Disable textboxes depending on the value of another textbox - javascript

I got three textboxes in my Form. My goal is to disable the validate and evaluate textbox if the number in digit textbox is not equal to 0. How do i accomplish this?
Pseudo code
if(digit.Text != 0 )
validate.enable = false;
evaluate.enable = false;
validate.enable = true;
evaluate.enable = true;
My Attempt
function disableME()
var numberTextBox = document.getElementById('number'),
validateTextBox = document.getElementById('validate'),
evaluateTextBox = document.getElementById('evaluate');
if (numberTextBox.value != 0)
validateTextBox.disable = true;
evaluateTextBox.disable = true;
validateTextBox.disable = false;
evaluateTextBox.disable = false;
<form action="welcome.php" method="post" id="myForm">
Number: <input type="number" id="number" onchange="disableME()"><br>
Validate: <input type="text" id="validate" onchange="disableME()"><br>
Evaluate: <input type="text" id="evaluate" onchange="disableME()"><br>

You should use ELEMENT.disabled instead of ELEMENT.disable.
Here is the change to your code:
function disableME()
var numberTextBox = document.getElementById('number'),
validateTextBox = document.getElementById('validate'),
evaluateTextBox = document.getElementById('evaluate');
if (numberTextBox.value != 0)
validateTextBox.disabled = true;
evaluateTextBox.disabled = true;
validateTextBox.disabled = false;
evaluateTextBox.disabled = false;
<form action="welcome.php" method="post" id="myForm">
Number: <input type="number" id="number" onchange="disableME()"><br>
Validate: <input type="text" id="validate" onchange="disableME()"><br>
Evaluate: <input type="text" id="evaluate" onchange="disableME()"><br>


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'checked' of undefined, Checkboxes

I want to validate my checkboxes to make sure that the user checked at least one, however I keep getting this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'checked' of undefined.
Here is part of the HTML:
<form name="userSurvey" onsubmit="return validAll()" action="mailto:suvery#worldbook.com" method="post">
Name (Required): <input type="text" name="userName" id="userName" required=""><br> E-Mail (Required): <input type="text" name="mail" id="mail" required=""><br> Phone (Required): <input type="text" name="phone" id="phone" required="" onchange="validNumber()"><br>
<p>Please choose your favourite types of books.(check all that apply)</p>
<input type="checkbox" name="books" value="Science Fiction">Science Fiction
<input type="checkbox" name="books" value="Travel Guide">Travel Guide
<input type="checkbox" name="books" value="Short Story Collection">Short Story Collection
<input type="checkbox" name="books" value="Other">Other <br>
<input type="submit" name="submit">
<input type="reset" name="reset">
and part of the JavaScript for the checkboxes:
function validChoice()
var bookChoice = document.userSurvey.books.value;
var x= "";
for (i=0;i< 4;i++)
if (document.userSurvey['bookChoice'+i].checked)
bookChoice = document.userSurvey['bookChoice'+i].value;
x = x +"\n"+ bookChoice;
if (bookChoice == "")
window.alert("You must select at least one book category.");
return false;
var userName = document.userSurvey.userName.value;
var eMail = document.userSurvey.email.value;
var phoneNo = document.userSurvey.phone.value;
return true;
I am currently learning in JavaScript therefore I would prefer help in JavaScript only.
Full Code on JSFiddle:
You missed some tag names and missspell them in js function:
<h1>User Survey</h1>
<h2><strong>User Information</strong></h2>
<p>Please enter your details below</p>
<form name="userSurvey" onsubmit="return validAll()" action="mailto:suvery#worldbook.com" method="post">
Name (Required):
<input type="text" name="userName" id="userName" required="">
<br> E-Mail (Required):
<input type="text" name="email" id="email" required="">
<br> Phone (Required):
<input type="text" name="phone" id="phone" required="" onchange="validNumber()">
<p>Please choose your favourite types of books.(check all that apply)</p>
<input type="checkbox" name="books" value="Science Fiction">Science Fiction
<input type="checkbox" name="books" value="Travel Guide">Travel Guide
<input type="checkbox" name="books" value="Short Story Collection">Short Story Collection
<input type="checkbox" name="books" value="Other">Other
<input type="submit" name="submit">
<input type="reset" name="reset">
and js code goes like this:
function validName() {
var name = document.userSurvey.userName.value;
if (!/^[a-zA-Z]*$/g.test(name)) {
alert("Please enter letters a - z only");
return false;
} else {
return true;
function validNumber() {
var theNumbersOnly = "";
var theChar = "";
var theInput = document.userSurvey.phone.value;
for (i = 0; i < theInput.length; i++) {
theChar = theInput.substring(i, i + 1);
if (theChar >= "0" && theChar <= "9") {
theNumbersOnly = "" + theNumbersOnly + theChar;
if (theNumbersOnly.length < 10) {
alert("You must enter 10 numbers.");
} else {
var areacode = theNumbersOnly.substring(0, 3);
var exchange = theNumbersOnly.substring(3, 6);
var extension = theNumbersOnly.substring(6, 10);
var newNumber = "(" + areacode + ") ";
newNumber += exchange + "-" + extension;
document.userSurvey.phone.value = newNumber;
return true;
function validEmail() {
var email = document.userSurvey.email.value;
var atLoc = email.indexOf("#", 1);
var dotLoc = email.indexOf(".", atLoc + 2);
var len = email.length;
if (atLoc > 0 && dotLoc > 0 && len > dotLoc + 2) {
return true;
} else {
alert("Please enter your e-mail address properly.");
return false;
function validChoice() {
//var bookChoice = document.userSurvey.books.value;
var bookChoice;
var x = "";
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (document.userSurvey.books[i].checked) {
bookChoice = document.userSurvey.books[i].value;
x = x + "\n" + bookChoice;
if (bookChoice == "") {
window.alert("You must select at least one book category.");
return false;
} else {
var userName = document.userSurvey.userName.value;
var eMail = document.userSurvey.email.value;
var phoneNo = document.userSurvey.phone.value;
return true;
function validAll() {
if ((validName() == true) && (validEmail() == true) && (validNumber() == true) && (validChoice() == true)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
You missed email tag name too. regards
You can fix the checkbox issue using the following code. A sensible way to get all the checkboxes in this case is using their shared "name" attribute. There are other ways if your structure was different - e.g. using a CSS class, or adding some other custom attribute to the elements.
function validChoice() {
var bookChoices = "";
var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName("books"); //get all elements named "books" into an array
for (i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { //loop the array
if (checkboxes[i].checked) { //if the array item at this index is checked, then add it to the list
bookChoices += "\n" + checkboxes[i].value;
if (bookChoices == "") {
window.alert("You must select at least one book category.");
return false;
} else {
alert(bookChoices); //just for testing
return true;
See https://jsfiddle.net/7qh5segc/3/ for a demo using the changed validChoice() function.

