adding the product to cart table in different page - javascript

I am making a shopping cart.
This is the code where a user clicks on a dd to cart button to add items to the cart table:
<div class="container">
<a class="addToCart" href="#" data-name="Java" data-price="150"><a/>
<img src="1.jpeg" id="book1" width="200" height="175" />
<div class="center">Java Basics</div>
<p> 150 SAR </p>
<label for="qty-1">Quantity</label>
<input type="text" name="qty-1" id="qty-1" class="qty" value="1" size="5"/>
<p><input id="addToCart" type="submit" value="Add to cart" class="btn"/></p>
<div class="container1">
<a class="addToCart" href="#" data-name="PHP" data-price="100"><a/>
<img src="1.jpeg" id="book1" width="200" height="175" />
<div class="center">PHP Basics</div>
<p> 100 SAR </p>
<label for="qty-1">Quantity</label>
<input type="text" name="qty-1" id="qty-1" class="qty" value="1" size="5"/>
<p><input id="addToCart" type="submit" value="Add to cart" class="btn"/></p>
<div class="container2">
<a class="addToCart" href="#" data-name="PHP" data-price="100"><a/>
<img src="1.jpeg" id="book1" width="200" height="175" />
<div class="center">JavaScript Basics</div>
<p> 200 SAR </p>
<label for="qty-1">Quantity</label>
<input type="text" name="qty-1" id="qty-1" class="qty" value="1" size="5"/>
<p><input id="addToCart" type="submit" value="Add to cart" class="btn"/></p>
with this jQuery script:
and I have javascript file that contains function of the cart like add to cart, remove from car and calculating total.
<script src="js/functions.js"></script>
// some jQuery function added to the links
eventpreventDefault(); //prevent the links from doing the default behaviour when they are clicked
var name= $(this).att("data-name"); //this represents the link that you click on / attr to access one of the attributes
var price= Number($(this).att("data-price"));
addItemtoCart(name, price, 1);
function displayCart() { //display cart content into the page as a list
var cartArray = listCart();
var output = "" ;
for ( var i in cartArray) {
output += "<li>" +cartArray[i].name+" "+cartArray[i].quantity+"</li>"
$("#showCart").html(output); //html(output) to replace everything in showCart with text we want
$("#totalCart").html(total Cart());
and this the cart.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<form id="shopping-cart" action="cart.html" method="post">
<table style="width:80%">
    <th> Item </th>
    <th> Quantity </th>
    <th> Price </th>
my question is that I want to link add to cart button to the cart.html page with implementing the functions, I do not know how to glue them all together. Using only HtML, JavaScript and a little bit of jQuery.
PS: no database is used.


Page keeps refreshing when its crucial for the data to be shown on the page

So i got this thing to wrok but it seems that it shows what i need (u need to accept the regulations for example) but after that the page immediately refreshes, tho i need the data to just stay on the page. How to deal with it?
This too much code restriction is really annoying so i have to write something like this in here to avoid it - deleting the unnecessary stuff will take too much time so i hope i wont get banned or sth lol.
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title> Usługi informatyczne </title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styl.css">
<div id="kontener">
<div id="logo">
<img src="logo.png" alt="logo">
<div id="menu">
O nas
<div id="baner">
<img src="animacjak.gif" alt="">
<div id="blok_glowny">
<hr />
<form id="formularz" action="">
<td>Imię:</td> <td><input type="text" id="imie"><br></td>
<td>Nazwisko:</td> <td><input type="text" id="nazwisko"></td>
<td>E-mail:</td> <td><input type="text" id="email"></td>
<td>Usługa</td> <td><textarea name="usluga" id="usluga"></textarea></td>
<td></td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="regulamin" value="regulamin">Zapoznałam/em się z regulaminem</td>
<td></td> <td><input type="reset" value="Resetuj"><input type="button" onclick="przeslij()" value="Prześlij"></td>
<div id="pokaz"> </div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function przeslij(){
var imie=document.getElementById("imie").value;
var nazwisko=document.getElementById("nazwisko").value;
var usluga=document.getElementById("usluga").value;
var regulamin=document.getElementById("regulamin").checked;
document.getElementById("pokaz").innerHTML=imie.toUpperCase()+" "+nazwisko.toUpperCase()+"<br />"+
"Treść twojej sprawy:"+usluga+"<br />"+"Na podany adres e-mail zostanie wysłana oferta";
document.getElementById("pokaz").innerHTML="Musisz zapoznać się z regulaminem";
<hr />
<div id="stopka">
<p>Autor strony: 00301011337</p>
Your function is missing the parentheses
function przeslij() { ... }
And to make the reset button works, just change its type to "reset"
<input type="reset" value="Resetuj">

