Can't define a variable in html - javascript

Guys I can't define variable in html .. Here is my code below:-
sb.appendHtmlConstant("<div id='Button +"i"' class=\"" + getClass(c.getIndex()) + "\">");
Here I can't define "i" to be a variable .. Any help please ??
Thanks a lot

You need to add a + before and after it.
sb.appendHtmlConstant("<div id='Button "+i+"' class=\"" + getClass(c.getIndex()) + "\">");
Adding variable to strings in java works like this:
String variable = "the variable string";
And we want to add it so that we get:
"We want to add _the variable string_ to here"
So we'll use:
String result = "We want to add _"+ variable +"_ to here";
^/*This and ^this are important*/

i should be out of the main quotes I think, as below:
sb.appendHtmlConstant("<div id='Button" + i + "' class=\"" + getClass(c.getIndex()) + "\">");


Can't insert line break in Ajax outputString

I have an Ajax script that outputs both the title and description of certain jobs based on user input. While I can get these displaying without issue, I can't seem to insert a line break between the title and description. I have the following:
outputString = savedData[i].firstName + ". Description: " + savedData[i].cardNumber;
var paragraph = $("<p />", {
text: outputString
I have tried inserting a traditional br line break, as well as, \n and \r\n both in the quotation marks before description which just displays the text of the line break rather than breaking the line, and also outside of the quotation marks which breaks any output. How can I successfully implement a linebreak?
As you are providing the outputString string as text, the html <br/> is being displayed as text in the string. You should specify it in as html and use <br/> for line break:
outputString = dataJobs[i].title + ". <br/>Description: " + dataJobs[i].description;
var paragraph = $("<p />", {
html: outputString
If you would like to add a <br/> specifically, then you can do the following:
// assuming that your dataJobs[i].title and dataJobs[i].description are defined
var paragraph = $("<p />");
.append(dataJobs[i].title + '.')
.append('<br />')
.append("Description: " + dataJobs[i].description);
You need to add a <br/> in a separate append call, but not as part of a string. Hope this helps.
In the code below as the P tag has display property set to block by default, so there is no need for using line break.
Setting Title and Description in two different P tags that will solve your problem
Try the following code.
outputString = "<p>Title: "+dataJobs[i].title+"</p><p>description: "+dataJobs[i].description+"</p>";
I think the "jQuery way" should look like this:
var $outputString = $( "<span>" + dataJobs[i].title + ".<br>Description: " + dataJobs[i].description + "</span>" );
$( "#data" ).append($outputString.wrap( "<p></p>" ));
outputString = dataJobs[i].title + ". Description: " + dataJobs[i].description + "<br/>";

How can I use the attribute selector with a variable?

I need to use this form because it can handle spaces in my element ID.
$("div[id='content Module']").whatever();
However I need 'content Module' replaced with a variable?
I tried
$("div[id=" + my_var + "']").whatever();
but this did not work
You're missing a '
$("div[id=" + my_var + "']").whatever();
Should be
$("div[id='" + my_var + "']").whatever();
try this $("div[id='" + my_var + "']").whatever(); you forgot the open Apostrof

Add a "new line" in innerHTML

I am trying to create a table with images in first cell and information about the pic in second cell.
I need to add different information in one cell, like that:
cellTwo.innerHTML = arr_title[element] + arr_tags[element];
Is it possible to add a "new line" there?
I mean like that:
cellTwo.innerHTML = arr_title[element] + "/n" + arr_tags[element];
The simplest way is by adding a line break as html
cellTwo.innerHTML = arr_title[element] + "<br />" + arr_tags[element];
If you want your newlines to be treated literally, you could use the <pre> tag
cellTwo.innerHTML =
"<pre>" + arr_title[element] + "\n" + arr_tags[element] + "</pre>";
To round out your understanding:
Since it is html (innerHTML) it renders html and you can use any html you wish, so in this case simply add an good old fashioned <br>:
var test = document.getElementById('someElementId');
test.innerHTML = "The answer <br>to life, the universe, and everything...<br> is 42.";
If it were a string, such as in an alert box or text box etc. then /n would be correct:
alert('Never /n Forget your towel.');
Happy Coding!
- $cr1ptN!nj#
No, <br /> does not work in asp .net but you can instead write it like so
cellTwo.innerHTML = arr_title[element] + arr_tags[element]; arr_title[element] + "/n" + arr_tags[element];
Edit - alternative wrapped in code tags
cellTwo.innerHTML = arr_title[element] + arr_tags[element];
cellTwo.innerHTML += arr_title[element] + "/n" + arr_tags[element];
Semicolon ";" seems to act as line breaks
Remember the "+=" to assign multiple values to the string

jQuery append trouble with url parameter

I've been working for hours trying to get the single and double quotes nested correctly in order for this search result display to work, with having a dynamically appended "uniqueId" in part of the URL string on output.
Basically, the part of the JS code that is giving me trouble is this:
$('#results-list').append("<li rel='" + this.uniqueId + "'>" + this.dateTimeStamp + " — " + this.message + " — " + "<a class='iframeSmaller' href='commentDetails.php?uniqueId='" + this.uniqueId + "''>XXX</a>" + "</li>");
I want to have the "this.uniqueId" after the equal sign so that it generates a dynamic URL, which I then am going to link to a "details" page for that unique ID.
Can anyone please help me with the "this.uniqueId" syntax to get this correctly inserted into the URL for output?
Sorry if I am being unclear, I am learning all of this by the day :)
ps... this does work, but it has a hardcoded uniqueID... what I want is a dynamic one based on the row, which is working as far as the "rel" part goes, just not the anchor part...
$('#results-list').append("<li rel='" + this.uniqueId + "'>" + this.dateTimeStamp + " — " + this.message + " — " + "<a class='iframeSmaller' href='commentDetails.php?uniqueId=32'>XXX</a>" + "</li>");
thanks again for any help with this syntax (or if there's a better way to go about what I'm trying to do)...
The quoting in your HTML for the anchor isn't quite right. You have this:
+ "<a class='iframeSmaller' href='commentDetails.php?uniqueId='" + this.uniqueId + "''>XXX</a>" +
I think it should be this (fix quoting on the link URL):
+ "<a class='iframeSmaller' href='commentDetails.php?uniqueId=" + this.uniqueId + "'>XXX</a>" +
You could see what's going on better if you build the string into a variable and then do a console.log() on the string of HTML you've built or look at its contents in the debugger.
Replace this part of your code:
... uniqueId='" + this.uniqueId + "''>XXX</a>" + "</li>");
for this one:
... uniqueId=" + this.uniqueId + "'>XXX</a>" + "</li>");

how do i create a hard return or new line in javascript

I have the following code snipet:
document.getElementById('PS_FORM/SUBJECT_PROPERTY/Business_Comments').value = com_textcl + "\n" ;
document.getElementById('PS_FORM/SUBJECT_PROPERTY/Business_Comments').value = com_text;
I want each of the values to be in their own line. Is there a way to get this done??
Assuming that element (PS_FORM/SUBJECT_PROPERTY/Business_Comments) is a textarea, then the JS should be:
com_textcl + "\n" + com_text;
If it's a SELECT the code would be different (update your question).
If it's a div or some other HTML element (rather than a FORM element) then the code would be more like:
com_textcl + "<br />\n" + com_text;

