Promise.all is never triggered due Promise rejection - javascript

I have two promises. One that reads a sample.txt file and another that reads all the files from a /books/ folder. The second promise uses a function called readFiles, which takes the dirnames and uses them to look though each file. When all the promises are ready the code inside then should run:
const p1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readdir(__dirname + '/books/', (err, archives) => {
// archives = [ 'archive1.txt', 'archive2.txt']
readFiles(archives, result => {
if (archives.length === result.length) resolve(result)
else reject(result)
const p2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile('sample.txt', 'utf-8', (err, sample) => {
Promise.all([p1, p2]).then(values => {
console.log('v:', values)
}).catch(reason => {
console.log('reason:', reason)
function readFiles (archives, callback) {
const result = []
archives.forEach(archive => {
fs.readFile(__dirname + '/books/' + archive, 'utf-8', (err, data) => {
However, Promise.all always get rejected:
reason: [ 'archive 1\n' ]
What am I doing wrong?

Promises are one-shot devices. Once they've been rejected or resolved, their state can never change. With that in mind, readFiles() calls its callback for every file that it reads and you reject or resolve every time that callback is called, but the way you are using it, you check:
if (archives.length === result.length)
which will never be true on the first one and then you reject. Once that promise is rejected, its state cannot change. Subsequent calls to the callback will also call reject() and then the last one will call resolve(), but the state is long since set so only the first call to reject() or resolve() actually does anything. The others are simply ignored. So, p1 will always reject, thus Promise.all() that uses p1 will always reject.
You need to change readFiles() to either only call its callback once when it is done with all the files or change it to return a single promise that resolves when all the files are read or change how you're using the callback so you don't reject the first time it is called.
In general, if you're going to use promises, then you want to promisify at the lowest level and use the advantages of promises (particular for error propagation) everywhere rather than mix callbacks and promises. To that end, I'd suggest:
fs.readFileP = function(fname, encoding) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.readFile(fname, encoding, function(err, data) {
if (err) return reject(err);
function readFiles(archives, encoding, callback) {
return Promise.all( {
return fs.readFileP(file, encoding);
Or, going a level deeper and promisifying fs.readdir() also, you'd get this:
// helper functions
fs.readdirP = function(dir) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.readdir(dir, function(err, files) {
if (err) return reject(err);
fs.readFileP = function(fname, encoding) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.readFile(fname, encoding, function(err, data) {
if (err) return reject(err);
function readFiles(archives, encoding) {
encoding = encoding || 'utf8';
return Promise.all( {
return fs.readFileP(file, encoding);
// actual logic for your operation
const p1 = fs.readdirP(__dirname + '/books/').then(readFiles);
const p2 = fs.readFileP('sample.txt', 'utf-8');
Promise.all([p1, p2]).then(values => {
console.log('v:', values);
}).catch(reason => {
console.log('reason:', reason);
If you use the Bluebird promise library which makes it easy to promisify whole modules at once and has some extra functions for managing Promise flow control, then the above code simplifies to this:
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'));
const p1 = fs.readdirAsync(__dirname + '/books/').then(files => {
return, file => {
return fs.readFileAsync(file, 'utf8');
const p2 = fs.readFileAsync('sample.txt', 'utf-8');
Promise.all([p1, p2]).then(values => {
console.log('v:', values);
}).catch(reason => {
console.log('reason:', reason);
In this block of code, the Promise.promisifyAll() line of code creates promisified versions of every method on the fs module with the Async suffix on them. Here, we use fs.readFileAsync() and fs.readdirAsync() so we can use promises for everything.