jQuery click event is not handled by my javascript file

I am using ASP.NET MVC 4.0 to build my web application and jQuery Dialog plugin for the popup. I intend to put my HTML elements in the div element with id 'addDialog' onto a popup. The popup should be shown on a button click with id 'add' but it's not working. Whenever I click the button nothing happens.
This is my View:
ViewBag.Title = "TimeSlotDetails";
<link href="~/Scripts/DataTables/datatables.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="#Url.Content("~/Content/Common.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="~/Scripts/jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/jquery-ui.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.unobstrusive-ajax.min.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/DataTables/datatables.min.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/TimeSlotDetails.js"></script>
<div id="addDialog" style="display:none">
Name<input type="text"/><br/><br/>
Duration<input type="text"/><br/><br/>
Type<input type="text"/><br/><br/>
Frequency<input type="text"/><br/><br/>
<div class="title">Automatic Timetable Generator</div>
<div class="title-down"></div>
<table class="option_list">
<td class="title-down" rowspan="16" colspan="3"></td>
<td rowspan="16" colspan="5">
<div>#Html.ActionLink("Home", "Home")</div>
<div>#Html.ActionLink("Preferred Time Slot", "PreferredTimeslot")</div>
<div>Time Slot Details</div>
<div>Department Details</div>
<div>Subject Details</div>
<div>ClassRoom Details</div>
<div>Lab Details</div>
<div>Allot the Slots for each classRoom as per your need</div>
<div>Teacher Details</div>
<div>Allot Subjects to Teachers</div>
<div>Allot Subjects to Labs</div>
<div>Check ot the Final Result</div>
<td rowspan="16" colspan="12">
<div>Enter the Time slot Details</div>
<span><input id="add" type="button" value="Add" /></span> <span><input id="edit" type="button" value="Edit" /></span> <span><input id="delete" type="button" value="Delete" /></span>
<table id="timeslotdetails">
<td colspan="3">Name</td>
<td colspan="3">Duration</td>
<td colspan="3">Type</td>
<td colspan="3">Frequency</td>
<div> <button id="slotAllottmentSubmit" type="Submit" value="Submit the Data">Submit the Data</button></div>
<td rowspan="16" colspan="3"></td>
This is my JavaScript code:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.option-list #add').click(function () {
I have included all the dependent files in the right order.
I think the jQuery selector $('.option-list #add') is wrong.
I checked and I did not see any element having the .option-list class in the HTML.
You can try $('#add').

