I'm aware of the power of promises, however I have several old functions that are synchronous:
function getSomething() {
return someExternalLibrary.functionReturnsAValue()
console.log(getSomething()); // eg prints 'foo'
Unfortunately, when someExternalLibrary updated, it has removed functionReturnsAValue() and has lumped me with functionReturnsAPromise():
function getSomething() {
return someExternalLibrary.functionReturnsAPromise()
console.log(getSomething()); // now prints '[object]'
This of course, breaks absolutely everything written that depends on what used to be a simple value.
Obviously, I'd prefer two things:
ask the original library to keep a synchronous return value. (Not going to happen -- b/c they have refused)
A way to actually wait for a value
I have read numerous articles on why promises are great, ad nauseam, but the simple fact is: If I embrace promises, all I really do is shuffle promises onto some other part of the code, which then must deal with the promise of a value...
Is there a way (in nodejs) to actually wait for a promise to get itself together?
The best I can find is to use coroutines and yield, but really, it's still passing the buck. To be clear, I want the function getSomething to continue to return a value. Is there a way to do it?
Clearly, I fear I've misunderstood something about Promises...
The app is for non-browser implementations and runs purely from the command line. I've been trying to understand how bluebird's reflect() might help, to no avail.
(Yes, I'm aware this question has been asked many times in various formats, but I can't find a suitable answer to the core issue. If anything, I'm looking for the opposite of this question. The closest related (but unhelpful) question I can find is: Managing promise dependencies.)
There's the concept of generator functions. These are a special kind of function in both syntax (asterisk notation) and semantics. Unlike regular functions, generator functions return something that's also new to ECMAScript: iterators. Iterators happen to be objects made specifically to be iterated on, e.g. with the all new for...of loop. They can be also iterated on manually by calling their 'next' method. Each such call produces an object containing two properties: 'value' (iterator's current value) and 'done' (a boolean indicating whether we reached the last value of the iterable). However, the best thing about generator functions is their ability to suspend their execution each time a keyword 'yield' is encountered. Let's have a glimpse of how it all works together:
'use strict';
let asyncTask = () =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
} else {
reject(new Error('Something went wrong'));
let makeMeLookSync = fn => {
let iterator = fn();
let loop = result => {
!result.done && result.value.then(
res => loop(iterator.next(res)),
err => loop(iterator.throw(err))
makeMeLookSync(function* () {
try {
let result = yield asyncTask();
} catch (err) {
The short answer
I am told repeatedly: You can't undo functions that have been promisified.
Edit: An upcoming solution
It appears that the ES2017 (although still draft), goes a long way in making promisified code easier to work with:
It seems that there is also a node library ready for this support too: https://github.com/normalize/mz.
Using this methodology, having apis converted to Promises won't be so bad (although it still appears that promises still poison the rest of the codebase):
const fs = require('mz/fs')
async function doSomething () {
if (await fs.exists(__filename)) // do something
The rest of this answer is just a general commentary on the problem.
Why we need a solution
Let's start with a sample piece of traditional synchronous code, in 3 flavours from more 'older-fashioned' to 'newer':
This is the traditional javascript way, requiring exception based programming to handle unexpected errors:
function getSomething() {
if (someproblem) throw new Error('There is a problem');
return 'foo';
However, adding try/ catch statements becomes very laborious and tedious, very quickly.
With the advent of node.js, callbacks were made popular, which nicely circumvented the issue, since each caller was explicitly forced to deal with error conditions in the same callback. This meant less errors in the caller's code:
function getSomething(callback) {
if (callback) {
if (someproblem)
callback(new Error('There is a problem'), null);
callback(null, 'foo');
return 'foo';
Then, the after some teething issues, node.js quickly proved itself for server-side communications, and people were amazed at the speed that asynchronous solutions provided. Node application frameworks like Express and Meteor grew, which focused on this.
Unfortunately, using the same callback scheme quickly became troublesome and the developers dealing in asynchronous code started using Promises in an effort to linearize the code, to make it readable, like the traditional (try/catch) code was.
