How to get all download url from firebase storage? - javascript

I'm a newbie and I am trying to get all download url from firebase storage and display it in a table or a list .

The download URL isn't provided in the snapshot you receive when your file is uploaded to Storage. It'd be nice if Firebase provided this.
To get the download URL you use the method getDownloadURL() on your file's storage reference. There are two types of storage references, and The former uses the path to the file, which is provided in the snapshot after your file is uploaded to Storage. The latter uses either a Google Cloud Storage URI or a HTTPS URL, neither of which is provided in the snapshot. If you want to get the download URL immediately after uploading a file, you'll want to use and the file's path, e.g.,'English_Videos/Walker_Climbs_a_Tree/Walker_Climbs_a_Tree_3.mp4');
Here's the full code for uploading a file to Storage and getting the download URL:$scope.languageVideos + "/" + $scope.movieOrTvShow + "/" + $$scope.videoSource, metadata) // upload to Firebase Storage
.then(function(snapshot) {
console.log("Uploaded file to Storage."); // get downloadURL
.then(function(url) {
var $scope.downloadURL = url;
.catch(function(error) {
.catch(function(error) {


Trying to get a stream link of a video file from GDRIVE API

I'm trying to get a stream link for my video files to stream it on my web app from google drive api, but its not working properly. I have double checked the docs for any errors in syntax and i can't seem to find any.
for context here is my code:
drive.files.get({fileId: myfileId,alt: 'media'},{responseType: 'stream'}, (err, res) => {
if (err) return console.log(`The API returned an error: ${err}`);
I'm getting a passthrough object in field and its giving an error of "Unknown output format: 'media' ". The file i'm trying to stream is a .mp4 file.
I have also double checked my authentication and its working fine because i was able to retrieve my folder id and file id using the api.
Am i doing anything wrong here? Any help would be appreciated.
Once you have authenticated the client library, you can use the following code to get a stream link for a video file stored in Google Drive
// Replace fileId with the ID of the video file you want to stream
const fileId = '1234567890';
// Get the file from Google Drive
const file = await drive.files.get({ fileId, alt: 'media' });
// Get the stream link for the file
const streamLink =;

List all files using firebase storage gives me 404 when trying to use getDownloadUrl

I'm trying to list files under a folder in a web app like the following:
listRef.listAll().then((res) => {
// I get the list of items here
res.items.forEach((imgRef) => {
// 404 error
imgRef.getDownloadURL().then((url) => {
mapFile(url, imgRef.metadata);
I successfully list res.items but when I try to use getDownloadURL() I get a 404 reference, I did notice that I get folder/image in the reference of the item and when I browse the file using the firebase storage console it browses the slash "/" encoded as %2F
my references are the following:
const storageRef ='gs://some-name').ref();
const listRef = storageRef.child(`${Id1}`);
when I save the image I use the following reference:
const imageRef = storageRef.child(`${Id1}/${}`);
I'm getting the default bucket as a response however I'm setting up the correct storage bucket endpoint in the storage reference, which is not the default.
I solved it somehow a little bit hacky
since the method listAll() were returning the default bucket name I replaced the bucket name (without the gs//) with the name I needed.
imgRef.location.bucket = 'non-default-bucket-name';
imgRef.getDownloadURL().then(url => url); //<- worked

Problems Downloading files using Dropbox JavaScript SDK

I need to figure out where my files are downloading when I use the filesDownload(). I don't see an argument for file destination. Here's my code:
var Dropbox = require('dropbox').Dropbox;
var dbx = new Dropbox({ accessToken: 'accessToken', fetch});
dbx.filesDownload({path: 'filepath}).
then(function(response) {
.catch(function(error) {
I'm getting a successful callback when I run the code but I don't see the file anywhere.
I need to know where my files are downloading to and how to specify the file destination in my function.
I've used the function as described in the SDK's documentation ( but I have no idea where my file goes.
Expected Result: Files are downloaded to Dropbox to path that I have designated.
Actual Results: I get a successful callback from Dropbox but I cannot find the files downloaded.
In Node.js, the Dropbox API v2 JavaScript SDK download-style methods return the file data in the fileBinary property of the object they pass to the callback (which is response in your code).
You can find an example of that here:
So, you should be able to access the data as response.fileBinary. It doesn't automatically save it to the local filesystem for you, but you can then do so if you want.
You need to use fs module to save binary data to file.
dbx.filesDownload({path: YourfilePath})
.then(function(response) {
fs.writeFile(, response.fileBinary, 'binary', function (err) {
if (err) { throw err; }
console.log('File: ' + + ' saved.');
.catch(function(error) {

AWS S3 File Download from the client-side

I am currently trying to download the file from the s3 bucket using a button from the front-end. How is it possible to do this? I don't have any idea on how to start this thing. I have tried researching and researching, but no luck -- all I have searched are about UPLOADING files to the s3 bucket but not DOWNLOADING files. Thanks in advance.
NOTE: I am applying it to ReactJS (Frontend) and NodeJS (Backend) and also, the file is uploaded using Webmerge
UPDATE: I am trying to generate a download link with this (Tried node even if I'm not a backend dev) (lol)
see images below
what I have tried so far
onClick function
If the file you are trying to download is not public then you have to create a signed url to get that file.
The solution is here Javascript to download a file from amazon s3 bucket?
for getting non public files, which revolves around creating a lambda function that will generate a signed url for you then use that url to download the file on button click
BUT if the file you are trying to download you is public then you don't need a signed url, you just need to know the path to the file, the urls are structured like: [file path]/[filename]
They is also aws amplify its created and maintain by AWS team.
Just follow Get started and downloading the file from your react app is simply as:
Storage.get('hello.png', {expires: 60})
.then(result => console.log(result))
.catch(err => console.log(err));
Here is my solution:
let downloadImage = url => {
let urlArray = url.split("/")
let bucket = urlArray[3]
let key = `${urlArray[4]}/${urlArray[5]}`
let s3 = new AWS.S3({ params: { Bucket: bucket }})
let params = {Bucket: bucket, Key: key}
s3.getObject(params, (err, data) => {
let blob=new Blob([data.Body], {type: data.ContentType});
let link=document.createElement('a');
The url in the argument refers to the url of the S3 file.
Just put this in the onClick method of your button. You will also need the AWS SDK

Generate Download URL After Successful Upload

I have successfully uploaded files to Firebase's storage via Google Cloud Storage through JS! What I noticed is that unlike files uploaded directly, the files uploaded through Google Cloud only have a Storage Location URL, which isn't a full URL, which means it cannot be read! I'm wondering if there is a way to generate a full URL on upload for the "Download URL" part of Firebase's actual storage.
Code being used:
var filename = image.substring(image.lastIndexOf("/") + 1).split("?")[0];
var gcs =;
var bucket = gcs.bucket('');
request(image).pipe(bucket.file('photos/' + filename).createWriteStream(
{metadata: {contentType: 'image/jpeg'}}))
.on('error', function(err) {})
.on('finish', function() {
When using the GCloud client, you want to use getSignedUrl() to download the file, like so:
bucket.file('photos/' + filename).getSignedUrl({
action: 'read',
expires: '03-17-2025'
}, function(err, url) {
if (err) {
// The file is now available to read from this URL.
request(url, function(err, resp) {
// resp.statusCode = 200
You can either:
a) Create a download url through the firebase console
b) if you attempt to get the downloadurl programmatically from a firebase client, one will be created on the fly for you.

