Search for a value within an object in javascript [closed] - javascript

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have an array within an angular scope that basically contains an object within each iteration. I have used the indexOf() function before to check if a value exists within an array - but how can I check if a value exists within the object word value?
I want to use a foreach loop and just check if a word exists within the rules array in the format shown below - how is the best way to achieve this?
rules = [];
rules[0] = { word:"house"}
rules[1] = { word:"shoes"}
rules[2] = { word:"tools"}

rules = []
rules[0] = { word:"house"}
rules[1] = { word:"shoes"}
rules[2] = { word:"tools"}
rules[3] = { sentence:"horse"}
rules.forEach(rule => {
if (rule.word) {
console.log('Exist. Value:', rule.word)
} else {
console.log('Doesn\'t Exist.')
Hope this helps!

for(var i =0;i < rules.length;i++){
if(rules[i].word === 'valueYouWantToCheck'){
// do whatever you want to do
Try this...:)

You can use this
var rules = [];
rules[0] = { word:"house"}
rules[1] = { word:"shoes"}
rules[2] = { word:"tools"}
console.log(item.word) // your word of choice
You can also use filter function. If your required word is matched it will return the object or else it will return an empty array
var getValue = rules.filter(function(item){
return item.word=='house';
Beside you can also use .find method
return item.word=="house";

rules = [];
rules[0] = { word:"house"}
rules[1] = { word:"shoes"}
rules[2] = { word:"tools"}
for(var i=0; i<rules.length ; i++)
rules[i]["word"]=='valueforComparison'; // or rules[i].word=='valueforComparison';


How To Do This in JavaScript [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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var sunny=[1,2,3];
var bunny=[4,5,6];
var name=prompt("Enter Name");
for(var i=0;i<3;i++)
//If User input Sunny then array elements of sunny will be printed.
You can use object for users and write your users in it, example:
var users = {
sunny: [1,2,3],
bunny: [4,5,6]
var name = prompt("Enter Name");
//If User input Sunny then array elements of sunny will be printed.
I think what you want is to use an object:
const names = {
const name=prompt("Enter Name");
for(var i=0;i<3;i++)
There is not clean way to get a variable if you have its name as string. However its easy to access an objects properties with a string with the [] syntax.
U can achieve this by using 'eval'.
See the update code.
var sunny=[1,2,3];
var bunny=[4,5,6];
var name=prompt("Enter Name");
for(var i=0;i<3;i++)
You can use a switch-statement ( like
var a;
switch(name) {
case "sunny":
a = sunny;
case "bunny":
a = bunny;
for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {

Construct a selector with if statements in JavaScript [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I create a MongoDB selector from some session variables. If the session value is null, the selector should not include the condition.
I have a selector
return Session.get('title') ? { title: Session.get('title') } : {};
which works as it should; however, I want to filter on more session values.
If I add another one, I get
var title = Session.get('title');
var age = Session.get('age');
if (title && age) {
return {
title: title,
age: age
} else if (title) {
return {
title: title
} else if (age) {
return {
age: age
} else {
return {}
and it will only get more complicated when I add another session value.
How can I obtain the same result in a smarter way?
You could use an array to hold all of your possible values, then you just add to this array when a new value is added.
var sessionVars = ['title', 'age'];
var result = {};
sessionVars.forEach(function(varName) {
var value = Session.get(varName);
if (value) {
result[varName] = value;
return result;

Create new objects inside of a function with JavaScript?