Why if I put resolve() into the callback function of fs, the promise doesn't return

(tips: I'm using a nodejs framework eggjs based on koa)
The code below can run successfully.But if I put resolve() into callback function of fs.renameSync(), the promise won't return any thing, and the request keeps pending status.
What causes this? Does this have to do with the order of execution?
async uploadAsset(assetName, file) {
const { app } = this;
const logger = this.logger;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.renameSync(file.filepath, `${app.config.multipart.projectAssetLocalPath}${assetName}`, err => {
if (err) {
renameSync is a synchronous version of rename. It does not accept a callback as an argument; it only accepts an oldpath and a newpath. If you pass a third argument, it will be ignored; the callback function you're passing is never called.
If you want this to be callback-based, use fs.rename instead, which does take a callback.
Your resolve is also outside the callback at the moment, when it should be inside:
async uploadAsset(assetName, file) {
const { app } = this;
const logger = this.logger;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.rename(file.filepath, `${app.config.multipart.projectAssetLocalPath}${assetName}`, err => {
if (err) {
Or use fs.promises instead, to accomplish this without constructing the Promise yourself.
async uploadAsset(assetName, file) {
const { app } = this;
const logger = this.logger;
return fs.promises.rename(file.filepath, `${app.config.multipart.projectAssetLocalPath}${assetName}`)
.catch((err) => {
throw new Error(err);

Functions are not waiting until they are resolved

I'm trying to execute functions one at a time, sequentially. Using promises, I believe it should work, but for me, it does not work. I've researched somewhat and found this question, and one of the answers explains to use Promises, that is what I've been trying to do.
Here's the functions:
async function loadCommands () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let commands = 0;
readdir('./commands/', (error, files) => {
if (error) reject(error);
for (const file of files) {
if (!file.endsWith('.js')) return;
resolve(commands); // this is in my code, I forgot to put it - sorry commenters
async function loadEvents () {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
let events = 0;
readdir('./events/', (error, files) => {
if (error) reject (error);
for (const file of files) {
if (!file.endsWith('.js')) return;
I am then using await in an async function to try and make sure it each function resolves before going onto the next function:
const events = await loadEvents();
console.log('load commands');
const commands = await loadCommands();
In the console, this is linked (keep in mind, I have no files in ./events/ and I have one file in ./commands/):
0 // expected
load commands
0 // not expected, it's supposed to be 1
What am I doing wrong? I want these functions to be run sequentially. I've tried making it so instead of functions, it's just the bare code in the one async function, but still came to the issue.
You never resolve() the promise that you create in loadCommands, and you resolve() the promise that you create in loadEvents before the readdir callback happened.
Also, don't do any logic in non-promise callbacks. Use the new Promise constructor only to promisify, and call only resolve/reject in the async callback:
function readdirPromise(path) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
readdir(path, (err, files) => {
if (err) reject(err);
else resolve(files);
or simply
import { promisify } from 'util';
const readdirPromise = promisify(readdir);
Then you can use that promise in your actual logic function:
async function countJsFiles(path) {
const files = await readdirPromise(path);
let count = 0;
for (const file of files) {
if (file.endsWith('.js'))
// I don't think you really wanted to `return` otherwise
return count;
function loadCommands() {
return countJsFiles('./commands/');
function loadEvents() {
return countJsFiles('./events/');
You're trying to use await outside async. You can await a promise only inside an async function. The functions returning promises ( here loadCommands & loadEvents ) don't need to be async. Make an async wrapper function like run and call the await statements inside it like this.
PS: Plus you also need to resolve loadCommands with commands in the callback itself. Same for loadEvents. Also, remove the return and simple increment the variable when true.
function loadCommands() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let commands = 0;
readdir('./commands/', (error, files) => {
if (error) reject(error);
for (const file of files) {
if (file.endsWith('.js')) commands++;
function loadEvents() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let events = 0;
readdir('./events/', (error, files) => {
if (error) reject(error);
for (const file of files) {
if (file.endsWith('.js')) events++
async function run() {
const events = await loadEvents();
console.log('load commands');
const commands = await loadCommands();
Hope this helps !

Am I chaining Promises correctly or committing a sin?