The problem is that it got evangenlized too much. Everyone started thinking that Promises are the way to go. Personally, I call it a poison on a codebase. Once you have anything that uses Promises, your whole codebase must become asynchronous. This is not always a sensible nor a practical solution, IMHO.
The worst of all side effects is that the above function, even though it is completely synchronous, can be written in Promises too:
var bluebird = require('bluebird');
function getSomething() {
// IMHO, this is ridiculous code, but is increasingly popular.
if (someproblem) return Promise.reject(new Error('There is a problem'));
return Promise.resolve('foo');
For those who doubt this is a problem, perhaps should look at the SO question: How do I convert an existing callback API to promises?. Pay particular attention to #3, Node-style callback.
So, for anyone who cares, I would like to suggest that there needs to be a 'pill' for Promises. I urge that we need more than promises: we need results, and sometimes in a timely manner.
Take a look at the default node.js api. It does not use Promises. It also provides both synchronous and asynchronous calls to appropriate parts of the api (eg File System).
For those of you who feel tempted to downvote this answer: that is your prerogative, but there are clear issues on when Promises are not the answer, and I feel strongly that there are cases when we need to be able to re-synchronize decoupled code.
I also apologize for this 'blog-post' styled answer.
No matter how many tutorials I read, I still don't understand why I should use Promise()?!
Ok, let's make an example:
let cleanedUpMyRoom = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (true === true) {
else {
cleanedUpMyRoom.then(function(result) {
This code returns either true or false.
function cleanedUpMyRoom() {
if (true === true) {
return true;
else {
return false;
This code also returns either true or false.
Why would I use the first code, if the second code is shorter and easier to read?
As several people have pointed out, promises are typically used to serialize asynchronous operations. The idea was developed as an alternative to nested callbacks, and what people have often referred to as "callback hell". E.g. something with callbacks like:
can be rewritten using promises like:
For complex cases where there are both success and failure handlers and functions depend on the results of other asynchronous operations, this can simplify the logic and greatly improve readability.
To look at your cleanedUpMyRoom example, a more common implementation would be to write:
cleanUpMyRoom = function(){
cleanPromise = new Promise();
startCleaning(/*on success*/ function(){console.log('Room cleaned!');
/*on failure*/ function(){console.log('Room cleaned!');
// or *alternatively* if it's just plain synchronous,
// var result = cleanIt()
// if (result = "success")
// cleanPromise.resolve()
// else
// cleanPromise.reject(result)
return cleanPromise
cleanUpMyRoom() always returns a promise that has a then function. The important piece is that the function passed to then isn't called until the promise is resolved or rejected, and the result of the promise generating function is ready (whether synchronously or asynchronously).
Ultimately, a promise lets you chain together operations whose results may not be available in the synchronous procedural code so that nothing is called until the available, possibly asynchronous (like network requests), preconditions are met, and you code is able to manage on to other events in the meantime.
Take a look at this:
You also might be interested in the upcoming (ES2017) async/await syntax which is becoming popular and handles many asynchronous situations without explicitly using promises at all:
Javascript is an event driven language. In your short example, you are correct that using a promise would be pointless. In a more complex situation, say an AJAX request to the server, the code won't execute immediately.
Javascript will not work by simply returned the value as other imperative languages like python or java. The promise is advantageous by not blocking the main thread, and the code will begin running once the promise has been fullfilled. It makes javascript a great language for managing short spurts of activity through the event abstraction.
This is a post that might come across as quite conceptual, since I first start with a lot of pseudo code. - At the end you'll see the use case for this problem, though a solution would be a "tool I can add to my tool-belt of useful programming techniques".
The problem
Sometimes one might need to create multiple promises, and either do something after all promises have ended. Or one might create multiple promises, based on the results of the previous promises. The analogy can be made to creating an array of values instead of a single value.
There are two basic cases to be considered, where the number of promises is indepedented of the result of said promises, and the case where it is depedent. Simple pseudo code of what "could" be done.
for (let i=0; i<10; i++) {
}.then(new function(result) {
//All promises finished execute this code now.
