refresh html content with each new GET request - javascript

I have been practicing my Vanilla Js/jQuery skills today by throwing together a newsfeed app using the news-api.
I have included a link to a jsfiddle of my code here. However, I have removed my API key.
On first load of the page, when the user clicks on an image for a media outlet, e.g. 'techcrunch', using an addEventListener, I pass the image's id attribute to the API end point '' and run a GET request which then proceeds to create div elements with the news articles content.
However, after clicking 1 image, I cannot get the content to reload unless I reload the whole page manually or with location.reload().
On clicking another image the new GET request is running and returning results, as I am console logging the results.
I am looking for some general guidance on how to get the page content to reload with each new GET request.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks for your time.
Api convention:
sourceIMG.addEventListener('click', function() {
$.get('' + + '&sortBy=latest&apiKey=APIKEYHERE', function(data, status) {
latestArticles = data.articles;
for (i = 0; i < latestArticles.length; i++) {
//New Article
var newArticle = document.createElement("DIV"); = "article";
newArticle.className += "article";
//Create an h1 Element
var header = document.createElement("H1");
//Create the text entry for the H1
var title = document.createTextNode(latestArticles[i].title);
//Append the text to the h1 Element
//Append the h1 element to the Div 'article'
var para = document.createElement("P");
var author = document.createTextNode(latestArticles[i].author);
var description = document.createElement("H4");
var desc = document.createTextNode(latestArticles[i].description);
var image = document.createElement("IMG");
image.src = latestArticles[i].urlToImage;
image.className += "articleImg";
//Url link
//Create a href element
var a = document.createElement('a');
var link = document.createElement('p');
var innerLink = document.createTextNode('Read the full story ');
a.setAttribute("href", latestArticles[i].url);
a.innerHTML = "here.";
//Append the Div 'article' to the outer div 'articles'
}, false);

I tried your fiddle using an api key. It is working for me in that content new content is appended to the previous content in the #articles div. If I'm understanding your question, when a news service image is clicked you would like for only that news service's articles to show. To do that you would need to clear the contents of #articles before appending new content.
To do that with plain js you could use the following above your for loop:
// Removing all children from an element
var articlesDiv = document.getElementById("articles");
while (articlesDiv.firstChild) {
for (i = 0; i < latestArticles.length; i++) {...
Full disclosure, I added the variable name 'articlesDiv' but otherwise the above snippet came from


How can I fetch data with jquery .load, only when the target page's DOM is loaded?

I have this page where I have a ranking system. For the ranking to display I create some elements on a loop through javascript, according to the data that I fetch from the database. Then, I want the data to change when the database changes, but instead of having to reload the page, I want it to reload just the div related to the ranking content. The problem is that when I call the function $(#idOfRankingsParent).load("index.php #idOfRankingsChild), it doesn't load anything because the content is only created after the DOM is fully loaded (because of the document.createElement, and appendChild, etc). Is there any way for me to load the content after every element is created?
So, I have this function being called on a setInterval:
function loadContent() {
$( "#ranking-container" ).load("index.php #ranking-wrapper");"blur(0)";
setInterval(loadContent, 5500);
Then I have this function creating the elements, and being called as soon as possible:
function createRanks() {
var pontosOrdered = x;
var equipasOrdered = y;
for (var t=0; t<equipasOrdered.length; t++) {
var rankLi = document.createElement("li");
if (t===0) {"first-place";}
if (t===1) {"second-place";}
if (t===2) {"third-place";}
var lugarP = document.createElement("p");
var nomeEquipaP = document.createElement("a");
var pontosP = document.createElement("p");
$(document).ready(function() {
I have here some prints of the page when I load the first time:
And when the div loads:

Set og:image and twitter:image meta in wordpress articles with javascript

I'm working on a WP website, and I'm pretty new with code, so after I struggled a whole day to make it work, I just gave up, and decided to ask someone.
I used dynamic meta for all open graphs and twitter cards except image.
All the website pages have a container with an article inside; some articles have an image, and some have none. For the ones with no image, I want to use the Company logo.
So I want to use javascript to add og:image and twitter:image to wordpress, but I can't get over one error that says:
document.getElementsByTagName(" ") is not a function
//add image meta tag
function addImageMetaTag() {
var imgHolder = document.getElementsByTagName("article")[0];
var image = imgHolder.getElementsByTagName("img");
var source;
function getSource() {
if (image.length != 0) {
var source = image[0].getAttribute("src");
} else {
var source = "http://link_to_my_default_image.png";
return source;
var meta = document.createElement('meta');
meta.setAttribute("property", "og:image");
meta.content = source; = "twitter:image";
Gerald, open graphs and twitter cards are used to create the shared snippet, so it's got nothing to do with crawling.
You were right with your other answer, there were two errors: indeed, I used "getSource" instead of "source", but Wordpress still wouldn't find the "article" class, because the content loads after the header, so I had "var content = undefined", so I got the function working by changing it to this:
// add image meta tag
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
function addImageMetaTag() {
var content = document.getElementById("primary");
var images = content.querySelectorAll("img");
var source;
if (images.length != 0) {
var source = images[0].getAttribute("src");
else {
var source = "http://link_to_my_default_image.png";
var meta = document.createElement('meta');
meta.content = source; = "twitter:image";