popup taking first entry of the table every time

I am having table with 6 fields and there is update button in the last field, onclick of that one popup appears but popup is taking only first entry of the in the table every time even if pressing the second or third entry's update button.
Here is my JSP Code `
<%#taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div class="col-sm-2"></div>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<div class="panel panel-primary">
<div class="panel-heading">Details of Students</div>
<div class="panel-body">
<button id="newbtn" type="button"
class="form-control btn btn-success">Add New Student</button>
<button id="shwbtn" type="button"
class="form-control btn btn-success">show</button>
<div style="margin-top: 40px;">
<table class="table table-bordered" id="updatedetailsFrm">
<tr style="background-color: #E0E0E1;">
<th>Contact No</th>
<s:if test="noData==true">
<s:iterator value="beanList">
<td><s:property value="srNo" /></td>
<td><s:property value="name" /></td>
<td><s:property value="surname" /></td>
<td><s:property value="contactno" /></td>
<td><s:property value="email" /></td>
<a href="#popupLogin" data-rel="popup"
data-position-to="window" id="updateBtnfirst"
class="ui-btn ui-corner-all ui-shadow" data-transition="pop">Update</a>
<div data-role="popup" id="popupLogin" data-theme="a"
<form id="updatedetailsFrm" method="post">
<div style="padding: 10px 20px;">
<h3>Update Your Data</h3>
<input id="name" placeholder="Name" type="text" name="name"
value='<s:property value="name"/>'>
<input id="surname" placeholder="Surname" type="text"
name="surname" value='<s:property value="surname"/>'>
<input id="contactno" placeholder="Contact No" type="text"
name="contactno" value='<s:property value="contactno"/>'>
<input id="email" class="disabled" placeholder="Email" type="text"
name="email" value='<s:property value="email"/>'>
<button value="update" type="button" id="updateBtn">Update</button>
<button class="btn btn-danger" id="deleteBtn">Delete</button>
<div style="color: red;">No Data Found.</div>
<div class="col-sm-2"></div>
$("#updateBtn").click(function() {
var id = document.forms["updatedetailsFrm"]["email"].value;
var userName = document.forms["updatedetailsFrm"]["name"].value;
var surName = document.forms["updatedetailsFrm"]["surname"].value;
var contactNo = document.forms["updatedetailsFrm"]["contactno"].value;
window.location = "updatedetails.action?email="+id+"&name="+userName+"&surname="+surName+"&contactno="+contactNo;
// $('#updateBtnfirst').click(function() {
// document.getElementById("email").disabled = true;
// })
$('#newbtn').click(function() {
window.location.href = "insert.jsp";
$('#shwbtn').click(function() {
window.location = "report";
$("#deleteBtn").click(function() {
var id = $(this).closest("tr").find('td:eq(4)').text();
window.location.href = "deleterecord.action?&email=" + id;
So, my question is, popup should bring the row wise details in popup, in particular row.
Your iterator generates all of your rows with the same ID's over and over again. Update your iterator to generate unique ID's for each form in each row. I would then remove the ID from the update button and use a class instead so it's easy to bind your click event and use an HTML "data" attribute to hold the form ID value. Then when an update button is clicked, your JavaScript will be able to grab the data attribute value and then target the correct form via unique ID.
Example update button:
<button value="update" type="button" class="updateBtn" data-form-id="updatedetailsFrm-1">Update</button>
Example form ID:
<form id="updatedetailsFrm-1" method="post">
With duplicate ID's, you'll only ever retrieve the first instance of what you're trying to target in the DOM. There are other ID's in your iterator you'll want to look at too. ID's should be unique.

