1: <input type="text" id="n1"/><br>
Number 2: <input type="text" id="n2"/><br>
<h1> JavaScript Test </h1>
Sum The Nums Up!
Number 1: <input type="text" id="n1" name="n1"/><br>
Number 2: <input type="text" id="n2" name="n2"/><br>
<button id="b" onclick="sum();"/>Sum</button>
<p id="b"></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
function sum()
var nn1 = document.getElementById("n1").value;
var nn2 = document.getElementById("n2").value;
var sum = parseInt(nn1) + parseInt(nn2);

form won't display value after calculation in javascript

i am trying to do some calculation but it does not seem to work.
I need to perform calculations on the data the user inputs and then display the results.
I don't seemed to be able to get the output for b and c. Is there a difference if i divide by a decimal/decimal?
<script type="text/javascript">
function myFunction() {
var x = document.getElementById("energycost").value;
var y = document.getElementById("peak").value;
var z = document.getElementById("nonpeak").value;
var k = document.getElementById("input").value;
var b = x / (y + (z / k));
var c = b / k;
document.convert.output1.value = b;
document.convert.output2.value = c;
<FORM ACTION="#" NAME="convert">
Step 1:<br>
Enter the Fixed Tariff cost($/kWh)
<input type="text" id="fixed"SIZE=6
Enter the Total Energy load value(kWh)
<input type="text" id="energyload"SIZE=6
Total Energy load cost($)
<input type="text" id="energycost"SIZE=6 DISABLED>
Step 2: <br>
Enter Total Peak Energy load value(kWh)
<input type="text" id="peak"SIZE=6>
Enter Total Non-Peak Energy load value(kWh)
<input type="text" id="nonpeak"SIZE=6>
Step 3:<br>
Enter K value
<input type="text" id="input"SIZE=4
<input type="text" id="output1" DISABLED>
TOU Peak Price
<input type="text" id="output2" DISABLED>
TOU Non-Peak Price
I don't really see where your result comes from.
This could be the solution (though I didn't try it, keep me posted):
document.convert.output1.value = b
document.convert.output2.value = c
I'd parseInt() on those values or do some validation on the user input, and as pointy added,
document.convert.output1.value = b;

Get numerical values from input fields and use them to calculate the surface area of a trapezoid

I am new to Javascript and I will be thankful if someone help me understand what I am doing wrong. I am trying to calculate the surface area of a trapezoid by obtaining values from input fields. When I press the "Calculate S" button I get a "Nan" as an answer.
This is the major part of the HTML code:
<form method="post">
<label for="a">a</label>
<input type="text" id="a"/> <br/>
<label for="b">b</label>
<input type="text" id="b"/> <br/>
<label for="h">h</label>
<input type="text" id="h"/> <br/>
<button onclick="alert(S)">Calculate S</button>
And this is the script I am using to obtain the values and calculate the surface:
<script type="text/javascript">
var a=parseInt(document.getElementById("a"), 10);
var b=parseInt(document.getElementById("b"), 10);
var h=parseInt(document.getElementById("h"), 10);
var S=parseInt(((a+b)/2)*h, 10);
Thanks in advance!
You need to get the value out of each input, not just the input, like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var a=parseInt(document.getElementById("a").value, 10);
var b=parseInt(document.getElementById("b").value, 10);
var h=parseInt(document.getElementById("h").value, 10);
var S=((a+b)/2)*h;
Use .value property on the input elements to get their contents. then call parseInt on that to get a number.
No need to parseInt the result too.
var S = ((a + b) / 2) * h;
Wrap the code in a callable function if you want it executed on button click (what you have now will execute when the code been parsed by your browser).
Example found here:
Updated code:
<!-- ... -->
function calc(){
var a=parseInt(document.getElementById("a").value, 10);
var b=parseInt(document.getElementById("b").value, 10);
var h=parseInt(document.getElementById("h").value, 10);
return ((a+b)/2)*h, 10;
<form method="post">
<label for="a">a</label>
<input type="text" id="a"/> <br/>
<label for="b">b</label>
<input type="text" id="b"/> <br/>
<label for="h">h</label>
<input type="text" id="h"/> <br/>
<button onclick="alert(calc()); return false;">Calculate S</button>

