adding jquery selector objects into a single jquery object [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
Combining selectors?
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I need to combine two jquery selectors into a single Jquery object.
I tried $("#selector","#selector"), but its not working and returning blank, do we have any predefined methods to achieve this.
Something like
var combined_Jquery_obj =$("#selector") +$("#selector")

Use add() method when you want to add elements to an existing jQuery object.
var combined_Jquery_obj = $("#selector1").add("#selector2")
Or use comma separated multiple selectors when you want to select multiple selectors.
var combined_Jquery_obj = $("#selector1,#selector2")

Use Multiple Selector
var combined_Jquery_obj =$("#selector,#selector")


How to use custom variable in JavaScript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Javascript getElementById based on a partial string
(9 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I just want to know to how to use custom varible with javascript.suppose we have 5 id with name zawsz,baws2,tawsx,paws4,vawsa and we want to execute single DOM command to all these element whose id is define here.
Here -aws- define all the id define above.(-) can be replace with any char/int value;
You could use the following code:
(The following code will select all elements of which the id includes aws.
I have tested this code and it works:
document.querySelectorAll('*[id*="aws"]').forEach(function(item) {
item.onclick=function() {
Items will now be an array containing all your aws- items.
If you have further questions, just let me know.
P.S.: You could achieve the same thing really easily with jquery.
You can use document.querySelectorAll for this:
That will select all elements where the id attribute starts with (^=) "aws".

DOM equivalent of jQuery .clone() function [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to duplicate a div in JavaScript
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
What is a good equivalent for the jQuery .clone() function in regular DOM JavaScript? I performed multiple searches (on both SO and Bing) and didn't find a specific answer. I need to produce a copy of an element and all of its internal elements. The clone must have all of the elements and content of the source elements. If possible, make the solution as compact or efficient as possible.
try this
var clonedElement = document.getElementById('id').cloneNode(true)
var element= document.getElementById("myid");
var clone= element.cloneNode(true);

single addEventListener with Multiple selects [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What do querySelectorAll and getElementsBy* methods return?
(12 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have looked around and I haven't really been able to find anything that solves my problem. There is a post using buttons but I can't seem to modify it for my needs.
I am trying to use only one event listener for multiple selects. I'd like to return the id of the select, and the value selected but as far as I can figure I either need to use document.getElementById("ID").addEventListener('change',func(),true) for each id or document.getElementsByTagName('select').addEventListener('change', func(), true) and I get an error that says:
selection.addEventListener is not a function. (In 'selection.addEventListener('change', func(), true)', 'selection.addEventListener' is undefined)
I was hoping someone could take a moment and show me where I am going wrong or if I need to use a different method to accomplish my task.
thanks for the help
The method getElementsByTagName returns HTMLCollection of elements, and not a DOM Element, so you can't use addEventListener on that.
What you can do is go over all the elements in the HTMLCollection and add the event you want to them:
let selectElements = document.getElementsByTagName('select');, function(el) {
eladdEventListener('change', func(), true)

Extract Custom HTML Attribute Value for Javascript Variable [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What do querySelectorAll and getElementsBy* methods return?
(12 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm looking at three custom HTML attributes within an "a" tag and I'd like to extract their values into 3 separate javascript variables.
Here's the HTML with the attributes "data-event-category", "data-event-action", and "data-event-label":
'<a data-event-category="Billionaire" data-event-action="SeeMore" data-event-label="Biography" href="xxx" class="ga-track-click billionaires-individual-see-more gotham-medium red-txt">Contact us to see more Biography</a>'
And this is the function I cobbled together, unsuccessfully trying to extract the value of "data-event-category":
`function myFunction3() {
var z = document.getElementByClass(".ga-track-click").getAttribute("data-event-category");
return z;
Here's my fiddle :
Can you please tell me the** correct way to extract the values of the 3 custom HTML attributes**?
I can see how :
What do querySelectorAll, getElementsByClassName and other getElementsBy* methods return? would be similar, but I'm not sure how it applies to my question. I'm very very beginner with javascript.
or use

jQuery Multiple ID selector concate through variable [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Select multiple jQuery objects with .add()
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Here is my code:
var $btnNone = $('#btn-none');
var $btn1234 = $('#btn-1, #btn-2, #btn-3, #btn-4');
// This selector works fine
var $btnReview1234None = $('#btn-1, #btn-2, #btn-3, #btn-4, #btn-none')
// This selector ignores $btnNone but respects $btn1234.
// This listens only first item in the selector
var $btnReview1234None = $($btn1234, $btnNone);
The issue is because $($btn1234, $btnNone) will be treated as a contextual selector, ie. jQuery will search the DOM to find the $btn1234 element within $btnNone.
To fix this you could provide an array of both elements to the selector:
var $btnReview1234None = $([$btn1234, $btnNone]);
Or you could use add():
var $btnReview1234None = $btn1234.add($btnNone);

