AngularFire2 Firebase update object without causing other subscriptions to update - javascript

I just have a question to find out if this is possible:
So what I am doing is when I submit a post I wait for it to complete then update the user object in firebase to insert a time-stamp.
This is fine and works but when the time-stamp is inserted it is causing other subscriptions that are subscribed to changes in the user object to update.
What I want to do it update the user object without causing other subscribers to be updated.
Here is where I am updating the timestamp:
I tried commenting out this line of code which stops the data duplication issue on screen but I need this code to run as I need to update the timestamp when a post is submitted.'users/' + x[0].uid + '/lastPostAt').set(timestamp)
.then(x => { this.dialogsService.showSuccessDialog('Post Submitted'); });
Here is where I am subscribing to all the posts:
subscribeAllPosts(): Observable<Post[]> {
Here is where I am creating the array of posts in my constructor to display via a loop in the html:
this.activeItem = this.items[0];
.subscribe(posts => {
let container = new Array<PostContainer>();
for (let post of posts) {
x => {
try {
container.push(new PostContainer(post, x[0].equippedItems));
} catch (ex) { }
this.postContainers = container;
In the inner subscription it gets the equippedItems for the user of the post:
getEquippedItemsForUsername(username: string) {
return this.usersService.subscribeUserByUsername(username);
Which in turns calls:
subscribeUserByUsername (username: string) {
return'users' , {
query: {
orderByChild: 'username',
equalTo: username
In the HTML it loops through the postContainer[]:
<li *ngFor="let item of postContainers">
So all that works the issue as stated is that if I do not have the following commented out then the posts will be duplicated more and more as the posts are submitted. If I refresh the app then the posts will show the correct non duplicated posts until another post is submitted.'users/' + x[0].uid + '/lastPostAt').set(timestamp)
.then(x => { this.dialogsService.showSuccessDialog('Post Submitted'); });
EDIT: Solved by splitting up logic.


Commit mutation from action in another store via root? Vue2 Nuxt Vuex

This has been beating me up.
I have a vuex store, inside is a folder called "RyansBag" im using to test things.
I have two other folder, Alerts and Inventory. So the folder structure for each of these goes
store> Ryansbag/Alert/...
in my Inventory index.js file, we run a function to add an item to an inventory system.
async addInventory_Catalog({commit}, payload){
const response = await this.$axios.put('Inventory/AddFromCatalogDefault', null, {
originalUPC: payload.upc,
clientID: payload.clientId,
saleprice: payload.sellPrice,
cost: payload.sellPrice,
Condition: payload.condition.conditionName,
Serial: payload.serialNumber,
Notes: payload.notes,
HoldDays: payload.holdDays,
commit('RyansBag/Alerts/showAlerts', 'You have added a product!', {root: true})
} catch (error) { alert(error); console.log(error); }
Here we just pass the item down, and when it's done - commit the changes to our alert which is in store > RyansBag/Alerts.
You can see I tried to call it:
commit('RyansBag/Alerts/showAlerts', 'You have added a product!', {root: true})
My understanding was to simply state the commit is coming from this store as the root state...? But Im not sure if im supposed to register the commit in /Alerts as a global item somehow. ( )
Edit: There was no commit request in the action. added to post. Now however I get warning to not mutate state outside of state handlers..
Below is the mutation it's requesting to reach inside the alerts.
export const mutations = {
showAlerts(state, message) {
let timeout = 0
if (state.status.showAlert) {
state.status.showAlert = false
timeout = 300
setTimeout(() => {
state.status.showAlert = true
state.status.message = message
}, timeout)
hideAlerts(state) {
state.status.showAlert = false
The fix was a) making sure I called commit in the action parameters. and b) not using setTimeout in the mutation, but instead setting a mutation to hide, and using the actions to setTime.

Check if data in URL is valid before navigate to page

I would like to configure my Angular component, so that the page only loads if the ID in the URL is valid. The point here is, that I want to protect the page from users manually entering a random URL, and accessing any page.
I have a component with lists.
If I click on the "Show Details", Angular navigates to the details page. I would like to only open this page, if the entered URL contains a valid ID. To achieve this, I call a service to gather all IDs into an array of strings. And then examine if the entered ID is a member of that array.
What I have tried:
ngOnInit() {
fetchLists() {
next: (listUI: ListUI[]) => {
this.listData = listUI;
error: (error) => {
this.certError = true;
ngOnInit() {
if (this.validIDsList.includes(listID)) {
else {this.router.navigateByUrl(`/groups/lists`);}
fetchListsAndIDs() {
next: (listUI: ListUI[]) => {
const listData = listUI;
this.validIDsList = =>;
error: (error) => {
this.certError = true;
path: 'groups/lists/${listID}/details',
component: DetailsComponent
The page "groups/lists/99999999999/details" opens, with zero data, and "this.validIDsList" is undefined. Can someone please help me how to fix this?
You almost have the right code, but you missed the part that, this.fetchListsAndIDs() is executing an asynchronous observable, so your if..else block is executing before even the API call completes.
I would suggest, you include the if...else check inside the next() handler. I have reversed the conditions to check for NOT first, since you are already in details.components.ts which represents ``/groups/lists/${listID}/details) route, you should only redirect the user back to lists if id is not valid, else the component should continue with its work.
I added code to grab the listId from URL. It is missing in the code you posted in the question.
ngOnInit() {
this.listID = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('listID');
fetchListsAndIDs() {
next: (listUI: ListUI[]) => {
const listData = listUI;
this.validIDsList = =>;
error: (error) => {
this.certError = true;
handleNavigation() {
if (!this.validIDsList.includes(this.listID)) {
} else {
// call the function to continue with details component

