moment-duration-format.d.ts Definition Not Extending Moment Module - javascript

Any idea why this doesn’t work or how I can extend the duration interface to support the format function?
declare module 'moment' {
interface Duration {
format(template: string, precision?: string, settings?: any): string;
when used as:
moment.duration(minutes, 'minutes').format('mm');
I’m getting the error that ‘format' does not exist on type ‘Duration'

First, install types:
npm install --save-dev #types/moment-duration-format
Second, import them in your file:
/// <reference path='../..your-path.../node_modules/#types/moment-duration-format/index.d.ts' />
import * as moment from 'moment';
import 'moment-duration-format';
Then you can use
moment.duration(minutes, 'minutes').format('mm');

import * as moment from 'moment';
import 'moment-duration-format';
Outside of your class, define the interfaces:
interface Duration extends moment.Duration {
format: (template?: string, precision?: number, settings?: DurationSettings) => string;
interface DurationSettings {
forceLength: boolean;
precision: number;
template: string;
trim: boolean | 'left' | 'right';
Then in your code:
const duration = moment.duration(minutes, 'minutes') as Duration;
return duration.format('mm');
If you defined your Duration interface in another file, you will need to export and import it as well.

You need to have the following dependencies installed:
"dependencies": {
"#types/moment-duration-format": "2.2.2",
"moment": "2.24.0",
"moment-duration-format": "2.3.2"
If that's the case then you need these imports in the exact same order:
import * as moment from 'moment';
import 'moment-duration-format';
Afterwards you should be able to do this:
const seconds: number = Math.floor(process.uptime());
const formatted: string = moment.duration(seconds, 'seconds').format({
precision: 0,
template: 'y [years], w [weeks], d [days], h [hours], m [minutes], s [seconds]',

you should use namespace instead of module
declare namespace moment {
interface Duration {
format(template: string, precision?: string, settings?: DurationSettings): string;
and settings for "moment-duration-format": "^2.3.2"
interface DurationSettings {
trim: boolean | 'left' | 'right';
useGrouping: boolean;
usePlural: boolean;
useLeftUnits: boolean;
precision: number;
useSignificantDigits: boolean;
trunc: boolean;
forceLength: boolean;
minValue: number;
maxValue: number;
largest: number;


What is difference between def interface and dto inerface in Angular?

I am working on the project, which was started by someone else. There are two interface files in the model folder def and dto. The difference between def and dto interface files is not clear to me. Could any expereince developer let me know what is the difference and when and how to use dto instead of def and viceversa. Thanks in advance.
import { SourceType, VendorType } from '../shared/enums/vendor-type.enum';
export interface VendorDef {
vendorId: string;
companyCode: string;
name: string;
acronym: string;
alias: string;
legalId: string;
vendorType: VendorType;
sourceType: SourceType;
fiscalCode: string;
export interface VendorFormDef {
sourceType: SourceType;
companyCode?: string;
previousMainCompany?: string;
export interface InUsageDef {
acronym: boolean;
legalId: boolean;
fiscalCode: boolean;
import { SourceType, VendorType } from '../shared/enums/vendor-type.enum';
export interface VendorDto {
data: VendorDataDto[] | VendorDataDto;
errors?: VendorErrorsDto;
export interface VendorDataDto {
attributes: VendorAttributesDto;
id: string;
export interface VendorErrorsDto {
code: string;
title: string;
detail: string;
export interface VendorCreateDto {
companyCode: string;
name: string;
acronym: string;
legalId: string;
fiscalCode: string;
vendorType: VendorType;
sourceType: SourceType;
Basically, it's used to separate what your API gives you from the objects you will manipulate.
VendorDTO is your API response (hence the presence of the data and errors fields)
VendorDef is the definition of the object you will manipulate in your app.
It is common to have a transformer from VendorDTO to VendorDef for when you request the data and a transformer from VendorDef to VendorDTO for when you want to push an addition/update on your API.
It is not restricted to Typescript or Angular, so you might want to check your question's tags.