How to remove class error from select field while validation

Below is a sample code. Whenever i validate i don't want to highlight the select field in red. But just want to show the error beside the select field in Red.
HTML after click submit
<select name="event" class="control-label error">
<option value="">Select</option>
<option value="1">Sample 1</option>
<label for="event" generated="true" class="error" style="display: inline-block;"><span style="padding:6px; "> Please select something </span></label>
jQuery Validation
async: false,
rules: {
event: {
required: true
messages: {
event: {
required: "<span style='padding:6px; '> Please select Something </span>"
if you are using jquery validate library.. Doc says just add valid class on elements where you don't want the border styling.
hope this will help..
Actually required is Html 5 that should show the error in red color only
while in validation use id to call or validate then use that id in style with your need color
This is my external stylesheet
function validate()
var status = true;
var a = document.form.Name.value;
var b = document.form.Password.value;
var c = document.form.Cpassword.value;
var d = document.form.Address.value;
var e = document.form.Email.value;
var f = document.form.Mobile.value;
if( a == "" )
document.getElementById("errorBox1").innerHTML = "*Please fill required";
status = false;
document.getElementById("errorBox1").innerHTML = "";
if( b == "" )
document.getElementById("errorBox2").innerHTML = "*Please fill required";
status = false;
document.getElementById("errorBox2").innerHTML = "";
if( c == "" )
document.getElementById("errorBox3").innerHTML = "*Please fill required";
status = false;
document.getElementById("errorBox3").innerHTML = "";
if (b!=c)
document.getElementById("errorBox10").innerHTML = "*Password does not match";
status = false;
document.getElementById("errorBox10").innerHTML = "";
if( d == "" )
document.getElementById("errorBox4").innerHTML = "*Please fill required";
status = false;
document.getElementById("errorBox4").innerHTML = "";
if(e == "" || e.indexOf("#", 0) < 0 || e.indexOf(".", 0) < 0 )
document.getElementById("errorBox5").innerHTML = "*Please fill your valid email id ";
status = false;
document.getElementById("errorBox5").innerHTML = "";
if(f == "" || f.length !=10 || f.charAt(0)!="9" )
document.getElementById("errorBox6").innerHTML = "*Mobile no must be 10 digits";
status = false;
document.getElementById("errorBox6").innerHTML = "";
if ((document.form.radio1[0].checked == false) && (document.form.radio1[1].checked == false))
document.getElementById("errorBox7").innerHTML = "*Select your Gender";
status = false;
document.getElementById("errorBox7").innerHTML = "";
if ((document.form.chk[0].checked == false) && (document.form.chk[1].checked == false))
document.getElementById("errorBox8").innerHTML = "*Please fill the checkbox";
status = false;
document.getElementById("errorBox8").innerHTML = "";
if (document.form.comment.value == "")
document.getElementById("errorBox9").innerHTML = "*Please share your feedback";
status = false;
document.getElementById("errorBox9").innerHTML = "";
return status;
<div class="rm">
<form name="form" method="post" onsubmit ="return validate();" action=" ">
Name : <input type="text" name="Name" onkeyup="validate();" /><div id="errorBox1"></div>
Password : <input type="password" name="Password" onkeyup="validate();" /><div id = "errorBox2"></div>
Confirm Password : <input type="password" name="Cpassword" onkeyup="validate();" /><div id = "errorBox3"></div> <div id = "errorBox10"></div>
Address : <input type="text" name="Address" onkeyup="validate();" /><div id = "errorBox4"></div>
Email : <input type="text" name="Email" onkeyup="validate();" /><div id = "errorBox5"></div>
Mobile No :<input type="text" name="Mobile" onkeyup="validate();" /><div id = "errorBox6"></div>
Gender : Male<input name="radio1" type="radio" value="Male" onclick="validate();"/>
Female<input name="radio1" type="radio" value="Female" onclick="validate();"/><div id = "errorBox7"></div>
Computer Courses: <input type="checkbox" name="chk" onclick="validate();" value="Php"/> Php
<input type="checkbox" name="chk" onclick="validate();" value="ccna"/> Ccna <div id = "errorBox8"></div>
CommentBox : <textarea cols = "25" name= "comment" onkeyup="validate();" /></textarea><div id = "errorBox9"></div>
<div class="submit">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" >
<input type="reset" value="Reset"></submit>
Thanks everyone for the response. I just did the following in validate part. I just added a Highlight and it worked. I seriously don't know how it worked. But thanks to Sathvik Cheela for giving an idea about highlight and unhighlight.
async: false,
rules: {
event: {
required: true
messages: {
event: {
required: "<span style='padding:6px; '> Please select Something </span>"
highlight: function(element, errorClass) {
UI (Now)

