How to remove last element using jquery? - javascript

Here I'm trying to create a calling pad that reads a maximum of 10 numbers at a time, and displays the numbers as a maximum of 6 numbers in a row. It's working functionally. I want to remove the last number when the user presses the clear button.
I used $("#calling-pad").last().remove(); to try to remove the last number, but it removes the whole contents and doesn't allow to enter a new number. How can I fix it?
var key = 1;
if (p === 1) {
if (key < 11) {
if ((key % 7) !== 0) {
key = key + 1;
else {
key = key + 1;
if (p === 1) {
if (key > 1) {
if ((key%6) !== 0) {
key = key - 1;
if ( key === 1) {
<script src=""></script>
<span id="calling-pad"> </span>

You are just appending numbers to a span tag and are not really keeping track of user input.
Is telling jQuery to remove the full contents because you are not inserting any child elements to the calling-pad span.
Therefore you could use an array to keep track of the users numbers or use a counter as I have shown below.
var totalInputs = 0;
$("#insert").on("click", function() {
var inputText = $("#input").val();
var id = "calling_" + totalInputs;
$("#calling-pad").append("<span id='" + id + "'>" + inputText + "</span>");
$("#remove").on("click", function() {
$("#calling_" + totalInputs).remove();
span {
display: block;
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" id="input" />
<button id="insert">Insert</button>
<div id="calling-pad">
<button id="remove">Remove last element</button>

Problem - Using 'last' instead of ':last-child'
The jQuery last method does not find child elements. Instead, given a collection of elements matching a selector, it filters that collection to include only the last element. Combining this with an id-selector (i.e. $("#element-id").last()) is always redundant, since $("#element-id") only matches a single element, and the resulting jQuery object is always of size 1. If there's only one element, it's always the last one.
Therefore $("#calling-pad").last().remove(); is effectively the same as saying $("#calling-pad").remove();.
Instead, when you're appending data to the #calling-pad element, ensure they're included as new elements (e.g. wrapped in <span></span> tags):
Then, when you want to remove the last element in the #calling-pad, you simply have to do this:
$('#calling-pad > span:last-child').remove();
This finds all span elements that are direct children of the #calling-pad, filters that to only include the last element (using :last-child), and then removes that element.

if ($("#calling-pad").contents().last().is("br")) {
As you're dealing with textNodes, you need to use .contents() - the <br> split them up so no need to parse things, and if you're deleting the last node, you need to delete the last break at the same time...

You need one line to remove last comment... no need to count ids ...
here is snippet ... Cheers Man
$("#insert").on("click", function() {
var inputText = $("#input").val();
$("#calling-pad").append("<span>" + inputText + "</br></span>");
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" id="input" />
<button id="insert">Insert</button>
<div id="calling-pad">
<button id="remove">Remove last one</button>


text search using jquery filter delay during backspace

I am using jquery filter to search for names in a big list of names. It works just fine with good speed when I type in the input field. But when I press backspace button to clear the search text there is a delay of more then 4s when there are about 2 or 3 characters left.
I have made a demo to explain my problem
<input type="text" class="search">
<div class="list"></div>
// Get the list div
let $list = $('.list');
// Form a list of numbers from 1 to 8000
let listHtml = ''
for (let i = 0; i < 8000; i++) {
listHtml += `<div class="list_item"><div class="list_item_value c${i}">${i}</div></div>`;
// Get all the list items
$listItem = $list.find('.list_item');
$('.search').on('keyup', function(e) {
// Get the search text
let text = $(this).val();
$listItem.filter(function() {
I have simplified my problem with this demo by replacing the text search by number search.
One way to fix this problem would be by canceling the ongoing jquery filter process when a backspace is pressed. But I don't know how to do that. Please someone help me fix it.
Consider the following example.
$(function() {
function makeItems(n, t) {
for (var i = 1; i < n; i++) {
$(t).append("<div class='list_item'><div class='list_item_value " + i + "'>" + i + "</div>");
var $list = $('.list');
makeItems(8000, $list);
$('.search').keyup(function(e) {
var text = $(this).val().toLowerCase();
var search = (text.length > 0);
if (search) {
$(".list_item", $list).filter(function(index) {
return $(this).text().indexOf(text) === -1;
.filtered {
display: none;
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" class="search">
<div class="list"></div>
Not too much different from your code. Some reduction of code. When the Search is done, there is a condition to ensure it's not done on an empty value. Also we reset the view each time. Show, Hide, and Toggle have easing and callbacks, so they can be slower at times. Add/Remove class is very quick.
So while includes will be a tiny, tiny amount slower because it has to check if you passed it a regex, in reality this will make no difference to how fast your code runs. You should use indexOf if you care about where the substring is in the original string. If you don’t care, just call includes because it makes the intent of your code more clear.
In the end, it's your call if you want to use includes or indexOf for your comparison.

