How to format different templates for angular 2 blog posts? - javascript

I want to create a blog with angular 2. I am struggling to find the answer to my question.
My problem is I want each blog post template to be different because I'll have a different format for each post with different images, snippets and blocks of text so reading from a JSON object won't be sufficient.
For example if I was just creating a normal static website I would just create each blog post with its own custom HTML page and have the flexibility to format the page in any way.
But in angular to I need to stick with the one template, how can I have a different template for each post without creating a new component for each new post?
Advice needed, thanks.

Use innerHTML to display field as HTML. Assuming you have a BlogPostComponent and a property content which is HTML. Then in your template, you can do something like this:
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<div [innerHTML]="content"></div>


How do I change my controller so it is decoupled enough from my view?

I'm programming a web app using Spring MVC where I need to create some elements that I cannot create directly through jsp. Specifically all of those that list values that I get from my database, since I cannot create a structure in jsp before knowing its size. Here's how I'm doing it right now:
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView getAllEjercicios (...)
Table table = new Table("table_ejercicios", "table_ejercicios", new ArrayList<TableHead>(Arrays.asList(tH1, tH2, tH3)), getEjercicioTableContent(ejercicioList));
model.put("table", table.getCode());
return new ModelAndView("ejercicio/ejercicio-list", MODEL_NAME, model);
This is my controller method, where Table is a custom class that I created that will return the html code of the table when calling getCode(), using the parameters it was given. The problem with this is that I'm starting to see my Controller is not decoupled enough, since it's passing the view the HTML code of the entire object instead of just the parameters I need in order to build it in my jsp file. Btw, this is not just an issue with this particular table, I have other dropdown lists and things as such in my code.
The problem is that if I use a javascript function which receives the same parameters as my table inside the jsp, I'll have to replicate a lot of code in other views that use similar tables, since I'll have to copy the entire javascript function in each jsp file.
My code works perfectly, it's not a problem of it not working, it's a problem of structure.
What should I do, should I keep my code as it is, or is there a solution I'm not thinking of?
The html pages, contains lots of elements, such as tables, forms, dropdown,... . If you generate all UI elements in the backend, your server side code will full of client side coding! This is not a good practice as you already know.
I think the best practice is rendering html pages without any extra UI elements, just html code with data. You can even exclude data from page and fill html elements with data from ajax request. However, your controller will completely free from UI codes. With this approach, your concern is duplication of codes in the client side. This can be solved with generating javascript utilities. For example, you have same html table structure in multiple pages. For doing this, you can write a javascript function for generating table. This function can take some parameters and add dynamic table to every page you need. You can do similar works for other elements such as forms and dropdown.

Avoiding ng-include while allowing flexibility in rendering sub-templates

I have a component which is treated like a "blog post" for example. A single piece of content that contains data. I've created a bunch of templates that can be rendered using ng-include in my "blog" template.
A few examples:
Blog content (title, author, etc.)
Related Posts
Author information
Email signup
(Any infinite number of possibilities)
I can't hardcode these into the template for a few reasons.
Each section needs to be able to be presented in any order (order dependent upon JSON)
All of these options need to be optional
Normally I would use some kind of foreach loop in the angular template and conditionally load each template via ng-include, but I've read this could have a major performance hit.
What's the best way to approach this using Angular 1.6.4 and components?
What about using a function to decide which template to include? This is a very generic example.
<div ng-include="vm.getTemplate(myVar)">
vm.getTemplate = function(myVar) {
//logic to decide template
return '../templates/someTemplate.html';

Is it possible to create a subpage without any file?

