Return Random JSON object - javascript

I have JSON on AWS server that I access Using JQuery and inside that json file are a few hundred objects that I wish to loop through and pick out one at random. Then get the attributes for that object.
This is the JSON:
"title":"Sailing for Kids",
"title":"True Spirit: The Aussie girl who took on the world",
And this is how I am trying to get the json objects.
crossOrigin: true,
url : "https://link/to/file.json",
type : "GET",
var randomItem = data[Math.random() * data.length | 0];
// take only the element with index 0
However, the alert is only displaying one character. like so:
How do I loop through all the returned JSON file the file, select one object and then get the attributes (title/ISBN) so that I can use them?

"title":"Sailing for Kids",
"title":"True Spirit: The Aussie girl who took on the world",
you may need to construct JSON as above

First I'd do console.log(data) or even console.log(data[1]) to see what I actually get. It could be, depending on headers, that result is sent as a text and not an object, in that case you need to do data = JSON.parse(data)
And then, to get the actual length of the object, like it was suggested, you need to use Object.keys(data), or you may arrange your data in an array.
And if n is the length than Math.floor(Math.random() * n) would a random in that range.
Not being careful, Object.keys(data) is an array of keys. The length you need is thus Object.keys(data).length
var keys = Object.keys(data)
var n = keys.length;
var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * n);
var randomKey = keys[randomNumber];


Function returning object instead of Array, unable to .Map

I'm parsing an order feed to identify duplicate items bought and group them with a quantity for upload. However, when I try to map the resulting array, it's showing [object Object], which makes me think something's converting the return into an object rather than an array.
The function is as follows:
function compressedOrder (original) {
var compressed = [];
// make a copy of the input array
// first loop goes over every element
for (var i = 0; i < original.length; i++) {
var myCount = 1;
var a = new Object();
// loop over every element in the copy and see if it's the same
for (var w = i+1; w < original.length; w++) {
if (original[w] && original[i]) {
if (original[i].sku == original[w].sku) {
// increase amount of times duplicate is found
delete original[w];
if (original[i]) {
a.sku = original[i].sku;
a.price = original[i].price;
a.qtty = myCount;
return compressed;
And the JS code calling that function is:
contents: compressedOrder(item.lineItems).map(indiv => ({
"id": indiv.sku,
"price": indiv.price,
"quantity": indiv.qtty
The result is:
contents: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ]
When I JSON.stringify() the output, I can see that it's pulling the correct info from the function, but I can't figure out how to get the calling function to pull it as an array that can then be mapped rather than as an object.
The correct output, which sits within a much larger feed that gets uploaded, should look like this:
{It's probably something dead simple and obvious, but I've been breaking my head over this (much larger) programme till 4am this morning, so my head's probably not in the right place}
Turns out the code was correct all along, but I was running into a limitation of the console itself. I was able to verify this by simply working with the hard-coded values, and then querying the nested array separately.
Thanks anyway for your help and input everyone.
contents: compressedOrder(item.lineItems).map(indiv => ({
"id": indiv.sku,
"price": indiv.price,
"quantity": indiv.qtty
In the code above the compressedOrder fucntion returns an array of objects where each object has sku, price and qtty attribute.
Further you are using a map on this array and returning an object again which has attributes id, price and quantity.
What do you expect from this.
Not sure what exactly solution you need but I've read your question and the comments, It looks like you need array of arrays as response.
So If I've understood your requirement correctly and you could use lodash then following piece of code might help you:
const _ = require('lodash');
const resp = [{key1:"value1"}, {key2:"value2"}].map(t => _.pairs(t));
P.S. It is assumed that compressedOrder response looks like array of objects.

