can't change variable value javascript - javascript

So I'm working on a script that will save every second a person was online on whatsapp (on whatsapp web)
and I have this:
//add zeros (run only once)
function addZero(i) {
if (i < 10) {
i = "0" + i;
return i;
//Inject jQuery (run only once)
var jq = document.createElement('script');
jq.src = "";
// make online log
var online = "yes";
var onlineCheck1 = window.setInterval(function() {
var x = $('#main>header>>>span').text()
var name = $('#main>header>>>.chat-title>span').text()
var d = new Date();
if (x == "online") {
var online = "yes";
console.log(d.toLocaleDateString('en-GB') + "|" + addZero(d.getHours()) + ":" + addZero(d.getMinutes()) + ":" + addZero(d.getSeconds()) + " " + name + " " + "was" + " " + "///online///");
} else if (online == "yes") {
var online = "no";
} else {
var online = "no";
}, 1000); //end
and it's logging when someone is online but I want it to put just one mark (<------------>) when the person is offline and it's not doing that.
so what I want this script to do is: make the variable "online" with the value "yes" then make the variable "x" with the value the inner text of an element (which is online or last seen.....) and then look if x is online? then change the value of "online" to "yes" log the date and time if not and if the value of the variable "online" is "yes"? then log a mark (<------------>) and change the value of "online" to "no" if not? then just change the value of the variable "online" to "no" and repeat.
I don't know what is going wrong but it may be that the variables are not getting changed for some reason.
Note: i'm using chrome's console to run this script on so you can try it if you want to see what I mean.

First off, your code looks somewhat dirty - put function out of setInterval.
Secondly, what if the Jquery script from google, injected at the beginning of the code, gets stuck and $ is not defined when you call it?
Then, use setTimeout and call it recursively instead of setInterval.
As for your variable "online" - you use "var" inside your function, so "var online" is created within your anon. function`s scope and the external "var online" is not affected by your manipulations. Try to remove "var" word inside your anon. function in setInterval.

Try to remove the "var" keyword from the variables you want to change inside the if-else statements...


How to create an “unlimited” number of independent timers as individual list items in an unordered list with Javascript or jQuery?

I am trying to write a function which when executed (e.g. user clicks a button or image) creates and displays a new timer as a new list item in an unordered list (jQuery Sortable list). It doesn’t need to be super accurate so SetInterval should work fine. It doesn’t need any stops or resets. I would like the user to be able to create as many new independent (count-up) timers (as list items) in the list as they want, theoretically (although in reality there will likely be less than 10-15 on the go at the same time).
The following code does achieve this (or at least does the first time it is run). Subsequent clicks cause grief as I suspect that the same id is being used more than once for both “minutes” and “seconds” causing a conflict between list items.
function listTimer() {
var sec = 0;
function pad ( val ) { return val > 9 ? val : "0" + val; }
setInterval (function(){
}, 1000);
$("#sortable1").append('<li class="ui-state-default">' + '<span id="minutes">' + '' + '</span>' + ':' + '<span id="seconds">' + '' + '</span>' + '</li>');
To allow multiple timers I then figured that each time the function is executed, the values should increment so they are seen as separate. As such I tried
Var i = 0;
function listTimer() {
var sec = 0;
function pad ( val ) { return val > 9 ? val : "0" + val; }
setInterval (function(){
}, 1000);
$("#sortable1").append('<li class="ui-state-default">' + '<span id="minutes"+i>' + '' + '</span>' + ':' + '<span id="seconds"+i>' + '' + '</span>' + '</li>');
The “seconds” + i ( and “minutes” =i ) in the .innerHTML works because if I leave var i=0 and then hard code “seconds0” and “minutes0” (instead of “seconds”+i etc) in the span id, a timer is generated as planned (once). The trick is that the “seconds” + i (and “minutes” =i ) in the span id do not work as I imagined. If I leave it as per the code above (e.g. in both the .innerHTML and span id) no list item is generated. I suspect the problem is in incrementing the span id.
Addressing the “span id=” to increment it (multiple ways) does not seem to have helped.
I have tried declaring and inserting a variable with no luck:
var newSeconds= “seconds” +i;
var newMinutes= “seconds” +i;
$("#sortable1").append('<li class="ui-state-default">' + '<span id=newMinutes >' + '' + '</span>' + ':' + '<span id=newSeconds>' + '' + '</span>' + '</li>');
I have tried changing the id of the span just prior to the append with either:
document.getElementById("seconds").setAttribute("id", "seconds" +i);
document.getElementById("minutes").setAttribute("id", "minutes" + i);
document.getElementById("seconds").id("seconds" +i);
document.getElementById("minutes").id ("minutes" + i);
var newSeconds= “seconds” +i;
var newMinutes= “seconds” +i;
document.getElementById("seconds").setAttribute("id", newSeconds);
document.getElementById("minutes").setAttribute("id", newMinutes);
or by combinations of these e.g putting quotation marks around the newSeconds/newMinutes in both the .id and .setAttribute.
but I can’t seem to make the append method work and create a new independent list timer each time the trigger is clicked. The timers jump all over the place (or not at all) when the function is executed multiple times.
I have tried searching for javascript or jQuery ways of doing this but I can only seem to see previous questions that revolve around a certain number of timers (and hard coding them e.g. timer1, timer2 etc) rather than an "unlimited" number of timers. I have looked at books on Javascript and jQuery but can't seem to nut out the solution.
I am hoping I have given a minimal reproducible example. I am obviously missing fundamental issues but am unconscious incompetent at the moment. Is anyone happy to show me the error of my ways and help me get the function working?
I think that the issue stems from your referring to the timers by their Id attributes - an Id attribute is supposed to appear once per page, so having it appear in each timer will definitely cause some confusion.
I would recommend a different structure as well for organization. Here are my thoughts in pseudocode (leaving the implementation up to you)
const $timerContainerDiv = $("…"); // the place where timers live
var timers = []; // this is an array containing all of your timers
// function to add a new timer to the array
var addTimer = function(int minutes, int seconds, int title) {
// html that defines the actual structure of the timer,
// including elements for hours and minutes, each identifiable
// by a js class, and each one including a data attribute giving its value
// for example:
var $timer = $("<div class='timer' data-minutes='" + minutes + "' data-seconds='" + seconds + "' title='" + title + "'>");
// now define a timer function to update all timers once per second
var updateTimers = function() {
// update each timer, decrementing one second
$.each(timers, function(index, val) {
var $timer = $(val);
var minutes = $"minutes");
var seconds = $"seconds");
var title = $timer.attr("title");
// need logic for when seconds goes negative to reset to 59 and decrement minutes
// need logic for when timer done, etc
$timer.append("<span>" + title + ": " + minutes + ":" + seconds + " remaining</span>");
setTimeout(updateTimers,1000); // call itself
updateTimers(); // get the whole thing started

