I have a javascript image gallery that works in all desktop browsers with no errors. For some reason it fails in the standard browser that ships with Samsung phones which is called Chromium - not Chrome.
I have downloaded the Chromium emulator and my script works fine in the emulator but still fails in the real browser.
Seeing as the real browser is on my phone and it has no debug console how can I trace execute the script to see where it fails?
Running window.print() on Firefox for Android gives error NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE:
I know there was a lot of talk about this in a few years ago and iOS was the only OS that supported print() as Google was concentrating on their cloud printing platform, but I read somewhere more current that the newer versions of Android do support print now. I still get this error when trying to print my html page from Firefox browser. I tried to install JS Print Status add-on, but it seemed to be impossible on my phone.
Does someone know if there is a way to print from browser with JS now in 2017 and has managed to do this successfully?
The Sarari Web Inspector Guide says:
Use the console as a tool to modify your web content via interactive commands
It then goes on to list some example commands including console.log(object).
However, when I try any command at all and hit enter, nothing happens.
What am I missing? Why can't I send my console commands via the enter key?
TLDR: Install Safari Technology Preview https://developer.apple.com/safari/download/
My console stopped working after upgrading to:
macOS: Big Sur 11.4 (20F71)
Safari: 14.1.1 (16611.
iPhone iOS: 14.5
Spent a few hours trying to fix this, resetting, rebooting, reinstalling, etc. until I found this comment suggesting to try Safari Technology Preview. My regular Safari still doesn't work, but Safari Technology Preview (Release 125 (Safari 14.2, WebKit 16612. works like a charm.
Safari web inspector is only showing Sources, Console and Audit
Safari Technology Preview installs in parallel to the regular Safari, you can use it just for development. Find it here https://developer.apple.com/safari/download/
Make sure that Safari on your mobile device is up and running all the time.
I mean the phone doesn't enter sleep mode or anything like that.
It is best to perform some action on the mobile device, to ensure it is awake, then immediately go to the console on your MAC it should work.
We work on a page and when we test it on chrome on iOS. chrome crashes immediately without any errormessage. The same for Safari.
What possibilities do I have to debug it? Or how can I find out what causes the crash?
Chrome is up-to-date
When I test the page with chrome Dev Tools I see a memory spike when the page is loaded. The spike goes up to ~12MB. Some pages says there can be a problem on iOS Safari when the page use more then 10MB memory.
I'm not sure safari/chrome crashes cause of too much memory. It's just a guess.
Is there any possible to not have the spike? What can I do?
A client has notified me that our website is generating an error for iPads running iOS 5 when using Debug Console in Safari. I only have an iPad running iOS 6 which no longer has the debug console, and I don't see any Javascript errors. I also have various PCs and iMacs available to test on if needed. Is there any way I can replicate the iOS5 script error with iOS6 or iMac to try to debug?
Have you looked at Adobe Edge Inspect?
You can debug on your Mac by following this guide.
I have an iPad with iOS 6.1 connected to a windows 8 machine. I would like to be able to debug some javascript code running on the iPad.
The safari on iPad has a web inspect option that needs the iPad to be connected by wire to computer and then can be accessed in Safari for desktop's develop menu. I installed Safari 5 for Windows but don't see the iPad detected in the develop menu.
Any other ideas ?
The Firefox Tools Adaptor allows one to use Firefox DevTools for Safari on iOS.
For remote debuggin I use Weinre.
Weinre has almost everything you need, but lacks a JavaScript debugger.
It has a WebInspector for DOM manipulations, network traffic, timeline, resources and a console.
Checkout this project on GitHub: weinre-remote-debug to setup weinre locally.
Another option described on this page is jsconsole.com. By appending a <script> tag to your page (or running a bookmarklet on your device) you get access to a JS console.
To start, go to jsconsole.com and run :listen in the prompt. This will give you a unique session ID and a script tag that you insert into your mobile web page.
Now, any console output that your mobile page generates will be streamed to the console open in your desktop web browser, including any errors!
It is certainly no replacement for a full web inspector, but it can get you out of trouble when you don’t have access to a Mac.
Source: https://blog.idrsolutions.com/2015/02/remote-debugging-ios-safari-on-os-x-windows-and-linux/