Next.js React component getInitialProps doesn't bind props - javascript

In Next.js, you can use in your React components a lifecycle method bound to the server side rendering on first load.
I tried to use this function as presented in the ZEIT tutorial (alternatively on their Github), but this.props doesn't seem to get JSON returned by the function.
When I click on the component, console print an empty object.
import React from 'react'
import 'isomorphic-fetch'
export default class extends React.Component {
static async getInitialProps () {
const res = await fetch('')
const data = await res.json()
return { data }
print() {
render() {
return <div onClick={this.print.bind(this)}>print props</div>

I had this issue due to a problem in my _app.js (i.e. NextJS Custom App) which I caused while adding in Redux (not a Redux issue). As soon as I started using getInitialProps in a page my props were empty at render though data was there in the static call. The cause was the incorrect propagation of pageProps in my _app.js.
So in my case the fix was changing, in custom _app.js getInitialProps, this:
return {
initialReduxState: reduxStore.getState()
return {
pageProps: {...pageProps},
initialReduxState: reduxStore.getState()
.. so the render method as seen in the NextJS doc link could wire them through.

you can make your call in getInitialProps method like this with little modification in your code
import React from 'react'
import 'isomorphic-fetch'
export default class extends React.Component {
static async getInitialProps () {
const res = await fetch('')
const data = await res.json()
return { jsonData: data }
print() {
render() {
return <div onClick={()=> this.print()}>print props</div>

I tried your code and it seems to work fine, console shows this.props:


Load function from external script using #loadable/component in React

I have a JSON file with several filepaths to scripts that I want to be able to load dynamically into my React app, to build each component based on specifications that are in the metadata. Currently I have the metadata in my app as a Metadata data object.
"component1": { "script": "./createFirstLayer.js" },
"component2": { "script": "./createSecondLayer.js" }
Each script exports a function that I want to be able to use to construct the component. For troubleshooting purposes, it currently only returns a simple message.
function createFirstLayer(name) {
return name + " loaded!";
export default createFirstLayer;
I did some research and identified the #loadable/component package. Using this package as import loadable from "#loadable/component";, I attempted to load my script into App.js like this:
async componentDidMount() {
Object.keys(Metadata).forEach(function(name) {
var createLayer = loadable(() => import(Metadata[name].script));
var message = createLayer(name);
Everything I have tried throws the TypeError createLayer is not a function. How can I get the function loaded?
I have also attempted the lazy method.
I have recreated a working demo of my problem here.
EDIT: I have tried to put this at the top of my app
const scripts = {};
Object.keys(Metadata).forEach(async function(name) {
import(Metadata[name].script).then((cb) => scripts[name] = cb);
This causes the TypeError Unhandled Rejection (Error): Cannot find module './createFirstLayer.js'. (anonymous function)
src/components lazy /^.*$/ groupOptions: {} namespace object:66
I have also attempted
const scripts = {};
Object.keys(Metadata).forEach(async function(name) {
React.lazy(() => import(Metadata[name].script).then((cb) => scripts[name] = cb));
My goal is to be able to call the appropriate function to create particular layer, and match them up in the metadata.
You don't need #loadable/component for two reasons.
You can accomplish your goal with dynamic imports
'#loadable/component' returns a React Component object, not your function.
To use dynamic imports simply parse your JSON the way you were, but push the call to the import's default function into state. Then all you have to do is render the "layers" from within the state.
Like this:
import React, { Component } from "react";
import Metadata from "./metadata.json";
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { messages: [] };
async componentDidMount() {
Object.keys(Metadata).forEach(name=> import(`${Metadata[name].script}`).then(cb =>
this.setState((state, props) => ({ messages: [...state.messages, cb.default(] }))));
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
{, idx) => (
<h1 key={idx}>{m}</h1>
export default App;
Here is the working example

Reach router navigate updates URL but not component

I'm trying to get Reach Router to navigate programmatically from one of my components. The URL is updated as expected however the route is not rendered and if I look at the React developer tools I can see the original component is listed as being displayed.
If I refresh the page once at the new URL then it renders correctly.
How can I get it to render the new route?
A simplified example is shown below and I'm using #reach/router#1.2.1 (it may also be salient that I'm using Redux).
import React from 'react';
import { navigate } from '#reach/router';
const ExampleComponent = props => {
return <div />;
export default ExampleComponent;
I was running into the same issue with a <NotFound defualt /> route component.
This would change the URL, but React itself didn't change:
import React from "react";
import { RouteComponentProps, navigate } from "#reach/router";
interface INotFoundProps extends RouteComponentProps {}
export const NotFound: React.FC<INotFoundProps> = props => {
// For that it's worth, neither of these worked
// as I would have expected
if (props.navigate !== undefined) {
// ...or...
navigate("/", { replace: true });
return null;
This changes the URL and renders the new route as I would expect:
export const NotFound: React.FC<INotFoundProps> = props => {
React.useEffect(() => {
navigate("/", { replace: true });
}, []);
return null;
Could it be that you use #reach/router in combination with redux-first-history? Because I had the same issue and could solve it with the following configuration of my historyContext:
import { globalHistory } from "#reach/router";
// other imports
const historyContext = createReduxHistoryContext({
// your options...
reachGlobalHistory: globalHistory // <-- this option is the important one that fixed my issue
More on this in the README of redux-first-history
The same issue happens to me when I'm just starting to play around with Reach Router. Luckily, found the solution not long after.
Inside Reach Router documentation for navigate, it is stated that:
Navigate returns a promise so you can await it. It resolves after React is completely finished rendering the next screen, even with React Suspense.
Hence, use await navigate() work it for me.
import React, {useEffect} from 'react';
import {useStoreState} from "easy-peasy";
import {useNavigate} from "#reach/router";
export default function Home() {
const {isAuthenticated} = useStoreState(state => state.auth)
const navigate = useNavigate()
useEffect(()=> {
async function navigateToLogin() {
await navigate('login')
if (!isAuthenticated) {
return <div>Home page</div>
Try and use gatsby navigate. It uses reach-router. It solved my problem
import { navigate } from 'gatsby'