jQuery add/remove text from input string

I have a function that adds text into an input box. Basically you click a div and it activates the function by onclick="addvalue(“Name”)"
function addvalue(newdate){
var input = $("#datestobeexcluded");
But what I really need to do is to check the string inside the input value,
If it’s not there to add the text, which it does, and remove it if text is already present in string.
I am not doing well with jquery at the moment. Thank you in advance
var input = $("#datestobeexcluded");
if(input.val().search(newdate) >= 0)
And if you have multiple occurrences:
You can use includes with RegExp:
var input = $("#datetobeexcluded");
input.val(input.val().includes(newdate) ? input.val().replace(new RegExp(newdate, "g"), "") : `${input.val()},${newdate}`);
You may replace your inline on click binding with jQuery styled click listener.
Then you may use the next code.
const $input = $('#your-input')
$('.extra-option').click(function() {
const inputString = $input.val()
const content = inputString ? inputString.split(',') : []
const stringToAdd = $(this).html()
const stringIndex = content.indexOf(stringToAdd)
if (stringIndex === -1) {
} else {
content.splice(stringIndex, 1)
<script src=""></script>
<input id="your-input" type="text" />
<div class="extra-option">Name</div>
<div class="extra-option">Company</div>
<div class="extra-option">Address</div>
At first, you need to figure out how you will provide clicked element value. Your approach is definitely wrong because you need to bind function on click, while you return undefined. For test purposes I use innerText.
At the second, you need to check if your string contains clicked div string or not. To simplify this logic, I use splitting by delimiter and then manage with an array of entries.
The last step, you need to update your input value.
I guess it's all.
Let me know if you have any question.

