Can't get state of switch with javascript or jquery - javascript

I needed a switch button for a project of mine so I searched and found an easy solution at w3schools. The only issue is that I can't catch the state of the switch now.
I created a function that will change the value of an input filed if the switch is toggled on or off.
var checker = false;
function poly_marker_ctrl(categ, t) {
if (checker == false) {
$("display_result").val('is checked');
checker = true;
} else {
$("display_result").val('is unchecked');
checker = false;
But that doesn't seem to work. Here is the example on jsfiddle.
Thanks for your time.

Try using this.
HTML section :
<div class="col-md-3">
<label class="switch">
<input type="checkbox">
<div class="slider round"></div>
<input id="display_result" type="text" value="is unchecked" readonly>
In script :
var switchButton = 'off';
if(switchButton == 'off'){
switchButton = 'on';
$('#display_result').val('is checked');
switchButton = 'off';
$('#display_result').val('is unchecked');
And css same as you have shown in fiddle.It will work.


If an input has a value, specific radio button should be checked

I want to check if an input (name="companyname") has a value and if so, it should check a radio button (id="Zakelijk"). If it does not have any value, it should check the other radio button (id="Particulier").
See my current code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function ShowHideDiv() {
var chkYes = document.getElementById("Zakelijk");
var dvPassport1 = document.getElementById("checkzakelijk");
var dvPassport2 = document.getElementById("checkzakelijk1");
var dvPassport3 = document.getElementById("checkzakelijk2");
var display = chkYes.checked ? "block" : "none"; = display; = display; = display;
<div class="col-md-12 check-business">
<div class="form-group form-group-xl">
<label for="Particulier"><input type="radio" id="Particulier"checked="checked" name="checkzakelijk" onclick="ShowHideDiv()" />Particulier</label>
<label for="Zakelijk"><input type="radio" id="Zakelijk" name="checkzakelijk" onclick="ShowHideDiv()" />Bedrijf</label>
<div class="col-md-12" id="checkzakelijk" style="display:none;">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputCompanyName" class="control-label">{$LANG.clientareacompanyname}</label>
<input type="text" name="companyname" id="inputCompanyName" value="{$clientcompanyname}"{if in_array('companyname', $uneditablefields)} disabled="disabled"{/if} class="form-control" />
There are other ways, but this should get you going:
$(function() {
if (($("#inputCompanyName").val() || "") != "")
$("#Zakelijk").prop("checked", true)
} else {
$("#Particulier").prop("checked", true)
This is based on your html where the input name='companyname' also has id 'inputCompanyName' and will clear the other radio because they have the same name=
Edit Working jsfiddle:
change input value in the code box (top left) and click run.
Update: Updated the fiddle to the indicated jquery version 3.1.0 and found the newer version of jquery needs id= to match #, while before it matched on name=
If you want to check it when the input is changed you can do
var hasValue = $(this).val() === "";
$("#Zakelijk").prop("checked", hasValue);
$("#Particulier").prop("checked", !hasValue);
you can optimize the code, but this is more readable.
In case you need the solution in Javascript
if(document.getElementById("inputCompanyName").value !== ""){
document.getElementById("Zakelijk").checked = true;
document.getElementById("Particulier").checked = false;
document.getElementById("Particulier").checked = true;
document.getElementById("Zakelijk").checked = false;
Here's a working example of what you're after (albeit without your HTML ids/layout in mind, but you can simply change the IDs within).
$("#text-box").on('change', function(){
if($(this).val() != ""){
$('#rd1').prop("checked", true)
$('#rd2').prop("checked", true)
It hooks into the changed event, so it would occur every time the text-box value has been changed.
After thought:
$("#text-box").on('change', function(){
$("#text-box").on('input', function(){
makes it a little "nicer" in terms of responsiveness.
and here's a version with your ID names too.