The basically creates n (10) promises, and the final code would be executed after all promises are done. Of course the syntax isn't working in javascript, but it shows the idea. This problem is relativelly easy, and could be called completely asynchronous.
Now the second problem is like:
while (continueFn()) {
.then(.. potentially changing outcome of continueFn ..)
.catch(.. potentially changing outcome of continueFn ..)
}.then(new function(result) {
//All promises finished execute this code now.
This is much more complex, as one can't just start all promises and then wait for them to finish: in the end you'll have to go "promise-by-promise". This second case is what I wish to figure out (if one can do the second case you can also do the first).
The (bad) solution
I do have a working "solution". This is not a good solution as can probably quickly be seen, after the code I'll talk about why I dislike this method. Basically instead of looping it uses recursion - so the "promise" (or a wrapper around a promise which is a promise) calls itself when it's fulfilled, in code:
function promiseFunction(state_obj) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
//initialize fields here
let InnerFn = (stateObj) => {
if (!stateObj.checkContinue()) {
return resolve(state_obj);
.then(new function(result) {
newState = stateObj.cloneMe(); //we'll have to clone to prevent asynchronous write problems
return InnerFn(newState);
.catch(new function(err) {
return reject(err); //forward error handling (must be done manually?)
InnerFn(initialState); //kickstart
Important to note is that the stateObj should not change during its lifetime, but it can be really easy. In my real problem (which I'll explain at the end) the stateObj was simply a counter (number), and the if (!stateObj.checkContinue()) was simply if (counter < maxNumber).
Now this solution is really bad; It is ugly, complicated, error prone and finally impossible to scale.
Ugly because the actual business logic is buried in a mess of code. It doesn't show "on the can" that is actually simply doing what the while loop above does.
Complicated because the flow of execution is impossible to follow. First of all recursive code is never "easy" to follow, but more importantly you also have to keep in mind thread safety with the state-object. (Which might also have a reference to another object to, say, store a list of results for later processing).
It's error prone since there is more redundancy than strictly necessary; You'll have to explicitly forward the rejection. Debugging tools such as a stack trace also quickly become really hard to look through.
The scalability is also a problem at some points: this is a recursive function, so at one point it will create a stackoverflow/encounter maximum recursive depth. Normally one could either optimize by tail recursion or, more common, create a virtual stack (on the heap) and transform the function to a loop using the manual stack. In this case, however, one can't change the recursive calls to a loop-with-manual-stack; simply because of how promise syntax works.
The alternative (bad) solution
A colleague suggested an alternative approach to this problem, something that initially looked much less problematic, but I discarded ultimatelly since it was against everything promises are meant to do.
What he suggested was basically looping over the promises as per above. But instead of letting the loop continue there would be a variable "finished" and an inner loop that constantly checks for this variable; so in code it would be like:
function promiseFunction(state_obj) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
while (stateObj.checkContinue()) {
let finished = false;
let err = false;
let res = null;
.then(new function(result) {
res = result;
finished = true;
.catch(new function(err) {
res = err;
err = true;
finished = true;
while(!finished) {
sleep(100); //to not burn our cpu
if (err) {
return reject(err);
While this is less complicated, since it's now easy to follow the flow of execution. This has problems of its own: not for the least that it's unclear when this function will end; and it's really bad for performance.
Well this isn't much to conclude yet, I'd really like something as simple as in the first pseudo code above. Maybe another way of looking at things so that one doesn't have the trouble of deeply recursive functions.
So how would you rewrite a promise that is part of a loop?
The real problem used as motivation
Now this problem has roots in a real thing I had to create. While this problem is now solved (by applying the recursive method above), it might be interesting to know what spawned this; The real question however isn't about this specific case, but rather on how to do this in general with any promise.
In a sails app I had to check a database, which had orders with order-ids. I had to find the first N "non existing order-ids". My solution was to get the "first" M products from the database, find the missing numbers within it. Then if the number of missing numbers was less than N get the next batch of M products.