I have not worked with Javascript in a long time, so now promises are a new concept to me. I have some operations requiring more than one asynchronous call but which I want to treat as a transaction where steps do not execute if the step before failed. Currently I chain promises by nesting and I want to return a promise to the caller.
After reading the chaining section of Mozilla's Using Promises guide, I'm not sure if what I'm doing is correct or equivalent to the "callback pyramid of doom".
Is there a cleaner way to do this (besides chaining with a guard check in each then)? Am I right in my belief that in Mozilla's example it will execute each chained then even when there is an error?
myfunction(key) => {
return new Promise((outerResolve, outerReject) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let item = cache.get(key);
if (item) {
} else {
//we didnt have the row cached, load it from store, function (result) {
? reject({ error: chrome.runtime.lastError.message })
: resolve(result);
}).then((resolve) => {
//Now the inner most item is resolved, we are working in the 'outer' shell
if (resolve.error) {
} else {
//No error, continue
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, function (result) {
? reject({ error: chrome.runtime.lastError.message })
: resolve(result);
}).then((resolve) => {
//finally return the result to the caller
if (resolve.error) {
} else {
Subsequent then statements are not executed (until a catch) when an exception is thrown. Also, .then returns a Promise, so you don't need to create an additional, outer Promise.
Try this example:
var p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
console.log('first promise, resolves');
.then(() => {
throw new Error('Something failed');
.then(() => {
console.log('then after the error');
p.then(res => console.log('success: ' + res), err => console.log('error: ' + err));
You will not see "then after the error" in the console, because that happens after an exception is thrown. But if you comment the throw statement, you will get the result you expect in the Promise.
I am not sure I understand your example entirely, but I think it could be simplified like this:
myfunction(key) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let item = cache.get(key);
if (item) {
} else {
//we didnt have the row cached, load it from store, function (result) {
? throw new Error(chrome.runtime.lastError.message)
: resolve(result);
}).then((previousData) => {
// keyBasedOnPreviousData is calculated based on previousData, function (result) {
? throw new Error(chrome.runtime.lastError.message)
: return result;
It's a bit of a mess. This is my attempt at rewriting. A good thing to try to avoid is new Promise().
function chromeStorageGet(key) {
return new Promise( (res, rej) => {, result => {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
rej(new Error(chrome.runtime.lastError.message))
} else {
function myfunction(key) {
const item = cache.get(key) ? Promise.resolve(cache.get(key)) : chromeStorageGet(key);
return item.then( cacheResult => {
return chromeStorageGet(keyBasedOnPreviousData);
Why avoid new Promise()?
The reason for this is that you want to do every step with then(). If any error happened in any of the promises, every promise in the chain will fail and any subsequent then() will not get executed until there is a catch() handler.
Lots of promise based-code requires no error handlers, because promise-based functions always return promises and exceptions should flow all the back to the caller until there is something useful to be done with error handling.
Note that the exceptions to these 2 rules are in my chromeStorageGet function. A few notes here:
new Promise can be a quick and easy way to convert callback code to promise code.
It's usually a good idea to just create a little conversion layer for this callback-based code. If you need in other places, maybe create a little utility that promisifies all its functions.
If there is only 1 'flow', you can just use a series of then() to complete the process, but sometimes you need to conditionally do other things. Just splitting up these complicated operations in a number of different functions can really help here.
But this:
const result = condition ? Promise.resolve() : Promise.reject();
Is almost always preferred to:
const result = new Promise( (res, rej) => {
if (condition) {
} else {

How to return from a promise inside then block?

