Click on button after page reload - javascript

I have some links on the page and when user click on link, page is reloaded.
All links have some ID and all have the one same class.
I need to click on some other link after page is reloaded, but only if user click on some of the link with particular class (not anywhere, like menu link).
How I can do something like this using JS or jQuery?

It sounds like you are attempting to build a single page application, ie the application is mostly run by JavaScript instead of server side rendering. In this case page reloads are you enemy. A page reload is basically a restart of your page, and while you can keep state using cookies or localStorage, this will provide you with a rather poor user experience.
In this case, you would just add event handlers to any actions your user would take, and simply handle them in javascript without reloading the page from the server. If you need to get more data in response to the user's actions, you can use AJAX to pull that data from the server.
If you have to use links with urls (still unclear to me why that would be necessary), I would recommend using hash urls like so '#some-action' which will not reload the page when clicked. You can then attach an event handler to the link, or even listen for the url hash to change using the hashchange event. In this way you can know what link the user pressed.
If you are not trying to build a single page application, you will need to add code on the server to store the information you need in the page.

I did it.
So, I created function:
* Click on delivery link after page reload
* #return {boolean} [loacalStorage is available]
$.fn.openDelivery = function(){
if (localStorage) {
var addedToCart = localStorage["addCart"];
if (addedToCart) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1500);
$(this).click(function(e) {
localStorage["addCart"] = true;
return true;
return false;
And then called that function:
$(document).ready(function () {
// Trigger delivery click
In my case, page reloads after user add some item in shopping cart. With this function I click on link (with 1.5s delay) that opens cart of the user that is shown on the right side of the screen.


Making ajax call on navigating away from page

I am working on a site that has multiple links to other sites. What I want is to send an ajax call to report that the user is going away when someone clicks and navigates away from the page. I put an alert on click of the links, which works but for some reason the controller never gets the ping.
Any assistance will be appreciated on how to achieve it.
Can't be done.
When you go to navigate away, there is only one event that can catch that, the onbeforeunload event, and that is quite limited in what it can do.
Not to mention there are other ways of leaving the page without navigating away:
Losing network connection
Closing the browser.
Losing power.
The only thing you can do is to set up a heartbeat kind of thing that pings the server every so many milliseconds and says 'I'm Alive.'
Depending on what you are trying to do, there is usually a better option, however.
You can try to simply set click event handler which will check the href attribute of every link before navigating. If it goes to another website, the handler sends AJAX request and then (after server responding) redirects to the page.
var redirect = '';
$('a').click(function() {
if ( != {
if (redirect) return false; // means redirect is about to start, clicking other links has no effect
redirect = this.href;
url: '/away',
success: function(){document.location.href = redirect;}
return false;
However it can't work properly, if user has opened your page in multiple tabs.
The only reliable way to do this these days is by hooking (i.e. add event listener) your code in so called sendBeacon method from Beacon API on beforeunload event (i.e. when user tries to navigate away from page).
The navigator.sendBeacon() method asynchronously sends a small amount of data over HTTP to a web server. It’s intended to be used for sending analytics data to a web server, and avoids some of the problems with legacy techniques for sending analytics, such as the use of XMLHttpRequest:
var URL = 'https://your.domain/your-page.php';
// on 'beforeunload'
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function (event) {
// more safely is to wait a bit
var wait_until = new Date().getTime() + 500;
while (new Date().getTime() <= wait_until);
You can try:
$(window).on('beforeunload', function(){
return "This should create a pop-up";
You can achieve it by capturing clicks on all the links on the page (or all the relevant links) and then call ev.preventDefault() on it to prevent the browser from navigating directly to that page.
Instead, you can make an AJAX call to your server and when that call returns, you can set window.location to the URL the user was trying to navigate to.
Here is a workaround you could try.
At the loading of the page, use jquery to move all href attributes to tempHref attribute. Then, attach a method to catch the click event.
This way, clicking on the links will not automatically move to the intended destination.
When the click occurs, simply perform the ajax call, and then using javascript, move to the other page.
$('a').each(function () {
var link = $(this);
link.attr('tempHref', link.attr('href'));
$(document).on('click', 'a', function ()
//perform ajax call;
location.href = $(location).attr('tempHref');

How to change URL path when paging using ajax + jQuery

I am using ajax post requests for doing paging on a feed in my site. When getting the post request data I am reforming the page by clearing previous data and rendering the new data that came from the request. I want to be able to change the URL as well so saving the new page link will get the user to the current page.
User on page - seeing content of page #1
User clicking to get to page #2 -> ajax post is send and data on the page is changed using js (no refresh)
URL is still but the content is of
How can I set the URL to point to the new page without triggering a refresh (no redirect) ?
I am using Nodejs + express.
I understand you are aiming at a single page application.
While keeping the url is nice, note you might want distinct urls for directly accessing different parts of your application. Still, you can load content with AJAX and keep a smooth application. The way to go is using the hash part of the location.
The Sammy.js framework gives you a nice base to build upon, you can try it out.
You can use history pushstate but some browsers does not support.
history.pushState({id: 'SOME ID'}, '', 'myurl.html');
And don't forget about window.onpopstate, it pops if user clicks back button.
Redirect the user to an anchor point.
Page 2
And in your document.ready:
if (window.location.hash.length > 1){
var pageNumber = window.location.hash.substring(1);
} else{
I don't believe it is possible to change the query part of the URL without triggering a refresh (probably due to security issues). However you may change the anchor and use an event listener to detect when the anchor is being changed.
$(window).on('hashchange', function() {
if(loaction.hash.length > 1) {
//The anchor has been changed.
loadPageWithAjax("" + location.hash.substring(1));
} else {
//Load standard page
Change the anchor to load new feed
Page 2
Remember to not use an anchor that is used as an id, since this makes the browser scroll to that element.

How can I get the destination url of a link on the web page in the Javascript onbeforeunload event?

Is it possible to capture what link on the web page the user clicked on?
Not talking about if they manually entered an url in the address bar or if they clicked on the back button - but an existing link or menu item on the current page.
This is for a commercial web page that has a standard header & footer containing links to other pages on the company's web site.
They have a complicated order form where it's not practical to try saving & restoring the state of the form.
If in the process of filling out an order the customer needs to visit another page on the web site - to review product, etc.. Ideally I would be able offer the option of opening the link in another browser window or tab instead of leaving the page so that the user doesn't loose the work they've put into the order.
I know that I could have a different set of headers & footers that are written to open their links in another window/tab but to simplify maintenance & updating I'm trying to minimize the number of variations used. Also it is possible that the user wants to abandon the order form and may get confused if in trying to do so that another window opens instead.
I am using JQuery & Javascript.
Instead of having a completely different set of headers/footers you could replace all links in certain areas with links that open in a new window like so:
$('#header a, #footer a').each(function() {
$(this).attr('target', '_blank');
This is what I came up with to handle this and it is working for me.
Detects when user clicks on a page link then evaluates link to determine how to handle appropriately. It does not work for links typed in the browser address bar.
I use jquery magnific-popup ( to create a popup window (.popupForm-handleExitRequest in my code) that offers the user the option of opening link in same window (and losing their order data), in new window or returning to order form.
$('body a').click(function(e) {
//if link is reference to page element
if ($(this).attr('href').charAt(0)=="#") {
//check if link is to same window
var pathname = window.location.pathname;
var pathname2 = $(this).attr('href');
pathname2 = pathname2.replace(/^.+\.\//, '');
if (pathname.indexOf(pathname2) >= 0) {
//link clicked is contained on same page
//prevent page from getting reloaded & losing data
//link clicked on is another page
if (hasMerchandise) { //var to indicate user has items on order form
//give user options: leave page, open link in other page, stay, etc.
// $('.popupForm-handleExitRequest').click(); //roll your own code
//prevent page from getting reloaded & losing data
//in case user wants to cancel page change or open link in another window
} else {
//load new page

How to implement a isDirty flag onLeave for a single page application?

I have a single page application written in MVC4 that uses pjax() to push html into various s in my page. I have one sub-form that allows the user to edit the data and it if the user changes the data an isDirty flag gets set in javascript to trigger an alert at the bottom of the page that there are un-saved updates. I would also like to implement an additional warning when the user tries to leave the page without saving. If I use a traditional onbeforeunload function like this
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
if (isDirty) {
return 'You have unsaved changes!';
return null;
it calls the alert if I try to close the page or navigate away from the site entirely but if the user clicks on one of my links that re-populates the with some different information it does not trigger because you are not actually leaving the page. How can I architect it so that one of these pjax() links causes an alert similar to if I close the page?
You could subscribe to a global event that fires before a pjax request:
$(document).on('pjax:beforeSend', function() {
if (isDirty) {
return confirm('You have unsaved changes! Are you sure you want to continue?');
return true;
You could add a delegated event handler onto the links in the page. You just have to make sure the handler is bound to links that may load a "new page".

How to capture the destination url in onbeforeunload event

I want to use onbeforeunload to give a message to users before leaving certain pages.
Is it possible to know which url they are supposed to jump to at the onbeforeunload event?
Is it possible to know which url they are supposed to jump to at the onbeforeunload event?
No, definitely not. The onbeforeunload event tells you only that the page is about to be unloaded, but not why.
It depends on how the user is leaving the page.
If they are typing an url in the address bar - then you're out of luck. As far a I know there's no way to capture the url of an address bar jump.
If they are clicking on a link contained somewhere on the page - that you can use the click event to capture the url and then decide how you want to handle things.
I posed a similar question
How can i get the destination url of a link on the web page in the javascript onbeforeunload event?
because I had a project to fix a wholesale order form. During the process of filling out an order my client's customers would go back to the catalog to check on a product's detail page and loose the current information on their order form.
By using the code below (which uses JQuery though I'm sure you could create the same thing in pure Javascript if you had to) I could tell when the user clicked a link that would leave the order form and then give them the option of opening the link in a new window/tab or loading the url in the current window and loosing their form data, or just returning to the form. This code works with all of the major browsers, at least their more recent versions.
$('body a').click(function(e) {
//if link references a page element
if ($(this).attr('href').charAt(0)=="#") {
//check if link is to same window
var pathname = window.location.pathname;
var pathname2 = $(this).attr('href');
pathname2 = pathname2.replace(/^.+\.\//, '');
if (pathname.indexOf(pathname2) >= 0) {
//link clicked is contained on same page
//prevent page from getting reloaded & losing data
//link clicked on is another page
if (hasMerchandise) { //var to indicate user has items on order form
//give user options: leave page, open link in other page, stay, etc.
// $('.popupForm-handleExitRequest').click(); //roll your own code
//prevent page from getting reloaded & losing data
//in case user wants to cancel page change or open link in another window
} else {
//load new page

