get saved value on input flatpickr angular - javascript

I have a flatpickr angular component that I use to save a date with Format:
<input ng-flatpickr class="flatpickr" fp-opts="$ctrl.dateOpts" fp-on-setup="$ctrl.dateDebutSetup(fpItem)" ng-model="$ctrl.selected.selectedDateDebut" data-enabletime="true" placeholder="Selectionner Date..">
When I save this date I have no error, I get the ng-model with the
$scope.dateDebutSetup = function (fpItem) {
fpItem.set("onChange", function (selectedDates, dateStr, instance) {
$scope.selected.selectedDateDebut = selectedDates[0];
and I save it in my db
selection.selectedDateDebut= $filter('date')(new Date($scope.selected.selectedDateDebut), "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm");
But when I try to get the saved value on my input to modify it, It's doesn't work, the value is not loaded
I tried a lot of examples but I don't find a solution:
$ctrl.selected.selectedDatesDebut = $filter('date')(indispo.dateDebut, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm");
this one:
$ctrl.selected.selectedDatesFin = moment(indispo.dateFin).format('DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm');
or Juste with:
$ctrl.selected.selectedDatesFin = new Date (indispo.dateDebut);
Can someone help me please. And thank's in advance :)


Not right date is displayed

I use this daterangepicker:
I receive a date from database: so the format is: YYYY-MM-DD
Web client don't necessary use this format.
I tried that
<input type="text" id="samplingsBuildDatePicker" name="receptionDate" class="form-control">
singleDatePicker: true
var dateStart = moment("2018-01-01", 'YYYY-MM-DD', true).format();
Current day is displayed instead of the first day of the year...
I added a text area
It's the correctly value who is displayed: 01/01/2018... date picker don't working
The problem is here var dateStart = moment("2018-01-01", 'YYYY-MM-DD', true).format();
You are receiving date from DB in YYYY-MM-DD format and you want to convert to DD/MM/YYYY.
Check the below working example for how to do this:
var dateStart = moment("2018-01-01").format("DD/MM/YYYY");
<script src=""></script>
So, make the following changes:
var dateStart = moment("2018-01-01", 'YYYY-MM-DD', true).format();
Change to:
var dateStart = moment("2018-01-01").format("DD/MM/YYYY");
You are Done!

How to set selected date on Jquery Calendar Plugin

So I am using the calendar app on a page that has a set date. I have it so when you click on the calendar, whatever is in the input that has the date, gets changed to the date you clicked on.
When you load into the page I want whatever date that is in the input to be what the calendar is set to. Thanks.
var pageDate = "4/04/2018";
<input class="date">
// Make above date the selected date
// Code below is for setting input to date you select. Currently works.
format: 'mm-dd-yyyy'
}).on('datechanged', function(e) {
console.log('Date change');
var d =;
selectedDate = moment(d, 'MM-DD-YYYY');
var theDate = selectedDate._i;
var weekdayLongform = selectedDate.format("dddd, MMMM");
var dateLongform = selectedDate.format(" D");
var yearLongform = selectedDate.format(" YYYY");
Just set the date as the value of the input (in the same format specified in the plugin initialization). That will do the trick.
<!-- value specifid as mm-dd-yyyy -->
<input class="date" value="03-11-2018">