making a JavaScript character selector

I’m trying to make a character selector, which select each character separately every time button pressing. But its not working at all
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>HELLO WORLD</title>
<br />
<br />
<input type="button" onclick="selector()" value="SELECT" />
var x = document.getElementById("temp").innerHTML;
var i = 0;
function selector() {
x.charAt(i).style.backgroundColor = "red";
The primary issue is that you can only apply styling to HTML elements, not individual characters that make up the text content of an element.
This is why you are getting the "undefined" error that you are... backgroundColor can't be set on undefined, which refers to the return value of the style property, which doesn't exist on individual characters.
So first, you must wrap the character(s) to be highlighted in another element (a <span> is the best choice here) and then you can have the contents of the <span> be highlighted.
You weren't exactly clear on whether each click of the button should highlight only the next character or if the highlighting should be extended to include the next character, so I have solutions for both of those below. See comments inline for detailed explanations:
Solution #1 (highlight single character at a time)
// Get DOM reference to paragraph (not contents of paragraph)
var x = document.getElementById("temp");
// Get DOM reference to button so we can wire it up to
// an event handler in JS (not via inline event handling attributes).
var btn = document.getElementById("btn");
// Set up event handler:
btn.addEventListener("click", selector);
var i = 0;
function selector() {
// Get the character to be highlighted
var char = x.textContent.charAt(i);
// Set the contents of the paragraph to a new string that has the particular character
// wrapped with a <span> that is set to use a predetermined class that does the actual
// highlighting.
x.innerHTML = x.textContent.replace(char, "<span class='highlight'>" + char + "</span>");
// Increment i until we've hit the 26th value, then reset to 0
i < 25 ? i++ : i = 0;
.highlight { background-color:red; }
<!-- There is no closing tag for input elements! -->
<input type="button" id="btn" value="SELECT">
Solution #2 (extend highlighting to include next character)
// Get DOM reference to paragraph (not contents of paragraph)
var x = document.getElementById("temp");
// Get DOM reference to button so we can wire it up to an event handler in JS (not via inline event
// handling attributes).
var btn = document.getElementById("btn");
// Set up event handler:
btn.addEventListener("click", selector);
var i = 0;
function selector() {
// Get the character to be highlighted
var char = x.textContent.charAt(i);
// Set the contents of the paragraph to a new string that encloses all the characters
// up to and including the current one in a <span> that is set to use a predetermined
// class that does the actual highlighting.
x.innerHTML = "<span class='highlight'>" + x.textContent.replace(char, char + "</span>");
// Increment i until we've hit the 26th value, then reset to 0
i < 25 ? i++ : i = 0;
.highlight { background-color:red; }
<!-- There is no closing tag for input elements! -->
<input type="button" id="btn" value="SELECT">
Here's one possible implementation
Create a list of characters in the HTML element by using string#split.
Wrap each of these characters inside a span tag. This is easy to do using the map function. We want to check if these are alphabetical characters so we use the test function.
We then need to find the number of characters in the original string. We can do that by stripping the new string of all of it's span tags. Set the initial index to the first character, which in JavaScript is zero.
Call an event listener. This could be for example keydown, which listens for keypresses.
All of our characters have now been wrapped with a char class. To find a particular one, use document.querySelectorAll, and pass in [index]
In the event that we cycle through the string, we will remove the styling for the last character in the list. Otherwise, naturally, the previous character will be converted back to normal.
var chars = document.getElementById("par").innerHTML.split('');
var wrapped = c => /[a-z]/i.test(c) ? "<span class='char'>" + c + "</span>" : "").join('');
var numLetters = wrapped.replace(/<span class='char'>/g, '').replace(/<\/span>/g, '').length;
document.getElementById("par").innerHTML = wrapped;
var index = 0;
document.addEventListener("keydown", function() {
document.querySelectorAll(".char")[index].style.color = "red";
if (index == 0) {
document.querySelectorAll(".char")[numLetters - 1].style.color = "black";
if (index > 0) {
document.querySelectorAll(".char")[index - 1].style.color = "black";
index = index == numLetters - 1 ? 0 : index + 1
<p id="par">This is a paragraph</p>
You need to put all character into a span tag, and change the span background color.
var i = 0;
function selector() {
if (document.getElementById("temp_" + i))
document.getElementById("temp_" + i).style.backgroundColor = "red";
<p id="temp">
<span id='temp_0'>A</span>
<span id='temp_1'>B</span>
<span id='temp_2'>C</span>
<span id='temp_3'>D</span>
<button onclick='selector();'>Test</button>

Highlight slices of text with Javascript

Suppose that in the backend of my Web application I have a generic string of letters:
and an array of positions in such a string:
pos = [(0, 2), (4, 8)]
I need to render this sequence in the frontend by splitting it every n characters. Then when a user clicks a button I need to highlight the sequence between two parameters (taken from pos) for which the button refers to.
My solution
I solve this by implementing a Javascript function formatSequence which splits seq every n characters and iterates through the pos array in order to wrap each substring inside a span tag. The result is something like this:
<span class="A">AA</span>AA<span class="B">A</span>
<span class="B">AAA</span>AA
When the user clicks the button referring to the class A I simply change the CSS background rule for class A.
It works :) But the function formatSequence is way too complicated imho. It was a pain dealing with multiple lines. I prefer not posting the code since I am looking for other approaches not changing the code of such function.
A better solution?
I think that a (better?) solution would be to implement a function that given two parameters start and end it dynamically highlights the text between them. But it appears to be even more complicated than the previous one (remember that the sequence must be split every n characters and thus the highlight must be multilines).
Any suggestions? Better approach to solve this?
One simple solution would be just to print the full seq multiple times into the HTML and hide every row you don't need at the time. When a user clicks on a button, another row would be displayed (and the first one would be hidden).
<div class="rows"></div>
<div class="buttons"></div>
JavaScript (depending on jQuery):
(function generateRowsAndButtons() {
var position = [ [0,2], [4,8] ];
var $rows = $('.rows');
var $buttons = $('.buttons');
for(var i = 0; i < position.length; i++) {
if(position[i].length !== 2 || position[i][0] > position[i][1]) {
console.log("every position array needs exactly two values with the second larger than the first one");
// the index is used for mapping the button the highlight position
var row = '<div class="row" data-index="' + i + '" style="display: none;">';
// you should add some checks here, if position larger then the length of the string to avoid some misbehaviors. this is of course only necessary if you aren't validating the values on another place.
row += sequence.substring(0, position[i][0]);
row += '<span class="highlighted">';
row += sequence.substring(position[i][0], position[i][1]);
row += '</span>';
row += sequence.substring(position[i][1]);
row += '</div>';
var $row = $(row);
// a button needs the index to find the link the highlighted value
var $button = $('<button data-index="' + i + '">' + position[i] + '</button>');
$buttons.find('button').click(function() {
var index = $(this).data('index');
// hide every row, except the one with the correct index
$rows.find('.row').hide().filter('[data-index="' + index + '"]').show();
.row .highlighted {
background: yellow;
Here is a jsFiddle:

