Converting Processing (cursor) file into a website - javascript

I made a cursor in Processing and I would like to use this on my website.
How can I convert it into a .java file to add it to my HTML file?

If you want to use Processing on a webpage, you either have to use Processing.js or P5.js.
But like Chris G said, it's not really clear what exactly you mean by "cursor" here. When most people say that, they mean an image file, in which case you can just use CSS to customize the cursor.
But if you mean you used Processing to create effects using the mouse pointer, then you're going to have to use Processing.js or P5.js, not Java mode. This also means that you won't be able to use any Java libraries in your sketch.
If you have any other questions, please include an MCVE that demonstrates exactly what you're trying to do.


Cut out an arbitrary piece of an image and save it

I'm searching for a way to cut out any shape from an image and save it somewhere on the server.
I'm looking for solutions in PHP and/or JavaScript but haven't found anything yet.
I'm not sure but as far as I know the gd-library in PHP is only capable of cutting out or copying rectangular shapes from source images.
In JavaScript this probably can be achieved somehow through the canvas-object but I haven't found any libraries that provide such a function (rafael.js or paper.js don't seem to do the job) ...
Let's say i got the following image:
Now I would like to mark a certain part of that image (by x/y-coordinates):
And finally i want to extract that part as a single image (with the rest of the background beeing filled black):
Thank you for any help
Using PHP only, imagecopy lets you easily copy a part of an image by coordinates and do with it as you wish.
Edit: Using Imagick it's possible to crop images to specific shapes among other functions.

Is it possible to use web development tools and create an actual working WYSIWYM math editor, like desktop Applications such as MathType?

Before I started to try and make this thing, I wanted to know if it is possible, under the following circumstances:
The code to script up that math must be able to be taken, submitted and stored in a database
The code for two pieces of math which look exactly the same must have the exact same code
According to the requirements, wherever the user clicks his or her mouse, the caret must move to that specific element or part of the math
So, is it possible? I'm looking forward to using technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, and even Flash as a last resort.
MathQuill lets you type maths in a WYSIWYG fashion, source here.
There is a demo on the homepage.
I think you want something like MathML. Take a look here.
or maybe
I found this a while ago pretty useful implementation of LaTeX with a live preview, I've used it a few times. Probably doesn't fit the bill for your point 3 either but just in case it is useful.

Kaleidoscope effect using Javascript, CSS or ImageMagick?

I'm trying to dynamically make a kaleidoscope pattern from a source image.
You can see an example in Flash here: (click an image to start).
I want to create the same effect using either HTML Canvas, CSS (masking) or ImageMagick and PHP.
What would be the best way to create something like this besides Flash?
I'm not concerned about older browsers, if I can get this to work in Safari and Chrome that will be enough.
Here is a CSS one: code can be found here:
If you want it done quickly with the least amount of work on your part, use ImageMagick and PHP, the script is already written for you.
If you want to show off your mad skillz, I'd go for CSS (masking). That seems difficult to me.
If you want to get attention, go with HTML5 Canvas. Everyone thinks it's cool.

What is it called when JS is used to show only a certain part of a png?

Let's say you have a png and it contains all of the icons that are to be used on one page, what is the process of using JS to select and display on a certain icon in that image? I've always seen it being done, but it seems to evade me what it is, and how to do it.
It's done with CSS, not JavaScript, and it's called sprites.
You would use CSS and if you want it to be a really painless experience use this website below.
It will take care of generating the picture and also making generating the CSS you will need to output the icons.
Sprites, but you would probably use CSS rather than Javascript.
I guess you are referring to sprite image. js or css can be used to select images.

Javascript library for dynamically switching pages/views

I have been using nagios + pnp4nagios for a while and am happy with the images rrdtool creates. My current task is to create a panel that has some statistics generated by nagios and after a while the statistics change. I'm looking for something like that:
But also able to switch screens automatically. I do know that I can make a timed javascript function that switches the layout after a determined time, but I also want to add effects and other stuff to the picture. Any good javascript library that has it?
such effects can be achieved easily with most javascript libraries. I like jQuery quite well. See the examples in link text for inspiration

