What protects my Facebook application from being impersonated? - javascript

Facebook JavaScript SDK guide contains an example code to integrate Facebook login and authorization for a specific application. The only information provided to this script is the App ID.
Let's say an user authorizes my application to access his private data. Now, what prevents someone else to put a Facebook login form on his own application using my App ID and JavaScript to make it look like it came from my domain and access this user's private data?
Do browsers provide enough security on this subject?

Now, what prevents someone else to put a Facebook login form on his own application using my App ID and JavaScript to make it look like it came from my domain and access this user's private data?
Do browsers provide enough security on this subject?
Nothing to do with the browser, really. Facebook will only pass data back to a domain that's in your whitelisted set of app domains in the developer console.

When the SDK redirects user to Facebook, Facebook's servers redirects back to your site. The redirect URL is set by you in the App Settings of Facebook Developer Center. If someone steals your App Id and puts it in his site, all of his users would be redirected to your site.


How can authorization be done on a local web app using Google?

I'm developing a (so far) intra-company website that needs authentication (i.e. a limited set of users are allowed to use it). I don't want to force the users to have a new username/password pair for only this service. The company already uses company-branded Google Mail for e-mail, so every user already has a Google account: my "cunning plan" is let Google authenticate the users.
I found this great question and answer so I know (or at least have an idea) on how to verify on the server side that the web session was authenticated by Google. What I don't know: how to get that accessToken on the client side? How to detect if the user already logged in to Google, and if not, how to present the Google login form to the user?
I found the Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google APIs documentation, but I don't quite understand this sentence: "The authorization sequence begins when your application redirects a browser to a Google URL; the URL includes query parameters that indicate the type of access being requested.". What is this URL?
I'm fairly new to web development and JavaScript, unfortunately.
"The authorization sequence begins when your application redirects a browser to a Google URL; the URL includes query parameters that indicate the type of access being requested.".
Your application will need to open a webpage which will display a consent screen to the user. This page is opened on Googles identity server not your own. You have probably seen this before.
The url is built up using the client id and redirect URI that you set up on your project in the Google developer console.
you might find this blog post interesting Google 3 Legged OAuth2 Flow

Facebook Api to post use submitted image to a specific page

Here is what I am trying to achieve - I want to take input from my users as some text and image and post it to a page created by me. The user using the mobile app , does not have any any access to that facebook page. I want to post to that page anonymously on behalf of the user. The page is created by me so I should have access to it. I am really confused what to look for. I have set up an app in facebook developer from the same account who is the creator of the page and I can login user's and have their access token.By the way, if it's relevant I am building a hybrid app and using cordova facebook native plugin
This is the API call you need, there are code examples for several languages: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/page/feed#publish
Take a look at the code for the JavaScript SDK, just use that API endpoint with the correct parameters in your cordova plugin.
You need to use a Page Token with the manage_pages and publish_pages permissions. More information about Tokens:

Call an office 365 authenticated web api from a sharepoint page javascript

I have a scenario that I think should be fairly simple, yet I'm not finding a solution and wondering if someone can point me in the right direction.
The setup:
1) SharePoint online website (user must be authenticated to see page)
2) .NET MVC Web API service endpoint (user must be authenticated to get data from the service)
Both of these authenticate using the same Azure Active Directory. The Web API has been registered in Azure AD.
The problem:
I would like to put some javascript on a SharePoint Online page (not a Sharepoint Add-in, not an AngularJS SPA) that will make an AJAX call to the Web API using the logged in user's credentials without any kind of user prompt (since this is an ajax call, the user won't see the prompt anyway).
I've tried looking into the ADAL libraries, but all the JavaScript ones I can find require the use of Angular and require the user to authenticate a second time. I've found some documentation using OAuth 2.0, but (from what I can tell) require you to get the client to authorize the Sharepoint Online page to act on their behalf - which the user will not be able to consent to because it's an AJAX call and the consent page is not displayed in the browser (and it's still doing this despite having the app already approved by an administrator in Azure AD).
It seems to me the user shouldn't have to leave the SharePoint page and shouldn't have to enter their credentials a second time. I believe there should be some way that the log-in to SharePoint Online should also be able to be used as the log-in for our in-house app.
If someone could just point me in the correct direction, I would be very much appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
Normally, if we call the resource which protected by Azure AD, we need to authorize the app via OAuth 2.0.
Were you able to put a hidden iframe in the SharePoint online page? If it is possible, then we can use the Azure AD implicit flow get the token through iframe, and we can call the REST which protected by Azure AD via the token return by iframe. To enable the implicit flow, we need to download the application manifest from Azure portal and switch ‘oauth2AllowImplicitFlow’ to true.
And if you were only developing a single tenant which doesn’t require users to consent the app. Here is the HTML code request the token from a Iframe for your reference:
<iframe width="0" height="0" id="oauthHideIframe" src="https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenantId}/oauth2/authorize?response_type=token&client_id={Client_Id}&redirect_uri={redirect_Url}&resource={your web api app url register on the protal}"> </iframe>
And to pass the token from iframe to the parent window, we can use the window.postmessage which allow the corss-orignal communication.