jQuery clone duplicate IDs

I have an HTML element with a large collection of unordered lists contained within it. I need to clone this element to place elsewhere on the page with different styles added (this is simple enough using jQuery).
The problem, however, is that all the lists and their associated list items have IDs and clone duplicates them. Is there an easy way to replace all these duplicate IDs using jQuery before appending?
If you need a way to reference the list items after you've cloned them, you must use classes, not IDs. Change all id="..." to class="..."
If you are dealing with legacy code or something and can't change the IDs to classes, you must remove the id attributes before appending.
Just be aware that you don't have a way to reference individual items anymore.
Since the OP asked for a way to replace all the duplicate id's before appending them, maybe something like this would work. Assuming you wanted to clone MainConfig_1 in an HTML block such as this:
<div id="smallConfig">
<div id="MainConfig_1">
<li id="red_1">red</li>
<li id="blue_1">blue</li>
The code could be something like the following, to find all child elements (and descendants) of the cloned block, and modify their id's using a counter:
var cur_num = 1; // Counter used previously.
var cloned = $("#MainConfig_" + cur_num).clone(true, true).get(0);
++cur_num; = "MainConfig_" + cur_num; // Change the div itself.
$(cloned).find("*").each(function(index, element) { // And all inner elements.
var matches =\d+/);
if(matches && matches.length >= 2) // Captures start at [1]. = matches[1] + "_" + cur_num;
To create new HTML like this:
<div id="smallConfig">
<div id="MainConfig_1">
<li id="red_1">red</li>
<li id="blue_1">blue</li>
<div id="MainConfig_2">
<li id="red_2">red</li>
<li id="blue_2">blue</li>
Try that on for size. :)
[Edit] Fixed for redsquare's comment.
I use something like this:
This is based on Russell's answer but a bit more aesthetic and functional for forms.
var cur_num = 1; // Counter
var whatToClone = $("#MainConfig");
var whereToPutIt = $("#smallConfig");
var cloned = whatToClone.clone(true, true).get(0);
++cur_num; = whatToClone.attr('id') + "_" + cur_num; // Change the div itself.
$(cloned).find("*").each(function(index, element) { // And all inner elements.
var matches =\d+/);
if(matches && matches.length >= 2) // Captures start at [1]. = matches[1] + "_" + cur_num;
var matches =\d+/);
if(matches && matches.length >= 2) // Captures start at [1]. = matches[1] + "_" + cur_num;
$(cloned).appendTo( whereToPutIt );
The Markup:
<div id="smallConfig">
<div id="MainConfig">
<li id="red_1">red</li>
<li id="blue_1">blue</li>
<input id="purple" type="text" value="I'm a text box" name="textboxIsaid_1" />
FWIW, I used Dario's function, but needed to catch form labels as well.
Add another if statement like this to do so:
var matches = element.htmlFor.match(/(.+)_\d+/);
if(matches && matches.length >= 2) // Captures start at [1].
element.htmlFor = matches[1] + "_" + cur_num;
If you will have several similar items on a page, it is best to use classes, not ids. That way you can apply styles to uls inside different container ids.
I believe this is the best way
var $clone = $("#MainConfig").clone(false);
$clone.removeAttr('id'); // remove id="MainConfig"
$clone.find('[id]').removeAttr('id'); // remove all other id attributes
$clone.appendTo($("#smallConfig")); // add to DOM.
Here is a solution with id.
var clone = $("#MainConfig").clone();
clone.find('[id]').each(function () { = 'new_' });
if you want dynamically set id, you can use counter instead of 'new_'.