I'm a newbie when it comes to PHP. I wrote some JS to make AJAX requests for my project and it worked well, but I don't have any idea how to convert that into PHP.
I've prepared layouts like the following:
In those files are some PHP and MySQL parts that build an HTML page.
In Ajax it was easy to navigate between many users using only one page and replacing some divs with data...
But a huge minus was that you couldn't have a single address reference a user profile or the offer (like
Now, when I use PHP I want to achieve same layout effect.
How can I avoid creating a thousands of pages (of course even dynamically it seems to be a waste of memory IMO) like user1.php, user2.php, offer1.php, etc.
I don't know how to achieve the effect of being on a site like without creating thousands of files but only one template.
Two solutions I see is either you use GET to parse your data:
and than access it over the $_GET variable:
$id = $_GET["data"];
($id will be 1736861)
or you use the flight php extension, that will look something like this:
Flight::route('/id/#id', function($id){
echo "ID: $id";
and the URL would look like You can also use multiple variables with the flight module.
I hope this helped, Sebastian
Are you familiar with any MVC frameworks? If not, I would highly recommend getting accustomed to the MVC design paradigm. MVC = Model View Controller. From Wikipedia, a short excerpt:
A model stores data that is retrieved according to commands from the controller and displayed in the view.
A view generates new output to the user based on changes in the model.
A controller can send commands to the model to update the model's state (e.g., editing a document). It can also send commands to its
associated view to change the view's presentation of the model (e.g.,
scrolling through a document).
Two of the key components of MANY frameworks (in pretty much any language), are Routes and Templates. When utilizing a routing system, you're able to specify a template for every page loaded that matches a specific route. For instance, where ':id' can be any value in the URL, and be configured to use "person.html" for the HTML output. Note that "person.html" receives variables/data that will dynamically populate content, e.g. <h2>Hello, {{name}}</h2>
So, to clarify,,,, would all match the route path where :id is dynamic, and your system will use ONE TEMPLATE (which you specify) to display all the data. Don't forget, when that route path is met, that's only step 1. You will probably need to take that :id run some database query and pass that data into the template.
A popular micro PHP framework called Slim, might be a good starting point. Here's documentation for its way of handling Routes and Templates:
Slim is commonly used with Twig, a super popular PHP template engine. Here's its website/documentation:
And if that wasn't enough, Slim has a super handy First App Walkthrough that will show you routes, database connection, and templates:
Hope this information helps you on your journey – Best of luck!

JSON items to have pages of their own

I've started using contentful, created a few entries and now I want to make a simple dynamic page with subpages.
Basically, a portfolio. What i want to have there - index page with links to inner portfolio pages. I've got a JSON with entries each of them containing title, content, slug, id, etc.
How do i make them have each of their page with url? Template is going to be the same. So for example the user comes to and he sees the page for some specific item in entries.
My gut is telling me that usually controller does this kind of job. Should i try using some frameworks like angularjs?
You can have a look at this simple example app I've been working on, using just plain JS. It's not entirely finished but showcases the very basic principles of using Contentful to build a frontend only app with the contentful.js SDK:
Give that you added an angularjs tag I'm assuming you could also be interested in this:
Essentially you should just build an app as any other, using whatever framework (or not) you want, but get the data from Contentful instead of an AJAX endpoint or any other data library.
What you might want to think of as well is how you structure your Entries and Content Types in Contentful. A good strategy is to have some kind of Entry that corresponds to a page (for instance, in that example app there are Products and there are individual pages for each Product), and then have related Entries you can link to it (like say, Blog Posts and Images).

Including Information in HTML for Javascript to Consume?

I'm am building a web app with app engine (java) and GWT, although I think my problem is moreso a general javascript question.
In my application, I want to include a side-menu which is generated from data in my database. This obviously needs to be done dynamically from a servlet.
Currently, I am sending a blank menu container, then making an ajax call to get the information i need to populate the menu. I would rather just send the menu information along in the original request, so I do not need to waste time making a second request. I used this initial approach because it seemed simpler: I just wrote a gwt rpc service that grabbed the data i needed.
My question is, can I instruct a javascript library like gwt to look for its information in the current web page? Do I have to hide this information in my original HTML response, maybe in a hidden div or something?
If the data that you'd like to embed is restricted to menu items, why not directly generate lightweight HTML out of simple <ol> and <li> elements? You can still keep HTML out of your Java code by using a template engine. The menu markup could just be styled with CSS or if you need something fancier than mere <ol> and <li> elements, you can massage the DOM with JavaScript once the page loads (read: progressive enhancement).
If you're looking for a more generic solution, beyond the menu case, then you could embed a JSON block in your page, to be consumed when the page loads for the dynamic generation of your menu.
Or, you could look into using a microformat that is suitable for menu data.
You can include a script block in the original response defining the data and then use an onload event (or similar) to create the menu based on that data; that's very similar to what you're doing now, but without the extra trip to the server. I'm assuming there that the data to construct the menu is transformed in some way by JavaScript on the client; otherwise, just include the menu markup directly.
GWT has something called JSNI (Javascript Native Interface) that can interface with other non-GWT Javascript. So, you could in your HTML page container have a containing the generated menu items as a Javascript object. Then, in your GWT code, you have a JSNI call to fetch this data and put it in the right place in your UI/DOM with GWT methods.
I asked a similar question a few weeks ago about how to store data safely inside HTML tags. It also contains a few links to other questions. Here
There are in general 2 options:
Store the data in some xml tags somewhere in the html code and later get the information from there by traversing through the DOM. (you can hide them with css)
Store the data as JSON data in a script tag. (There en- and decoders for nearly every language)
var data = { "foo" : "bar", "my_array":[] };