Compare values of object JavaScript

I have an object in JS like this:
var getToDoValue = document.getElementById("toDoInput").value;
var nameOfTeamMember = "Tobias";
var person = new Object();
person.task = "Task: " + getToDoValue;
person.member = "Member: " + nameOfTeamMember;
But problem comes when I try to enter the value of "nameOfTeamMember into an if statement:
var mem = person.member;
if (mem == "Tobias") {
This does not work. But when I just console.log "var mem" outside of if statement it gives me "Member: Tobias". Any suggestions? Im still kinda new to JS so prob something with the comparisons
the issue with you code is that the value in person.member is "Member: Tobias" as you pointed out from the result of your console.log, which is the result from the line of code below where you are concatenating the name with the string "Memeber: " and assigning it to the member property.
person.member = "Member: " + nameOfTeamMember;
One option you could use to do the comparison would be:
if (mem.contains("Tobias", 8) {
The 8 is so your search starts after the colon (:) so you don't include "Member:" in it, just what comes after it, which is the actual member name.

javascript timer not working

I have a little javascript which I'm trying to use to make a timer. I got the code from another question on this site and it works ok on it's own, but since I'm making a few timers on this page I need to modify it a little and my modifications break it.
I'm not so brilliant with javascript and I can't see where I'm going wrong. All I've really done is add numerals (the id's of the products which have the timers) to the variable and function names. I've read it's ok to have numerals in variable and function names, so I'm at a loss.
The code I'm using (which isn't working) is:
$(document).ready(function () {
var x1, secs1 = 61434; //declared globally
x1 = setInterval(myFunc1, 1000);
function myFunc1() {
var minutes = Math.floor(secs1 / 60);
var seconds = secs1 % 60;
$('#timer_'1).html(minutes + ':' + seconds); //assuming there is a label with id 'timer'
if (secs1 == 0) {
document.getElementById('timer').style.hidden = true;
Your question is unclear, and it's not obvious to me what you're trying to do. But one obvious problem is in these two lines:
1).html(minutes + ':' + seconds); //assuming there is a label with id 'timer'
That will throw a syntax error, because '#timer_'1 is not valid syntax.
Two issues here with the css selectors:
$('#timer_'1).html(minutes + ':' + seconds); //add a + between timer_ and 1
document.getElementById('timer') //should be timer_1 too

How to write arguments in function?