Typescript: es6 import type definition (.d.ts) from node_modules subfolder

I have a npm package that has the following type definitions (simplified):
export declare class AgGridReact extends Component<AgGridReactProps, {}> {}
export declare class AgGridReact extends Component<AgGridReactProps, {}> {
gridOptions: GridOptions;
api: GridApi | null;
columnApi: ColumnApi;
I am using the component in my react component like this:
import { AgGridReact } from 'ag-grid-react'
const HelpRequests= () => {
const grid = useRef<AgGridReact>(null)
if (grid.current) console.log(grid.current.columnApi)
return (<AgGridReact ref={grid}/>)
The Problem:
Typescript does complain that there is no columnApi. It seems it sadly picks the wrong type from the main.d.ts
I found that I can import the type from the agGridReact.d.ts directly and use it like this:
import {AgGridReact as AgGridReactType} from 'ag-grid-react/lib/agGridReact'
const grid = useRef<AgGridReactType>(null)
Is this the correct way to address this issue? Will typescript be smart enough not to import the ./node_modules/ag-grid-react/lib/agGridReact.ts file which could cause my bundle size to go up?
I've searched a lot but could not find anything about importing types only from node_modules subfolders.
I will try to answer this:
Let's assume there is an xyz library and it has these files:
export const test = 1000
export * from './lib/main.ts'
export const test = 'foo bar'
And I would like to use xyz in my app.ts, and I am aware of only its main.ts file as I think it is the main file which exports everything from library. So I am most likely to do:
import { test } from './xyz/main'
console.debug(test) // it will print 'foo bar'
Now, somebody goes and comment this line in the library:
export * from './lib/main.ts'
// export const test = 'foo bar'
Now, what will be printed by my app.ts? It will print 1000.
The same thing is happening there with ag-grid-react. It (ag-grid-react/main.d.ts) is overriding the apparently correct (better) class declaration present in ag-grid-react/lib/agGridReact.d.ts. And it is perfectly fine to import from inner path.
export * from './lib/agGridReact'; // it is exporting from innner path too
export declare class AgGridColumn extends Component<AgGridColumnProps | AgGridColumnGroupProps, {}> { // and overriding here at the same time
export declare class AgGridReact extends Component<AgGridReactProps, {}> {
props: any;
state: any;
static propTypes: any;
gridOptions: GridOptions;
changeDetectionService: ChangeDetectionService;
api: GridApi | null;
columnApi: ColumnApi;
portals: ReactPortal[];
hasPendingPortalUpdate: boolean;
destroyed: boolean;
protected eGridDiv: HTMLElement;
constructor(props: any, state: any);
render(): React.ReactElement<any, string | ((props: any) => React.ReactElement<any, string | any | (new (props: any) => React.Component<any, any, any>)>) | (new (props: any) => React.Component<any, any, any>)>;
createStyleForDiv(): any;
componentDidMount(): void;
waitForInstance(reactComponent: ReactComponent, resolve: (value: any) => void, runningTime?: number): void;
mountReactPortal(portal: ReactPortal, reactComponent: ReactComponent, resolve: (value: any) => void): void;
batchUpdate(callback?: any): any;
destroyPortal(portal: ReactPortal): void;
private getStrategyTypeForProp;
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: any): boolean;
componentDidUpdate(prevProps: any): void;
processPropsChanges(prevProps: any, nextProps: any): void;
private extractDeclarativeColDefChanges;
private extractGridPropertyChanges;
componentWillUnmount(): void;
isDisableStaticMarkup(): boolean;
I can't exactly say why ag-grid did this. I found this looking at the typing files. I may be incorrect too.

Cannot find module '#angular/core

I want to implement chart in my angular app. So I used ChartJs. I implemented method to show chart but problem in its gives an error when compiling.
My base-chart.directive.d.ts file as follows.
import { OnDestroy, OnChanges, OnInit, EventEmitter, ElementRef, SimpleChanges, DoCheck } from '#angular/core';
import * as chartJs from 'chart.js';
import { Color } from './color';
import { ThemeService } from './theme.service';
export declare type SingleDataSet = (number[] | chartJs.ChartPoint[]);
export declare type MultiDataSet = (number[] | chartJs.ChartPoint[])[];
export declare type SingleOrMultiDataSet = SingleDataSet | MultiDataSet;
export declare type PluginServiceGlobalRegistrationAndOptions = chartJs.PluginServiceGlobalRegistration & chartJs.PluginServiceRegistrationOptions;
export declare type SingleLineLabel = string;
export declare type MultiLineLabel = string[];
export declare type Label = SingleLineLabel | MultiLineLabel;
export declare class BaseChartDirective implements OnDestroy, OnChanges, OnInit, OnDestroy, DoCheck {
private element;
private themeService;
data: SingleOrMultiDataSet;
datasets: chartJs.ChartDataSets[];
labels: Label[];
options: chartJs.ChartOptions;
chartType: chartJs.ChartType;
colors: Color[];
legend: boolean;
plugins: PluginServiceGlobalRegistrationAndOptions[];
chartClick: EventEmitter<{
event?: MouseEvent;
active?: {}[];
chartHover: EventEmitter<{
event: MouseEvent;
active: {}[];
ctx: string;
chart: Chart;
private old;
private subs;
* Register a plugin.
static registerPlugin(plugin: PluginServiceGlobalRegistrationAndOptions): void;
static unregisterPlugin(plugin: PluginServiceGlobalRegistrationAndOptions): void;
constructor(element: ElementRef, themeService: ThemeService);
ngOnInit(): void;
private themeChanged;
ngDoCheck(): void;
copyLabel(a: Label): Label;
labelsEqual(a: Label, b: Label): boolean;
copyColor(a: Color): Color;
colorsEqual(a: Color, b: Color): boolean;
updateColors(): void;
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void;
ngOnDestroy(): void;
update(duration?: any, lazy?: any): {};
hideDataset(index: number, hidden: boolean): void;
isDatasetHidden(index: number): boolean;
toBase64Image(): string;
getChartConfiguration(): chartJs.ChartConfiguration;
getChartBuilder(ctx: string): Chart;
smartMerge(options: any, overrides: any, level?: number): any;
private isMultiLineLabel;
private joinLabel;
private propagateDatasetsToData;
private propagateDataToDatasets;
private isMultiDataSet;
private getDatasets;
private refresh;
I have already followed instruction which mentioned here
But my problem as it is. Please help. My ChartJs version is:ng2-charts#2.2.3 and angular version 8.
Try npm cache clean --force and then run npm install ng2-charts#2.3.2 --save to re install ng chart.