When testing a react component with jest an imported method is coming as undefined

While testing a component which imports a pure function from another file, the pure function is coming as undefined during testing
import {constructQueryVariables} from '../file';
export class MyComponent extends components {
getActions = () => {
return {
action: () => {
const queryParams = constructQueryVariables();
// uses queryParams in AJAX call and setState on success
In the test file I have simply done the mounting and the component is imported like
import {MyComponent} from '../MyComponent';
I expect queryParams variable to contain the returned object from constructQueryVariables, but getting
TypeError: (0 , _file. constructQueryVariables) is not a function
Please note this is happening only during testing

Need to Execute Function before render() in ReactJS

I've created a login system with React which stores a session when the user logs in. When the page is reloaded, I have added a function which should check if the session exists and then either setState() to true or to false.
As I'm new to React, I'm not sure how to execute this function. Please see my code below for App.js:
import React from 'react';
import './css/App.css';
import LoginForm from "./LoginForm";
import Dashboard from "./Dashboard";
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
renderLoginForm: true
this.handleLoginFormMount = this.handleLoginFormMount.bind(this);
handleLoginFormMount() {
renderLoginForm: false
// Check session function.
checkSession() {
fetch('/check-session', {
credentials: 'include'
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
.then((sessionResult) => {
if (sessionResult.username) {
renderLoginForm: false
} else {
renderLoginForm: true
.catch((error) => {
console.log('Error: ', error);
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
{this.state.renderLoginForm ? <LoginForm mountLoginForm={this.handleLoginFormMount} /> : null}
{this.state.renderLoginForm ? null : <Dashboard />}
export default App;
Having checkSession() in this position outputs the following in the console when loading the page:
Line 50: 'checkSession' is not defined no-undef
If I put the function outside of the class App extends React.Component {}, then it tells me that I cannot set the state of undefined.
Functional Component: In my case I wanted my code to run before component renders on the screen. useLayoutEffect is a hook provided by React for this exact purpose.
import React, { useLayoutEffect } from "react";
const App = () => {
useLayoutEffect(() => {
//check local token or something
}, []);
Read More:
Having checkSession() in this position outputs the following in the console when loading the page:
Line 50: 'checkSession' is not defined no-undef
That's because it's a method, but you're calling it like a freestanding function. The call should be this.checkSession();. But keep reading.
The render function must be pure, it cannot have side-effects like changing state. Instead, put any side-effects code in componentDidMount; from the documentation for that lifecycle method:
If you need to load data from a remote endpoint, this is a good place to instantiate the network request.
Be sure that your component renders correctly for the original state (before the session check), as well as for the updated state (after the session check).
More about lifecycle methods and such in the documentation.
Alternately, if this component can't do anything useful without the session, you might move the session check to its parent component, and have the parent only render this child component when it has the session check results.

React and Axios fires twice (once undefined, once successfully)

Following the React AJAX example i have created a JSX file which purpose is to fetch and render a movie.
For all i know, i am doing everything right here.
When i console.log the data in my render function i get 2 results:
Object (which is the one i need, so this one is perfect)
How can i filter out the Undefined row without doing some if/else logic in my render function?
Iterating over the result will, of course, result in an error the first time, which will crash my application.
What's the best way to handle this?
EDIT: Maybe the app gets rendered before the Axios call is done in which case i am forced to do an if/else statement?
Heres my JSX file:
import React from "react";
import axios from "axios";
export default class NetflixHero extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
movie: []
componentDidMount() {
const apiKey = 'xxxxxxxx';
let requestUrl = '' + this.props.apiAction + '&api_key=' + apiKey;
axios.get(requestUrl).then(response => {
render() {
//Fires twice. Returns Undefined and an Object
Check the state inside the render method. With this approach you can render a loading screen:
import React from "react";
import axios from "axios";
export default class NetflixHero extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
movie: []
componentDidMount() {
const apiKey = '87dfa1c669eea853da609d4968d294be';
let requestUrl = '' + this.props.apiAction + '&api_key=' + apiKey;
axios.get(requestUrl).then(response => {
render() {
if([0] === undefined ) {
return <div>Loading...</div>
//Loaded successfully...
<div> Movie loaded... [Do action here] </div>
Every time the state changes, a re-render will be triggered. The first time, your Component is constructed with = []. After that, componentDidMount() is triggered, which changes your state. This is triggering the render method a second time.
Is your post crossdomain?
If your request is a CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) request it will be preceded with a OPTIONS (pre-flight) request. Have a look at CORS and more specifically to the pre-flighted requests.
Basically the OPTIONS request is used to check if you are allowed to perform the GET/POST request from that domain and what headers can be used for that request. This is not axios specific.

