Angularjs : How to use <md-radio-button> inside <table> with ng-repeat - javascript

I am displaying data as a table. The user has to select a row from the table. So I tried using <md-radio-button>, But it is throwing an error saying <md-radio-group> directive is missing. Could anyone tell me how to use <md-radio-button> inside with ng-repeat?
<table md-table>
<thead md-head>
<td md-cell></td>
<td md-cell>ID</td>
<td md-cell>Demand</td>
<td md-cell>Code</td>
</thead md-head>
<tbody md-body>
<md-radio-group ng-model="test" class="md-primary">
<tr md-row ng-repeat="cluster in clusters">
<td md-cell>
<md-radio-button ng-value="cluster.checked"/>
<td md-cell>{{}}</td>
<td md-cell>{{cluster.demand}}</td>
<td md-cell>{{cluster.code}}</td>

You can use md-radio-group and md-radio-button inside table exactly the way you did. The reason your code doesn't work is not obeying the "always use a dot rule".
this is a working example

Here is the code,
<md-radio-group ng-model="cc.selectedIndex">
<div ng-repeat='person in cc.contacts' class="row">
<div flex layout='row' layout-padding layout-align="start center">
<div flex style="max-width:200px;">
<md-radio-button ng-value="person.ID" class="md-primary">


How Do I Access Elements in Specific Sections of A Table

how would I access the hair with Javascript (as in Black)? I tried using normal accessing from within other elements gradually through defining variables accessing the table and tr it was in, but it still didn't work. Please respond if you have an answer. Thx
<table id="customers" class="customers">
<tr class="parent" data-toggle="toggle">
<th id="rank" style="text-align: center;">Number</th>
<th id="name" style="text-align: center;">Name</th>
<th id="name" style="text-align: center;"></th>
<tbody class="content">
<div class="one">
<td class="name">Object A</td>
<td class="down">
<button onclick="toggleText()" type="button" class="collapsible" id="1">
<tr class="panel" id="one-a" colspan="3">
<div class="panel">
<td class="expand">
<div class="hair">
It may have something to do with the table being a table and not being able to fetch certain values like normal code.
var hairColor = document.getElementsByClassName("hair")[0].innerHTML;
it will return an array of elements , your array will be of length 1 (because you only have one tag with the specified class, "hair" in this case) so the value you need is of index 0.
How to use JavaScript to get elements by class name?

How can i use md-radio-group with ng-repeat inside md-table?

I'm creating a Google-Form like application using angularJS and md-table, and to create my questionnaires i iterate through an array of questions, then through the possible answers:
<table md-table flex>
<thead md-head>
<tr md-row>
<th md-column style="width: 99%;"></th>
<th md-column ng-repeat="option in question.options" style="white-space: nowrap">
<tbody md-body>
<tr md-row ng-repeat="sub_item in question.sub_items">
<td style="width: 99%;">{{}}</td>
<md-radio-group ng-model="sub_item.answer" layout="row">
<td ng-repeat="answer in question.options">
<md-radio-button ng-value="{{answer.limit}}"></md-radio-button>
But i cannot iterate through the answers, and i get something like this:
And get the error
Blockquote angular.js:12808 Error: [$compile:ctreq] Controller 'mdRadioGroup', required by directive 'mdRadioButton', can't be found!
I think when i use the <td ng-repeat="answer in question.options"> i'm creating a new scope, and the md-radio-group directive can't recognize those md-radio-button's. How can i make it works? I tried to iterate directly the md-radio-button's, without td, but obviously doesn't work inside the table.
<tr md-row ng-repeat="sub_item in question.sub_items">
<td style="width: 99%;">{{}}</td>
<md-radio-group ng-model="sub_item.answer" layout="row">
<td ng-repeat="answer in question.options">
<md-radio-button ng-value="{{answer.limit}}"></md-radio-button>
<tr md-row ng-repeat="sub_item in question.sub_items">
<td style="width: 99%;">{{}}</td>
<td ng-repeat="answer in question.options">
<md-radio-group ng-model="sub_item.answer" layout="row">
<md-radio-button ng-value="{{answer.limit}}"></md-radio-button>
</tr> worked.

How to reduce one column and increase other one in CSS?

