vtiger : how to set field value=0 on save form? - javascript

Here code in edit.js :
checkmytime : function(form){
var thisInstance = this;
var accountName = thisInstance.getAccountName(form); // current time value
var cc = jQuery('select[name="assigned_user_id"]').prop('selected', true).trigger('change').val();
if(!cc =='selected',true){
var bb = jQuery('input[name="time"]').attr('value','0').val();
return bb;
I want to operate this function when i click on save button.
Basically i am trying to change my assigned user, and also when i select any and then press save button, in return i want nput field(time) value set to "0" ,
so to do this i wrote those lines in edit.js of my module. But still i need help to perform this process on save ,
any one please guide me if have any idea regarding this issue...

its pretty simple.. try with below.
var bb = $("#time").val(0);
And for more info related to value, text and html see below link


Trying to remove recently input text from localStorage - Javascript

Hi, I've a brain fart and don't know what I've done wrong here.
I'm building a todo list/workday scheduler (from 9am - 5pm) which saves a task to localStorage once the user has input text and clicked the save button and then be able to delete it once the users task has been completed. The problem I'm having is being able to delete the text from local storage via the delete button.
Could somebody let me know where I've gone wrong please? Thanks in advance
var store = [];
// save to local storage btn
var saveBtn9 = $("#save-9");
saveBtn9.on("click", function (event) {
var inputText = $("#9").val();
localStorage.setItem("9am", inputText);
function getNineAm() {
var nineAmValue = localStorage.getItem("9am");
var nineAmTextarea = $("#9")[0];
nineAmTextarea.innerText = nineAmValue;
// delete from local storage btn
var deleteBtn9 = $('#delete-9');
deleteBtn9.on('click', deleteString)
function deleteString() {

Javascript/Jquery toggle id with multiple variable

this is my first question, so apologies if not written clearly.
I want to dynamically toggle a comment form after reply button is pressed. There are multiple comments (in below example three) to which a form (with different id) can be rendered separately.
I am able to do this with static id for form but not with dynamically defined id...
I have tried this static approach and this works fine.
var functs_t = {};
functs_t['fun_27'] = $('#reply_comment_id_27').click(function() {$('#form_comment_id_27').toggle('slow');});
functs_t['fun_23'] = $('#reply_comment_id_23').click(function() {$('#form_comment_id_23').toggle('slow');});
functs_t['fun_21'] = $('#reply_comment_id_21').click(function() {$('#form_comment_id_21').toggle('slow');});
However, I am having struggling with a dynamic approach.
var i;
var functs = {};
for (i=0; i<comment_qs_id_list.length; i++) {
var comment_id = comment_qs_id_list[i].toString();
var reply_comment_id = 'reply_comment_id_'+ comment_id;
var form_comment_id = $('#'+reply_comment_id).attr('name');
// works >>> toggles comment 27
functs['func_reply_comment_'+comment_qs_id_list[i]] = $('#reply_comment_id_'+comment_qs_id_list[i]).click(function() {$('#'+'form_comment_id_27').toggle('slow');});
// does not work
//functs['func_reply_comment_'+comment_qs_id_list[i]] = $('#reply_comment_id_'+comment_qs_id_list[i]).click(function() {$('#'+form_comment_id).toggle('slow');});
// works >> toggles everything (but what I want is to hide initially and only toggle after clicking reply button)
Thanks so much!

passing actual URL parameters to a button

I'm working on a web funnel , that i would like to track starting from step number #1 .
I'm trying to pass URL parameter for example :
i want to pass the "subid=#" to the next destination which is button link
so it becomes:
or what ever "subid" was there before .
i just need some instruction from where to start adding this or what language should i work with .
Thanks A lot .
OK, lets imaging you have button on the page, which is
<a id="button" href="https://landing.mywebsite.com/2scstep.html">
Take me to new destination
If I understood you question correctly, you want change the destiantion of the button (href) so it becomes oldhref + '?subid=#'
It can be done in many techniques in javascript. Simpliest way is to install jquery, and then make smething like this
//Wait untill whole document is loaded
//You now is on the page, that has url e.g. `href` + `?subid=12345`
// you got to get you subid var to javascript
//Get whole url
var currentHref = window.location.href;
//Get only params part, by splitting string by ? and taking second part
var currentHrefParamsPart = currentHref.split("?")[1];
//Now get all params to array (there can be lots of params)
var paramsArray = currentHrefParamsPart.split("&");
//Now get subid value
var subid = false; //its not known yet
var key = params.split('=')[0]
if (key == "subid") {
var subid = params.split('=')[1]; //We got it
//Now you gotta change href attribute of the button if subid was found
if (subid) {
var $button = $("#button");
var oldHref = $button.attr("href"); //get the old href
var newHref = oldHref + "?subid=" + subid; //make new href
$button.attr("href", newHref);
It is not working code, there could be mistakes or tyopos, I wrote it to give you an idea how to achieve the result, what techiques and languages should be used.

Retrieving Info from Text Box

I have been able to make some progress on a program but am running into a problem that I can't quite figure out. In the script, when the text box loses focus it is supposed to update the total cost. At this point it retrieves the number from the html code, but it is not retrieving the number that is input.
function productCosts()
var totalMap = document.getElementById('qty1');
var quantity1 = parseFloat($("qty1").value);
var price1 = parseFloat($('price1').value);
var totalMapBlur = function()
var totalMapCost = $('cost1');
totalMapCost = (quantity1) * (price1);
qty1.onblur = (totalMapBlur);
I have created a fiddle so that you can see all of the code. http://jsfiddle.net/KRFjd/1/
Any help is greatly appreciated.
P.S. If you feel my question is not written well enough, please let me know how to improve, don't just review the question negatively. I am trying.
The problem is that you only set quantity1when you call productCosts() when the document is first loaded. You don't update it when the user edits the input field. And if you want the Cost column to be updated, you have to assign to its value.
var totalMapBlur = function()
var quantity1 = $('qty1').value;
var totalMapCost = (quantity1) * (price1);
$('cost1').value = totalMapCost;

addition in while( )

Here is the HTML:
<textarea id="input1"></textarea>
<textarea id="input2"></textarea>
the js:
var a = document.getElementById("input1").length;
var b = document.getElementById("input2").length;
var c=a+b;
each time 'c' reach multiple 140, i need it to be added by 'b',
I've try to do this:
while(c%140 == 0){
at 140th keyup, yes its added, but next keyup(141th) and so on 'c' back to it's value added by notihng. How to do this correctly?
I can't be sure that I'm reading this question correctly, but if my jsfiddle of your code is a close approximation, the solution may be as simple as getting rid of the var in front of c when you add a+b. If you want c to have a persistant value, you need its scope to be outside the keyup event handler.
From the fiddle:
$(function() {
var c = 0;
$("#input2").keyup( function() {
var a = $("#input1").val().length;
var b = $("#input2").val().length;
if(c%140 == 0){
Notice that's an if, not a while. If it's supposed to be a while loop, that's an easy change to make.
I think I have an idea what's going on here. You want to keep track of the total character count of your multi-page SMS messages. The updated jsfiddle has the answer to the question you wouldn't just come out and ask.
Here's the new code:
$(function() {
$("#input2, #input1").keyup( function() {
var a = $("#input1").val().length;
var b = $("#input2").val().length;
Now, this of course assumes that input1 holds your actual message while input2 holds some text that needs to be displayed on each page. If it's the other way around, or if there's some other purpose for this code, please let me know.