Get first word of string inside array - from return REST

I try get the sessionid before REST function, but in the case if I does not convert toString(); show only numbers (21 22 2e ...).
See this image:
Obs.: Before using split.
!! {error: null, sessionID: qdaxxxxxxxxxxxxxj}
My code:
var Client = require('./lib/node-rest-client').Client;
var client = new Client();
var dataLogin = {
data: { "userName":"xxxxxxxx","password":"xxxxxxxx","platform":"xxxxx" },
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
client.registerMethod("postMethod", "xxxxxxxxxxx/login", "POST");
client.methods.postMethod(dataLogin, function (data, response) {
// parsed response body as js object
// console.log(data); all return, image 1
// raw response
data = data.toString('utf8'); // if i does not convert to string, return numbers, see image 1..
console.log(data); //all inside image 2, and i want just value from sessionid
var output = data;
var res = output.split(" "); // using split
res = res[4].split("}", 1);
console.log(res); //image 3
I tested with JSON.parse and JSON.stringify and it did not work, show just 'undefined' for all. After convert toString();, And since I've turned the values ​​into string, I thought of using split to get only the value of sessionid.
And when I used split, all transform to array and the return is from console.log(data), see image 2:
Obs.: After use split and convert to array automatically.
And the return after use split is with the conditions inside my code:
And the return after use split is with the conditions inside my code:
[ 'bkkRQxxxxxxxxxxxxx' ]
And I want just:
I would like to know how to solve this after all these temptations, but if you have another way of getting the sessionid, I'd be happy to know.
Thanks advance!
After converting the Buffer to a string, remove anything attached to the front with using data.substr(data.indexOf('{')), then JSON.parse() the rest. Then you can just use the object to get the sessionID.
data = data.toString('utf8');
data = data.substr(data.indexOf('{'));
obj = JSON.parse(data);
The issue you are having with JSON.parse() is because what is being returned is not actually JSON. The JSON spec requires the properties to be quoted ("). See this article
If the string looked like this, it would work: {"error": null, "sessionID": qdaxxxxxxxxxxxxxj}
Because the json is not really json, you can use a regular expression to get the info you want. This should get it for you.
re = /(sessionID: )([^,}]*)/g;
match = re.exec(data);
EDIT 2: After fully reading the article that I linked above (oops haha), this is a more preferable way to deal with unquoted JSON.
var crappyJSON = '{ somePropertyWithoutQuotes: "theValue!" }';
var fixedJSON = crappyJSON.replace(/(['"])?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(['"])?:/g, '"$2": ');
var aNiceObject = JSON.parse(fixedJSON);

display specific object values in an array instead of individually?

I have used an ajax call to retrieve data from Googles places api and I have used a for/in loop to begin to pull the information. the information that I am looking for logs to the console, but I cannot get it to display in an array how I would like it to.
Right now I am getting a list of names when I request names which is a parameter in the JSON object. Is there a way to get it into an array so the I can randomly select one of the values from the array?
at this point the way it is returning my data, when I run a script to pull a random string, it pulls a random letter out of the last value to be found when searching through my JSON object.
Here is my code. Not sure if I explained myself clearly but it's the best that I could word what I am looking to do. Thanks.
// Chosen Restaurant display area
var display = document.getElementById('chosenVenue');
// Grab button
var button = document.getElementById('selectVenue');
// Sample Array that gets queried
var venueData = ["McDonalds", "Burger King", "Wendys"];
// Grab JSON data from Google
url: 'hungr.php', // Send query through proxy (JSONP is disabled for Google maps)
data: { requrl: ",-73.9857&radius=800&sensor=false&keyword=restaurants,food&key=AIzaSyBkCkXIHFjvqcqrRytSqD7T_RyFMNkR6bA&callback=?"}, // URL to query WITH parameters
dataType: "json",
type: "GET", // or POST if you want => update php in that case
success: function (data) {
// Traverse the array using for/in loop using i as var
for (var i in data.results) {
var results = data.results[i];
var nameResults =;
var typesResults = results.types;
var vicinityResults = results.vicinity;
// On button click, randomly display item from selected array
button.addEventListener('click', function () {
console.log('clicked'); = 'block';
//display.innerHTML = nameResults[Math.floor(Math.random() * nameResults.length)];
display.innerHTML = nameResults.toString() + "<br />" + vicinityResults.toString();
console.log('It is working');
error: function (request, status, error) {
console.log('It is not working');
Right now I am getting a list of names when I request names which is a parameter in the JSON object. Is there a way to get it into an array so the I can randomly select one of the values from the array?
Use the push method and a non-local variable:
this.nameResults = this.nameResults ? this.nameResults.push( : [];
then reference that with the Math.random method:
this.randName = function(){ return this.nameResults[Math.random() * this.nameResults.length | 0] };
Using Math.random flexibly
JavaScript: fast floor of numeric values using the tilde operator

How to extract data from this JSON string?

