Javascript: Weird behaviour with += operator - javascript

I know the title is somewhat vague, but I'm not sure how to really explain this. So, in code
var a= 2, b=3;
This is pretty basic javascript. Now I want to check if the result is larger than a certain number
var a= 2, b=3, c=4;
(a+=b) >= c;
However, if I forget to add the parenthesis, I don't understand where the result could possible come from
var a= 2, b=3, c=4;
a += b >= c;
I tried reading some stuff about order of operations and whatnot, but I still can't understand how that code can possibly output "2"

a += b >= c;
a += (b >= c);
which is (in your case)
a += (false);
which ends up being
a += 0;
which is a.
The right-hand side of all of the assignment operators is evaluated before anything is done with the result. So b >= c is evaluated, giving us false, which is coerced to 0 when you try to treat it as a number with a +=.


Unambiguous increment and adding results in error

When playing around with JavaScript syntax it struck me that the following code will throw an error in SpiderMonkey and V8 engines:
var a = 1, b = 1;
This to me is strange, since the following works perfectly fine:
var a = 1, b = 1;
a+++b; // = 2; (Add a and b, then increase a)
// now a == 2 and b == 1
a+++-b; // = 1; (add a and -b, then increase a)
// now a == 3 and b == 1
In addition, the following would be nonsensical code:
var a = 1, b = 1;
a++ ++b; // throws an error
My argument is now that if a+++b is equivalent to a++ + b, and not to a+ ++b, and a+++-b is equivalent to a++ + -b, then a++++b can only be interpreted as a++ + +b in order for it to be valid JavaScript code.
Instead, the engines insist that a++++b is interpreted as a++ ++b, by operator precedence.
This to me is in contrast with the logic that the engines implements using the / symbol, as explained here, to distinguish between division and regular expressions. An example
var e = 30, f = 3, g = 2;
e/f/g; // == 5
/f/g; // == 5
/f/g; // is equivalent to new RegExp("f","g")
Here the argument is that because /f/g does not make sense as division in the last line, it is interpreted as a regular expression.
Obviously the / symbol gets a special treatment, in order to distinguish between division and regular expressions. But then why do ++ and -- not get a special treatment as well? (That is, outside operator precedence)
A second question is why operator precedence is not called only when the code is has multiple valid interpretations.
In the code a++++b you have two distinct statements: a++ and ++b with nothing to combine them. The + operator in the context of a++ + +b is actually a type converter (meant for turning strings into numbers) and has a different order of precedence which follows the others in the list.

Why does this JavaScript function work?