How to display image from another page in my page

I want to start a greasemonkey plugin to an existing page. The plugin should fetch and display some images automatically, each image from different pages.
I thought of using jQuery.get("link", function(data)) and hide the page and display the images only but on an average to display 4 images I should load 6 webpages into present webpage it is creating a delay in loading.
Is there any other work around to create a function that loads the page html of all image pages in background or in another tab and get the href of <a> tag's in that page, into my page and load only images into my page?
You can try this solution below.
Just put the URLs you want in the "pages" array. When the script runs, it makes Ajax calls in the background. When they are ready, it searches the source returned for images and picks one randomly. If found, it wraps the image in a link to the page where it found it (or if available, the image's url) and inserts the linked image to the top of the body of your own current page.
You can try the code by pasting it into your browser's JavaScript console and it will add the images to the current page.
You also see a demo here:
//pages you want
var pages =
//a simple function used to make an ajax call and run a callback with the target page source as an argument when successful
function getSubPageSource(url, successCallback)
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function()
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200)
//when source returned, run callback with the response text
//requires a proxy url for CORS
var proxyURL = '';'GET', proxyURL+url, true);
//set headers required by proxy
//a function that extract images from given url and inserts into current page
function injectImagesFrom(url)
getSubPageSource(url, function(data)
//trim source code to body only
var bodySource = data.substr(data.indexOf('<body ')); //find body tag
bodySource = bodySource.substr(bodySource.indexOf('>') + 1); //finish removing body open tag
bodySource = bodySource.substring(0, bodySource.indexOf('</body')); //remove body close tag
//create an element to insert external source
var workingNode = document.createElement("span");
//insert source
workingNode.innerHTML = bodySource;
//find all images
var allImages = workingNode.getElementsByTagName('img');
//any images?
if (allImages.length > 0)
//grab random image
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * allImages.length);
var randomImage = allImages.item(randomIndex);
//add border
randomImage.setAttribute('style', 'border: 1px solid red;');
//restrain size
randomImage.setAttribute('width', 200);
randomImage.setAttribute('height', 200);
//check if parent node is a link
var parentNode = randomImage.parentNode;
if (parentNode.tagName == 'A')
//yes, use it
var imageURL = parentNode.getAttribute('href');
//no, use image's page's url
var imageURL = url;
//add a link pointing to where image was taken from
var aLink = document.createElement("a");
aLink.setAttribute('href', imageURL);
aLink.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
//insert image into link
//insert image in beginning of body
//remove working node children
while (workingNode.firstChild) {
workingNode = null;
for (var ii = 0, nn = pages.length; ii < nn; ii++)

Javascript: Get the innerHTML of a dynamically created div

I am retrieving some information from an xml file ( movie information ) and I am creating dynamically some DOM elements according to each movie. I want, when I click on the test element, to get the value of the title of the movie. Right now, no matter which movie I click, it gets the title of the last movie that was introduced.
How can I get the title of each individual movie when I click on that div and not the last one introduced by the for-loop?
var x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("movie");
for (i=0;i<x.length;i++)
var titlu = x[i].getElementsByTagName("title")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
var description = x[i].getElementsByTagName("description")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
var descriere = document.createElement('div');
descriere.innerHTML = description;
var titlediv = document.createElement('div');
titlediv.className = 'title';'title';
titlediv.innerHTML = title;
var test=document.createElement('div');
test.onclick= function(){
var filmName= test.previousSibling.innerHTML;
I think your problem might be in the function you assigned to onclick:
test.onclick= function(){
var filmName= test.previousSibling.innerHTML; // <===
the marked line should be var filmName= this.previousSibling.innerHTML;
My guess is that the var test is hoisted out of the for loop, meaning that when the loop finished, all the onclick function are referencing the same test variable which is the last element you created.
Use this to reference the clicked element:
test.onclick = function() {
var filmName = this.previousSibling.innerHTML;

Greasemonkey - Find link and add another link

We have an internal inventory at work that is web based. I am looking at add a link say under a link on the page. There is no ID, or classes for me to hook into. Each link at least that I want to add something below it, starts with NFD. I basically need to pull the link text (not the link itself the text that appears to the end user) and use that in my url to call a web address for remoting in.
var links = document.evaluate("//a[contains(#href, 'NFD')]", document, null,
for (var i=0; i < links.snapshotLength; i++)
var thisLink = links.snapshotItem(i);
newElement = document.createElement("p");
newElement = innerHTML = ' Remote';
thisLink.parentNode.insertBefore(newElement, thisLink.nextSibling);
//thisLink.href += 'test.html';
What I am looking for basically is I have a link NFDM0026 I am looking to add a link now below that using the text inside of the wickets so I want the NFDM0026 to make a custom link to call url using that. Like say a vnc viewer. The NFDM0026 changes of course to different names.
Here's how to do what you want (without jQuery; consider adding that wonderful library):
//--- Note that content search is case-sensitive.
var links = document.querySelectorAll ("a[href*='NFD']");
for (var J = links.length-1; J >= 0; --J) {
var thisLink = links[J];
var newElement = document.createElement ("p");
var newURL = thisLink.textContent.trim ();
newURL = 'http://YOUR_SITE/YOUR_URL/foo.asp?bar=' + newURL;
newElement.innerHTML = ' Remote';
InsertNodeAfter (newElement, thisLink);
function InsertNodeAfter (newElement, targetElement) {
var parent = targetElement.parentNode;
if (parent.lastChild == targetElement)
parent.appendChild (newElement);
parent.insertBefore (newElement, targetElement.nextSibling);

