How should I access to overwritten variable in overwritten function? - javascript

I'm not able to understand of how should I get to particular variable a in next code:
var a = 1;
function local() {
var a = 2;
function local() {
var a = 3;
function local() {
var a = 4;
I know this is artificial example but I can't go to sleep without the answer :)
So how should I get a particular variable a from any of overwritten function?

When you declare a variable in the local scope with the same name as a variable in a higher scope, the new declaration hides the higher scoped variable and there is NO way to access that higher scoped variable from the local scope.
This is just how Javascript is designed. There isn't some magic way around it. If you want access to the higher scoped variable, then don't declare a local variable with the same name. Pick a different name.
If the top-most variable is in the global scope, then you might be able to access that variable with a global prefix such as window.a or global.a (depending upon which environment you're running in). But, the intermediate variables that are not in the global scope are not accessible.

you can access global variables by the window object like this
var aa=11;
function my_func(){
var aa=22;
alert("local: "+aa+" global: "+window.aa);
but there is no way of accessing the local variables outside the function, as they do not really exist out there!


Is it possible to not overrule a global variable in the scope of a function, when it has the same name?

const a = 3;
function b(a) {
console.log(window.a); // undefined
Is there a way to have the same naming a for global and local variable and still distinguish between them?
No, there’s no way to directly access an arbitrary shadowed variable in JavaScript.
You should name the parameter something non-conflicting to avoid shadowing the variable in the outer scope.

Scope chain and global object in javascript

When we declare a variable with the var keyword in the global scope var x = 10;, a property with the same name is created in the global object (window, global, self, globalThis, depending on the environment). So, here is my question:
If I try to access that variable console.log(x) js will look for it into my declared code first to see if its there or it will jump directly to the global object? I know that if I do this:
let myVar = 20;
globalThis.myVar = 30;
console.log(myVar) // 20, so my let declaration is readed first.
But what happens with var declarations?
In browser children of window object are directly accessible by their names without explicit window. when you create a local variable however you shadow the name even if exists under window so yes local will be accessed first
In programming this is called variable shadowing you can read more on the wiki I linked
PS. If you are on global scope and use var it will be as if you declared the thing under window itself I will demonstrate this with a snippet
var foo = 12;
//However if you use let or const this will not happen

Not understanding the concept of local and global variables

Ok so just a quick one... I REAAAAAALLLLY am not understanding scope at all. Do some reason whenever I put a variable inside of a function it's undefined. It seems the only way it works it to declare it OUTSIDE of a function. So what gives? Am I simply misunderstanding the concept of local and global variables? Because it seems global variables are the only ones that work...
Simple example...
let a = 'something';
function myFunction() {
// Code block
This works 👆
But the following gives me undefined variables:
function myFunction() {
let a = 'something';
// Code block
First lets take a look at the differences between local and global variables.
LOCAL VARIABLES - Any variable defined inside of a function or loop. If the variable is defined in a certain function/loop, it can only be accessed in that function/loop.
For example:
function number() {
let a = 0;
// Can access a here.
// Cannot access a here.
GLOBAL VARIABLES - Any variable that is not defined inside of any function or loop. These variables can be accessed anywhere.
For example:
let b = 0;
function number() {
// b can be accessed here.
// b can be accessed here.
The scope of a variable is where it can be accessed in. For ex, a scope of a local variable that is defined inside of function number() is the number() function since it can only be accessed there.
One more quick thing (Credit to Mikael Lennholm) var doesn't scope a variable to a loop (or any non-function statement block), it only scopes it to the current function. To scope a variable to any statement block you have to use let/const
Now let's look at your examples:
Here is the first example:
let a = 'something';
function myFunction() {
That works fine, and that's what you said.
Here is the second example you said doesn't work:
function myFunction() {
let a = 'something';
But, if you click the run button, you'll actually see it does work, it does get logged. If you after this go and check in the console what the variable a is of course it will be undefined, since a can be only accessed in the myFunction() function, and the console is not in that function.
You said that the script doesn't work, it's most probably because of something else (if it was because of this there would be an error in the console). You can try posting the website here and I can help you.
Hope this helped you :)
Global variables are variables that you have access to them anywhere in your codes.
Local variables are limited to their scopes like a function, module, class and etc.
if you define a local variable it can be accessible in the nested level like closures.
if you define a global variable and you define the same name as local variable , the local overwrite the global, then be careful.