I have been using functions but I am not able to tackle this.
What I have done is created a function, then made this to use the values provided by the document class or ids and do the work. Once work is done then just give the data back! It worked!
Now I want to make this function happen for two divs, the first function works good. The issue is with the second one. The function is correct, their is some other bug while writing the result.
Here is my code:
function time_untilCom(id) {
var Time2 = Date.parse(document.getElementById("time_" + 2).value);
var curTime2 = new Date();
var timeToWrite2 = "";
var seconds2 = Math.floor((curTime2 - Time2) / (1000));
if (seconds2 > 0 && seconds2 < 60) {// seconds..
timeToWrite2 = seconds2 + " seconds ago";
$('#update_' + 2).html(seconds2);
$('#jstime_' + 2).html(timeToWrite2 + " <b>Time that was captured!</b>");
If I use it as it is, it works! The issue comes when I try to replace these
("time_" + 2), ("#update_" + 2), ("#jstime" + 2) with ("time_" + id), ("#update_" + id), ("#jstime_" + id).
What i want to happen is that the function would be provided with a common ID that is applied throughout the div and use that ID, to get the value of time, convert it to seconds, do other stuff and then provide me with the result in the corresponding element with the id that was in the argument.
function works great, it do provide me with the result. But the issue is with the id its not being sent I guess. Or if is being sent then not being applied. What might be the issue here? And don't mind the seconds i have that covered too.
I am really very sorry for short code:
Pardon me, I was about to write the code for the function too. But electricity ran out!
Here is the code: onload="time_untilCom('2'), this is the way I am executing this.
And once in the main code, it will be executed like this: onload="time_untilCom(#row.Id) because I am using ASP.NET Web Pages I will be using the server side code to write the ID from Database. And will then user the ID throughtout the div to update the time!
From what I understand, you probably want to replace the second line
var Time2 = Date.parse(document.getElementById("time_" + 2).value);
var Time2 = Date.parse(document.getElementById(id).value);
And at the end you can also use
$('#'+id).html(timeToWrite2 + " <b>Time that was captured!</b>");
You are passing "id" as an argument, but you never use it inside the function. My question is: In your example you are using 2 as appendix to id attributes. Is it the 2 (or other numbers respectively) that you want to have as the id parameter of the function?
Then you could just replace each + 2 in your code by + id
function time_untilCom(id) {
var Time2 = Date.parse(document.getElementById("time_" + id).value);
var curTime2 = new Date();
var timeToWrite2 = "";
var seconds2 = Math.floor((curTime2 - Time2) / (1000));
if (seconds2 > 0 && seconds2 < 60) {// seconds..
timeToWrite2 = seconds2 + " seconds ago";
$('#update_' + id).html(seconds2);
$('#jstime_' + id).html(timeToWrite2 + " <b>Time that was captured!</b>");
EDIT: Please tell us where and how exactly do you call time_untilCom? Did you pass the id there?

Counting the words that search inside a string

Using javascript prompt I get two parameters like, search string and search keyword, then search for the keyword and get the number of items found. Then need to show them on the page. Seems to mistake I have made.
<script type = "text/javascript">
var counter = 0;
var enter = prompt("Enter your String:");
var search = prompt("Enter words to search:");
var b = search.length;
var a = enter.length - search.length;
for (var y = 0; y <= a; y++)
if(b <= enter.length){
counter = counter + 1;
document.write("<p>" + "ERROR" + "</p>");
document.write("<p>" + "your word:" + enter + "</p>");
document.write("<p>" + "word use:" + counter + "</p>");
You are using a variable that is not declared. Remember that Javascript is case sensitive and the variable b is different than B.
You forget to close the for brackets.
You need to compare the substring with the search pattern.
As Sameera Thilakasiri has rightly pointed out, your code is sloppy. If that works for you, great (I suppose), but other people who look at your code may have a hard time following it. Further, sloppy code leads to mistakes that would otherwise be easily caught.
For instance, you have not closed the for loop, which would easily be seen in nicely formatted code.
Beyond the open for loop, the only other problem I see (syntactically) is that JavaScript is a case-sensitive language, which means that b is different from B, which is why your script throws the 'Uncaught ReferenceError: B is not defined' on the line if (enter.substring(y,B)) {.
Try closing your for loop and using a lowercase b on the offending line. Once that is done, you only have to fix the logic errors.
Happy coding.
You can also use indexOf:
var counter = 0;
var enter = prompt("Enter your String:");
var search = prompt("Enter words to search:");
var start = 0;
start = enter.indexOf(search,start);
if(start==-1) break;//if nothing found
start++;//next start = current occurrence + 1
document.write("<p>" + "your word:" + enter + "</p>");
document.write("<p>" + "word use:" + counter + "</p>");