Typescript import a React js component which d.ts file writed by myself and occured Module not found: Can't resolve 'xxx' in 'xxx'

I added a component js's d.ts file as below:
/// <reference types="react" />
declare namespace __ReactAvatarEditor {
interface croppingRect {
x: number,
y: number,
width: number,
height: number
interface point {
x: number,
y: number
export interface AvatarEditorProps {
scale?: number,
rotate?: number,
image?: any,
border?: number | [number],
borderRadius?: number,
width?: number,
height?: number,
position?: point,
color?: number[],
style?: object,
crossOrigin?: string,
onDropFile?: any,
onLoadFailure?: any,
onLoadSuccess?: any,
onImageReady?: any,
onImageChange?: any,
onMouseUp?: any,
onMouseMove?: any,
onPositionChange?: any,
disableDrop?: boolean
export class AvatarEditor extends React.Component<AvatarEditorProps> {
declare module "react-avatar-editor"{
export import AvatarEditorProps = __ReactAvatarEditor.AvatarEditorProps;
export import AvatarEditor = __ReactAvatarEditor.AvatarEditor;
declare module "react-avatar-editor/AvatarEditor"{
export import AvatarEditor = __ReactAvatarEditor.AvatarEditor;
export default AvatarEditor;
And use it by:
import AvatarEditor from 'react-avatar-editor/AvatarEditor';
The Origin Code construtor:
enter image description here
but while I run the project, it fail to compile and show me an error:
Module not found: Can't resolve 'react-avatar-editor/AvatarEditor' in 'C:\Users\xiaomin\Desktop\React\inter-provincial-portrait\src\components'
Typescript v2.5.3 React v16
I had the same problem. To fix it install with npm this package in this format
npm install --save react-avatar-editor #types/react-avatar-editor

Typescript definition file for javascript class throws runtime error

I am using Visual Studio 2015 IDE.
I have a file Messaging.d.ts. It defines a couple of classes written in javascript. The definition in the TS file is written as follows:
declare module 'Messaging' {
export default class DisplayMessageManager {
AddMainMessage(message: string, alertCssClass: string): void;
DontShowTipAgain(alertID: string): void;
CloseTip(alertID: string, showAlertTime: number): void;
TogglePanelDirty(panelID: string, isDirty: boolean, originalState: string): void;
declare module 'MessagingConstants' {
export default class Constants {
//Bootstrap Alert Classes
bsSuccess: string;
bsWarning: string;
bsDanger: string;
bsInfo: string;
bsDefault: string;
bsPrimary: string;
When I import this in my app.ts file (in the same folder) I use:
import DisplayMessageManager from 'Messaging';
import Constants from 'MessagingConstants';
and then:
messageManager: DisplayMessageManager = new DisplayMessageManager();
messageConstants: Constants = new Constants();
later I use:
this.messageManager.AddMainMessage('test', this.messageConstants.bsSuccess);
This all compiles correctly. However, when I run the code the error in the console tells me that it cannot find the file 'Messaging.js'. I did not think that a typescript definition file needed to compile into a javascript file. What am I doing wrong to get these external javascript classes to work?
Since you're using non-relative paths (i.e. "Messaging" instead of "./Messaging"), if you're using CommonJS, this means you should have a node_modules/Messaging/ and node_modules/MessagingConstants/.
I'm not sure if that's actually what you want. What you may've meant to do is create the following two declaration files to reflect the exact shape of your local .js files
export default class DisplayMessageManager {
AddMainMessage(message: string, alertCssClass: string): void;
DontShowTipAgain(alertID: string): void;
CloseTip(alertID: string, showAlertTime: number): void;
TogglePanelDirty(panelID: string, isDirty: boolean, originalState: string): void;
export default class Constants {
//Bootstrap Alert Classes
bsSuccess: string;
bsWarning: string;
bsDanger: string;
bsInfo: string;
bsDefault: string;
bsPrimary: string;
And then include them like so:
import DisplayMessageManager from './Messaging';
import Constants from './MessagingConstants';

