Error: The quota has been exceeded. on Safari IOS 10 - javascript

I'm getting this error on my iPhone's safari, when doing localStorage.setItem('user',some string here):
Error: The quota has been exceeded.
setItem#[native code]
It is not private mode! What other circumstances can make localStorage not work?

I created this class to help get around private browsing. However, storage will be blown away when you refresh the browser.
const data = {};
let hasLocalStorage = false;
if (localStorage) {
try {
const x = 'storageTest';
localStorage.setItem(x, x);
hasLocalStorage = true;
} catch (e) {
hasLocalStorage = false;
class StorageUtilities {
setItem(key, value) {
if (hasLocalStorage) {
localStorage.setItem(key, value);
} else {
data[key] = value;
getItem(key) {
if (hasLocalStorage) {
return localStorage.getItem(key);
return data[key];
removeItem(key) {
if (hasLocalStorage) {
} else {
data[key] = null;
const storageUtilities = new StorageUtilities();
export default storageUtilities;

Actually it was Private mode. Looks like it is enabled by default on new iphones.


WebRTC-Problem: Cannot create answer in stable (no Chrome but AJAX signalizing involved)

can somebody help me out a little? I am a little stuck.
I am trying to write a signaling process with ajax and a database involved (this is just for learning the basics of WebRTC for now).
I am receiving the SDP fine from the JSON-object as it seems, but then I always get an error "Cannot create answer in stable" when I try to create an answer in get_remote_offer() for pc_partner.
I am pretty sure it is something obvious, but I am pretty new to WebRTC and just can't see what.
I am using Firefox here and just trying to connect two instances of it (one in private mode, one in "normal" mode, but I am trying to make it work for remote users.
This is my code:
var opt;
var video_el_partner;
var video_el_local;
var pc_partner;
var pc_local;
var interval_gro;
var remote_offer_available = false;
var service_url = "";
var pwd = "xxx";
var signaling_url = "";
function init_stream(video_partner_id, video_local_id, allow_video, allow_audio){
if (location.protocol === 'https:') { // only possible for https!
pc_local = new RTCPeerConnection();
pc_partner = new RTCPeerConnection();
if(document.getElementById(video_partner_id) != null){
video_el_partner = document.getElementById(video_partner_id);
video_el_local = document.getElementById(video_local_id);
if(allow_video == null){
allow_video = true;
if(allow_audio == null){
allow_audio = true;
opt = { audio: allow_audio, video: allow_video };
if(typeof navigator != 'undefined' && typeof navigator.mediaDevices != 'undefined' && navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia != null){
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(opt).then (
function (this_stream){
// local video directly into video element:
video_el_local.srcObject = this_stream;
// remote one is more insteresting:
function (this_sdp) {
// sdp (session dependend protocol object) is now available... this would need to go to a server somehow now.
// they use for that... maybe I can use my own thing to do that?
var this_sdp_json = JSON.stringify(this_sdp)
var params_ins = "mode=insert_offer&sdp_con=" + this_sdp_json + "&pass=" + pwd + "&service_url=" + service_url;
ajax_request_simple (
function (res_ins) {
// insert done. Lets read for another candidate.
console.log('Set Interval!');
interval_gro = window.setInterval('get_remote_offer();', 5000);
function (error) {
console.log('Problem: ');
} else {
console.log("navgiator or navigator.mediaDevices is not defined.");
} else {
console.log('init_stream(): We can only do anything like that on https-connections! Http is not supported by the browser!');
window.onload = function () {
document.getElementById('button_start_stream').onclick = function () {
init_stream('video_partner', 'video_local', true, false);
function is_json_str(str) {
try {
} catch (e) {
return false;
return true;
function get_remote_offer() {
var params_read = "mode=get_offer&pass=" + pwd + "&service_url=" + service_url;
ajax_request_simple (
function (res_read) {
// done.
// seems like we get one now.
// lets use that to connect and stream the video to the remote view.
var partner_offer = res_read;
partner_offer = JSON.parse(partner_offer);
// clear interval if found.
console.log('Cleared Interval. Found!');
new RTCSessionDescription(partner_offer), function(){
// video_el_partner.srcObject =;
pc_local.onicecandidate = function (e) {
if ( e.candidate != null ) {
pc_partner.addIceCandidate( new RTCIceCandidate(e.candidate) );
pc_partner.onicecandidate = function (e) {
if ( e.candidate != null ) {
pc_local.addIceCandidate( new RTCIceCandidate(e.candidate) );
function (offer) {
// pc_local.ontrack = function (evt) {
// video_el_local.srcObject =;
// };
pc_partner.ontrack = function (evt) {
video_el_partner.srcObject =;
function(e) {
console.log("Problem while doing client-answer: ", e);
} else {
console.log("Can not parse: ");
Sorry for the mix of promises and callbacks... I tried a couple of things out just in case... when it is working I will rewrite the callback parts.
Thank you very much in advance for any hint you can give me :).
Best regards and thanks for reading till now ;).