How to call another page in background in JavaScript

I have a button in enroll.html . The code of the page is as follows :
<META http-equiv=Content-Language content=en-us>
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<style TYPE="text/css">
<!-- BODY { font-family:arial,helvetica; margin-left:5; margin-top:0}
A { color:#FF5500; text-decoration:underline}
A:hover,A:active { color:#0055FF; text-decoration:underline}
<Script Language="JavaScript">
function inStrGrp(src,reg)
var regex=new RegExp("[" + reg + "]","i");
return regex.test(src);
function check()
var uname=document.scan.elements[0].value
var bError=false
if (uname.length==0)
window.alert("Name is required.\n")
return false
if (uname.indexOf("\\")>=0)
if (inStrGrp(uname,'/.:*?"<>| '))
if (bError)
window.alert('User name can not contain the following characters:\n \\/. :*?"<>|\n')
return false
return true
<title>Enroll New Fingerprint.</title>
<BODY onload=";">
<table border="0" width="800">
<td width="100%" colspan="3">
<p> </p>
<p><u><b>Online Demonstration</b></u></p>
<div align="center">
<table border="1" width="100%" height="260">
<td width="20%" align="center" rowspan="2">
<p> </p>
<p><font color="#0055FF">Enroll</font></p>
<p> </p>
<td width="80%" height="30">
<b><i>Enroll Finger</i></b>
<td width="80%">
<p>Thanks for your registration. You can enroll two fingers for the name you registered.</p>
<form name="scan" method="POST" action="" onsubmit="return check()">
<p>Please input your name: <input type="text" name="name" size="20"> </p>
<p>If you want to enroll 2 fingers, please check the box. <input type="checkbox" name="chk2Finger" value="2"> </p>
<input type="submit" value=" Enroll " name="btnEnroll"></p>
<p> </p>
<td width="100%" colspan="3">
<p align="center"><small>Copyright © 2004 Futronic
Technology Company Limited. All Rights Reserved.</small></td>
When I press Enroll Button , I want to load a page named verify.asp in background . How can I do that ?
The code of verify.asp is as follows :
<META http-equiv=Content-Language content=en-us>
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<style TYPE="text/css">
<!-- BODY { font-family:arial,helvetica; margin-left:5; margin-top:0}
A { color:#FF5500; text-decoration:underline}
A:hover,A:active { color:#0055FF; text-decoration:underline}
<Script Language="VBScript" Src="GetInfo.vbs">
<title>Enroll Fingerprint.</title>
<BODY Onload="GetLearnModel()";>
<table border="0" width="800">
<td width="100%" colspan="3">
<p> </p>
<p><u><b>Online Demonstration</b></u></p>
<div align="center">
<table border="1" width="100%" height="260">
<td width="20%" align="center" rowspan="2">
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<td width="80%" height="30">
<b><i>Enroll Finger</i></b>
<td width="80%">
<Form name="scan" method="Post" action="famenroll2.asp?name=<%=Request("name")%>&check=<%=Request("check")%>&finger=<%=Request("finger")%>">
<Input type="hidden" name="LearnModel" value="">
<Input type="text" name="SlNo" value="">
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><font size="5" color="#ff0000"><%=Request.Form("SlNo")%></font><font size="5"> Enroll Successfully!</font></p>
<p> </p>
<td width="100%" colspan="3">
<p align="center"><small>Copyright © 2004 Futronic
Technology Company Limited. All Rights Reserved.</small></td>
<% Dim Conn,strSQL,objExec,NumOfRecords,se_name,finger
Set Conn = Server.Createobject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "Driver={Oracle in XE};DBQ=xe;UID=biotpl;PWD=biotpl;"
'Query for the customer entry in FP_ENROLL Table
strSQL2 = "INSERT INTO TEST values(1,'OS')"
Set objExec = Conn.Execute(strSQL2)
'Query for the no of fingers to be taken for a customer in FP_FINGER_SETUP Table
'Set objExec = Conn.Execute("select FINGURE_NO NoF from BIOTPL.FP_FINGER_SETUP where USER_TYPE=" & Request.QueryString("cust_type") )
'NumOfFingers = objExec("NoF")
Set objExec = Nothing
Set Conn = Nothing
Add an Id in this Line
<input type="submit" value=" Enroll " name="btnEnroll">
So it becomes :
<input type="submit" value=" Enroll " id="buttonEnroll" name="btnEnroll">
<div id="result"></div>
and Than Write this Script
$( "#result" ).load( "verify.asp" );
alert("Page loading completed");
#result is for loading that page in result id div.
Hope Helps !
Add this inside your header tag
<script src="" integrity="sha256-a23g1Nt4dtEYOj7bR+vTu7+T8VP13humZFBJNIYoEJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
Ajax can be used to load a page in background. jQuery supports AJAX functionality and it is easier than what described in the first link. If your intention is to Verify an enrollment, you need to parse the reply coming out of the AJAX request. An earlier answer on parsing can be found here.
The essential steps are
Add an id to your form submit button (say 'enroll')
Include jQuery JavaScript library to your project by adding the following in the header
< script src=""></script>‌​
3.Within script tag, use a similar methodology as below.
url: "verify.asp",
success: function(result){
/* Parse the result and do whatever you want to do here */
//1st way::
function doFunction(event) {
//here you can load verify.aspx by using
$("#resultdiv").load("verify.aspx", {}, function (data) {
alert("loading complete");
//2nd way:
//By using ajax call
$('#enroll').on('click', 'input[type="submit"]', function(e){
$.post('http://mywebsite/verify.aspx',{ 'data': $('#txt_search').val() } ,function(data) {
console.log(data); // this would show you the returned data.
You can do it in 2ways:
1st way::
Add onclick to your enroll button.
<input type="submit" value="Enroll" onclick="doFunction();" id="enroll" name="btnEnroll"></p>
<div id="resultdiv">
2nd way:
By using ajax call
Here is modified enroll.html with modified Js
<META http-equiv=Content-Language content=en-us>
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<style TYPE="text/css">
<!-- BODY { font-family:arial,helvetica; margin-left:5; margin-top:0}
A { color:#FF5500; text-decoration:underline}
A:hover,A:active { color:#0055FF; text-decoration:underline}
<script src=""></script>
<title>Enroll New Fingerprint.</title>
<table border="0" width="800">
<td width="100%" colspan="3">
<p> </p>
<p><u><b>Online Demonstration</b></u></p>
<div align="center">
<table border="1" width="100%" height="260">
<td width="20%" align="center" rowspan="2">
<p> </p>
<p><font color="#0055FF">Enroll</font></p>
<p> </p>
<td width="80%" height="30">
<b><i>Enroll Finger</i></b>
<td width="80%">
<p>Thanks for your registration. You can enroll two fingers for the name you registered.</p>
<form name="scan" >
<p>Please input your name: <input type="text" name="txtName" size="20" id="txtname"> </p>
<p>If you want to enroll 2 fingers, please check the box. <input type="checkbox" name="chk2Finger" value="2"> </p>
<input type="button" value="Enroll" name="btnEnroll" id="btnEnroll"></p>
<p> </p>
<td width="100%" colspan="3">
<p align="center"><small>Copyright © 2004 Futronic
Technology Company Limited. All Rights Reserved.</small></td>
<script type="text/javascript">
function inStrGrp(src,reg)
var regex=new RegExp("[" + reg + "]","i");
return regex.test(src);
var uname = $('#txtname').val();
var bError=false
if (uname.length==0)
window.alert("Name is required.\n")
return false
if (uname.indexOf("\\")>=0)
if (inStrGrp(uname,'/.:*?"<>| '))
if (bError)
window.alert('User name can not contain the following characters:\n \\/. :*?"<>|\n')
return false
var url = "enroll.asp?name="+uname;
window.location = url;
return true
change the url in the javascript code and put yours.If you url look like
this then
change the variable url in script section like the following
var url = ""+uname;
and your enroll.asp will remain the same.
Hope that will help.

