Angular 2 Toggle Views On Click - javascript

I have a bootstrap card which has three different content views inside it. I am controlling the view of each of the separate data sets onclick of a link for each one. The problem is when I click a link it does not hide the previous one. I am having trouble getting the function right with typescript.
in my component.ts file
public showEquifax:boolean = true;
public showExperian:boolean = false;
public showTransunion:boolean = false;
Then in my html file
<div class="btn-group" role="group" aria-label="Credit Report Navigation">
<button (click)="showEquifax = !showEquifax" type="button" class="btn btn-secondary">Equifax Report </button>
<button (click)="showExperian = !showExperian" type="button" class="btn btn-secondary">Experian Report </button>
<button (click)="showTransunion = !showTransunion" type="button" class="btn btn-secondary">Transunion Report </button>
Based on this logic how can I change the boolean value of the functions to false when the link clicked value gets changed to true
I tried to do something like this,
public showEquifax() {
showExperian() = false;
showTransunion() = false;
return true;
But I get an error for left-hand side assignment expression.
How can I write each of these boolean functions to change the others to false when the current function is set to true?

What you want is: when one is shown, the other two are hidden, right? What about change your logic to something like this:
// On the class, instead of 3 booleans
private shown: string = 'EQUIFAX';
Then, the buttons would act like this:
<button (click)="shown = 'EQUIFAX'" type=="button" ...
<button (click)="shown = 'EXPERIAN'" type="button" ...
<button (click)="shown = 'TRANSUNION'" type="button" ...
Then you could show your components like this:
<div *ngIf="shown === 'EQUIFAX'">
content here
<div *ngIf="shown === 'EXPERIAN'"> ... </div>
<div *ngIf="shown === 'TRANSUNION'"> ... </div>


ng-template not getting refreshed on clicking the button

I have the following controller:
function _deleteServiceInstance(serviceInstanceId) {
self.hasServerErrors = false;
self.serverErrors = [];
var flag = 1;
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the service instance in this environment region?")) {
for (var i = 0; i < self.serviceInstanceDeployments.length; i++) {
var obj = self.serviceInstanceDeployments[i];
if (obj.state === "ACTIVE")
flag = 0;
if (flag === 0)
self.hasServerErrors = true;
self.serverErrors = ["Please delete the active deployments before deleting the service instance"];
// $window.location.reload();
return self.serverErrors;
The following is the HTML:
<a uib-popover-template="ctrl.deleteServiceInstanceTemplate" popover-title="Delete service instance"
popover-placement="auto bottom" popover-trigger="outsideClick">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger">
<script type="text/ng-template" id="deleteServiceInstance.html">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<form name="ctrl.delete.form" class="form-horizontal" novalidate>
<div class="form-group" ng-class="{'has-error' : ctrl.hasServerErrors}">
<label class="col-sm-12 control-label">Are you sure?
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="ctrl.deleteServiceInstance("
<span ng-show="ctrl.hasServerErrors" class="help-block" ng-repeat="serverError in ctrl.serverErrors">{{serverError}}</span>
Basically, there is a delete button which opens as a pop-up. It asks for confirmation if I am sure of deleting something. If I press yes, it checks if there are any deployments in active state. If there are, it shows an error. Now, the problem is, when I click on the delete button for the second time, it shows the same error even when I haven't pressed yes. It keeps on showing the same error until the page is refreshed.
Edit: I have declared the _deleteServiceInstance like this in my controller:
self.deleteServiceInstance = _deleteServiceInstance
You should clear the messages while clicking the delete button event, instead of yes button click event
<button type="button" ng-click="clearMessages" class="btn btn-danger">
function _clearMessages() {
self.hasServerErrors = false;
self.serverErrors = [];
self.clearMessages= _clearMessages

How to change boolean value on click in angular 2 component

How do I connect the button to change the values of the [codeOnly] values in the directives below it?
I'm using Angular 2.4.10 in typescript.
<button class="btn btn-primary">
Click me to change all of the [codeOnly] values below to true
<app-header [codeOnly]='false'></app-header>
<app-power-bi-wrapper [codeOnly]='false'></app-power-bi-wrapper>
<app-power-bi-wrapper-mobile [codeOnly]='false'></app-power-bi-wrapper-mobile>
<app-page-title [codeOnly]='false'></app-page-title>
<app-page-title-nav [codeOnly]='false'></app-page-title-nav>
In the component that contains your HTML add
isFoo:boolean = false;
then change the HTML to
<button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="isFoo = true" >
Click me to change all of the [codeOnly] values below to true
<app-header [codeOnly]='isFoo'></app-header>
<app-power-bi-wrapper [codeOnly]='isFoo'></app-power-bi-wrapper>
<app-power-bi-wrapper-mobile [codeOnly]='isFoo'></app-power-bi-wrapper-mobile>
<app-page-title [codeOnly]='isFoo'></app-page-title>
<app-page-title-nav [codeOnly]='isFoo'></app-page-title-nav>
or to toggle
<button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="isFoo = !isFoo" >
Click me to change all of the [codeOnly] values below to true

Javascript waiting result of modal

I have a simple question about javascript and bootstrap modal. I have a wizard where I use file upload form, so I check the name of the file and if it doesn't contains some string I have to show a modal where ask if you want to continue anyway. How can I know which button is clicked into modal from javascript or jquery?
I have this code:
if (index==3){
var fileControl = document.getElementById('file');
//Check if the datatable name contains idFLeet and IdCar. REturn -1 if it not contains the string
if (fileControl.files[0].name.indexOf($("#selectedFleet").val()) > -1 && fileControl.files[0].name.indexOf($("#selectedCar").val()) > -1){
//File contains id so you can continue the upload
//If click on Yes call uploadFunction
//If click on No return false
HTML modal code:
<div class="modal" id="warningDatatableModal" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false">
<div class="modal modal-warning">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal"
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
<h4 class="modal-title">Warning</h4>
<div class="modal-body">
<p>There is a incongruity between file name and fleet and
car previously selected. Are you sure to continue?</p>
<div class="modal-footer">
<button id="close" type="button" class="btn btn-outline pull-left"
<button id="continueButton" type="button" class="btn btn-outline">Continue</button>
<!-- /.modal-content -->
<!-- /.modal-dialog -->
After Yeldar Kurmangaliyev advice I have update my code but the wizard go ahed to the next tab instead of waiting into actual tab
if (index==3){
var fileControl = document.getElementById('file');
//Check if the datatable name contains idFLeet and IdCar. REturn -1 if it not contains the string
if (fileControl.files[0].name.indexOf($("#selectedFleet").val()) > -1 && fileControl.files[0].name.indexOf($("#selectedCar").val()) > -1){
//File contains id so you can continue the upload
$(".modal-footer > button").click(function() {
clicked = $(this).text();
$("#warningDatatableModal").on('', function() {
if (clicked === "Cancel"){
return false;
}else {
If I put this code out of wizard works(it doesn't close modal with cancel button because I use return false that needs for my wizard), but I need to stop wizard waiting modal result.
You can simply attach events to your buttons.
However, the user may want to close the window without action. The design of modal UI and its overlay suggests to click outside the window and close it.
In order to create an event which will fire event always when a user closes your modal, you need to attach to event:
$('#warningDatatableModal').on('', function() {
Here is the working JSFiddle demo.
You can try using the ids of the buttons and attaching a listener to see when they have been clicked like so:
//do something
//do something

AngularJS toggle button

I am trying to create a toggle button in Angular. What I have so far is:
<div class="btn-group">
<a class="btn btn-primary pull-right"
ng-show="!patient.archived">Archive patient</a>
<a class="btn btn-danger pull-right"
ng-show="patient.archived">Unarchive patient</a>
.... some other buttons ....
Basically I achieve toggling, by having TWO buttons, and toggling between them. This is causing issues because the ng-hide just adds a display:none style to the button when it's hidden, which is causing me styling issues. Ideally I want to have ONE button, that has it's text, class and function call changed depending on the state of patient.archived.
What's a clean way to achieve this?
You should use ng-class to toggle between classes and bind the text with a regular Angular expression. Also, if your function toggleArchive only toggle the value, you can remove it and toggle the value from an Angular expression:
<a class="btn pull-right"
ng-class="{true: 'btn-primary', false: 'btn-danger'}[!patient.archived]"
ng-click="patient.archived = !patient.archived">
{{!patient.archived && 'Archive' || 'Unarchive'}} patient
for any other weary traveller...
you could simply have used ng-if. ng-if completely excludes the element from the DOM if false, so you'd have no issues with styles when not displayed. Also there is not really a need for the button group you could just change the text of the button
Something like this:
<button class="btn btn-primary pull-right"
ng-if="!patient.archived">Archive patient</button>
<button class="btn btn-danger pull-right"
ng-if="patient.archived">Unarchive patient</button>
It might help you:
<script src="js/angular.js"></script>
<script src="js/app.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.css">
<body ng-app>
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<button ng-click="toggle()">Toggle</button>
<p ng-show="visible">Hello World!</p>
function MyCtrl($scope) {
$scope.visible = true;
$scope.toggle = function() {
$scope.visible = !$scope.visible;
This may Help:
<!-- Include Bootstrap-->
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- Code -->
Click here to <strong>Toggle (show/hide)</strong> description
<input type="checkbox" class="toggle-button"
Then style the checkbox like a button.
if the toggle needs to do more things, add the following to your patient class:
class Patient {
constructor() {
this.archived = false;
get angularArchived() {
return this.archived;
set angularArchived(value) {
if (value !== this.archived) {
this.archived = value;
then use
<input type="checkbox" class="toggle-button"
This is the simplest answer I've found. I haven't tried it with animations because I just use it for quick setup.
<a ng-click="scopeVar=scopeVar!=true">toggle</a>
<div ng-show="scopeVar">show stuff</div>
with scopeVar=scopeVar!=true undefined becomes true.

Create a hash of checkbox buttons that are active among a Twitter Bootstrap Button group on click

I have multiple groups of Twitter Bootstrap checkbox groups. I would like to create a hash of all active (i.e., Bootsrtap adds the "active" class) buttons when any one of the checkbox buttons are clicked. Suppose the html is like so after a few clicks:
<div id="horizontal" class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons-checkbox">
<button class="btn active" data-hposition="1">Left</button>
<button class="btn" data-hposition="2">Middle</button>
<button class="btn active"data-hposition="3">Right</button>
<div id="vertical" class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons-checkbox">
<button class="btn" data-vposition="1">Top</button>
<button class="btn active" data-vposition="2">Center</button>
<button class="btn active" data-vposition="3">Bottom</button>
I started out simple with just one div but I don't get the right result:
$('#horizonatal').click( function(){
var paramsHash = {};
var hids = [];
$('.active').each( function() {
Using the above html, when I click on "Right" I get something like [1,undefined] in the console.
Eventually, I would like to get a hash to Post like { {'hids', [ 1, 3 ]}, {'vids', [ 2, 3, ]} }
I attempted a jsfiddle but I don't think I am loading the Bootstrap stuff properly because I don't see the buttons going to active.
That's because there are typos in your data attributes(on the fiddle) and also you select all the .active classes not those that belong to the horizontal div and as they don't have a data-hposition attribute it returns undefinded, Try the following:
$('#horizontal').click( function(){
var paramsHash = {
hids: [],
//vidz: []
$('.active', this).each( function() {
// paramsHash.vidz.push($(this).data('classroom'));
Please note that they are Button tags not Radio Buttons.