Now to get an item from a database, one uses a promise (or callback), thus the code won't wait for the database data to return. - So I'm basically at the "second problem:"
function GenerateEmptySpots(maxNum) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
//initialize fields
let InnerFn = (counter, r) => {
if (r > 0) {
return resolve(true);
let query = {
orderNr: {'>=': counter, '<': (counter + maxNum)}
where: query,
sort: 'orderNr ASC'})
.then(new function(result) {
n = findNumberOfMissingSpotsAndStoreThemInThis();
return InnerFn(newState, r - n);
.catch(new function(err) {
return reject(err);
InnerFn(maxNum); //kickstart
Small post scriptus: the sleep function in the alternative is just from another library which provided a non-blocking-sleep. (not that it matters).
Also, should've indicated I'm using es2015.
The alternative (bad) solution
…doesn't actually work, as there is no sleep function in JavaScript. (If you have a runtime library which provides a non-blocking-sleep, you could just have used a while loop and non-blocking-wait for the promise inside it using the same style).
The bad solution is ugly, complicated, error prone and finally impossible to scale.
Nope. The recursive approach is indeed the proper way to do this.
Ugly because the actual business logic is buried in a mess of code. And error-prone as you'll have to explicitly forward the rejection.
This is just caused by the Promise constructor antipattern! Avoid it.
Complicated because the flow of execution is impossible to follow. Recursive code is never "easy" to follow
I'll challenge that statement. You just have to get accustomed to it.
You also have to keep in mind thread safety with the state-object.
No. There is no multi-threading and shared memory access in JavaScript, if you worry about concurrency where other stuff affects your state object while the loop runs that will a problem with any approach.
The scalability is also a problem at some points: this is a recursive function, so at one point it will create a stackoverflow
No. It's asynchronous! The callback will run on a new stack, it's not actually called recursively during the function call and does not carry those stack frames around. The asynchronous event loop already provides the trampoline to make this tail-recursive.
The good solution
function promiseFunction(state) {
const initialState = state.cloneMe(); // clone once for this run
// initialize fields here
return (function recurse(localState) {
if (!localState.checkContinue())
return Promise.resolve(localState);
return actualPromise(…).then(result =>
}(initialState)); // kickstart
The modern solution
You know, async/await is available in every environment that implemented ES6, as all of them also implemented ES8 now!
async function promiseFunction(state) {
const localState = state.cloneMe(); // clone once for this run
// initialize fields here
while (!localState.checkContinue()) {
const result = await actualPromise(…);
localState = localState.changeStateBasedOnResult(result);
return localState;
Let’s begin with the simple case: You have N promises that all do some work, and you want to do something when all the promises have finished. There’s actually a built-in way to do exactly that: Promise.all. With that, the code will look like this:
let promises = [];
for (let i=0; i<10; i++) {
Promise.all(promises).then(arrayOfResults => {
// all promises finished
Now, the second call is a situation you encounter all the time when you want to continue doing something asynchronously depending on the previous asynchronous result. A common example (that’s a bit less abstract) would be to simply fetch pages until you hit the end.
With modern JavaScript, there’s luckily a way to write this in a really readable way: Using asynchronous functions and await:
async function readFromAllPages() {
let shouldContinue = true;
let pageId = 0;
let items = [];
while (shouldContinue) {
// fetch the next page
let result = await fetchSinglePage(pageId);
// store items
items.push.apply(items, result.items);
// evaluate whether we want to continue
if (!result.items.length) {
shouldContinue = false;
return items;
readFromAllPages().then(allItems => {
// items have been read from all pages
Without async/await, this will look a bit more complicated, since you need to manage all this yourself. But unless you try to make it super generic, it shouldn’t look that bad. For example, the paging one could look like this:
function readFromAllPages() {
let items = [];
function readNextPage(pageId) {
return fetchSinglePage(pageId).then(result => {
items.push.apply(items, result.items);
if (!result.items.length) {
return Promise.resolve(null);
return readNextPage(pageId + 1);
return readNextPage(0).then(() => items);
First of all recursive code is never "easy" to follow
I think the code is fine to read. As I’ve said: Unless you try to make it super generic, you can really keep it simple. And naming also helps a lot.
but more importantly you also have to keep in mind thread safety with the state-object
No, JavaScript is single-threaded. You doing things asynchronously but that does not necessarily mean that things are happening at the same time. JavaScript uses an event loop to work off asynchronous processes, where only one code block runs at a single time.