Enable/disable button based on accepting the 2 checkbox conditions

I have gone through the stackoverflow regarding enable/disable button conditionally and was able to find some help but NOT EXACT what I was looking for.
Instead of 1 checkbox condition, I have 2 checkbox conditions. So unless if the two checkboxes have been accepted, the button should not be enabled.
Following is my html:
<input type="checkbox" id="f_agree" value="1" onchange="checked(this, 'f_agree2')"/>
<input type="checkbox" id="f_agree2" value="1" onchange="checked('f_agree', this)"/>
<button type="submit" disabled="disabled" id="acceptbtn">Continue</button>
Following is javascript:
function checked(element1, element2) {
var myLayer = document.getElementById('acceptbtn');
if (element1.checked == true && element2.checked == true) {
myLayer.class = "submit";
myLayer.disabled = "";
} else {
myLayer.class = "button:disabled";
myLayer.disabled = "disabled";
I have tried like above, but it is not working. I don't know where I am going wrong.
it won't work because you are not removing that attribute disabled.
function checked(element1, element2) {
var myLayer = document.getElementById('acceptbtn');
if (element1.checked == true && element2.checked == true) {
myLayer.class = "submit";
} else {
myLayer.class = "button:disabled";
use any other name then checked as it seems to be reserved and not working.
you also need to do getElementById for element1 and element2.
function checkedFunc(element1Id, element2Id) {
var myLayer = document.getElementById('acceptbtn');
var element1 = document.getElementById(element1Id);
var element2 = document.getElementById(element2Id);
if (element1.checked == true && element2.checked == true) {
myLayer.class = "submit";
} else {
myLayer.class = "button:disabled";
<input type="checkbox" id="f_agree" value="1" onchange="checkedFunc('f_agree', 'f_agree2')"/>
<input type="checkbox" id="f_agree2" value="1" onchange="checkedFunc('f_agree','f_agree2')"/>
<input type="button" value="check" id="acceptbtn" />
You can try the following code
if (element1.checked == true && element2.checked == true) {
myLayer.class = "submit";
} else {
myLayer.class = "button:disabled";
myLayer.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
With jQuery:
var btn;
var changed = function() {
//get the length of non checked boxes
var disbl = $('input[id^=f_agree]:not(:checked)').length;
btn.prop('disabled', disbl);//disable if true, else enable
$(function() {
btn = $('#acceptbtn');
$('input[id^=f_agree]').on('change', changed).trigger('change');
<script src=""></script>
<input type="checkbox" id="f_agree" value="1" />1
<input type="checkbox" id="f_agree2" value="1" />2
<input type="button" id="acceptbtn" value="Submit" />
The problem is that there is a difference between the string "f_agree" and the node with id="f_agree".
Your code should work as expected with
checked(this, document.getObjectById('f_agree2'))
Much better would be however to avoid having a widget knowing about the other... I'd implement instead by adding a list of external rules that check all widgets:
function okSubmit() {
return (document.getElementById("f_agree").checked &&
This is much easier to read/maintain and also scales better in case you need to add more conditions later. In the onchange of all the widgets just call a function that will enable/disable the submit button depending on the conditions.
Try this
if (element1.checked == true && element2.checked == true) {
myLayer.class = "submit";
} else {
myLayer.class = "button:disabled";
myLayer.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
Try the below code -
var chk1 = document.getElementById('chk1');
chk1.addEventListener('click', checked, false);
var chk2 = document.getElementById('chk2');
chk2.addEventListener('click', checked, false);
function checked(){
if(chk1.checked && chk2.checked) {
} else {
<input type="checkbox" id="chk1" />
<input type="checkbox" id="chk2" />
<button id="btn" disabled >Button<button>
I tested it and it's working! Hope it helps u...

How do i make the field that shows required in html5 and java script? Below is my code

if you look at the code below I use javascript to show fields when another radio button is clicked. Is there way using html5 and javascript to make those fields that show required.
function yesnoCheckcanwork() {
if (document.getElementById('no_to_work').checked) {
document.getElementById('notoworkexplain').style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('notoworkexplain').style.display = 'none';
function yesnoCheckcanfelony() {
if (document.getElementById('yes_to_felony').checked) {
document.getElementById('yestofelonyexplain').style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('yestofelonyexplain').style.display = 'none';
<label>Are you a U.S. citizen or otherwise authorized to work in the U.S. on an unrestricted basis?:</label>
<input type="radio" id="yes_to_work" value="yes_to_work" name="can_work" onclick="javascript:yesnoCheckcanwork();" required="required"><label for="yes_to_work" class="light">Yes</label>
<input type="radio" id="no_to_work" value="no_to_work" name="can_work" onclick="javascript:yesnoCheckcanwork();" required="required"><label for="no_to_work" class="light">No</label>
<div id="notoworkexplain" style="display:none">
<label for="no_to_work_explain">Please explain:</label><textarea id="no_to_work_explain" name="no_to_work_explain"></textarea>
<label>Have you ever been convicted of a felony?:</label>
<input type="radio" id="yes_to_felony" value="yes_to_felony" name="felony" onclick="javascript:yesnoCheckcanfelony();" required="required"><label for="yes_to_felony" class="light">Yes</label>
<input type="radio" id="no_to_felony" value="no_to_felony" name="felony" onclick="javascript:yesnoCheckcanfelony();" required="required""<label for="no_to_felony" class="light">No</label>
<div id="yestofelonyexplain" style="display:none">
<label for="yes_to_felony_explain">Please provide date of conviction and fully describe the circumstances:</label><textarea id="yes_to_felony_explain" name="yes_to_felony_explain" ></textarea>
All you need to do is to set the element's required attribute to true or false.
So try this:
function yesnoCheckcanwork() {
if (document.getElementById('no_to_work').checked) {
document.getElementById('notoworkexplain').style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('no_to_work_explain').required = true;
} else {
document.getElementById('notoworkexplain').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('no_to_work_explain').required = false;
function yesnoCheckcanfelony() {
if (document.getElementById('yes_to_felony').checked) {
document.getElementById('yestofelonyexplain').style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('yes_to_felony_explain').required = true;
} else {
document.getElementById('yestofelonyexplain').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('yes_to_felony_explain').required = false;
Here is a demo:

Checkbox to display more options

I am using ColdFusion 8 to create a search form and would like the user to be able to check a box if they want the advanced search options to appear.
Here is what I have so far:
In my javascript file:
function showDiv(advancedVal)
if(advancedVal == '') {
$('moreOptions').style.display = "";
} else {
$('moreOptions').style.display = "none";
In my CF file:
<input name="advanced" type="checkbox" value="" id="advanced" onclick="showDiv('');">
<div id="moreOptions" style="display:none;" class="moreOptions">
drop down boxes
The checkbox is in a different table, does this matter?
Anyone know why this isn't working?
Are you using jQuery? Then it should be:
$('moreOptions').style.display = "" should be $('#moreOptions').show()
$('moreOptions')[0].style.display = ""
I guess this is what you want:
function showDiv(obj) {
var more = document.getElementById('moreOptions'); = obj.checked ? "" : "none";
And change your markup:
<input name="advanced" type="checkbox" value="" id="advanced" onchange="showDiv(this)">
See demo
If you are not using jQuery, your code should be:
function showDiv(advancedVal)
if(advancedVal) {
document.getElementById('moreOptions').style.display = "";
} else {
document.getElementById('moreOptions').style.display = "none";
<input name="advanced" type="checkbox" value="" id="advanced" onchange="showDiv(this.checked)">
Here's an example:
change $('moreOptions') to $('#moreOptions')

making the checkbox to display div

here am trying to display divs ClinicFieldSet and HospitalFieldset by selecting the given text boxes. If both are selected, both ClinicFieldset and HospitalFieldset should display and if one of the check box is selected it should show which div is selected.
The problem with my script is, when one of the checkboxes are clicked, both checkboxes are getting selected and it is not posible to uncheck them also. So please suggest me an idea to fix this problem :(
I used Javascript onClick in both checkboxes to apply on both of them.
<script type="text/javascript>
var clinic = document.getElementById('clinic');
var visit = document.getElementById('visit');
if((clinic.checked = true) && (visit.checked = true) )
else if((clinic.checked = true) && (visit.checked = false))
else if((clinic.checked = false) && (visit.checked = true))
<input type="checkbox" name="type" id="clinic" onClick="dispp();" >Clinic Practice
<input type="checkbox" name="type" id="visit" onClick="dispp();" >Visiting Hospital
In your if statement use the == equality operator.
The single = is used to assign a value, not test its equality.
May I suggest a revised approach (not using in-line click-handlers) with a slightly amended html, just to make the JavaScript somewhat more simple:
<input type="checkbox" name="type" id="clinic" /><label for="clinic">Clinic Practice</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="type" id="hospital" /><label for="hospital">Visiting Hospital</label>
<div id="clinicInfo">
<h2>Clinic information</h2>
<div id="hospitalInfo">
<h2>Hospital information</h2>
document.getElementById('hospitalInfo').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('clinicInfo').style.display = 'none';
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
function dispp() {
if (this.checked) {
document.getElementById( + 'Info').style.display = 'block';
else {
document.getElementById( + 'Info').style.display = 'none';
for (i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
if (inputs[i].type.toLowerCase() == 'checkbox') {
inputs[i].onchange = dispp;
JS Fiddle demo.
Try this
if(clinic.checked == true)
if(visit.checked == true)
var form=document.forms.add
form.elements.check.addEventListener('change',function(e) {
var check=document.querySelector('.check')