Much apologies for the vague title, but I need to elaborate. Here is the code in question, which I read on
function isPrime(i) {
return (i > 1) && Array.apply(0, Array(1 + ~~Math.sqrt(i))).
every(function (x, y) {
console.log(x + ' ' + i % y);
return (y < 2) || (i % y !== 0)
Just for fun, I added those logs so we can see some output:
undefined NaN
undefined 0
undefined 1
undefined 2
undefined 3
undefined NaN
undefined 0
undefined 1
undefined 1
undefined 3
undefined NaN
undefined 0
undefined 0
This is the first time I have every seen apply and every, so bear with me, but my understanding is that apply basically calls the Array function, where the first argument is the substitution for its this and the second is the output...Never would think that would be useful, but this function seems to work, so...
Here, they seem to be creating an array of length equal to the square root of the number in question. I suppose that makes sense because the square root would be the largest possible factor of the number in question.
OK, so from here, if we were to log that array for, say, the first number, it would look like this:
> var i = 23;
> Array.apply(0, Array(1 + ~~Math.sqrt(i)));
[ undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined ]
Great, so it is an array of five undefined. Ok, fine, so from here, the every method is supposed to check whether every element in that array passes the callback function test (or whatever).
The Microsoft documentation specifies three possible arguments for the every method:
Therefore, in this example x is the value, i.e. undefined, and y is the index.
Our output agrees with that conclusion. However, I'm still fuzzy about nested return statements (if the lowest one returns, does its parent also return?), the || operator here (if the first test passes, does the every loop stop?), and just generally how this works.
the log should be with an x, not a y. my mistake:
console.log(y + ' ' + i % y); -> console.log(x + ' ' + i % y);
So, how did I come across this code, you ask? Well, of course, the simplest way to check for a prime in Java would be like this:
public static boolean isPrime(double num) {
for (double i = 2.0; i < sqrt(num); i++) {
if (num % i == 0.0) {
return true;
return false;
or Python
def isPrime(num):
x = 2
isPrime = True
while x < math.sqrt(num):
if num % x == 0:
isPrime = False
x = x + 1
return isPrime
or js
function isPrime(n) {
for (var i = 2.0; i < Math.sqrt(n); i++) {
if (n % i === 0.0) {
return false;
return true;
But say I wanted to check for the largest prime factor of a number like 600851475143 These looping methods would take too long, right? I think this "hack", as we are describing it, may be even less efficient, because it is using arrays instead of integers or floats, but even still, I was just looking for a more efficient way to solve that problem.
The code in that post is basically crap. Teaching people to write code while simultaneously using hacks is garbage. Yes, hacks have their place (optimization), but educators should demonstrate solutions that don't depend on them.
Hack 1
// the 0 isn't even relevant here. it should be null
Array.apply(0, Array(1 + ...))
Hack 2
// This is just Math.floor(x), but trying to be clever
Hack 3
// this is an outright sin; totally unreadable code
// I bet most people don't know the binding precedence of % over +
y + ' ' + i % y
// this is evaluated as
y + ' ' + (i % y)
// example
2 + ' ' + (5 % 2) //=> "2 1"
I'm still fuzzy about nested return statements (if the lowest one returns, does its parent also return?),
No. A return only return the function the statement exists in
the || operator here (if the first test passes, does the every loop stop?)
No. Array.prototype.every will return false as soon as the callback returns a false. If a false is never returned from the callback, .every will return `true.
function isEven(x) { return x % 2 === 0; }
[2,4,5,6].every(isEven); //=> false, stops at the 5
[2,4,6].every(isEven); //=> true
Here's an example of .every short circuiting
[1,2,3,4,5,6].every(x=> {console.log(x, x<4); return x<4;});
// 1 true
// 2 true
// 3 true
// 4 false
//=> false
See how it stops once the callback returns false? Elements 5 and 6 aren't even evaluated.
... and just generally how this works.
&& kind of works like Array.prototype.every and || kind of works like Array.prototype.some.
&& will return false as soon as the first false is encountered; in other words, it expects every arguments to be true.
|| will return true as soon as the first true is encountered; in other words, it expects only some argument to be true.
Relevant: short circuit evaluation

Why does this condition in a while loop get executed as though it were part of the loop body?