I'm trying to understand how promise's cascading properly works. For this, I created a function which returns a new Promise but has some callback functions in their scope:
exports.function1 = (params) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// do something sync
someFunctionAsyncWithCallback(params, (err, data) => { //async func
err ? reject(err) : resolve(data);
}).then(data => {
// do something sync again
anotherAsyncFunctionWithCallback(data, function (err, response) {
return err ? Promise.reject(err) : Promise.resolve(response);
// return err ? reject(err) : resolve(response); ?
Inside then block, how can I made a properly return in order to continue cascading process? In executor there are resolve/reject functions which I can call in order to continue chaining. But, once we are in then execution, these function aren't there - correct me if I'm wrong - and I don't know how to move on.
Any comment will be appreciated.
Avoid combining promise chains with callback-style APIs. Instead, wrap the callback-style API with a promise wrapper, which then lets you compose things reasonably.
The examples you've quoted look like NodeJS APIs. If you're using Node, v8 and higher have utils.promisify which can be used to quickly and easily wrap standard NodeJS-callback-style functions to functions returning promises.
// Get promise-enabled versions:
const promiseSomeFunctionAsyncWithCallback = utils.promisify(someFunctionAsyncWithCallback);
const promiseAnotherAsyncFunctionWithCallback = utils.promisify(anotherAsyncFunctionWithCallback);
// Use them:
exports.function1 = (params) => {
return promiseSomeFunctionAsyncWithCallback(params)
If you're not using Node, or you're using an old version, there's nothing magic about utils.promisify, you can easily roll your own:
const promisify = f => return function(..args) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, ...args, (err, result) => {
if (err) {
} else {
Re your comment:
I have some sync code between these callback functions.. How would you handle it in your first example?
There are two styles for that:
1. Put the sync code in the then callback and chain only when you reach your next async bit:
exports.function1 = (params) => {
// Code here will run synchronously when `function1` is called
return promiseSomeFunctionAsyncWithCallback(params)
.then(result => {
// You culd have synchronous code here, which runs when
// this `then` handler is called and before we wait for the following:
return promiseAnotherAsyncFunctionWithCallback(result);
2. Put the sync code in its own then callback:
exports.function1 = (params) => {
// Code here will run synchronously when `function1` is called
return promiseSomeFunctionAsyncWithCallback(params)
.then(result => {
// You culd have synchronous code here, which runs when
// this `then` handler is called.
// Pass on the result:
return result;
One advantage to #2 is that each distinct logical step is its own block. It does mean one additional yield back to the microtask loop at the end of this iteration of the main event loop, but that's not likely to be an issue.
You need to return another Promise:
return new Promise((res, rej) => anotherAsyncFunctionWithCallback(data, (err, data) => err ? rej(err) : res(data));
However then it would make sense to promisify the function:
const promisify = f => (...args) => new Promise((res, rej) => f(...args, (err, data) => err? rej(err) : res(data)));
const asyncF = promisify(AsyncFunctionWithCallback);
So one can do:
you can use a flag variable for returning something.
async function test(){
let flag=0;
await fetch(request).then(()=> flag=1}
if(flag==1) return;

Promise pattern - using Promise.all()

I have a chain of functions for grabbing some JSON data, then inserting the data into a database. I want to wait for all of the inserts to complete, so I am trying to use Promise.all(). I know that Promise.all() needs an array (or iterable) of promises.
Here is my chain:
fetchBody().then(parseBody).then(prepareInserts).then(insertAll).then(function() {
}); // Error handling and more stuff here
My code is hanging on the prepareInserts function:
// Returns an array of promises, which will be iterated over in Promise.all();
const prepareInserts = function (data) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
const promises = (d) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
connection.query(queryString, [d.a, d.b, d.c, d.d], function (error) {
if (error) {
I think I have a fundamental misunderstanding of how I should be laying out the prepareInserts function; the queries are being executed there, which is not what I want. I want them to be inserted in the last function in the chain:
const insertAll = function (promises) {
return Promise.all(promises);
I think this is what you want:
const doInserts = data => {
return Promise.all( =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
connection.query(queryString, [d.a, d.b, d.c, d.d], error => {
if (error) {
resolve(/* to what?? */);
fetchBody().then(parseBody).then(doInserts).then(function() {
You return a Promise.all() promise that resolves when all internal promises are resolved (with no value?). Each internal promise is created by mapping a data item (from data) to a promise, which is resolved or rejected depending on the query result.
If you could promisify connection.query outside of this code, it would make for a cleaner result, where you map to "promisifiedQuery" directly.

