React, Material-UI onKeyboardFocus value - javascript

how to make exact same thing as onKeyboardFocus but in my own component? I want to make my own versions od these material's-UI
I don't really understand what it is and I don't know hot to accomplish that effect. Thanks for help :)
Read their codebase and documentation to understand. Else you'll never be able to write your own material-ui library.


how to implement row grouping in react js

I have a React application and I want to implement grouping in the same way as the image. I think its something called row groping but when i research, its not the same thing. How can i implement this?
I am using XGrid. Should i write my own component to achieve this or there is simplier way to do that?
react version "17.0.1"
I purchased MUI-DataGridPro to solve this issue.

React horizontal Scrolling Menu?

I am building a nextjs application. In my project I am not using TypeScript. I am using Javascript. I need a horizontal scroll on mouse wheel and also on touch. I haven't find any react packages. But I find one react package - react-horizontal-scrolling-menu. I see all demo. It perfect for my project. But I am facing one problem. Al of it's example create in TypeScript. But I am not using typeScript. If I copy the code, Then I get many error?
In this situation, What I have to do. I am not understanding?
Please can anyone help me. I am facing this issue over 10 days. Please do not dislike or close my questions.
Converted to JavaScript. You only needed to remove types and change tsx, ts to jsx, js.
You just need to get rid of every type definition of typescript. Every type in TypeScript is written after the variable name behind ":". So, in the codesandbox example, remove things like ": number" or ": void" at the end of functions.
Edit: im on mobile now, so i can't send you the Javascript code. The things you should look for are on line 17, 20 and 57. Hope the helps you.
I am using also the component for my project which not typescript. As someone suggested I just removed the type definitons in the Arrow function.

Safe Textinput text to array on space and clear Input

Hello you magnificient people,
I am working on a tag system in react native. Text is written in a TextInput field and on space I would like to save the text as a tag in a state array and delete the text from the TextInput. Preferably I would like to include a autocomplete feature. How is this done?
I have looked into onKeyPress, but cannot figure it out, nor with checking on space
Thanks a lot for steering me in the right direction!
Take a look at this package for React Native it should solve your problem, and it is easy to implement
there are a lot of libraries to help with a few use cases. If it's minor we can build our own logic but if you want many things cover you can go with the libraries and later contribute to them.
One such library for your use case is this:

How to do long scroll and split screen with reactjs?

I've been checking on the internet how to do a long scroll with split screen in reactjs. I would like to do something like THIS SITE.
Is there any component or way to do it? I've found a lot of jquery examples, but any with React.
To add some extra information I'm running react with react-bootstrap, babel(ES6), gulp, browserify, sass and hot load.
Thanks for your help!
I found the answer with react-onepage-scroll.
Simple and clean. If sbdy know how to apply a split screen I'll appreciate it.

I'm using Brad Frost's 3-up Carousel, I'd like to add a circular wrap
Hi, does anyone know how I could add a circular wrap to this carousel?
I'm a bit of a novice with javascript and I'm unsure of where to add the "wrap:circular" code.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The 3-up carousel is meant to be a proof of concept more than anything else, so I wouldn't recommend using it in production.
Check out the Filament Group's Overthrow Sidescroller for a more robust, better-tested solution.

