naming entire column with the same class name - javascript

I'm trying to figure out if I can name an entire column with the same class name in a table, without having to name each individual cell. Any suggestions? Would I use html, css or javascript to do so? Is naming every cell the only way to do so?
Sorry if I post this in the wrong area, I'm new to this site and still trying to figure it out

You can use the nth-child pseudo class selector
table tr td:nth-child(2) {
background: #CCCCCC;
table tr td:nth-child(4) {
background: #00FFEE;

If you want to add a class to all the elements inside the table (the td elements in this case) you can do so with jQuery.
color: red;
<script src=""></script>
With the example above you're basically telling jQuery to target all of the td elements and add your class to each one of them. However, this will apply the class to ALL the td elements in your DOM. If you want to apply the class only to the elements of a specific table, you can do so with:
and you can add the parent-class to your <tbody> element of table. That way you find all the elements that match.


Applying CSS class to all rows but not the table heading

I am trying to apply a css style to change color of clicked rows of an HTML table. On the click event, I am adding the class (selected-row). Now, my table has a sorting functionality when clicking on the heading of each column. The heading gets colored which is not what I want. I want only rows but not the heading. So, I changed my style to (not first child). Now, the heading AND first row don't get color changed. I need only the heading to NOT change color and all other rows to change color when I add selected-row class.
.selected-row:not(:first-child) {
background-color: brown;
color: #FFF;
$("#example tr").click(function () {
If you mark up your table with a <thead> to contain the header row, and <tbody> to contain the data rows, you can specifically target only rows in the table body - like this in CSS:
tbody > tr { }
And like this in jQuery:
$('#example tbody > tr')...
Table mark-up:
<caption>This table contains...</caption>
<td>Item 1</td>
<td>Item 2</td>
One way to potentially do it would be to wrap your table header in <thead></thead> and body in <tbody></tbody> and then apply whatever selector as
$("#example tbody tr").click(function () {...});
You can target "td" tags:
$("#example tr td").click(function () {
If you are using "th" tags in your table:
<table style="width:100%">
If you don't want to modify your header using the th or tbody tags, you could do something like this.
$("table tr:gt(0)").click(function(){
You can see this working in this jsfiddle
Use th for the header row element.

If td has value "No" add class to different td

I have the following code:
<td class="bedrag">
#_ATT{Factuur bedrag}
<td class="paid">
In the td paid the option can be given for Yes or No. I would like change the background of bedrag depending on what was chosen in the td paid. I figured the best way to go was to addClass using Javascript. So I googled around for a while and found this piece of code:
I changed it to fit my needs:
But that didn't work. So I tried the following code:
This adds the class sponz to the td paid. But I want to add it to bedrag. So I then tried this:
But this also didn't work.
Anyone know how to get this code working so that it will add sponz the the td bedrag when a user selects the option Nee? thanks in advance!
closest() isn't quite what you need as that looks for parents. .bedrag is a sibling of .paid, so you need to use prev() instead:
.sponz { color: #C00; }
<script src=""></script>
<td class="bedrag">bedrag 1</td>
<td class="paid">Nee</td>
<td class="bedrag">bedrag 2</td>
<td class="paid">Ja</td>
<td class="bedrag">bedrag 3</td>
<td class="paid">Nee</td>
Can't you just do an if?
if ($('.paid:contains("Nee")').length !== 0) { // there's at least an element
// add class to the right element

Javascript: Set ID to a child existing table

I need to assign/set a unique ID to child tables per Javascript. The main parent table has an ID but the child tables and further child tables within child tables don't.
How can I set an ID to the 1st child and second child tables "on page load"?
<table id="main parent table">
You are probably looking to do something like this (fiddle here) :
$('table').each(function(eq, el) {
el = $(el);
if(typeof(el.attr('id')) === "undefined") {
el.attr('id', 'table-' + eq);
You check every table on site and if it has no id, you assign id of "table-" to each one in the tree.
Use Jquery loop on Top table children loop on inner table. find and addClass on them.

How to include rowspan and colspan dynamically inside <td> tag based on some conditions

I know I can include <td colspan=10> statically when I want to merge the columns, but if I need to check some conditions and based on that only I need to merge then how this could be done?
My idea was like this:
var span="";
if(some condition)
and then setting this variable inside <td> as:
<td +span+>
but it doesn't work like that… Any suggestion how to do this?
<table id="table" border=2>
<tr id="row1">
<td id="tableCellID">foo</td><td></td>
<button onclick="button();" text="Change"/>
<script language="javascript">
var i = 0;
function button(){
var td = document.getElementById("tableCellID");
td.setAttribute("colspan", 2);
td.setAttribute("colspan", 1);
This is how you can dynamically set the attribute colspan. You will see that changing the colspan of one cell will effect the layout of the entire table. You will need to deal with each cell in the row.
var span='';
var table='';
if(some condition)
var table="<tr><td"+span+"></td></tr>":
One way to do is, if you able to set an id in your td
<td id="foo">
in your javascript, you can add attributes like this,
document.querySelector(" td").style.backgroundColor = "#ccc";
document.querySelector("tr.grand td:nth-child(1)").colSpan="2";
document.querySelector("tr.grand td:nth-child(2)").remove();
table, table td {border:1px solid #ccc; padding:5px 10px; border-spacing:0px;}
<tr class="total">
<td>Sub Cost</td>
<tr class="grand">
<td>Amount $1000</td>
<td>Remove Me</td>

How to select the <tr> which holds the <a> andchange the color

I have a table structure:
<table style="width: 100%;">
background-color: red;
Now the problem is if I click on the <a> its corresponding <tr> element (<tr> that holds the <a>) background should be red, again if I click on the same <a> it should come back to normal.
How to identify the the <tr> on which the <a> is clicked.
I tried:
it worked.
$('a').live('click', function(){
$(this).parent().parent() //this is how you select the <tr> that the <a> is in
//first .parent() gets the <td> second .parent() gets the <tr>
Let me know if you need more. There might be a better way but I'm not positive.
I think closest() should get what you are looking for.
$('a').click(function() {
var tr = $(this).closest('tr');
This way you do not have to assume anything about how nested the anchor is in the containing tr.

