how can i use two javascript slideshows on one page? html - javascript

Hi I am doing HTML the past 3 months in college and have to design a website. I am nearly done but I am trying to put 4 slideshows onto one page. I can get one working fine but the next one i create seems to overwrite the first one.. could somebody please look at my code and give me an idea what i should do.. here is my code for both slideshows except links and images are diferent.
var i = 0;
var image = new Array();
image[0] = "strawberrypancakes.jpg"
image[1] = "chickenbroth.jpg";
image[2] = "noodlesalad.jpg";
var k = image.length-1;
var caption = new Array();
caption[0] = "Strawberry buckwheat pancakes";
caption[1] = "Hot chicken broth";
caption[2] = "Pepper and noodle salad";
var link= new Array();
link[0] = "";
link[1] = "";
link[2] = "";
function swapImage(){
var el = document.getElementById("mydiv");
var img = document.getElementById("slide");
img.src= image[i];
var a = document.getElementById("link");
a.href= link[i];
if(i < k ) { i++;}
else { i = 0; }
function addLoadEvent(func) {
var oldonload = window.onload;
if (typeof window.onload != 'function') {
window.onload = func;
} else {
window.onload = function() {
if (oldonload) {
addLoadEvent(function() {
<table style="border:none;background-color:transparent;">
<a name="link" id="link" href="" target="_blank"><img name="slide" id="slide" alt
="my images" height="250" width="590" src="image-1.png"/></a>
<td align="center"style="font:small-caps bold 15px georgia; color:blue;">
<div id ="mydiv"></div>

easiest thing, off the top of my head is to just duplicate the HTML structure for the slideshow, changing the ID and NAME attributes to link2, slide2 and mydiv2, then just duplicate the swap function, name it swapImage2() and then add it like so:
addLoadEvent(function() {
swapImage(); // for the first slideshow
swapImage2(); // for second slideshow
a cleaner solution would be to have a single swapimage function and pass into it the target DOM element / slideshow you want to target.
heres a quick fiddle of the quickest way I could think of Fiddle Example


Is there a way to switch images src back to original after src change event?

I'm a noob working my way to learn JavaScript on my own and using some resources but want to probe things on my own hence trying this thing but it's not working for some reason. Help is appreciated.
The object is to clarify some blurred images by swapping the source. The images are called zero.jpg/zeroblur.jpg, one.jpg/oneblur.jpg and so on... The page loads with blurred image sources until clicked on. I want to write code so that it goes back to original blurred source image after 5 secs.
P.S.: The code in comments is what I've tried to write on my own.
window.onload = init;
function init() {
var blurryPic = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
for (var i = 0; i < blurryPic.length; i++) {
blurryPic[i].onclick = clarify;
// setTimeout(resetPic, 5000);
function clarify(eventObj) {
var pic =;
var id =;
id = "images/" + id + ".jpg";
pic.src = id;
// function resetPic(eventObj) {
// var pic =;
// var id =;
// id = "images/" + id + "blur.jpg";
// pic.src = id;
// }
It's better with CSS: your image stays the same and you only toggle a class, the class making your image blur.
document.getElementById("clickImg").addEventListener("click", function() {
.blurImg {
-webkit-filter: blur(5px); /* Safari 6.0 - 9.0 */
filter: blur(5px);
<img src="" id="clickImg">
If what you want is really to be able to reset the original image, I think it's better to stock it in a specific attribute, like this:
document.getElementById("reset").addEventListener("click", function() {
document.getElementById("clickImg").src = document.getElementById("clickImg").getAttribute('origSrc')
var imgs = [
document.getElementById("random").addEventListener("click", function() {
document.getElementById("clickImg").src = imgs[Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)]
<input type="button" value="RESET" id="reset" />
<input type="button" value="RANDOM" id="random" /><br/>
<img src="" origSrc="" id="clickImg">
I used an if statement for this to check if the first loaded image file was present or not. Then use the attribute src for the file. Here's an example.
function magicChanger(){
var myImage = document.getElementById("emailImage")
if (myImage.getAttribute("src") == "first loaded image"){
myImage.setAttribute("src", "second image")
myImage.setAttribute("src", "first loaded image")
#html element
<button id = "emailButton" onclick="magicChanger()">
<img id="emailImage" src="{% static 'GoEnigmaPics/emailIcon.png' %}" alt="email">
Thanks for all the answers! I wanted to get it done in JS only so CSS wouldn't work. Appreciate the answers and will definitely incorporate in future projects!
P. S. This is what got it done in the end.
window.onload = init;
function init() {
var blurryPics = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
for (var i = 0; i < blurryPics.length; i++) {
blurryPics[i].onclick = clarify;
function clarify(eventObj) {
var pic =;
var id =;
id = "images/" + id + ".jpg";
pic.src = id;
setTimeout(reBlur, 3000, pic);
function reBlur(eventObj) {
var pic =;
var id =;
id = "images/" + id + "blur.jpg";
pic.src = id;
Please try this code,To Is there a way to switch images src back to original after src change event?
It switches back because by default, when you click a link, it follows the link and loads the page. In your case, you don't want that. You can prevent it either by doing e.preventDefault();
$(function() {
return false;
I hope this code will be useful.
Thank You.

display series of images on button click

is it possible to display 3 images one after another at each button click using a array in JavaScript?
I have an array called
var images = ["image1.jpg","image2.jpg","image3.jpg"]
The way I need the website to load is for the first picture to already be there. Then when I click on the button I want the next picture to be displayed however replacing the image that was there before. I want this to repeat throughout the entire, so when I click on the button, and if the image being displayed was image3, then image1 should be displayed.
I want to share the code I have so far however I don't know where to start. the only code i have is the layout and a variable.
var images = ["image1.jpg","image2.jpg","image3.jpg"]
Try like this.Use 'document.querySelector' do select your button.On clicking button appen images using forEach in body.
var button = document.querySelector('#show');//selects your button
button.addEventListener('click',function(){ // handle click event
var images = ["image1.jpg","image2.jpg","image3.jpg"];//array of valid images
img = document.createElement('img');//creates a img element
img.src = image;//sets src of img tag
document.body.appendChild(img)//appends into body
<button id="show">
Show images
Pure JS solution.
var images = ["", "", ""];
var elem = document.getElementById('img');
var i = 0;
window.onload = function() {
elem.setAttribute("src", images[i]);
elem.addEventListener('click', function() {
(i < images.length-1) ? i++ : i = 0;
this.setAttribute("src", images[i]);
<img src='' id='img'>
jQuery solution.
var images = ["", "", ""];
var i = 0;
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#img').attr('src', images[i]);
$('#img').click(function() {
(i < images.length-1) ? i++ : i = 0;
$('#img').attr('src', images[i]);
<script src=""></script>
<img src='' id='img'>

how to reduce load time of image in javascript

I am loading image on button click next and previous
here i have only 2 div which are animating on click of next and previous button with different images coming from database through json.
I am getting my functionality done but it looking fine only on localhost when I am uploading this on server it gets a blank screen between the animation due to image loading actually what happens my div has completed animation and showing next div but image are loaded properly so a blank div is shown
I want to reduce this load time or my screen will show when the image has been loaded completely how can I fix it ?
basically i want a ajax loader which will automatically get remove after loading
Here is my code
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="815" align="center">
<td><div class="btnPrv2" id="btnPrv2"><</div></td>
<div class="slider">
<div class="mc3" id="mc3" ><img src="" class="ff3" /></div>
<div class="mc4" id="mc4" ><img src="" class="ff4" /></div>
<td><div class="btnNxt2" id="btnNxt2">></div></td>
$(".mc3").animate({left:"-=782px" },350);
$(".mc4").animate({left:"-=782px" },350, function(){ curwdiv = hdiv; canAnim = true});
One way to do it could be load the images when loading the page but keep it hide it using zindex or something like that, then you just need to put it on front and the load time should be longer for loading the page but lesser on the button action.
Could be something like this in your html:
<div class="mc3" id="mc3" style="zindex:-1;" ><img src="" class="ff3" /></div>
And then something like this in your js to show the image (maybe in your function):
PD: I think you should look into your ortography and sintax, it is nearly impossible to understand you question.
I've got this plug somewhere,
For example you have
<img class="preload_image" src="#">
<img class="preload_image" src="#">
<img class="preload_image" src="#">
It will count the images, and will check if all of them are already loaded, check the code below.
// .preload_image is the image class that needed to be loaded
'onLoad': function (loadedImage, totalImage) {
// While loading, progress bar will be shown
$('#load-progressbar img').css('width', Math.floor((loadedImage / totalImage) * 100) + '%');
'onComplete': function (loadedImage) {
// After loading, show image
$('#load-display').fadeOut(2000).queue(function () {
Then here's the source code for that.
(function( $ ){
$.fn.imagemonitor = function(imageEvent)
var totalImage = 0;
var loadedImage = 0;
var loadedImageSrc = Array();
var imageObject = Array();
var isComplete = false;
var loop_delay = 200; // in miliseconds
var imgElement = this;
if(imageEvent.init == null) imageEvent.init = function(){};
if(imageEvent.onLoad == null) imageEvent.onLoad = function(){};
if(imageEvent.onComplete == null) imageEvent.onComplete = function(){};
function createImageObject()
imageObject[index] = new Image();
$(imageObject[index]).attr('src', $(this).attr('src'));
function count_loaded_image()
for(var i=0; imageObject[i]; i++)
if(imageObject[i].complete || imageObject[i].readyState === 4)
imageEvent.onLoad(loadedImage, totalImage);
if((loadedImage == totalImage) && !isComplete)
isComplete = true;
else setTimeout(count_loaded_image, loop_delay);
function getTotalImage()
var tempImageSrc = Array();
var counted = false;
for(i=0; tempImageSrc[i]; i++)
if(tempImageSrc[i] == $(this).attr('src')) counted = true;
if(!counted) tempImageSrc.push($(this).attr('src'))
return tempImageSrc.length;
function checkIfLoaded(src)
var loaded = false;
for(var i=0; loadedImageSrc[i]; i++)
if(loadedImageSrc[i] == src) loaded = true;
return loaded;
function setOnloadEvent()
imageEvent.onLoad(loadedImage, totalImage);
if((loadedImage == totalImage) && !isComplete)
isComplete = true;
totalImage = getTotalImage();
})( jQuery );