If datepicker already has value run onselect anyway

Currently, I can select a date and it fills my input fields with the date for 7 days and the corresponding day of the week in another series on input fields (just 3 days in example below). This is working well, although I'm sure there is a more efficient way to write the same thing with arrays, I just have no idea.
However, if I get the start date from the database on page load rather than selecting it with datepicker, it obviously doesn't trigger the onselect event and the fields don't populate. How can I get it to populate the fields in both situations?
I was thinking a function that is run when either the datepicker input has a valid value or onselect, but having never really touched JS before this little project I'm in over my head.
$(function() {
dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
onSelect: function(dateStr, inst) {
var weekday=new Array(7);
var Date1 = $.datepicker.parseDate('dd/mm/yy', dateStr);
var Date2 = $.datepicker.parseDate('dd/mm/yy', dateStr);
Date2.setDate(Date2.getDate('dd/mm/yy') + 1);
var Date3 = $.datepicker.parseDate('dd/mm/yy', dateStr);
Date3.setDate(Date3.getDate('dd/mm/yy') + 2);
What about a loop like this?
$(function() {
dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
onSelect: function(dateStr, inst) {
var weekday=new Array(7);
var Date = $.datepicker.parseDate('dd/mm/yy', dateStr);
Date.setDate(Date.getDate('dd/mm/yy') + i); // "i" is the array index
EDIT --- I misunderstood the question.
So here is another try, since I'm still unsure to get it... But getting closer.
If #startDate is already populated onload, you wish to run the above script as if it was selected using the datepicker, right?
So assuming something like this, on PHP side, to fill the StartDate field:
<input type="text" id="startDate" value="<?php echo $date; ?>"></input>
I would get this function out of the datepicker init to be able to run it from elsewhere.
I've done a CodePen to test this.
// This is the function you had on select
var DayFill = function(dateStr, inst) {
var weekday=new Array(7);
var Date = $.datepicker.parseDate('dd/mm/yy', dateStr);
Date.setDate(Date.getDate('dd/mm/yy') + i); // "i" is the array index
// Fix day number to fit the array index
var daynum = Date.getUTCDay()-1;
// This is your datepicker init
dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
onSelect: DayFill // Call the FillDay function, now out of this init.
// Onload, run the DayFill function using the input value
DayFill( $("#StartDate").val() );

Date Picker Highlight day if not Available

I have this online reservation, and i have this problem, Is there a way i can highlight the unavailable days on the date picker?assuming i have inserted dates on the database. Here's my code for the date picker.
<input type="text" name="pick-up-date" id="pick-up-date" class="form-control datepicker" placeholder="mm-dd-yyyy">
Here's a screenshot:
Use beforeShowDay() function from jQuery check this
e.g., something like this,
var datesToDisable = ["2015-01-07","2015-17-07","2015-21-07"]; //you have to fetch the dates and put em in an array and wh7atever the format is.
beforeShowDay: function(date){
var string = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('dd-mm-yy', date);
return [ datesToDisable.indexOf(string) == -1 ]
Should do the trick!

Bootstrap Datepicker attributes not being set

I am trying to set the startDate for my datepicker along with autoclose:true. However, it doesn't work.
Can you please point to what I am doing wrong? I have the code up on jsfiddle at
Effective Date: <input type=text size=10 id=effectivedate maxlength=10 name=efdate><br/>
Expiration Date: <input type=text size=10 maxlength=10 name=exdate id=expirationdate>
The JavaScript that I have written for the datepicker is as follows:
jQuery(function() {
var efDP = jQuery("#effectivedate");
var exDP = jQuery("#expirationdate");
efDP.datepicker("setDate", new Date());
exDP.datepicker("setDate", new Date(;
startDate: new Date(),
efDP.on("changeDate", function(ev){
var effectDate = new Date(jQuery("#effectivedate").val());
jQuery("#expirationdate").datepicker("setDate", new Date(effectDate.getTime()+259200000));
You are trying to update a non-existing datepicker on the first few lines. exDP.datepicker({autoclose:true}); creates a new instance. You have to set the options directly:
jQuery(function() {
var efDP = jQuery("#effectivedate").datepicker({autoclose:true});
var exDP = jQuery("#expirationdate").datepicker({autoclose:true});
efDP.datepicker('setDate', new Date()).datepicker('update');
exDP.datepicker("setDate", new Date('update');
efDP.on("changeDate", function(e){
exDP.datepicker("setDate", new Date( +259200000)).datepicker('update');
Please take a look at the documentation, to see if you can reuse objects from events. On the first line of your .on function, your are getting a string from an object (.val()) and making a Date object from it again. The changeDate event however, returns a Date object (which can be reused). Easier coding, more readable and maintainable code.
You should use below coding style.
var efDP = jQuery("#effectivedate");
startDate: new Date(),
efDP.datepicker("update", new Date(;