Hide form on submit - Django 1.6

I have this form on my Django 1.6 project:
<form action="/proyecto/" method="POST" id="myform">
{% csrf_token %}
<span class="Separador_Modulo"></span>
<span class="Sub-Titulo-Aplicacion">SiatPre</span>
<td >Usuario: {{user}}</td>
<span class="Sub-Titulo-Aplicacion">Tipo de Proyecto: </span>
<input class="check-style" type="checkbox" name="curva" value="checkbox" >Petroleo</input>
<input class="check-style" type="checkbox" name="curva" value="checkbox" >Gas</input>
<span class="Sub-Titulo-Aplicacion">Proyecto: </span>
<input class="check-style" type="checkbox" name="tipo" value="checkbox" >Nuevo</input>
<input class="check-style" type="checkbox" name="tipo" value="checkbox" >Existente</input>
<div class="Contenedor-Elemento-Formulario">
<span class="Sub-Titulo-Formulario"> Nombre Proyecto:</span>
<input type="text" class="input-style" name="nombre_proyecto" style="width:96px;"/>
</td> </tr>
<td><div >
<div class="Principio-Boton"> </div>
<input name="Aceptar" class="Boton" type="submit" value="Aceptar" onclick="myclick()"/>
<div class="Final-Boton"></div>
<div class="Principio-Boton"> </div>
<input name="Cancelar" class="Boton" type="submit" value="Cancelar" />
<div class="Final-Boton"> </div>
<table style="margin-bottom:45px; padding:15px 15px 15px 15px;">
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<td colspan="4" align="center">
<div class="Principio-Boton"> </div>
<input name="Datos" class="Boton" type="submit" value="Datos"/>
<div class="Final-Boton"></div></td></tr>
<td colspan="4" align="center">
<div class="Principio-Boton"> </div>
<input name="Procesamiento" class="Boton" type="submit" value="Procesamiento"/>
<div class="Final-Boton"></div></td></tr>
<td colspan="4" align="center">
<div class="Principio-Boton"> </div>
<input name="Reporte" class="Boton" type="submit" value="Reporte"/>
<div class="Final-Boton"></div></td></tr>
This code is on my base.html file, however, this form is obviously inherited on other templates by block content tag.
I need to hide specifically this form from other pages when user clicks <input name="Aceptar" class="Boton" type="submit" value="Aceptar" onclick="myclick()"/> not there is an onclick function I declared earlier on this html, the function being like this:
<script>function myclick() {$('#myform').hide().fadeOut(2000); }
And on <form action="/proyecto/" method="POST" id="myform"> I reference the function by using an id (id="myform"), however, when I click on Aceptar, it does some hiding for a second or so, then when it loads a new template, by POST request to server, I still see this form there, no matter what.
Is this the correct way to achieve what I'm looking for? Or maybe it has to do with POST requests to server?
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
You have to pass a variable from a = True when you need to display the form, and do the if condition in template,
{% if a %}
<form action="/proyecto/" method="POST" id="myform">
{% endif %}

