Handle cell click event on Angular Gantt - javascript

I am trying to customize the behaviour of Angular Gantt.
On cell click : I have to get the current cell value & corresponding header value.
I gone thru the documentation present in this url : https://angular-gantt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
but couldn't get the required event.
Is there any event present to achieve this functionality. Any help is much appreciated.
I tried following code
mainApp.controller("TestController", function ($scope, TestService) {
$scope.registerApi = function (api) {
api.tasks.on.change($scope, onTaskChange); //working
//TO handle the cell click & corresponding header value
api.core.getDateByPosition($scope, getHeader)
//api.core.on.ready($scope, getDateByPosition) //not working
//api.core.on.rendered($scope, getDateByPosition) //not working
var onTaskChange = function (selected) {
$scope.currCell = selected.model;
console.log("onTaskChange: " + selected.model.name);
var getHeader= function (getHeader) {
// I should get the current clicked cell header value. But getting error

Answering my own question as someone may find it useful.
I am able to achieve this from this link
Following is the code which I used:
$scope.registerApi = function (api) {
api.directives.on.new($scope, function (dName, dScope, dElement, dAttrs, dController) {
if (dName === 'ganttTask') {
dElement.bind('click', function (event) {
$scope.RowName1 = dScope.task.row.model;
$scope.currentTask = dScope.task.model;
else if (dName === 'ganttRow')
dElement.bind('click', function (event) {
$scope.RowName = dScope.row.model.name;
$scope.Header = api.core.getDateByPosition(event.offsetX, true)


Change value of first iteration input with next iteration input value

Structure Concept:-
Basically, i am trying to create the modal window containing input and that modal window currently fires when the input on index page get focused for that I have used data attribute to make a link between them by assigning them same attribute value.
Javascript Concept:-
for the modal window, I have created the modal object. and model object contains a bindModal method which takes one argument and that argument is data attribute value. after taking that value bindModal method will search dom elements containing that particular value and after the search, I iterate over them using each loop.
So basically I want whenever user starts typing on the model input it should get written automatically in input on the index page.
I will appreciate you all if guys help me out to make my code more optimized and well structured and most important thing is that let me know what mistake I have done in overall work Thanks
JavaScript Code
var modal = function () {
this.toggleModal = function () {
$('#modal').toggleClass('content--inActive').promise().done(function () {
this.bindModal = function (bindVal) {
var bindValue = $(document).find('[data-modal-bind = ' + bindVal + ']');
$.each(bindValue, function (index) {
var bind1 = $(this);
if(index === 1) {
var bind2 = $(this);
$(bind1).change(function (){
var open = new modal();
Here is one way to do what you want:
var modal = function() {
this.bindModal = function(bindVal) {
var bindValue = $('[data-modal-bind = ' + bindVal + ']');
bindValue.each(function(index) {
$(this).keyup(function() {
var value = $(this).val();
bindValue.each(function(i, e) {
$('#input_search').on('click', function() {
var open = new modal();
Changes done:
I cached the inputs with same binding values in bindValue variable, and then bound the the keyup event for each of them. On keyup, the value of the current input is get in value, which is then assigned to each input using the inner loop.
This makes the inputs to be in sync while typing. Hope that solves your issue.

Trigger addEventListener on live element that is not in the DOM (native JavaScript)

I'm stuck with my modal popup plugin since a week.
I'll try to explain as much as i can but first, here is the jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/hideo/yth37hhf/27/
I know the code contains some other functions but they are useful for my plugin.
So, my issue is that the function "triggerLinkAction" contains an addEventListener which is not fired.
(function() {
Window.prototype.triggerLinkAction = function(){
var triggeredLink = document.getElementById("triggeredOtherAction");
var inputTarget = document.getElementById("inputText");
triggeredLink.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
alert('If this pops out, I will be very happy!!!');
inputTarget.value = "This text should be on the input field...";
}, true);
The targeted element is inside the modal, and this modal is displayed by clicking on the link "A small modal".
When the plugin calls ShowModal(), I trigger the TransitionEnd event to call a function
[.... code ...]
function ShowModal() {
hsdk.PrefixedEvent(vars.popupOverlay, "TransitionEnd", function (e) {
[.... code ...]
The executeFunctions() will check which functions need to be called:
[.... code ...]
function executeFunctions() {
if (vars.opts && vars.opts.fn) {
var allFunctions = vars.opts.fn.split(',');
for (var i = 0; i < allFunctions.length; i++)
var functionName = allFunctions[i];
var functionToExecute = window[functionName];
if(typeof functionToExecute === 'function') {
[.... code ...]
There are some comments on the javascript part about the plugin, but feel free to ask if I can provide any other information.
PS: I don't care about IE for now ;-)

How to transfer an element in jQuery?