I am trying to set width:13% of Date column. But it doesn't work in my way. Where is the problem? and can't reduce width of subject column. Thanks in advance.
<div style="width:70%;float:left;">
<table style="width:100%;" class="TicketsDashboard">
<td style="width:13%"><b>Date</b></td>
<td ><b>Type</b></td>
<td ><b>Subject</b></td>
<td ><b>Responsible</b></td>
<td ><b>Action</b></td>
<tr style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="openDetailDiv('PROT-155',124)">
<td>2019-07-21 12:52:08</td>
<td>First Subject going on perfectly edited</td>
<td class="editButtonMain">Edit</td>
<tr style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="openDetailDiv('PROT-155',125)">
<td>2019-07-21 12:53:26</td>
<td>lklk kdj djjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdj</td>
<td class="editButtonMain">Edit</td>
<div id="ticketButtons"><input type="button" class="Btn" onclick="openDiag({function: "item", id: 155, dialogTitle: this.value})" value="Add Protocol Item"></div>
<div style="width:30%;float:left">
<table style="width:100%;" class="lightborder" id="headTable">
<tr id="slaTr">
<td width="100" valign="top">SLA:</td>
<div id="effortDiv" style="width:50%;float:left;text-align:center;padding-bottom:10px;display:none"></div>
<div id="timeDiv" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:10px;display:none"></div>
<td width="100">Status:</td>
<td id="statusTd">Suggestion</td>
<td>Protocol Number:</td>
<td id="breadCrumb">PROT-155</td>
<td id="protsubject">Chonchol -- test</td>
<td>Start Date:</td>
<td id="protstartdate">0000-00-00 00:00:00</td>
<td>End Date:</td>
<td id="protenddate">0000-00-00 00:00:00</td>
<td id="protkeeper">ewrwer</td>
your subject column is going out because u didn't used space in this code <td>lklk kdj djjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdj</td> if you want to be stop exceeding you can give space like this <td>lklk kdj djjdjdjdjdjd jdjdjdjdjdjdjdj djjdjdjdjdjdjdj djdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdj djdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdj</td>
What actually you wanted to get let us know clearly.
To increase the width of td
instead of <td style="width:13%"> give <td style="padding-left:13%">
To avoid the overflow
table { table-layout:fixed; }
table td {word-wrap:break-word;}
the reason of it, you should set the same style for the given column in every rows, or add a thead section in which you set it once of the column.

Repeat parent row in nested ng-repeat Angularjs?

I have a table which is displaying nested ng-repeat values. The HTML looks like this.
<table class="table">
<thead class="bgThead">
<tr ng-repeat="environment in serverList.environments" ng-class-odd="''" ng-class-even="'dataTableOdd'">
<td ng-repeat="servertypeinfo in environment.ServerTypeInfo">{{servertypeinfo.Type}}</td>
<td ng-repeat="servertypeinfo in environment.ServerTypeInfo">
<td ng-repeat="servers in servertypeinfo.ServerConfigInfo">{{servers.ServerName}}</td>
Now, when there are multiple values in child ng-repeat, the TDs are getting repeated, instead I want the whole row to be repeated, with the same values, except the new children value. Same goes with further nested ng-repeats. I made a plunk which shows what I am aiming for.
Example without table, may not be what you are looking for
<div class="form-group" ng-repeat="environment in serverList.environments track by $index">
<div class="col-md-4">
<span ng-bind="environment.environment"></span>
<div class="col-md-8">
<ul class="list-group">
<li id="{{$index}}" ng-repeat="servertypeinfo in environment.serverTypeInfo track by $index">
Server Type: <span style="font-size: 16px;" class="no-margin" ng-bind="servertypeinfo.type">{{servertypeinfo.serverConfigInfo.length}}</span>
<p class="no-margin" ng-repeat="server in servertypeinfo.serverConfigInfo">
Server Name: {{server.serverName}}
use the format like this
<tr ng-repeat="environment in serverList.environments" ng-class-odd="''" ng-class-even="'dataTableOdd'">
<tr ng-repeat="servertypeinfo in environment.ServerTypeInfo">
<td ng-repeat="servers in servertypeinfo.ServerConfigInfo">{{servers.ServerName}}</td>

jQuery .toggle() to not show/hide all within .on 'click'?

I'm actually having the same problem like as in How to prevent jQuery .toggle() to show/hide all within .on 'click' but it didn't help so I'm making my own question.
Is there anyway to prevent toggle to show all but instead show only the neccesary toggle for the user to click? (extra topping -> extra_toppings selected) I did try with my minimum knowledge of using IDs as well this, next(), parents() but with no success.
Here's my code:
$(".extra_topping").click(function() {
(inside a loop over all foods: #foods.each do |food| ...)
<div class="extra_topping">
<a>Click Me!</a>
<div class="extra_toppings">
<a> Show </a>
I shortened to original HTML to just this to simplify the problem.
Here are my actual code look like : (without the rails code)
<table class="table">
<thead >
<th>Additional Menu</th>
<td id="food" style="font-weight:bold;">
<div class="extra_topping">
<a>Click me!</a>
<tr class="extra_toppings">
<td colspan="4">
<div class= "mediocre">
<div class= "xaxixo">
<h6>Our Additional Menu</h6>
<div class="extra_topping">
<table class="mediocre_table">
<div class="full_mediocre">
<div class="mediocre_collumn">
You could use:
If that was what your markup always looked like, e.g.
<div class="extra_topping">
<a>Click Me!</a>
<div class="extra_toppings">
<a> Show </a>
<div class="extra_topping">
<a>Click Me!</a>
<div class="extra_toppings">
<a> Show </a>
jsFiddle here.
I'm finally make it work by changing the code from:
It Works!