Here's the relevant function (this example is taken from here):
​function factorial (num) {
if (num < 0) {
return -1;
else if (num == 0) {
return 1;
var tmp = num;
while (num-- > 2) {
tmp = tmp * num;
return tmp;
----> 40320
As I was studying how this function works (and got stumped on the operator precedence in the expression (num-- > 2); kudos to my mentor Edwin Calte at MakerSquare for pointing that out), I noticed that the num variable decrements even though this decrementation is something that is stipulated as a precondition for the loop body to be executed and is not itself part of the loop body. I could understand why it would do that if the expression read instead like:
while (num-- > 2) {
In the above example, that second num-- isn't necessary for it to work. Another similar expression where this doesn't seem to happen when I run it in my devtools console is:
​if (x - 2 == 5) { x-- }
Here, it seems that if x is 7 then x will decrement by 1, ​not​ that if x is 7 then 2 will be subtracted from x, and then x will decrement by 1. But in the above example with ​num​, the latter principle is what takes effect.
Could someone please explain why?
Because every time the expression num-- is evaluated (which it is on every iteration of the loop to see if the condition is met) it is decreasing num by one. A lot of JavaScript gurus will tell you to avoid num--, num++, --num, ++num exactly because of their not-so-intuitive side effects.
My advice would be to stick with things that are more readable at first glance, even if it is a few more characters to type.
while (num > 2) {
num = num - 1;
At the very least, only use them as standalone statements to make what they are doing clear.
while (num > 2) {
In your second example with the expression x - 2 == 5, this expression does not operate on x at all; it doesn't change it's value. You're not assigning anything back to x like you are when you do x--. x--; is exactly equivalent to x = x - 1;. It just so happens that it also returns the value of x before the assignment is made; this way it can be used as the conditional. It's like reading from a variable and then writing to it all in one statement.
num-- does two things: it subtracts 1 from the variable num (assigning the result back to num) and also returns the original value of the num to be used in the rest of the enumpression. So
(num-- > 2)
is short for:
(temp = num; num = num - 1; temp > 2)
Your while loop could be written as:
while (num > 2) {
tmp = tmp * num;
Notice that I no longer have num-- in the while clause. If I did, the variable would get decremented twice: once while testing the condition, and again inside the loop.
x - 2 would express a new value, ie if you opened the console and typed x - 2 it would respond with 5, but that value is not assigned to anything (and thus x is unaffected). The -- and ++ operators are self-contained statements which affect the variable on which they are operating. So your num-- > 2 is the name as saying num > 2 followed by a num = num - 1, which compares the current value, then performs a mathematical operation and assigns the result of that operation to the variable.

Javascript syntax: equal signs and commas

I really didn't know what to call this question, neither what I could google for. I'm trying to understand the source code for the D3.js library and I've encountered two functions that I simply can't understand, due to the syntax that is new to me.
The first one is the number interpolator:
function d3_interpolateNumber(a, b) {
b -= a = +a;
return function(t) { return a + b * t; };
What's going on on the second line here? We're subtracting the value of b from the value of a and then...uhm, you lost me. How does this syntax work?
The other thing that confuses me, that I've seen in other places as well, is where the right-hand assignment of a variable consists of several variables separated by commas. As in:
var i = d3.interpolators.length, f;
What does this mean? These snippets are taken from and
The first line you're asking about is just two assignments. It's equivalent to this:
a = +a;
b -= a;
The +a is using the unary plus operator to convert a string to a number. So we are converting a to a number and then subtracting that number from b (and reassigning the new value to b).
The second bit of syntax you're asking about is simply a list of variable declarations. For example:
var a, b, c; // Declares 3 variables, all initialised to undefined
That's equivalent to this:
var a;
var b;
var c;
In your example, one of the declarations in the list also includes an assignment. Any number of them can, so this is valid too:
var a, b = 1, c = true, d;
An assignment is also an expression, which returns the value that is assigned. So this:
b -= a = +a;
is the same as:
b -= (a = +a);
a = +a;
b -= a;
If the right hand side would really be values separated by comma, i.e:
var i = (d3.interpolators.length, f);
then the comma operator returns the value of the last operand, so it would be the same as:
var i = f;
However, without the parentheses the comma is a separator between declared variables, not the comma operator, so it's the same as:
var i = d3.interpolators.length;
var f;
The second line is
b -= (a = +a);
Which means:
set a to +a (conversion to a number). Return this value outside of the parentheses.
Whatever value was returned, subtract it from b.
a=+a //converts a to an int
b-=a // or b=b-a
Remember, assignments return their value. So, alert(a=1) will alert 1.
On the other hand,
var i = d3.interpolators.length, f;
splits to:
var i = d3.interpolators.length;
var f;
This is just basically a way of saying "var applie to the following comma separated list"