Is there a way to hold references to objects without interfering with their regular garbage collection?

I'm trying to make a signal based system for my Javascript application and i have something similar to this:
class EventHubListener {
constructor(eventName, callback, errorHandling) {
this.eventName = eventName;
this.callback = callback;
this.errorHandling = errorHandling;
class EventsHub {
constructor() {
this.listeners = [];
this.idgen = 0;
this.defaultErrorHandler = null;
registerListener(listenerInstance) {// EventHubListener
return = ++idgen;
register(eventName, callback, errorHandling) {
return registerListener(new EventHubListener(eventName, callback, errorHandling));
watchRemoteChange(type, field, callback, handling) {
return register('EvtRemoteStateChange', (data)=> {
if(!data || data.ObjectType !== type || !data.ChangedObject)
callback(, data.ChangedObject[field]);
}, handling);
unregisterListener(id) {
this.listeners = this.listeners.filter(i=> != id);
raise(eventName, data) {
this.listeners.forEach(l=> l.eventName === eventName, listener=> {
try {
if(listener.eventName === eventName)
} catch(err) {
if(listener.errorHandling) {
try {
} catch(internalError) {
} else {
handleError(err) {
if(this.defaultErrorHandler) {
try {
} catch(errorHandlingError) {
console.trace('Error in the default error handling routine', err, errorHandlingError);
} else {
throw internalError;
// use
hub.watchRemoteChange('Products', 'SellingPrice', (id, value)=> {
console.writeLine(`Product ${id} has changed price to ${value}!`);
My problem here is that I suppose that this "use" example will make the Hub class hold a reference to this annonymous function:
(id, value)=> {
console.writeLine(`Product ${id} has changed price to ${value}!`);
Which in this example doesn't seem a big problem, but it could be using values from the closure which would be eventually collected in case the user class is collected (I guess?), the thing I need here is a way to detect that the user class has been disposed and make the hub class stop holding them or their closures and possibly avoid executing broken closures, is there a way to do that in the library side or do I have to manually always manage unregistering my listeners from user code?

How can I check error code in Gnome/gjs/Gio

This doesn't work (nothing happens when the directory exists):
let s_dir = Gio.file_new_for_path("./S1");
try {
} catch(e) {
if(e == Gio.IOErrorEnum.EXISTS)
Use the GLib.Error.matches() method:
let s_dir = Gio.file_new_for_path("./S1");
try {
} catch(e) {
if (e.matches (Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.EXISTS)