Why can't I access variables inside a function?

If functions are objects in javascript, why can't I access the function scope defined variables?
I understand that in the code:
// variable test assigned an anonymous function
var test = function(){
var x = 5;
console.log(test.x); // undefined
// Even when the function is explicitly named:
function test(){
var x = 5;
console.log(test.x); // undefined
I don't need to get this working or anything; I just need to understand why functions are like this.
This would be one way to accomplish what you are trying:
function test() {
this.x = 5;
var foo = new test();
Using var x rather than this.x just declares a local variable
I believe it is because those variables only exist within the scope of the function you have defined. Outside the scope of that function they do not exist.
They are the equivalent of private members in a class of an object oriented language.
Alternatively you could have
function test() {
this.x = 5;
var testInstance = new test();
Functions are objects, but that doesn't mean that any variable declared inside the function becomes a property of that function object. In fact, that would be terrible because you wouldn't be able to run a function more than once (since the second time, the variables would start with different values).
You can assign a property to a function object like this:
var test = function () {};
test.x = 5
The variable is visible only in the function and it is possible to access it only within the function, you can use global variable and then edot it insode the function.
You have created Local variables. Local variable can only be accessed within the function.
Try to understand about Local & Global JavaScript Variables
Local JavaScript Variables
Variables declared within a JavaScript function, become LOCAL to the function.
Local variables have local scope: They can only be accessed within the function.
function myFunction() {
var name = "roy";
// code here can use name
Global JavaScript Variables
A variable declared outside a function, becomes GLOBAL.
A global variable has global scope: All scripts and functions on a web page can access it.
var name = "roy";
// code here can use name
function myFunction() {
// code here can use name
var someName = function(){var x ...} /// only has local scope.
What is the scope of variables in JavaScript?
Will describe it better than I can. Good job on being curious and motivated.

Javascript Global vs Local Scope

I'm currently trying to understand Javascript's interesting take on global vs local scope.
My question is that why would the following returns undefined?
var a = 100;
function local() {
if (false) {
var a = 50;
Additionally, I ran this:
var a = 100;
function local() {
The result was a resounding: 100.
Is there some way that we can specify when we want the variable to be taken from the global scope, like a PHP global keyword, that we can use with Javascript?
Because of hoisting.
It means every variable declaration get's popped to the top of the function so the actual code that runs is:
var a = 100;
function local(){
var a;
if (false)
a = 50;
It has very little to do with global VS. local, you simply hid the outer a variable with the inner a variable.
Is there some way that we can specify when we want the variable to be taken from the global scope, like a PHP global keyword, that we can use with Javascript?
Regarding the question in the comment "In the case that I want to revert to using a global variable in case the if condition fails (which I intentionally did), how can I do so? ":
You can use eval:
var a = 100;
function local() {
if (false) {
eval('var a = 50;');
But you should not!
JavaScript has function scope, not block scope (as many other programming languages). That means regardless where the var statement occurs (in your case, an if-branch that is not even executed), it declares a variable a in the function's local scope. It shadows the global a variable, but since it has no value assigned it returns undefined.
Is there some way that we can specify when we want the variable to be taken from the global scope, like a PHP global keyword, that we can use with Javascript?
You can access the variable as a property of the global object (window in browser environments):
var a = 100; // global
function loc() {
var a = 50;
alert(window.a); // 100
alert(a); // 50
However, you will hardly use this. Global variables are to be avoided in general, and in case of name clashes you should simply rename your local variable (for readability and maintainability at least).
I know that if a variable is in defined inside a function using var, then it will have Local Scope.
I also know that any function has easy access to Global variable.
When I tested following in Console of Browser, first output was undefined.
It means that function nwf() was unable to access Global variable nw1
This is due to reference error which highlights importance of Strict Mode
To avoid such scenario, never re-declare and/or initialize any variable with same name inside and outside any function, just unlike following:-
var nw1 = 1; // var creates global scope outside function
function nwf() {
var nw1 = 2; // var creates LOCAL scope inside function