How to implement a web widget with OAuth 2.0

I want to create a web widget that will display information from my site.
The widget will be included in the client's website HTML using JavaScript, and should only be usable for my clients -- web sites that were registered at my site.
The information in the widget should be specific to the user who is currently visiting the client's site.
So, I need to authenticate both the client (website owner) and the resource owner (website visitor). This seems to map nicely to OAuth 2.0, but I couldn't find a complete example or explanation for such an implementation.
Any resources or pointers to such information will be appreciated.
Update: I've stumbled upon this article, which provides an outline for an approach that uses OAuth. However, it is not detailed enough for me to really understand how to use this with OAuth 2.
There are many large organizations that have done this, and I'm sad to see no other answers for this question since it's such an important web pattern.
I'm going to presume that you are not rolling your own OAuth 2.0 provider from scratch, if you are - well done otherwise you should be using something kickass like Doorkeeper to do this for you.
Now, in OAuth 2.0 you have the following entities:
Users registered on your website
Applications registered on your website (who subscribe to your oauth2)
User Permissions which is a list of Applications that a user has 'allowed'
Developer (who is consuming your auth API / widgets and building an Application)
The first thing to note is you must have a domain name associated with each Application. So if a developer registers for a API token / secret on your website, the Application he creates is mapped to a unique domain.
Now, I presume that the flow for an application to authenticate users via your website is already clear. That being said, you don't need to do much for this to work.
When an Application sends the user to your website (in order to sign in) you place a session cookie on the user's computer. Lets call this "Cookie-X".
Now the user is authenticated by your website and goes back to the Application. There we want to show a custom widget with information pertaining to that user.
The developer will be need to copy paste some code into this app.
The flow is like this:
The code will contain a url to your website with his Application ID (not secret) which he got when registering his application on your website.
When that code runs, it will ping your website with his appId. You need to check that AppID with your database, and additionally check that the referrer url is from the same domain as that which is registered in your website for that AppID. Edit: Alternatively or additionally, the code can check for document.domain and include it in the ping to your website, allowing you to verify that the request has come from the domain that has registered with the given AppID.
If that is correct, you reply back with some JS code.
Your JS code looks for the session cookie your website had set when the user had signed in. If that cookie is found, it pings back to your website with the session and your website responds with the custom view content.
Edit: as rightfully mentioned in a comment, the cookie should be HttpOnly to safeguard against common XSS attacks.
Additional Notes
The reasons this is a secure approach:
The AppId and domain name are a good enough combination to verify that other people are not fetching this information. Even thou the appId is visible in the applications html source, the domain name would have to be spoofed by anyone attempting to use someone else's AppID.
Presuming someone takes an AppID which is not his, and writes code to spoof the domain name of the referrer when requesting for your widget, he still won't be able to see any information. Since you are showing user specific information, the widget will only render if your website can find the session cookie it placed on the users browser which can't really be spoofed. There are ways around like session-hijacking, etc. But I think that's beyond the scope of this question.
Other Methods
Just by looking at Facebook's Social Plugins, you can tell that there are other options.
For example, one might be to use an Iframe. If you ask the developer to add an Iframe to his application, you can even reduce a few of the steps mentioned above. But you will have to add JS along with it (outside the iframe) to grab the correct domain, etc. And ofcourse from an accessibility and interface standpoint I'm not very found of Iframes.

Using Facebook API in widget

I'm building a widget that can be placed on a various sites, and will have users be able to log in via facebook connect to accounts on the widget's parent site. I was going to use the Facebook JS SDK to do this, but the widget will likely be placed on sites that already have the FB JS SDK initialized on them with a different app ID, and if I were to run code this way it could lead to a namespace problem.
The only current solution I have come up with is to do the server-side type authorization, and have a redirect-url that leads back to the current page in which the widget is hosted and use the state paremeter to alert backbone router that the user has logged in.
The first problem I thought of is that on the facebook docs site it says
For security, the redirect_uri must have the same base domain as that specified in the App Domain property of your app's settings, or be a URL of the form https://apps.facebook.com/YOUR_APP_NAMESPACE.
How do I bring people back to the original page that the widget it hosted on after login? Is there a better approach to this problem?
you can use Server side authentication and redirect_uri to your site that will redirect to the various site
redirect_uri = https://www.mydomain.com/?r=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.somesite.me
On you server you will look of the query param r and redirect the request to r value.
You can also do your own authentication for users (when they first sign in) and store there facebook access_token on you DB, once your widget is running (under https) and you identified the user on your authentication you can send the widget client the user's access_token and work with it.
You can even create your own Simple FB-like ajax library, for most things it will be a simple get/post/put calls with access_token as a url parameter
Hopes it helps