Stripe not being called

I am trying to use Vue.js for my front end to call Stripe and create a token which then is sent to my backend. I have tested everything using plain HTML/JS and it all works fine, my issue comes in trying to use Vue.js I think my issue might be in how I am binding the stripe public key. Below is my code, and I have zero output to speak of, I get just redriected to the same page but wth ? at the end of the URL. Nothing else, console shows nothing and no error message or anything send to my back end.
template code
There is more but not related
<div class="col-md-8">
<card class='stripe-card col-md-8'
:class='{ complete }'
#change='complete = $event.complete'
<button class='pay-with-stripe' #click='pay' :disabled='!complete'>Submit Payment Details</button>
script section with relavent added
import { Card, createToken } from 'vue-stripe-elements-plus'
import axios from 'axios';
export default {
components: { Card },
data() {
return {
errorMessage: null,
successMessage: null,
complete: false,
stripeKey: process.env.VUE_APP_STRIPE_PUB_KEY,
stripeOptions: {
// see for details
hidePostalCode: true
current: {
stripe: {
plan: null,
last4: null
methods: {
pay () {
createToken().then(result => {'/billing/updateCard', {
token: result.token,
.then(res => {
if( == true) {
this.successMessage =
if( == false) {
this.errorMessage = // Display error message from server if an error exists
.catch((err) => {
if(err) console.log(err)
if(err) this.$router.push('/company/settings?success=false')
I have checked that the API key is actually in the data value by doing <p>{{ stripeKey }}</p> and seeing the value show up. So yes the key is there and the key is valid (tested copy/paste into my HTML/JS test)
try this, i used this piece of code in my project and it worked... the issue maybe is that your key is not yet initialized when card us rendered idk. maybe key isnt issue at all. try this and let me know if works and we will debug it together.

reset the star-rating component, VUE JS

I am using star-rating plugin in vue js, and I am using v-model to show the ratings from db. Everything works fine as when user is not logged in and he/she tries to rate it shows an error "login to rate", but the stars dont reset to db value instead it shows the rating of not logged in user. Currently after the error msg I am refreshing the whole page. Is there a simple way to reset the stars instead of refreshing the whole page?
:show-rating="false" #rating-selected="setRating" v-model="rating"
above is the start rating and while clicking it calls a function where I am checking if user is logged in or not with an api call. Thanks in advance.
setRating: function (rating) {
axios.get('/checkuser').then(response => {
this.user =;
if (this.user === "Logout") {
toastr.error('Please login to rate', 'Error', {
positionClass: 'toast-bottom-right'
window.location = "/menu/" + this.menu_id;
} else {
// save in to db
}).catch(error => {
// TODO: Handle error
You will have to reset rating object if it's not logged in.
setRating: function (rating) {
axios.get('/checkuser').then(response => {
if (this.user === "Logout") {
this.rating = 0; <=== reset rating here (in data, not the rating parameter)
managed to fix it by using "this.load()" after the api call, which refreshes all components. :)

how to add returned data to the existing template

I am using ember. I intercept one component's button click in controller. The click is to trigger a new report request. When a new report request is made, I want the newly made request to appear on the list of requests that I currently show. How do I make ember refresh the page without obvious flicker?
Here is my sendAction code:
actions: {
sendData: function () {
this.set('showLoading', true);
let data = {
startTime: date.normalizeTimestamp(this.get('startTimestamp')),
endTime: date.normalizeTimestamp(this.get('endTimestamp')),
api.ajaxPost(`${api.buildV3EnterpriseUrl('reports')}`, data).then(response => {
this.set('showLoading', false);
}).catch(error => {
this.set('showLoading', false);
if (error.status === constants.HTTP_STATUS.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT) {
} else {
this.send('error', error);
There are few think you should consider. Generaly you want to have variable that holds an array which you are render in template in loop. For example: you fetch your initial set of data in route and pass it on as model variable.
// route.js
model() { return []; }
// controller
actions: {
sendData() {
foo().then(payload => {
// important is to use pushObjects method.
// Plain push will work but wont update the template.
This will automatically update template and add additional items on the list.
Boilerplate for showLoading
You can easily refactor your code and use ember-concurency. Check their docs, afair there is example fitting your usecase.