Azure mobile services and Ember.js

I learning Ember.js as Web-Client Windows Azure Mobile Services from this tutorial.
When I write:
Tothevoidjs.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
// admittedly, this should be in IndexRoute and not in the
// top level ApplicationRoute; we're in transition... :-)
model: function(params) {
return Tothevoidjs.Secret.findAll();
I get this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Object function () {
if (!wasApplied) {
Class.proto(); // prepare prototype...
o_defineProperty(this, GUID_KEY, undefinedDescriptor);
o_defineProperty(this, '_super', undefinedDescriptor);
var m = meta(this), proto = m.proto;
m.proto = this;
if (initMixins) {
// capture locally so we can clear the closed over variable
var mixins = initMixins;
initMixins = null;
this.reopen.apply(this, mixins);
if (initProperties) {
// capture locally so we can clear the closed over variable
var props = initProperties;
initProperties = null;
var concatenatedProperties = this.concatenatedProperties;
for (var i = 0, l = props.length; i < l; i++) {
var properties = props[i];
Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create no longer supports mixing in other definitions, use createWithMixins instead.", !(properties instanceof Ember.Mixin));
for (var keyName in properties) {
if (!properties.hasOwnProperty(keyName)) { continue; }
var value = properties[keyName],
if (IS_BINDING.test(keyName)) {
var bindings = m.bindings;
if (!bindings) {
bindings = m.bindings = {};
} else if (!m.hasOwnProperty('bindings')) {
bindings = m.bindings = o_create(m.bindings);
bindings[keyName] = value;
var desc = m.descs[keyName];
Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create no longer supports defining computed properties.", !(value instanceof Ember.ComputedProperty));
Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create no longer supports defining methods that call _super.", !(typeof value === 'function' && value.toString().indexOf('._super') !== -1));
Ember.assert("`actions` must be provided at extend time, not at create time, when Ember.ActionHandler is used (i.e. views, controllers & routes).", !((keyName === 'actions') && Ember.ActionHandler.detect(this)));
if (concatenatedProperties && indexOf(concatenatedProperties, keyName) >= 0) {
var baseValue = this[keyName];
if (baseValue) {
if ('function' === typeof baseValue.concat) {
value = baseValue.concat(value);
} else {
value = Ember.makeArray(baseValue).concat(value);
} else {
value = Ember.makeArray(value);
if (desc) {
desc.set(this, keyName, value);
} else {
if (typeof this.setUnknownProperty === 'function' && !(keyName in this)) {
this.setUnknownProperty(keyName, value);
} else if (MANDATORY_SETTER) {
Ember.defineProperty(this, keyName, null, value); // setup mandatory setter
} else {
this[keyName] = value;
finishPartial(this, m);
this.init.apply(this, arguments);
m.proto = proto;
sendEvent(this, "init");
} has no method 'findAll'
My app.js:
var Tothevoidjs = window.Tothevoidjs = Ember.Application.create();
var client = new WindowsAzure.MobileServiceClient(
Tothevoidjs.WAMAdapter = Ember.Object.extend({
table: null,
init: function() {
this.table = this.get('table');
find: function(record, id) {
var query = this.table.where({
id: id
return {, record.load, data);
findAll: function(klass, records) {
var _self = this;
return {, records.load, klass, data);
findQuery: function(klass, records, params) {
var query = this.table.where(params);
return {, records.load, klass, data);
createRecord: function(record) {
return this.table.insert(record.toJSON()).then(function(data) { {
record.load(, data);
/* Order and include as you please. */
My model file:
var attribute = DS.attr;
Tothevoidjs.Secret = DS.Model.extend({
id: attribute('number'),
body: attribute('string')
var client = new WindowsAzure.MobileServiceClient(
Tothevoidjs.Secret.adapter = Tothevoidjs.WAMAdapter.create({
table: client.getTable('secret')
And router:
Tothevoidjs.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
// admittedly, this should be in IndexRoute and not in the
// top level ApplicationRoute; we're in transition... :-)
model: function(params) {
return Tothevoidjs.Secret.findAll();
I do not understand what I did wrong. :(
Please tell me how to avoid this error or what I should read to understand it.
If you need to know version of Ember.js - it's from yeoman generator - 1.0.0
P.S. I'm newbie in web-dev.
Your tutorial is using the ember-model libray. But your current code use ember-data version 1.0.0.beta.x. Both are data libraries for ember, have similar api, but are different.
I recommend you to use the ember-model libray, so you will be able to finish the tutorial.
So, import the ember-model script, the source is here, make sure it comes after the ember.js script, and change your model definition to use ember-model:
var attribute = Ember.attr;
Tothevoidjs.Secret = Ember.Model.extend({
id: attribute('number'),
body: attribute('string')
I hope it helps