I'm new to JSON and Jquery, and I can't find how to extract the values of ProjectCode from this JSON string.
"ProjectID": 3,
"CLustomerCode": "XYZ001",
"ProjectCode": "YZPROJ1",
"Description": "Project1",
"IssueManager": "iant",
"NotificationToggle": false,
"ProjectStatus": null,
"Added": "/Date(1400701295853}/",
"Added By": "iant",
"Changed": "/Date(1400701295853)/",
"Changed By": "iant"
"ProjectID": 4,
"CustomerCode": "XYZ001",
"ProjectCode": "XYXPROJ2",
"Description": "Projecton:Project2",
"IssweManager": "iant",
"NotificationToggle": false,
"Projectstatus": null,
"Added": "lDate(1400701317980)/",
"AddedBy": "iant",
"Changed": "/Date(1400701317980)/",
"Changed By": "iant"
The string above is from a variable called data that is the return value from stringify. I expected to be able to do something like
string proj = data[i].ProjectCode;
but intellisense doesn't include any of the properties.
I know very little about JSON - any help appreciated.
Thanks for reading.
Use parseJSON:
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON("{ 'name': 'Radiator' }");
You need to loop through each object returned in the response and get the ProjectCode property inside each one. Assuming the data variable is your JSON this should work:
$.each(data, function(i, obj) {
Use JSON.parse():
var a; // Your JSON string
var b = JSON.parse(a); //Your new JSON object
//You can access Project code, use index i in b[i].ProjectCode in a loop
var projectCode = b[0].ProjectCode;
You should post the raw code so its easier to visualize this stuff. Since what you are looking for is the list of ProjectCodes (in this case - ["XYZPROJ1", "XYZPROJ2"]).
It seems like what we have is an array or list ([...]) of projects. Where each project has a ProjectID, CustomerCode, ProjectCode, Description and so on...
So lets assume data points at this JSON blob. Here is how you would go about accessing the ProjectCode:
// Access the "i"th project code
var p_i_code = data[i].ProjectCode;
// How many projects?
var num_projects = data.length; // since data is a list of projects
// Want the list of project codes back? (I use underscore.js)
var project_codes =, function(project) {
return project.ProjectCode;

How to parse dynamic json data?

I am using wikipedia API my json response looks like,
"query": {
"normalized": [
"from": "bitcoin",
"to": "Bitcoin"
"pages": {
"28249265": {
"pageid": 28249265,
"ns": 0,
"title": "Bitcoin",
"extract": "<p><b>Bitcoin</b>isapeer-to-peerpaymentsystemintroducedasopensourcesoftwarein2009.Thedigitalcurrencycreatedandlikeacentralbank,
this response is coming inside XMLHTTPObject ( request.responseText )
I am using eval to convert above string into json object as below,
var jsonObject = eval('(' +req.responseText+ ')');
In the response, pages element will have dynamic number for the key-value pair as shown in above example ( "28249265" )
How can I get extract element from above json object if my pageId is different for different results.
Please note, parsing is not actual problem here,
If Parse it , I can acess extract as,
var data = jsonObject.query.pages.28249265.extract;
In above line 28249265 is dynamic, This will be something different for different query
assuming that u want to traverse all keys in "jsonObject.query.pages".
u can extract it like this:
var pages = jsonObject.query.pages;
for (k in pages) { // here k represents the page no i.e. 28249265
var data = pages[k].extract;
// what u wana do with data here
or u may first extract all page data in array.
var datas = [];
var pages = jsonObject.query.pages;
for (k in pages) {
// what u wana do with data array here
you can archive that using two methods
obj = JSON.parse(json)
obj = $.parseJSON(json);
Try this this
var obj = JSON.parse("your json data string");
// here you can get data dynamically
var data = val.extract;
JSBIN Example