The scalability is also a problem at some points: this is a recursive function, so at one point it will create a stackoverflow/encounter maximum recursive depth.
Also no. This is recursive in the sense that the function references itself. But it will not call itself directly. Instead it will register itself as a callback when an asynchronous process finishes. So the current execution of the function will finish first, then at some point the asynchronous process finishes, and then the callback will eventually run. These are (at least) three separate steps from the event loop, which all run independently from another, so you do no have a problem with recursion depth here.
The crux of the matter seems to be that "the actual business logic is buried in a mess of code".
Yes it is ... in both solutions.
Things can be separated out by :
having an asyncRecursor function that simply knows how to (asynchronously) recurse.
allowing the recursor's caller(s) to specify the business logic (the terminal test to apply, and the work to be performed).
It is also better to allow caller(s) to be responsible for cloning the original object rather than resolver() assuming cloning always to be necessary. The caller really needs to be in charge in this regard.
function asyncRecursor(subject, testFn, workFn) {
// asyncRecursor orchestrates the recursion
if(testFn(subject)) {
return Promise.resolve(workFn(subject)).then(result => asyncRecursor(result, testFn, workFn));
// the `Promise.resolve()` wrapper safeguards against workFn() not being thenable.
} else {
return Promise.resolve(subject);
// the `Promise.resolve()` wrapper safeguards against `testFn(subject)` failing at the first call of asyncRecursor().
Now you can write your caller as follows :
// example caller
function someBusinessOrientedCallerFn(state_obj) {
// ... preamble ...
return asyncRecursor(
state_obj, // or state_obj.cloneMe() if necessary
(obj) => obj.checkContinue(), // testFn
(obj) => somethingAsync(...).then((result) => { // workFn
return obj; // return `obj` or anything you like providing it makes a valid parameter to be passed to `testFn()` and `workFn()` at next recursion.
You could theoretically incorporate your terminal test inside the workFn but keeping them separate will help enforce the discipline, in writers of the business-logic, to remember to include a test. Otherwise they will consider it optional and sure as you like, they will leave it out!
Sorry, this doesn't use Promises, but sometimes abstractions just get in the way.
This example, which builds from #poke's answer, is short and easy to comprehend.
function readFromAllPages(done=function(){}, pageId=0, res=[]) {
fetchSinglePage(pageId, res => {
if (res.items.length) {
readFromAllPages(done, ++pageId, items.concat(res.items));
} else {
readFromAllPages(allItems => {
// items have been read from all pages
This has only a single depth of nested functions. In general, you can solve the nested callback problem without resorting to a subsystem that manages things for you.
If we drop the parameter defaults and change the arrow functions, we get code that runs in legacy ES3 browsers.
I'm coming from a PHP background and I'm trying to learn NodeJS.
I know that everything in Node is async but I've found that i've been using the async / await combo quite a lot in my code and I wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something stupid.
The reason for it is that I have a lot of situations where I need the result of something before continuing (for example for a small ajax request). This small ajax request has no other purpose other than to do the set of things that I want it to and in the order that I specify so even if I do things the "async way" and write it using a callback i'm still having to wait for things to finish in the right order.
Right now whenever I find myself in this situation I just use await to wait for the result:
var result = await this.doSomething(data);
Opposed to using a callback
this.doSomething(data, function(callback) {
// code
To me the first example looks cleaner than the second one which is why I've been opting for that. But I'm worried that I might be missing something fundamental here. But in a situation where there is nothing else to process below the async call and the only way for things to progress is for it to follow a syncronous style, is there anything wrong with using the first style over the second?
But I'm worried that I might be missing something fundamental here.
Nope, you're not, that's exactly what you want to do, assuming this.doSomething(data) is asynchronous (and if it's an ajax call, one hopes it is async) and that it returns a promise (which all functions defined with the async keyword do implicitly). (If it's not asynchronous, you don't need the await, although it's allowed.)
