Javascript for replacing $ with $$ or $latex - javascript

I do know good HTML and some PHP, but not at all javascript, so I need some help with this question please. I have a wordpress site the uses math equations together with Simple Matjax plugin for rendering the math from latex. There are many worpress plugins for latex some of them faster, some of them slower.
I tried to find a faster plugin to replace Simple Mathjax, but every other plugin use a different math "quotation" than that I am using $...$
So I need a javascript that either replaces the $...$ with $$...$$ or first $ with $latex (or whatever start and end sequence I might need for a specific plugin). I guess this is simple, but as I was saying, I do not know javascript at all. Thank you.
PS. There is one replacement WP Quick Latex but when I install it it block the access to my homepage (all other pages are rendered and displayed, except my homepage, page 2, page 3,...that contain excertpts). Any suggestions? Edit: Quicklatex uses shortcodes [latexpage]. If one enables it sitewide on the homepage it has to work on all equations, Thus the wating time for loading the homepage increases significantly.

The javascript function for string replacement is
replace("string to replace", "new string")
I think you should do something like this:
var string = "$"; // <-- this is where you enter the string you want to replace
var new_replaced_string = string.replace("$", "$latex");
Hope this helps.


Why could an extra back-slash appears in javascript in outsystems?

we use the autocomplete component from RichWidgets and we get extra back-slash in the javascript which causes a bug in the autocomplete.
autocomplete JavaScript code tries to split the bulk of rows into items in the autocomplete list but the extra back-slash interrupt the split (js method from functioning well.
although we use the same component in another module (where it works perfectly without the extra back-slash) referencing to same RichWidgets but we still
this is only when we use Arabic language, it works fine in english.
Without more context, it's difficult to answer, but if it only happens with the AR locale then it might be the case that there are translations defined for those strings that are causing the issue.
Check if setting the behavior of those strings to not translate makes any difference.

Translating page with Javascript

I develop a website (in wordpress) that it is intended for users who speak different languages. The main content of the site is the same (not divisible by languages). But the interface of the site (such as menus, and a few other small things) should be in two different languages​​.
I do not want to use gettext in PHP level. Instead, I want to translate certain things at the level of JavaScript.
Of course I can do an array of words in both languages​​, mark the html elements that require translation (like: <span translate='true'>Hello world!</span>) , and when the user presses a button of his language, the script will look for a match of words, and replace the contents of the elements.
But I want to ask, is there a better way to achieve this?
If you only plan on having translations of menus, sidebars and other "hard coded" things in your user interface, I would simply serve a different (partial) HTML template that is already translated into that specific language.
You could have for example a header_en.html, a header_fr.html and so on.
Translating with JavaScript after the page has been served is too complex for what you are trying to achieve in my opinion.
I'd recommend doing things the Wordpress way, even if you don't like the Wordpress way.
See wp_localize_script for the Wordpress way to do this.
This means using Gettext, but in JavaScript. I think that should tick your box unless you've got a real problem with Gettext for some reason.
You can use to do the translation in JavaScript.

Replace text on VisualForce page using JavaScript

I'm working with a VisualForce page (SalesForce related) and I need to write a piece of JavaScript that will replace some text on the page after everything is loaded.
I've tried the following (I'm using jQuery on other parts of the page so I've used jQuery for this also):
var j$ = jQuery.noConflict();
var replaced = $find("body").html().replace('Test', '1234');
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to do anything. It's like I can't get the page HTML code. I'm assuming it's because this is a VisualForce page running on the Force platform, so if anyone can offer any help with this that would be much appreciated.
P.S. In case anyone is wondering why I'm doing this is because I can't do this through VisualForce or Apex since I'm trying to unescape some HTML characters provided by a variable and being used in a dataTable header. Unfortunately everything in a dataTable header is automatically escaped.
First of all, it should be $.find() but hum.. also not necessary: simply $("body") for a selector.
Then in one line you can write:
$("body").html($("body").html().replace(/test/g, '1234'));
Notice /g in the regex, it should allow it to replace all instance of test, not only the first one.
You might also need to be precise with your j$ and use it everywhere, not only for document ready event. The line above uses $ shortcut.

Flip JQuery plugin not working

I'm making a website for a project, and I discovered and decided to use the, jquery flip plugin, and it's not working... I did manage to get it working a while ago, but couldn't since. Bear in mind I have not yet made the grafic part of the website yet, so what's there is just for show.
Here's the source code for the website.
No errors, just not working (fliping said boxes). As I said, it worked before, but when I added those other boxes, it stopped working.
Include jQuery UI before the Flip plugin. Since the Flip plugin needs jQuery UI to be available it probably fails when it's not.
It's always a good idea to use the demos on the plugin's documentation website as a template. The flip plugin includes the JS files in this order:
<script src="/lab/flip/js/jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.min.js"></script>
<script src="/lab/flip/js/jquery.flip.min.js"></script>
Also, in your JSFIddle, you have to use absolute URLs for the resources, JSFiddle doesn't magically find jquery/jquery.flip.min.js.
Here is an updated version of your JSFiddle, I grabbed the above files from the plugin's documentation:
If the above didn't fix your problem, there was an error with your code, one of the .flip calls had an invalid content property:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token .
Make sure that your content properties are all on a single line or you have escaped the end-line characters properly.
To escape an end-line character in JS we do this:
var str = "This is a string and \
I want it to use two lines.";
Notice the backslash, it's the standard escaping character. Now if you want to create a new line that will be rendered via HTML then you should use a <br /> tag:
var str = "This is a string and <br />I want it to use two lines.";
you have an unterminated string constant in this section:
direction: 'bt',
color: '#39AB3E',
content: 'The aims of the GSP (Global Student Project) are to give students from all around the world both a culturally and personally enriching experience, as well as equal learning, and subsquently job opportunities
note the line feed prior to the .'

Use VIM omnicomplete for javascript with ctags

I am using vim/gvim for 4 months already and now I found a way to use it's strengths.
My tags file is generated very well and here is a simple row in it.
my.namespace.classname /path/to/file.js /^my.namespace.classname = function(first_arg,$/;" f
Here is an example what i need to omnicomplete:
my.namespace.cla <- omnicomplete list with all classnames in the my.namespace
The above is the key to my problem, because it looks like omnicomplete searches only namespace without including "my." in front of it. So i see other element in the omnicomplete list and not my classname at all.
However, if i type :tag my.namespace.classname for example gvim opens the correct file at the correct position.
What is wrong and how can I make it work?
I've noticed that a lot of omnicomplete is not well developed. I've used the php omnicomplete and have had to go in and tweak a lot of it to get it working correctly. I recommend you download omnicomplete for javascript. Then add it to your plugins directory. Then make edits to it until it does what you want it to do.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help - but at least you won't go answerless any longer.