Disable textbox when two textbox is equal

How can i disable textbox when selected (textbox name) and quantity (textbox name) is equal. i used this codes its working but when selected (textbox name) is equal to 3 the txtCombo (textbox name) is not disabled but when equal to 4 it became disabled how should i work on this ? thank you in advance.
// disable button if equal
// $('#button').click(function(){
$('#button').click(function() {
var firstValue = $("#quantitytotransfer").val();
var secondValue = $("#selected").val();
if ((firstValue == secondValue)) {
$("#txtCombo").prop("disabled", true);
function addCombo() {
var textb = document.getElementById("txtCombo");
var combo = document.getElementById("combo");
var option = document.createElement("option");
option.text = textb.value.trim();
option.value = textb.value.trim();
option.selected = true;
if ($('#combo option[value="' + textb.value.trim() + '"]').text() == textb.value.trim()) {
alert("Duplicate found or you entered empty value");
return false;
try {
combo.add(option, null); //Standard
} catch (error) {
combo.add(option); // IE only
textb.value = "";
$("#txtCombo").on("keydown", function(e) {
return e.which !== 32;
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#button').click(function() {
var data = [];
$.each($("#combo option:selected"), function() {
var count = $("#combo :selected").length;
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#button').click(function() {
var data = [];
$.each($("#combo option:selected"), function() {
var count = $("#combo :selected").length;
$("#combo").on('change', function() {
var count = $("#combo :selected").length;
var text = $("#text").val();
var previousOption;
$('select[name=combo] option').each(function() {
if (this.text == previousOption) $(this).remove();
previousOption = this.text;
// separated by comma to textbox
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#combo").change(function() {
var data = [];
$.each($("#combo option:selected"), function() {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<BODY style="font-family: sans-serif">
<legend>Combo box</legend>
Add to Combo:
<input type="text" name="txtCombo" id="txtCombo" />Selected:
<input type="text" name="selected" id="selected" />IMEI Selected:
<input type="text" name="imei" id="imei" />Quantity:
<input type="text" name="quantity" value="3" id="quantitytotransfer" />
<input type="button" id="button" value="Add" onclick="addCombo()">
<select name="combo" multiple id="combo"></select>
You can achieve this easily :
function checkIfEqual(){
if($("#selected").val() === $("#quantitytotransfer").val())
$("#txtCombo").prop("disabled", true);
$("#txtCombo").prop("disabled", false);
$("#selected").val($("#combo option:selected").length);
demo here
Have you tried this:
function addCombo() {
var txtSelected = $('#selected').val();
var qty = $('#quantitytotransfer').val();
if(parseInt(txtSelected) == parseInt(qty)) {
document.getElementById('txtCombo').disabled = true;
} else {
alert('Not equal');
document.getElementById('txtCombo').disabled = false;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<BODY style="font-family: sans-serif">
<legend>Combo box</legend>
Add to Combo: <input type="text" name="txtCombo" id="txtCombo"/><br>
Selected: <input type="text" name="selected" id="selected" class="toggle"/><br>
IMEI Selected: <input type="text" name="imei" id="imei"/><br>
Quantity: <input type="text" name="quantity" value="3" id="quantitytotransfer" class="toggle"/><br>
<input type="button" id="button" value="Add" onclick="addCombo()"><br>
Combobox: <select name="combo" multiple id="combo"></select>