I've got this function that calls upon a modal
$('#btn1').click(function () {
// Get textfield
var textfield = $('#txt1');
// Get value
var input = textfield.val();
// Check if the value is already in the database
var json = textfield.data('json');
if (itemExists(input, json)) {
// Stuff
} else {
$('#modalAddText').append('X does not exist');
Then this to check if the user clicked "OK"
$('#modalOk').click(function () {
insertItem(itemone, itemtwo);
So the problem is I don't have access to the textfield in the first function anymore, so how can I get/keep access to it?
And I can't just do $('#txt1'); because I have multiple txtfields
So can I somehow transfer the textfield variable?
Try to declare textfield in outer scope.
That is:
var textfield = $('#txt1');
$('#btn1').click(function () {
... // textfield is achievable
$('#modalOk').click(function () {
... // textfield is achievable

JS Hooking Custom Events

I have a client side script for my .NET control. The script hooks all the :checkbox items to trigger an event called OnOptionItemSelected.
function ControlScript() {
this.OnOptionItemSelected = function (e) { /* do something */ }
this.Configure = function () {
// hook change event of items in the input control
$('#' + this.ControlID).find(":radio, :checkbox")
.on("change", this, this.OnOptionItemSelected);
(Some pieces of code removed)
In another place on the page, I get the client side script for a particular control and need to hook the OnOptionItemSelected event. How would I hook this event?
var script = GetScriptForControl(ID);
if (script)
// hook script.OnOptionItemSelected to a custom function ????
I will suppose that the GetScriptForControl return a instance of ControlScript. So what i would do is:
if(script) {
oldOptionItemSelected = script.OnOptionItemSelected
script.OnOptionItemSelected = function(ev) {
/* before OptionItemSelected code HERE */
/* after OptionItemSelected code HERE */
/* rebind the events */
I actually found an answer that better suits my needs:
function ControlClientSide()
this.CheckBoxClicked = function() { }
this.Configure = function() {
$('#checkBox100').change(function() { $(this).triggerHandler("CheckBoxClicked"); }.bind(this));
var x = new ControlClientSide();
$(x).on("CheckBoxClicked", function() { alert( this.constructor.name + ' Hi'); })
.on("CheckBoxClicked", function() { alert( this.constructor.name + ' Hi2'); });
The only thing I cant figure out is how to get "this" to be the checkbox in the "CheckBoxClicked" event handlers. Currently it is set to the ControlClientSide function.
See example: http://jsfiddle.net/KC5RH/3/

Dynamic listview with jquery mobile

I have an issue with the refresh of a jquery mobile listview.
This code works fine:
$(document).bind( "pagebeforechange", function( e, data ) {
// Generating a dynamic list
for(var i=0;i<list.length;i++){
var link = '<li>'+list[i].name+'</li>';
// Listview refresh
$("#myPage").on('pagebeforeshow', function() {
try {
} catch (e) {
$.mobile.changePage($(#myPage), {
However, I need to dynamically add an icon to list view items which are in user's favorites. I use a function which returns an array by a request to the local database.
$(document).bind( "pagebeforechange", function( e, data ) {
// Generating dynamic list with image
for(var i=0;i<list.length;i++){
favImg = "";
if(favsArray.indexOf(list[i].id) !== -1){
favImg = '<img src="images/star-36-black.png" class="ui-li-icon" />';
var link = '<li>'+favImg+list[i].name+'</li>';
// Listview refresh
$("#myPage").on('pagebeforeshow', function() {
try {
} catch (e) {
$.mobile.changePage($(#myPage), {
In this second case, Listview() is not applied. I don't understand why this second option is so different that it breaks Listview()...
I found a similar post here, although the solution differs. On the second option, I just have to remove the binding to pagebeforshow:
// Listview refresh
try {
} catch (e) {
However, I did not yet understand why the binding to pagebeforeshow is required in the first option, whereas it breaks the code in the second option...