You're probably being a bit confused (understandably) by the fact that things are going through a transition. Until recently, the overwhelming convention in Node APIs (the built-in ones and ones provided by third-party modules) was to use the "Node callback" pattern, which is that a function that will do asynchronous work expects its last argument to be a callback, which it will call with a first argument indicating success/failure (null = success, anything else is an error object) with subsequent arguments providing the result. (Your second example assumes doSomething is one of these, instead of being a function that returns a promise.)
Example: fs.readFile, which you use like this:
fs.readFile("/some/file", "utf-8", function(err, data) {
if (err) {
// ...handle the fact an error occurred..
// ...use the data...
This style quickly leads to callback hell, though, which is one of the reasons promises (aka "futures") were invented.
But a lot of Node APIs still use the old pattern.
If you need to use "Node callback"-pattern functions, you can use util.promisify to create promise-enabled versions of them. For instance, say you need to use fs.readFile, which uses the Node callback pattern. You can get a promise version like this:
const readFilePromise = util.promisify(fs.readFile);
...and then use it with async/await syntax (or use the promise directly via then):
const data = await readFilePromise("/some/file", "utf-8");
There's also an npm module called promisify that can provide a promise-ified version of an entire API. (There's probably more than one.)
Just because promises and async/await replace the old Node callback style in most cases doesn't mean callbacks don't still have a place: A Promise can only be settled once. They're for one-off things. So callbacks still have a place, such as with the on method of EventEmitters, like a readable stream:
fs.createReadStream("/some/file", "utf-8")
.on("data", chunk => {
// ...do something with the chunk of data...
.on("end", () => {
// ...do something with the fact the end of the stream was reached...
Since data will fire multiple times, it makes sense to use a callback for it; a promise wouldn't apply.
Also note that you can only use await in an async function. Consequently, you may find yourself getting into the habit of a "main" module structure that looks something like this:
// ...Setup (`require` calls, `import` once it's supported, etc.)...
(async () => {
// Code that can use `await `here...
})().catch(err => {
// Handle the fact an error/promise rejection occurred in the top level of your code
You can leave the catch off if you want your script to terminate on an unhandled error/rejection. (Node doesn't do that yet, but it will once unhandled rejection detection matures.)
Alternately, if you want to use a promise-enabled function in a non-async function, just use then and catch:
.then(result => {
// Use result
.catch(err => {
// Handle error
Note: async/await is directly supported in Node 7.x and above. Be sure your target production environment supports Node 7.x or above if your'e going to use async/await. If not, you could transpile your code using something like Babel and then use the transpiled result on the older version of Node.
I'm learning redux saga but don't get what the author means by the below:
Contrary to redux thunk, you don't end up in callback hell, you can
test your asynchronous flows easily and your actions stay pure.
Any examples of "callback hell" and "pure actions" would be much appreciated.
Pure Functions
Pure functions are a type of function that, when given the same arguments, will always produce the same result, and doesn't modify any variables that are outside of its scope. For example,
function addTwoIntegers(a, b) {
return a + b;
If we pass a=2 and b=3, then the result will always be 5. Nothing else is changed. This is a good thing, because it makes testing that function much easier - we know with certainty what they output will be for a given pair of inputs.
Contrast this with, for example, a function that loads data from an API and assigns it to a variable:
let result;
function AddIntegerToNumberFromServer(a) {
fetch('api/numberGenerator').then(function(res) {
result = a + res.data.number;
In this case, we can call the function with the same argument multiple times, and not be certain of getting the same result. The consequence of this is that the function is much harder to test - we probably have to create a mock of the api. We also have to be certain what the initial value of result was in order to know if our function worked as planned.
Callback Hell
As you probably know, callbacks are functions that we pass as arguments to another function, so that we can defer execution of some code until the second function has completed. Callback hell occurs when we get many layers deep into this - as commented by someone above jQuery seems to invite this style - for example:
$(function() {
$('#element').click(function() {
$(this).fadeOut(function() {
The issue here is primarily one of human understanding of the code, and ease of readability. Imagine if this went more layers deep (not uncommon) how difficult it could be to work out what is happening and when.
