f.checkbox - how to add onclick that submits instantly? - javascript

So I have a check_box in rails 5, and I want it to submit instantly whenever it is clicked/unclicked. It should be possible with :onclick, but I'm new to js/jquery/ajax, and haven't had any luck searching.
I have this:
<%= form_for #client, :url => url_for(:controller => 'client_admin', :action => 'clientadminpageupdate') do |f| %>
<%= f.check_box :visible, :id => "checkbox" %>
<%= f.submit 'Save' %>
What I want to this is submit the form instantly by adding an
:onclick => something-that-submits-the-form-instantly
How do I go about it?

If you just want to use it as a form submission you can use the following:
:onclick => "this.form.submit()"


How to avoid sending params of fields deleted using JQuery remove()

In this code I was trying to remove fileds for nested_attributes using ajax :remote => ture to avoid reloading
the whole page in browser. Although fileds in fields_for was removed from DOM and association was removed from database, the fields of the nested attributes
still exist in page source and raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound error when trying to send params to update action of parent model
consider the following code:
<%= form_for #artist do |f| %>
<%= f.label :name %>
<%= f.text_field :name %><br/>
<%= f.label :style %>
<%= f.text_field :style %><br/>
<%= f.fields_for :songs do |song_builder|%>
<div id = 'song_<%= song_builder.object.id %>_div'>
<%= song_builder.label :title %>
<%= song_builder.text_field :title %><br/>
<%= song_builder.label :lyrics %>
<%= song_builder.text_area :lyrics %><br/>
<%= link_to 'Remove song', delete_song_path(:a_id => #artist.id, :s_id => song_builder.object.id),
:method => :delete , :remote => true %>
<% end %>
<%= f.submit 'Save' %>
<% end %>
Rails.application.routes.draw do
delete '/artists/remove_song', :to => 'artists#delete_song', :as => :delete_song
class ArtistsController < ApplicationController
def edit
def update
#artist = Artist.find(params[:id])
if #artist.update(artist_params) #=> error Couldn't find Song with ID=2 for Artist with ID=2
redirect_to artist_path(#artist)
flash[:errors] = #artist.errors.full_messages
render :edit
def delete_song
#song_id = params[s_id]
aritst = Artist.find(:params[a_id])
song = artist.songs.find(#song_id)
respond_to do |format|
format.js {render 'delete_song.js.erb'}
$('#song_<%= #song_id %>_div').remove() ;
Couldn't find Song with ID=2 for Artist with ID=2
how to prevent sending params of removed fields by $(...).remove() to update action?
I tried to find a solution for this error. So according to charlietfl comment, I tried to store delete status somewhere locally, then rails can delete association later. So I modified the code as following:
deleting all remote script code including delete_song.js.erb file and delete_song action and delete route. then I allowed marking nested attribute for delete in Artist model file:
accepts_nested_attributes_for :songs, :allow_destroy => true
then adding delete button in _artist_form.html.erb file as following:
<%= button_tag 'x' , :class => 'close_sign', :type => 'button', :onclick => "$('#song_#{song_builder.object.id}_destroy').val('true'); $('#song_#{song_builder.object.id}_div').hide()" %><br/>
and a hidden flied to fields_for as below:
<%= song_builder.hidden_field :_destroy, :id => "song_#{song_builder.object.id}_destroy" %>
and allowing :songs_nested_attributes => [:title, :lyrics, :_destroy] in song_params
once user remove the song field, it will be hidden and marked for destroy later

How do I make clicking a link_to open up a partial only once?

I have these files:
%div.comment{ :id => "comment-#{comment.id}" }
- if current_user && current_user.id == comment.user_id || current_user && current_user.id == reel_user
= link_to "×", comment_path(comment), :method => :delete, :remote => true, :confirm => "Are you sure you want to remove this comment?", :disable_with => "×", :class => 'close', :id => "delete_comment"
= comment.user.first_name
%small= comment.updated_at
%p= comment.body
%p= link_to "Reply", reply_comment_path(comment), :method => :get, :remote => true
def reply
#comment = Comment.find(params[:id])
#obj = Event.find(#comment.commentable_id)
#div_id = "comment-#{#comment.id}"
respond_to do |format|
$("<%= j render(:partial => 'reply', :locals => { :comment => Comment.build_from(#obj, current_user.id, ""), :parent_comment => #comment }) %>").insertAfter($('#<%= #div_id %>')).show('fast');
= form_for comment, :remote => true do |f|
= f.text_area :body, :input_html => { :rows => "2" }, :label => false
= f.text_field :commentable_id, :as => :hidden, :value => comment.commentable_id
= f.text_field :commentable_type, :as => :hidden, :value => comment.commentable_type
= f.text_field :p_comment, :as => :hidden, :value => parent_comment.id
= f.submit "Reply!", :class => "btn btn-primary", :disable_with => "Submitting…"
That's basically the flow of what happens if you click "Reply" in _comment.haml. If you click "Reply", then the partial from _reply.haml opens up underneath the _comment.haml partial. However, if you click "Reply" more than once it will continue opening more _reply partials. How can I make it so that it only opens the form once and if you click it again then nothing happens?
Also, how can I make it so that if there's comment 1 and 2 and the reply partial is open for comment 1, if you click "Reply" on comment 2, it will open up the reply partial for comment 2 and close the partial for comment 1. Thanks!
There's lots of ways to do this.
In reply.js.erb before rendering the form, first remove any existing forms on the page, this action should prevent multiple reply forms coming up, and close reply forms from another reply click.
this line goes at the top of reply.js.erb
One side-effect of this answer is that if a person starts filling in the reply form and then they click on "Reply" again before they submit the form, then what they've typed will be lost

Rails 3.2 - Ajax call when text field changes

I have a Rails 3.2.13 app with some Ajax on forms and links, using the remote parameter.
The problem is that i can't find in the docs how to do the same with text fields - the
remote parameter didn't work, so i think it's not supported on input objects.
I'd like to do bind 'ajax:xxx' events (like 'ajax:success') on my text_field objects.
I this even possible with UJS? If not, what my options are?
Here's some code:
<%= form_for #post, :html => {:class => 'form-horizontal'} do |f| %>
<div class = 'control-group'>
<%= f.label :title, :html => {:class => 'control-label'} %>
<%= f.text_field :title, :placeholder => 'Title', :class => 'input-xxlarge' %>
<div class = 'control-group'>
<%= f.label :body, :html => {:class => 'control-label'} %>
<%= f.text_area :body, :placeholder => 'Your post here', :class => 'input-xxlarge',
:rows => 15 %>
<div class = 'control-group'>
<%= f.label :tags, :html => {:class => 'control-label'} %>
<%= f.text_field :tags, :placeholder => 'Tags separeted by ,', :class => 'input-xxlarge',
:value => '' %>
<%= f.submit 'Create', :class => 'btn btn-primary'%>
I would bind a change or blur event to the input, and then make the Ajax call manually on your javascript/coffecript file.
$('#post_title').change(function() {
// Do your stuff, instantiate variables, etc...
type: post_or_get,
url: your_url,
data: your_data,
success: function(data) {
// Handle stuff after hitting the server here
error: function(data) {

providing an image for button_to in rails 3

Is there any way to change the provide an image for the button in the following code
<%= button_to 'Edit treatment', edit_treatment_path(#treatment), :type => "submit", :class => "style3", :method => "get" %>
If you are trying to submit a form by image click (assuming that since your type is "submit") you can use
image_submit_tag("your_image.png", :class => "style3")
If you meant a standard button you can use
link_to image_tag("your_image.png"), edit_treatment_path(#treatment), :class => "style3"

validation before ajax form submission

How do i introduce validation before remote_form_for submits?
I have javascript function called validateForm(). I am able to call it before the AJAX request process. I tried to use return false and event.preventDefault. But there seems to be no effect. Here is what my code looks like
<% remote_form_for :customer, :update =>"uxScreenLoaderDiv", :url => {:action => "login", :controller => "site"}, :onsubmit => "validateForm(event)" do |f| %>
User name : <%= f.text_field "uxUserName", :class => "TextBox", :style => "width:100px;" %> *
Password : <%= f.password_field "uxPassword", :class => "TextBox", :style => "width:100px;" %> *
<%= f.submit "Go!", :class => "Button-Simple", :id => "uxSubmitButton" %>
<% end %>
the javascript function is simple as follows
function validateForm(event){
return false;
Try this
<% remote_form_for :customer, :update =>"uxScreenLoaderDiv", :url => {:action => "login", :controller => "site"}, :html => {:id => "uxLoginForm"}, :onsubmit => "return validateForm(event)" do |f| %>
i.e. change
:onsubmit => "validateForm(event)
:onsubmit => "return validateForm(event)
EDITED it should be
<% remote_form_for :customer, :update =>"uxScreenLoaderDiv",
:url => {:action => "login", :controller => "site"},
:html => {:id => "uxLoginForm", :onsubmit => "return validateForm(event)"}
do |f|
WHY don't you use :condition for it? something like following
<% remote_form_for :customer, :update =>"uxScreenLoaderDiv",
:url => {:action => "login", :controller => "site"},
:html => {:id => "uxLoginForm"},
do |f|
I think what you're looking for is something like onSubmit="return validateForm(this)" or thereabouts. Then if the validation returns false (because it failed validation) the form should not submit.
You might want to check LIvevalidation plugin (http://github.com/augustl/live-validations) which you can you to do Ajax with active record validations
And its always good to have non-ajax validations also (even though you use ajax validations) as ajax will not work in javascript disable browser