Javascript - Ternary Operator with Multiple Statements

Is this valid JavaScript? I saw an example where someone used commas in the ternary operator conditions, and it was marked as an error in my editor, and the example didn't run in Chrome. However, it did run in Firefox. Once I converted all the ternary statements to if/else statements, the app ran on Chrome.
a!==b ? (a=1, b=2) : (a=2, b=1)
This is the actual statement in the code:
Yes, it's valid, and it runs fine in Chrome:
var a, b, c;
a = 6;
b = 7;
c = a !== b ? (a = 1, b = 2) : (a = 2, b = 1);
console.log("a = " + a);
console.log("b = " + b);
console.log("c = " + c);
I'm not saying it's a remotely good idea in code humans are meant to read. :-) I expect jamietre is correct in the comments when he/she says it looks like the result of minification.
The comma operator is a binary operator (an operator accepting two operands). It evaluates its left-hand operand (thus causing any side-effects it has, such as assignment), throws that result away, then evalutes its right-hand operand (thus causing its side-effects if any) and takes that result as its result value. If you have multiple comma operators in a row, the overall expression is evaluated in order, left-to-right, with the final result being the value resulting from the right-most operand evaluation.
And of course, you know the conditional operator (a ternary operator — one accepting three operands) is used to pick one of two sub-expressions to evaluate, on the basis of an initial expression.
So that line is very...expressive...what with a total of seven* different expressions inside it.
So in that example, the result of the overall expression is 2 if a !== b initially, or 1 if a === b initially, with the side-effects of setting a and b.
It's the side effects that make it, in my view, a questionable choice. And of course, there's no reason to use the comma operator if the left-hand operand doesn't have side effects.
* Yes, seven of 'em packed into that overall ternary:
a !== b
the first comma expression
a = 1
b = 2
the second comma expression
a = 2
b = 1
Re your edit with the actual statement, that one works too:
function test(a) {
var b = 7,
d = 1,
e = 2,
f = 3,
g = 4,
h = 5,
i = 6;
console.log("a = " + a);
console.log("b = " + b);
console.log("d = " + d);
console.log("e = " + e);
console.log("f = " + f);
console.log("g = " + g);
console.log("h = " + h);
console.log("i = " + i);
.as-console-wrapper {
max-height: 100% !important;
But wow, I hope this is minified, because if a person wrote that, they must really have a thing against anyone who's supposed to maintain it later... ;-)
a!==b ? (a=1, b=2) : (a=2, b=1)
console.log(a); // 1
console.log(b); // 2
a===b ? (a=1, b=2) : (a=2, b=1)
console.log(a); // 2
console.log(b); // 1
As you can analyze, changing the equality operator reacts correctly to our test if you look at the results.
Or you can do this :
b = a!==b ? (a=1,2) : (a=2,1);
Read here about comma operator.
The comma operator evaluates each of its operands (from left to right) and returns the value of the last operand.
Expanding on this topic with ES6 code example. If you're using one side of the TRUE : FALSE argument to iterate thru all cases in one IF, it makes sense to separate the code as if it's a switch | case statement.
Nesting implies that there is branching logic, while it is logically nested, writing nested IF's complicates what we're doing in my example. Like a lawyer over explaining a problem to a jury. IMO, you want to explain the point in it's simplest form. For instance, I find this example the most logical way of expressing nested ifs where the TRUE is executed. The final false is your last else {}
choreDoor is either 0,1 or 2:
choreDoor === 0 ?
(openDoor1 = botDoorPath,
openDoor2 = beachDoorPath,
openDoor3 = spaceDoorPath)
: choreDoor === 1 ?
(openDoor2 = botDoorPath,
openDoor1 = beachDoorPath,
openDoor3 = spaceDoorPath)
: choreDoor === 2 ?
(openDoor3 = botDoorPath,
openDoor1 = beachDoorPath,
openDoor2 = spaceDoorPath)
: false;
If you don't want to use the Comma operator (,) then you can use nested Conditional (ternary) operators instead.
var a = 6;
var b = 7;
var c = (a !== b)? // true
((a = 1 || 1===1)? (b = 2) : null) // will first run a=1, then b=2
: ((a = 0 || 1===1)? (b = 0) : null);
console.log("a = " + a);
console.log("b = " + b);
console.log("c = " + c);