Redux-thunk is far from the worst offender when it comes to callbacks, and the readability factor can be mitigated by using promises instead of callbacks.
... your actions stay pure ...
My best guess is that this is a mistake. In the redux-thunk README there is no action creator that is impure let alone an action object that is somehow impure. Perhaps "impure actions" is referring to a pattern by which "higher level" action-creators like makeSandwichesForEverybody contain multiple side effects and are therefore very hard to test.
... end up in callback hell ...
Again makeSandwichesForEverybody contains many nested promises which might become harder to fathom as the async work flow becomes more complex. What I can't yet comment on is how much simpler / complex this would be implemented in redux-saga.
function makeSandwichesForEverybody() {
return function (dispatch, getState) {
if (!getState().sandwiches.isShopOpen) {
// You don’t have to return Promises, but it’s a handy convention
// so the caller can always call .then() on async dispatch result.
return Promise.resolve();
// We can dispatch both plain object actions and other thunks,
// which lets us compose the asynchronous actions in a single flow.
return dispatch(
makeASandwichWithSecretSauce('My Grandma')
).then(() =>
dispatch(makeASandwichWithSecretSauce('My wife'))
).then(() =>
dispatch(makeASandwichWithSecretSauce('Our kids'))
).then(() =>
dispatch(getState().myMoney > 42 ?
withdrawMoney(42) :
apologize('Me', 'The Sandwich Shop')
As an aside I have used "impure action creators", which I call dispatchers in the form of functions that acts as action creators, dispatcher and has side effects. I have found this to be a good pattern for managing async work. However it makes isomorphic apps harder / impossible to implement and is not easy to test.
Supposed, I have a async function in Node.js, basically something such as:
var addAsync = function (first, second, callback) {
setTimeout(function () {
callback(null, first + second);
}, 1 * 1000);
Now of course I can call this function in an asynchronous style:
addAsync(23, 42, function (err, result) {
console.log(result); // => 65
What I am wondering about is whether you can make it somehow to call this function synchronously. For that, I'd like to have a wrapper function sync, which basically does the following thing:
var sync = function (fn, params) {
var res,
finished = false;
fn.call(null, params[0], params[1], function (err, result) {
res = result;
finished = true;
while (!finished) {}
return res;
Then, I'd be able to run addAsync synchronously, by calling it this way:
var sum = sync(addAsync, [23, 42]);
Note: Of course you wouldn't work using params[0] and params[1] in reality, but use the arguments array accordingly, but I wanted to keep things simple in this example.
Now, the problem is, that the above code does not work. It just blocks, as the while loop blocks and does not release the event loop.
My question is: Is it possible in any way to make this sample run as intended?
I have already experimented with setImmediate and process.nextTick and various other things, but non of them helped. Basically, what you'd need was a way to tell Node.js to please pause the current function, continue running the event loop, and getting back at a later point in time.
I know that you can achieve something similar using yield and generator functions, at least in Node.js 0.11.2 and above. But, I'm curious whether it works even without?
Please note that I am fully aware of how to do asynchronous programming in Node.js, of the event loop and all the related stuff. I am also fully aware that writing code like this is a bad idea, especially in Node.js. And I am also fully aware that an 'active wait' is a stupid idea, as well. So please don't give the advice to learn how to do it asynchronously or something like that. I know that.
The reason why I am asking is just out of curiosity and for the wish to learn.
I've recently created simpler abstraction WaitFor to call async functions in sync mode (based on Fibers). It's at an early stage but works. Please try it: https://github.com/luciotato/waitfor
using WaitFor your code will be:
console.log ( wait.for ( addAsync,23,42 ) ) ;
You can call any standard nodejs async function, as if it were a sync function.
wait.for(fn,args...) fulfills the same need as the "sync" function in your example, but inside a Fiber (without blocking node's event loop)
You can use npm fibers (C++ AddOn project) & node-sync
implement a blocking call in C(++) and provide it as a library
Yes I know-you know - BUT EVER-EVER-EVER ;)
Non-Blocking) use a control flow library
Standard propmises and yield (generator functions) will make this straigthforward: