React - Array Splice Trouble - javascript

Learning React. Attempting to make my own mini-app based very closely on what's done here:
I'm having a problem with the deletion of comments in my app. I've looked in several other places for people having similar errors, but it seems the problem is within my own code (and yet I can find no errors). I've scoured the Babel file over and over, but to no avail.
Here are the specifics:
When you create a new comment, you have two options in the form of buttons: Save and Delete. After exactly one comment is written and you press "Save," the delete function works just fine. However, if there are three comments total (for example) and you click "delete" on the first one, the next comment (the second, in this case) is deleted.
Hopefully that makes some amount of sense.
Can you find my error? The math/logic behind the delete function is located on line 71 under the name "deleteComment."
Full Pen here.
var CommentSection = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {editing: true}
edit: function() {
this.setState({editing: true});
save: function() {
this.props.updateCommentText(this.refs.newText.value, this.props.index);
this.setState({editing: false});
delete: function() {
renderNormal: function() {
return (
<div className="comment-section">
<div className="comment-content">{this.props.children}</div>
<a className="-edit" onClick={this.edit}>Edit</a>
renderEdit: function() {
return (
<div className="comment-section">
<textarea ref="newText" defaultValue={this.props.children}></textarea>
<button className="-save" onClick={}>Save</button>
<button className="-delete" onClick={this.delete}>Delete</button>
render: function() {
if(this.state.editing) {
return this.renderEdit();
} else {
return this.renderNormal();
var PhotoSection = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return <div className="photo-section"></div>;
var Desk = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
comments: []
addComment: function(text) {
var arr = this.state.comments;
this.setState({comments: arr})
deleteComment: function(i) {
var arr = this.state.comments;
arr.splice(i, 1);
this.setState({comments: arr})
updateComment: function(newText, i) {
var arr = this.state.comments;
arr[i] = newText;
this.setState({comments: arr})
commentFormat: function(text, i) {
return (
<CommentSection key={i} index={i} updateCommentText={this.updateComment} deleteFromCard={this.deleteComment}>
render: function() {
return (
<div className="desk">
<div className="card">
<PhotoSection />
<div className="comment-section-backing">
<button className="-comment" onClick={this.addComment.bind(null, "")}>Leave a Comment</button>
ReactDOM.render(<Desk />, document.getElementById('app'));

Your problem stems from using the index as keys:
When you delete an item from your array, the array in the state is correctly updated. However, when the array is rendered, they keys will all be the same regardless of which element you deleted except there will be one less.
At this point the reconciliation happens and your components are rerendered. However you have an (uncontrolled) textarea in each component that holds its own internal state. The uncontrolled textarea component does get it's default (initial) value from the children prop but is otherwise unaffected by changes to that value. Therefore the re-rendering of the components with new values for text do not change the values in those textarea instances.
If the keys for the components in the mapped components were not linked to the index, the correct component would be removed.
edit: The code in the pen has changed slightly where there are two different render branches (editing, normal). Since the normal rendering doesn't use the uncontrolled textarea inputs the pen no longer exhibits the aberrant behavior.

There was an issue with using this.props.children when rendering the CommentSection component
Changing the code to use a prop:
return (
<div className="comment-section">
<div className="comment-content">{this.props.commentText}</div>
<a className="-edit" onClick={this.edit}>Edit</a>
<button className="-delete" onClick={this.delete}>Delete</button>
and setting this in the commentFormat functiion in the container:
commentFormat: function(text, i) {
return (
appears to work.

Try with Array.filter.
deleteComment: function(i) {
var arr = this.state.comments.filter(function(comment) {
return comment.index !== i;
this.setState({comments: arr});


Not rendering JSX from function in React

The function is getting the value of a button click as props. Data is mapped through to compare that button value to a key in the Data JSON called 'classes'. I am getting all the data correctly. All my console.logs are returning correct values. But for some reason, I cannot render anything.
I've tried to add two return statements. It is not even rendering the p tag with the word 'TEST'. Am I missing something? I have included a Code Sandbox:
When I click on the Math button, for example, I want to show the two teachers who teach Math as two bubbles below the buttons.
All the data is loading. Just having an issue with rendering it.
function ShowBubbles(props){
return (
<div id='bubbles-container'>
{,index) =>{
if( == (Data[index].classes)){
return (
<Bubble key={index} nodeName={Data[index].name}>{Data[index].name}
Sandbox Link:
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
const circleStyle = {
width: 100,
height: 100,
borderRadius: 50,
fontSize: 30,
color: "blue"
const Data = [
classes: ["Math"],
name: "Mr.Rockow",
id: "135"
classes: ["English"],
name: "Mrs.Nicastro",
id: "358"
classes: ["Chemistry"],
name: "Mr.Bloomberg",
id: "405"
classes: ["Math"],
name: "Mr.Jennings",
id: "293"
const Bubble = item => {
let {name} = item.children.singleItem;
return (
<div style={circleStyle} onClick={()=>{console.log(name)}}>
function ShowBubbles(props) {
var final = [];, index) => {
if ( == Data[index].classes) {
return final;
function DisplayBubbles(singleItem) {
return <Bubble>{singleItem}</Bubble>
class Sidebar extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
json: [],
classesArray: [],
displayBubble: true
this.showNode = this.showNode.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
const newArray = [];, index) => {
let classPlaceholder = Data[index].classes.toString();
if (newArray.indexOf(classPlaceholder) == -1) {
// console.log('newArray', newArray)
json: Data,
classesArray: newArray
showNode(props) {
displayBubble: true
if (this.state.displayBubble === true) {
var output = ShowBubbles(props);
render() {
return (
{/* {this.state.displayBubble ? <ShowBubbles/> : ''} */}
<div id="sidebar-container">
<h1 className="sidebar-title">Classes At School</h1>
<h3>Classes To Search</h3>
{, index) => {
return (
{this.state.output &&><DisplayBubbles singleItem={item}/>)}
ReactDOM.render(<Sidebar />, document.getElementById("root"));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
The issue here is ShowBubbles is not being rendered into the DOM, instead (according the sandbox), ShowBubbles (a React component) is being directly called in onClick button handlers. While you can technically do this, calling a component from a function will result in JSX, essentially, and you would need to manually insert this into the DOM.
Taking this approach is not very React-y, and there is usually a simpler way to approach this. One such approach would be to call the ShowBubbles directly from another React component, e.g. after your buttons using something like:
<ShowBubbles property1={prop1Value} <etc...> />
There are some other issues with the code (at least from the sandbox) that you will need to work out, but this will at least help get you moving in the right direction.

Filter functionality in a react component

I am building an apartment renting app in React, with very limited Javascript and programmatic knowledge (using this app to learn while i go). I've stumbled upon a big roadblock trying to build the filter functionality.
Here is the code for the FilterContainer.js container component
const FilterContainer = React.createClass({
render () {
return (
<section id="filterContainer" className="container">
filterList={['Šubićevac', 'Meterize', 'Baldekin', 'Vidici', 'Rokići', 'Grad']} />
filterList={['< 600kn', '600kn - 700kn', '700kn - 800kn', '800kn - 900kn', '> 900kn']} />
name={'Broj osoba'}
filterList={['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6']} />
filterList={['< 40m', '40m - 50m', '50m - 60m', '60m - 70m', '70m - 80m', '> 80m']} />
This is the Filter.js component
var Filter = React.createClass({
getDefaultProps() {
return {
filterList: [],
name: ''
render() {
var handleClick = function(i, props) {
console.log('You clicked: ' + props.filterList[i].listValue[i]);
return (
<div className="filterCloud quarter-section">
{, i, props) {
return <li onClick={handleClick.bind(this, i, props)} key={i}>{listValue}</li>;
}, this)} {/* this at the end to fix the scope issue from global to local */}
This is how the Filter looks on the website atm
The error I am getting is "Filter.js:13 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined" whenever i click on one of the filter items, I want to be able to save the name of the filter item as data which I will use to filter the apartments.
So the simple issue is the undefined error. The more complex issue i have is the fact that I have no idea how to build the filter functionality in my app, so if any of you guys could point me in the right direction it would help me alot.
The third parameter to the map function in javascript is the full array that is being mapped over.
In this case, it is the filterList, not this.props.
So in you click handler, you don't need to traverse props:
var handleClick = function(i, props) {
console.log('You clicked: ' + props[i].listValue[i]);
It would be easier to see if you did some renaming:
render() {
var handleClick = function(i, filterList) {
console.log('You clicked: ' + filterList[i].listValue[i]);
return (
<div className="filterCloud quarter-section">
{, i, filterList) {
return <li onClick={handleClick.bind(this, i, filterList)} key={i}>{listValue}</li>;
}, this)} {/* this at the end to fix the scope issue from global to local */}

React Dynamic Child Component Numbering

I have recently started to learn react and maybe i do not fully understand how it should work.
I have created a react script
var Parent = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {children: []};
onClick: function() {
var childrens = this.state.children;
index: this.state.children.length + 1,
key: + this.state.children.length + 1
this.setState({children: childrens});
onChildMinus: function(index) {
var childrens = this.state.children;
childrens.splice(index - 1, 1);
this.setState({children: childrens});
render: function() {
return (
<div className="parent" onClick={this.onClick}>
- Click Me
{ => (<Child name={} index={child.index} key={child.key} onMinusClick={this.onChildMinus}/>))}
var Child = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {selected: false};
onClick: function() {
this.setState({selected: true});
onMinusClick: function() {
if (typeof this.props.onMinusClick === 'function') {
render: function() {
let classes = classNames({'child': true, 'selected': this.state.selected});
return (
<div className={classes}>
<span onClick={this.onClick}>{} {this.props.index}</span>
<span onClick={this.onMinusClick}>Remove</span>
<Parent name="test"/>, document.querySelector("#container"));
It is a button that when you click it, it creates a child element that has a number, there is a delete button on the child element.
When you delete the child element it remove it from the parent array, but how do it make it so that it updates all of the child elements to now have the correct number?
Because you're setting the index of the child in onClick, that value is never update when a prior child is removed. If the purpose of index on <Child/> is just for numbering, you can pass the index of the child in the array instead of the index assigned in onClick. If you need both the original index and the order, I'd suggest adding another prop to <Child />.
{, index) => (
Alternatively, if you need child.index to be updated, you'll have to iterate over this.state.children and renumber them. The most efficient way would be to start at the index of the removed child but this is the brute force alternative.
const renumberedChildren =, index) => {
child.index = index + 1;
return child;

React Search filter function

Basically what my code does is display a table list of names with a search bar at the top that filters the list as you type in a value.
The problem I am having with my code at the moment is adding an if statement to the DisplayTable component. I dont want it to display all the stored data but just display the ones that have been inputted by the user in the search bar {queryText}
Please Ignore the tableData variable
var InstantBox = React.createClass({
//get query result
var queryResult=[];{
filteredData: queryResult
return (
<div className="InstantBox">
<h2>Who is Richer?</h2>
<SearchBox query={this.state.query} doSearch={this.doSearch}/>
<DisplayTable data={this.state.filteredData}/>
var SearchBox = React.createClass({
var query=this.refs.searchInput.getDOMNode().value; // this is the search text
return <input className="searchbar-edit" type="text" ref="searchInput" placeholder="Search Name" value={this.props.query} onChange={this.doSearch}/>
var DisplayTable = React.createClass({
//get query result
var queryResult=[];{
filteredData: queryResult
//making the rows to display
var rows=[]; {
//returning the table
var tableData=[
name:'Paul mak',
image: <img width="50" src="./images/profile_img.png"/>,
var dataSource=[
name:'Paul mak',
image: <img width="50" src="./images/profile_img.png"/>,
name:'John Doe',
image : '002'
name:'Sachin Tendulkar',
image : '003'
<InstantBox data={dataSource}/>,
Try something like this:
var InstantBox = React.createClass({
//get query result
var queryResult=[];{
filteredData: queryResult
query: '',
filteredData: undefined
renderResults: function() {
if (this.state.filteredData) {
return (
<DisplayTable data={this.state.filteredData}/>
return (
<div className="InstantBox">
<h2>Who is Richer?</h2>
<SearchBox query={this.state.query} doSearch={this.doSearch}/>
What I've changed from your code is I changed this.state.filteredData to be undefined (in fact you could just remove it entirely, but I thought this was clearer for you right now) in your initial state. This way when you first render the box, there's no filteredData and your <DisplayTable /> doesn't render. As soon as you run your doSearch callback from <SearchBox /> it will populate filteredData and display it.
To extend this you could also check when this.state.query is undefined again or blank (eg with : this.state.query.length) to remove <DisplayTable /> from the dom again if there is no query / no results.
Remember render functions are still just javascript. Anything you wrap in {} inside JSX will be evaluated. We could have just had this logic inside the render function and be doing something like var displayTable = <DisplayTable />; and then including {displayTable} in the returned JSX and it would have been the same. I personally just prefer splitting render logic up among different functions :)

Search in Backbone Collections, Updating UI with React

I'm spending time on something probably simple:
I'd like to implement a search bar, ideally updating the list of item as-you-type. My small app uses React and Backbone (for models and collections).
Displaying the list isn't too hard, it all works perfectly doing this (the mixin i'm using basically allows easy collections retrieval):
var List = React.createClass ({
mixins: [Backbone.React.Component.mixin],
searchFilter: function () {
//some filtering code here, not sure how (filter method is only for arrays...)
getInitialState: function () {
initialState = this.getCollection().map(function(model) {
return {
id: model.cid,
name: model.get('name'),
description: model.get('description')
return {
init: initialState,
items : []
componentWillMount: function () {
this.setState({items: this.state.init})
render: function(){
var list ={
return (
<div key={}>
return (
<div className='list'>
Now i've tried with no success to first translate the backbone collection into "state" with the getInitialState method, my idea was to proxy through a copy of the collection, which then could hold the search results. I'm not showing here my attemps for the sake of clarity(edit: yes i am), could someone guide me to the right approach? Thanks in advance.
There are many ways to accomplish this, but the simplest (in my opinion) is to store your search criteria in the List component's state and use it to filter which items from your collection get displayed. You can use a Backbone collection's built in filter method to do this.
var List = React.createClass ({
mixins: [Backbone.React.Component.mixin],
getInitialState: function () {
return {
nameFilter: ''
updateSearch: function (event) {
filterItems: function (item) {
// if we have no filter, pass through
if (!this.state.nameFilter) return true;
return > -1;
render: function(){
var list = this.props.collection
return (
<div key={}>
return (
<div className='list'>
<input onChange={this.updateSearch} type="text" value={this.state.nameFilter}/>
var collection = new Backbone.Collection([
name: 'Bob'
name: 'Bill'
name: 'James'
React.render(<List collection={collection}/>, document.body);
The search criteria could easily be passed down from a parent component as a prop, so the search input does not have to live inside your List component.
Eventually I also found a different solution (below), but it involves copying the entire collection into state, which is probably not such a good idea...
var List = React.createClass ({
mixins: [Backbone.React.Component.mixin],
searchFilter: function () {
var updatedlist = this.state.init;
var searchText = this.refs.searchbar.getDOMNode().value
updatedlist = updatedlist.filter(function (item) {
searchText.toLowerCase()) !== -1
this.setState({items: updatedlist})
getInitialState: function () {
initialState = this.getCollection().map(function(model) {
return {
id: model.cid,
name: model.get('name'),
description: model.get('description')
return {
init: initialState,
items : []
componentWillMount: function () {
this.setState({items: this.state.init})
render: function(){
var list ={
return (
<div key={}>
return (
<div className='list'>
<input ref='searchbar' type="text" placeholder="Search" onChange={this.searchFilter}/>