Check,reset buttons active after all inputs were completed

how can i make check and reset buttons active after 6 inputs were completed? I have tryed:
if($('.input') == ""){
checkBtn.disabled = true;
resetBtn.disabled = true;
checkBtn.disabled = false;
resetBtn.disabled = false;
EDIT 2 with fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/usPMd/88/
Edit : Your Jsfiddle return error 404... So I developed a basic example (it is not perfect).
Javascript solution :
<input type="text" onChange="checkInput()" onKeyup="checkInput()"/>
<input type="text" onChange="checkInput()" onKeyup="checkInput()"/>
<input type="text" onChange="checkInput()" onKeyup="checkInput()"/>
<input type="text" onChange="checkInput()" onKeyup="checkInput()"/>
<input type="text" onChange="checkInput()" onKeyup="checkInput()"/>
<input type="text" onChange="checkInput()" onKeyup="checkInput()"/>
<input id="send" type="submit" disabled/>
<input id="reset" type="reset" disabled/>
<script type="text/javascript">
var checkBtn = document.getElementById("send");
var resetBtn = document.getElementById("reset");
var inputTag, lengthInputTag, nbCompleted;
function forEach( a, fn ) {
return [].forEach.call(a, fn);
function checkInput(){
inputTag = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
lengthInputTag = inputTag.length;
nbCompleted = 0;
forEach(inputTag, function(el) {
if(el.value != ""){
if(nbCompleted < 6){
checkBtn.disabled = true;
resetBtn.disabled = true;
checkBtn.disabled = false;
resetBtn.disabled = false;
if($('.input').length == 6){
checkBtn.disabled = false;
resetBtn.disabled = false;
checkBtn.disabled = true;
resetBtn.disabled = true;
So, use length then:
if($('.input').length == 7){ //after 6 is 7th input
checkBtn.disabled = true;
resetBtn.disabled = true;
And also there might be a typo .input should be input but not 100% sure because this might also be class.
Ok, Here you go:
Workign demo: JSFiddle
HTML (partial):
<button id="validateButton" class="validateButton" type="button" disabled="disabled">Check</button>
<button id="resetButton" class="resetButton" type="button" disabled="disabled">Reset</button>
$(document).on('change blur', '.input', function(){
var count = 0;
var elem_v = $.trim ( $(this).val() );
if (elem_v != "") {
$('button').prop('disabled', true);
if (count===6){
$('button').prop('disabled', false);

placeholder works for text but not password box in IE/Firefox using this javascript

Js File
//Modified from http://www.beyondstandards.com/archives/input-placeholders/
function activatePlaceholders()
var detect = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (detect.indexOf("safari") > 0) return false;
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (var i=0;i<inputs.length;i++)
if (inputs[i].getAttribute("type") == "text")
var placeholder = inputs[i].getAttribute("placeholder");
if (placeholder.length > 0)
inputs[i].value = placeholder;
inputs[i].onclick = function()
if (this.value == this.getAttribute("placeholder"))
this.value = "";
return false;
inputs[i].onblur = function()
if (this.value.length < 1)
this.value = this.getAttribute("placeholder");
else if (inputs[i].getAttribute("type") == "password")
var placeholder = inputs[i].getAttribute("placeholder");
if (placeholder.length > 0)
inputs[i].value = placeholder;
inputs[i].onclick = function()
if (this.value == this.getAttribute("placeholder"))
this.value = "";
return false;
inputs[i].onblur = function()
if (this.value.length < 1)
this.value = this.getAttribute("placeholder");
window.onload = function()
Html part
<form name="input" action="login.php" method="post">
<table width="*" border="0">
<td align="left"><input type="text" name="username" placeholder="Username" /> <input type="password" name="pass" placeholder="Password" /><input type="submit" value="Login" /></td>
<td colspan="2" align="right">Stay logged in: <input type="checkbox" name="remember" value="1"> Sign Up | Forgot Password </td>
This works for the input box. Not working for the password box. It wants to star out the place holder text on the password. I want to users password to be started out but not the place holder. Not sure how to fix that so it works in IE and Firefox.
var passwords = document.getElementsByTagName("password");
Should be:
var passwords = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
As it's <input type="password"> not <password...>. However, I don't think that will help you in this case, because when you set the value of the password, all you'll see are the black dots/asterisks.