Image-loaded-show function by javascript in mobile browser

I'am using the following javascript code to implement image-loaded-show function in mobile web browser (supporting HTML5). Image-loaded-show means that before the image is completely loaded, the width and height is 0, namely it willn't show and occupy any space.
Now the problem is that the images will not show until all the images are loaded.
What I need is that the iamge in the page is seperate, once loaded, the image show up.
Any tips on how to modify this javascript code? thanks.
<script type='text/javascript'>
var srcs = [];
window.doBindLinks = function() {
var elems = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
var elem = elems[i];
var link = elem.getAttribute('src');
elem.setAttribute('link', link);
var content = document.getElementById('content');
var images = content.getElementsByTagName('img');
for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
srcs[i] = images[i].src;
loadImage(images[i], srcs[i],
function (cur, img, cached) {
cur.src = img.src;},
function (cur, img) { = 'none';});
var loadImage = function (cur, url, callback, onerror) {
var img = new Image();
img.src = url;
img.width = '100%';
if (img.complete) {
callback && callback(cur, img, true);
img.onload = function () {
callback && callback(cur, img, true);
if (typeof onerror == 'function') {
img.onerror = function () {
onerror && onerror(cur, img);
The source code of the page is :
<body onload="doBindLinks();"><div id="content"> images and text </div></body>
P.S: Because I need to write this javascript string in C#, I replace the (") into (').
Is the following right:
window.doBindLinks = function() {
var elems = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
var elem = elems[i];
var link = elem.getAttribute('src');
elem.setAttribute('link', link);
window.onImageLoaded = function() {
var elem = event.srcElement;
if ( elem != null ) {
return false;
Besides, the css code is:
img {width: 100%; border-style:none;text-align:center;}
But the images still wouldn't show until all are loaded.
I'm not 100% sure I understand your question. Are you trying to hide the image until it is fully loaded? Are you writing the images out to the page, or are they already in the page? Here are a couple of options:
set style="display:none". Then add onload="'';" event listener to image.
images will each show as they are loaded.
if you are able to change the c# code, then simply write all the image urls out as a list of strings into an imageload function. Then use this function to create the images and add them to the content div.
I hope this helps you. If not, please provide more context, and I will try to help farther.
Ok, I see where you are going now. You can take out all that javascript that you have written. Maybe print it out so that you can throw it in the trash. Then take my example here... and it will do the trick for you. each image shown only as it is loaded. Obviously if you want to change any other properties you can do it in the showImage function. hope this helps.
<script type="text/javascript">
function showImage(elem) { = 'block';
<body><div id="content">
<img src="" onload="showImage(this)" />
<img src="" onload="showImage(this)" />
<img src="" onload="showImage(this)" />
<img src="" onload="showImage(this)" />
<img src="" onload="showImage(this)" />
<img src="" onload="showImage(this)" />

How to change content of a div

I know this question has been asked before, but if someone could explain in greater detail it would be awesome. I have a div and a table and an image inside this div. I am making a image gallery, so I have two links forward and back, how do I make these links change the image, or rather all the content inside the div. I am very new to javascript, actually I know nothing at all about it, if I could get a step by step instruction that would be awesome, I have tried so of the other post codes but can not get it to work, so I have no idea what I am doing wrong.
Sample HTML:
<head><title>Dummy page</title></head>
<div id="divID">
<img id="backImg" src="">
To change the whole div:
var div = document.getElementByID('divID');
div.innerHTML = "<b>This is some html</b>";
To just change the image:
var img = document.getElementByID('backImg');
img.src = "';
Here's a good example that I made that might help. Try it out --
Here's the code for a quick look:
<button id="before">Previous</button>
<button id="next">Next</button>
<div id="imageGallery"></div>
function $(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
var foward = null,
back = null,
images = [
var img = new Image();
for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { // caching the images for performance boost
img.src = images[i];
var image = {
count: -1,
next: function() {
if (image.count == (images.length) - 1) return false;
image.count += 1;
$('imageGallery').innerHTML = "<img src=\"" + images[image.count] + "\"\/>";
previous: function() {
if (image.count <= 0) return false;
image.count -= 1;
$('imageGallery').innerHTML = "<img src=\"" + images[image.count] + "\"\/>";
foward =;
back = image.previous;
$('next').addEventListener("click", foward);
$('before').addEventListener("click", back);
The best thing about this is that all you have to do is add a new image URL to the array and it will still work.
If you want to change the images but not all the content in the div, I'd recommend putting in another div outside the image gallery.