So I want to create a function that if, if a question is answered wrong, it stores the wrong answer into a new object? So that I can list all of the wrong answers at the end?
var answerList = [{question:1, answer:1},{question:2, answer:2},]
var listofWrongAnswers = [];
if (answerSelected != answerlist[1].answer) {
/* create a new object
put answerlist[1].question and answerlist[i].answer in new object and push to
array ListofWrongAnswers */
I dont get how you can randomly name variables? if that's even possible.
Couldn't you simply create a new object based on the current question?
Something like this should work:
if (answerSelected != answerlist[1].answer) {
listofWrongAnswers.push({question: answerlist[1].question, answer: answerlist[1].answer});
However, you should look to make that index a parameter:
function addToWrongAnswers(answerSelected, idx) {
if (answerSelected != answerlist[idx].answer) {
listofWrongAnswers.push({question: answerlist[idx].question, answer: answerlist[idx].answer});
I assume you want something like this:
function getQuestion(number){
for(var i = 0; i < answerList.length; i++){
if(answerList[i].question === number){
return answerList[i];
function checkAnswer(questionNumber, answer){
var question = getQuestion(questionNumber);
if(answer !== question.answer){
However, I'm also assuming you'll start with Question 1 and increment the number, so it would be even simpler if you just selected the question using an array index, rather than iterating through it. So this might be better:
var answerList = [{question:1, answer:1}, {question:2, answer:2}];
var listofWrongAnswers = [];
function checkAnswer(questionNumber, answer){
var question = answerList[questionNumber - 1];
if(answer !== question.answer){
If you want to clone that question object and push it into that array, you can use
listofWrongAnswer.push({question: answerlist[1].question, answer: answerlist[1].answer});
But with this code you won't can use == operator to compare question objects existing at those arrays
listofWrongAnswer[1] == answerlist[1] // It's false
But if you don't want such a behavior you can store only references to question objects in the wrong answer list:
With this code you can compare question objects with == operator
listofWrongAnswer[1] == answerlist[1] // It's true

What is the difference between `for` and `while` loops in my Script [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a JavaScript function that collects a number of input tags into an array and then decides if one of them has been selected:
function validateAnswerSelected () {
var formValid = false;
var groupedInput = document.getElementsByName("choice");
var i;
// while (!formValid && i < questions[questionNumber].choices.length) {
// if (groupedInput[i].checked) {
// formValid = true;
// }
// i++;
// }
// for (i = 0; questions[questionNumber].choices.length; i++) {
// if (groupedInput[i].checked) {
// formValid = true;
// }
// }
if (!formValid) {
alert("select an answer");
When I uncomment the while loop the function works correctly. However when I uncomment the for loop groupedInput becomes undefined.
What is the difference here?
Edit: when I uncomment the while then I do initialise the i variable. The error I made in the question is just a typo.
for (i = 0; questions[questionNumber].choices.length; i++) {
Should be:
for (i = 0; i < questions[questionNumber].choices.length; i++) {
// ^ You forgot the `i <`
You didn't assign a value for "i" before using a while loop.
Blockquote var i; //default is undefined
But, in for loop you have assigned inside of that.
Blockquote for (i = 0; questions[questionNumber].choices.length; i++) {
That's why it returns undefined.
var i = 0;
Now it works fine. :)

What is the best way to call a function that receives single objects as argument when you have collections instead? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Sometimes you have a function that will work for flat arguments. For example:
But what if, instead, you have collections of players / messages?
message = ['Welcome!','Check our site for events.']
players = [Player1,Player2,Player3]
Writting for-loops will reduce readability and won't work if you don't know statically if your argument is a collection or object. Rewritting the function is sometimes not viable or too laborous and promotes duplicate code. What is a simplier solution?
You can write a decorator that will transform your function into a function that will take the cartesian product of it's own arguments and call the original function on it.
function send(player,message) {
console.log('To ',player,': ',message);
cartesian(send)(['Player1','Player2','Player3'],['Welcome!','Check our site.']);
//To Player1 : Welcome!
//To Player1 : Check our site.
//To Player2 : Welcome!
//To Player2 : Check our site.
//To Player3 : Welcome!
//To Player3 : Check our site.
This implements the decorator ("cartesian") on Javascript:
function cartesian_product(arr){
//cartesian_product( [[1,2],[3,4]] ) = [[1,3],[1,3],[2,3],[2,4]]
function partial_product(arr,i){
//partial_product([[1,2],3],0) = [[1,3],[2,3]]
var result = []
for (j=0; j<arr[i].length; ++j){
arr_changed = arr.slice();
return result;
var result = [arr.slice()];
for (var x=0; x<arr.length; ++x){
for (var y=0; y<result.length; ++y){
if (result[y][x] instanceof Array) {
return result;
function cartesian(func){
//cartesian(func)([1,2],[3,4]) = [func([1,3]),func([1,4]),func([2,3]),func([2,4])]
_this = this;
return function(){
var args_list = cartesian_product(;
var return_values = []
for (var i=0; i<args_list.length; ++i){
return return_values;