determine whether Web Storage is supported or not

I need to verify that Web Storage API is supported and available (it may be disabled due to security issues).
So, I thought it would suffice to check whether the type sessionStorage or localStorage is defined or not:
if (typeof sessionStorage != 'undefined')
alert('sessionStorage available');
alert('sessionStorage not available');
However, I was wondering if it could be possible that the type exists, but I wouldn't been able to use the Web Storage API anyway.
I know Firefox will throw a security error if cookies are disabled and sessionStorage or localStorage are accessed.
Why don't you use the Modernizr library to detect if local storage is supported or not? Any differences between browers will be taken care of for you, you can then just use code like this:
if (Modernizr.localstorage) {
// browser supports local storage
} else {
// browser doesn't support local storage
I think you're on the right track with your original code, no need to make this too fancy.
Using the KISS principle with no additional dependencies in your code:
var storageEnabled = function() {
try {
if (sessionStorage.getItem('test-key') == 'test-value'){
return true;
} catch (e) {};
return false;
alert(storageEnabled() ? 'sessionStorage available' : 'sessionStorage not available');
ssSupport = sessionStorage ) === "[object Storage]";
ssSupport = false;
So, because Modernizr.localstorage respectively Modernizr.sessionstorage will return true while Firefox might be used with disabled Cookies (which will lead into an security error) or any other proprietary (unexpected) behavior could occur: I've written my own webStorageEnabled function which seems to work very well.
function cookiesEnabled()
// generate a cookie to probe cookie access
document.cookie = '__cookieprobe=0;path=/';
return document.cookie.indexOf('__cookieprobe') != -1;
function webStorageEnabled()
if (typeof webStorageEnabled.value == 'undefined')
localStorage.setItem('__webstorageprobe', '');
webStorageEnabled.value = true;
catch (e) {
webStorageEnabled.value = false;
return webStorageEnabled.value;
// conditional
var storage = new function()
if (webStorageEnabled())
return {
local: localStorage,
session: sessionStorage
return {
local: cookiesEnabled() ? function()
// use cookies here
}() : null,
session: function()
var data = {};
return {
clear: function () {
data = {};
getItem: function(key) {
return data[key] || null;
key: function(i)
var index = 0;
for (var value in data)
if (index == i)
return value;
removeItem: function(key) {
delete data[key];
setItem: function(key, value) {
data[key] = value + '';
Hope this will be useful for someone too.
My version (because IE 9 running in IE 8 more on an intranet site is broken).
if (typeof (Storage) != "undefined" && !!sessionStorage.getItem) {
a longer version that adds setObject to allow storing objects:
var sstorage;
if (typeof (Storage) != "undefined" && !!sessionStorage.getItem) {
Storage.prototype.setObject = function (key, value) {
this.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
Storage.prototype.getObject = function (key) {
return JSON.parse(this.getItem(key));
if (typeof sessionStorage.setObject == "function") {
sstorage = sessionStorage;
else {
else {
function setupOldBrowser() {
sstorage = {};
sstorage.setObject = function (key, value) {
this[key] = JSON.stringify(value);
sstorage.getObject = function (key) {
if (typeof this[key] == 'string') {
return JSON.parse(this[key]);
else {
return null;
sstorage.removeItem = function (key) {
delete this[key];
Here's what I do to use session storage if available if it's not, use cookies..
var setCookie;
var getCookie;
var sessionStorageSupported = 'sessionStorage' in window
&& window['sessionStorage'] !== null;
if (sessionStorageSupported) {
setCookie = function (cookieName, value) {
window.sessionStorage.setItem(cookieName, value);
return value; //you can introduce try-catch here if required
getCookie = function (cookieName) {
return window.sessionStorage.getItem(cookieName);
else {
setCookie = function (cookieName, value) {
$.cookie(cookieName, value);
return value; // null if key not present
getCookie = function(cookieName) {
console.log("using cookies");
return $.cookie(cookieName);

